Serolf's page

Goblin Squad Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Ravingdork wrote:

What are those little triangle things on the Kingmaker map?

Also, can someone read the names on the map? I need to know these things since I am digitizing it and I don't have a key and can't read most of the location names.

This map must come from a campaign, and the triangle shows the player kingdom controlled hexs.

Ther are towns also that does not exist in the kingmaker campaign, they shoud be palyer builded town.

I am also intersted in your maps, Caraldur, i have sent you a PM.


Yep thanks a lot, Jr Annalist, just downloaded the little diamond and will read it over the week-end.

@Ackbladder : have you the White Dwarf magazine numbers ? Thanx

Really like this.

I've enjoyed the reading of these notes.

Can you explain a bit more, about how you use them ?

And finally do you mind if i translate them to french and post on french forums (with link to your original post of course).

As agreed by the Dude,

I've started to translate and post his ideas on a french messageboards : ifications-pour-River-runs-Red.aspx#post185786

Hope you like what you see there.