>>Blame *Cosmo* for ALL your problems here<<

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I blame Cosmo for my monetary troubles!

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I blame Cosmo for the legends of Tucker's kobolds and St. Wolfgang's evangelizing for brainwashing people into thinking kobolds are superior to goblins.


I also blame Cosmo for suddenly getting a (possibly) good idea. It hurts like brain freeze.

Mwahahah! Zuffer zhe cold, leetle goblin. We zhall zee if zhiz idea iz az guud az you zhink it is.

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I blame Cosmo that people are arguing over whether goblins or kobolds are more evil, when everybody should know that the true evil shawties are *gnomes.*

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I blame Cosmo for the fact the new aquarium plants I put in with my Okefenokee Pygmy Sunfish are busy sucking.

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I Blame Cosmo for the fact that I forgot about Paypal's fees when listing my items, and only took into account Ebay's fees...

I Blame Cosmo again for the fact that I can't seem to find a local or online group who are interested in playing OVA RPG with me...

I Blame Cosmo I'm still stuck trying to figure out what to do for Patreon rewards, and can't launch my page until I figure it out. Weekly game night is stalled due to not having that great of a computer, and being unsure what games I should look into. Beyond voting on monthly patreon content and raffles for free short (2000 word or less) stories, I'm stumped on what to offer, which makes it feel kind of... Lacking.

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I blame Cosmo for my internet provider being the source of my being denied access to the website for my maps.

I also blame Cosmo for Linux Mint being a pain and requiring a solid cable connection to my laptop to get internet.

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I blame Cosmo because I went to the dentist today and found I will need some work done on an upcoming appointment. Only Cosmo can come up with a system where somebody has to pay a lot of money to feel pain.

I blame Cosmo because I feel like I'm some lab experiment when I'm almost lying down in one of the dentist chairs and that bright light is right in front of my face and people are looking down at me.

I also blame Cosmo because the dentist tools look as much like Middle Age torture devices than actual medical equipment. It's even worse because of the nature of the work you can't even look away from them. They are right in front of people's faces as they jam the devices into them and they hear the awful sounds they make. All features of the process that Cosmo came up with I'm sure.

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I Blame Cosmo for missing work yesterday to get maintenance done on my Father's car and my own...which will make next week paycheck very small.

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I Blame Cosmo for at times even among my friends I feel invisible. Like yesterday I went with friends (and some of their friends) to go see the Avenger: Age of Ultron. We got there early to make sure we got good seats and waited like 4 and half hours...not once during those 41/2 hours did anybody talk to me...except to get a head count of how many people were coming...or talked about things I find even remotely interesting...even when I tried to join the conversation it was often ignored. Heck even when I went outside with a friend of a friend to go grab a cig he did not say one word to me.

This is why I just avoid people now a days.

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Is... is anyone talking? Anyone? No? Huh. It looked like there were two new posts. Oh well. Probably nothing.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Is... is anyone talking? Anyone? No? Huh. It looked like there were two new posts. Oh well. Probably nothing.


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It's funny... it keeps telling me there're new posts, but nothing's there. Oh well.

Just to be super-clear on the internet, I hope you know we're cool, John. I, for one, like your posts and presence 'round here. :)

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Who's John?

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captain yesterday wrote:
Who's John?

I think he's talking about this guy: link.

Silver Crusade

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*hugs 23rd favorite sitting stool*

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I Blame Cosmo that the only person who seems to know I exist is Cosmo.

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Rysky wrote:
*hugs 23rd favorite sitting stool*

Thanks I needed that.

*hugs back*

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I Blame Cosmo that I know pretty much exactly how John Kretzer feels...

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I blame Cosmo that, like Artemis, I also know how John feels.

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I blame Cosmo for those three forgetting that there is TacticsLion, the lurking 'favorite-er', he knows everybody here i'm sure.

All but TacticsLion:

I fear he might favorite this too to prove my point.

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I blame Cosmo that John Kretzer feels kind of lumpy...

...of course that might just be Rysky. I wasn't fast enough in getting out of the way before the hugs started...

*leaves thread to see a chiropractor about getting "unsmooshed"*

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I blame Cosmo that Kobold Cleaver started his own Ask Me thread.

Silver Crusade

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Master Pugwampi wrote:

I blame Cosmo that John Kretzer feels kind of lumpy...

...of course that might just be Rysky. I wasn't fast enough in getting out of the way before the hugs started...

*leaves thread to see a chiropractor about getting "unsmooshed"*

*admires wampi shaped impression*

I Blame Cosmo that MP left before I could play him like an accordion.

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Wylliam Harrison wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

You... you can't do that to a Lawful-Compulsive! It... it's right there! Aaaaarrrrrgggghhh~!


*rocking back and forth*


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Wylliam Harrison wrote:

I blame Cosmo for those three forgetting that there is TacticsLion, the lurking 'favorite-er', he knows everybody here i'm sure.

** spoiler omitted **

You are not kidding...I saw a lot of my posts being favorite by Tacticslion and thought wow he must really like what I have to say...than I looked up his profile and saw he has currently 48,958 or something. I started to feel a lot less special.

I Blame Cosmo for Tacticslion favoriting habits.

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Oh almost forgot because off the emotional pain of loneliness...which I Blame Cosmo for...

I Blame Cosmo for a box landing on my glasses today at work breaking them(well breaking them more as they were all ready broken) and cutting up my nose.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Wylliam Harrison wrote:
I blame Cosmo for those three forgetting that there is TacticsLion, the lurking 'favorite-er', he knows everybody here i'm sure.

I... I'm afraid I don't, though I try. :/

John Kretzer wrote:
I Blame Cosmo for Tacticslion favoriting habits.

Nobody So few understand me~! :'(

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I blame Cosmo that in the past two days I got two packages from Paizo, including my April subscriptions, but I have to wait until tomorrow to pick them up from the post office.

However, I shall not blame Cosmo for Tacticlion's favoriting habits.

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Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
I blame Cosmo that Kobold Cleaver started his own Ask Me thread.

You no kid, Poog take look, Poog see koboldcleavzter have too big of ego.

He not take joking critic good, he be dissing off poor John Kretzer too.

Poog blame Cosmo for KobolCleavzter's ego. :)

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I blame Cosmo for making me question Iomedae's alignment!

In other news, Ragathiel is seeming quite reasonable as a Lawful Good deity this time of year.

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I Blame Cosmo that I have experience in designing and running relatively kickass games.... But I haven't had enough gaming going on in recent years to avoid becoming a rusted pile of scrap in the Junkyard of Ex-DMs.

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What a day...I almost just want to leave it at "I Blame Cosmo for such a lousy day'...but I know you all want the details...especially Cosmo...so get ready...

I Blame Cosmo for getting very little sleep (or it might have been none) sleep last night due to personal reasons(which are all of course Cosmo's fault)

I Blame Cosmo for the tons of Irregular packages I got in my area at work and how they jammed everything up.

I Blame Cosmo for dropping a heavy box of some sort of juice on my co-workers toe.

I Blame Cosmo that aforementioned box also bust open spraying my lower legs with some kind of juice making my legs sticky all day.

I Blame Cosmo that the last truck while devoid of Irregular packages was filled with a bunch of boxes weighing between 30lb to 50lb...that will tire you out fast.

That is it...if anything happens tonight I'll post the sequel to this post.

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Okay part two...The Night...(see last post).

I Blame Cosmo for the fact even though I stopped at two different places the night before I forgot to pick up a bottle of shampoo so when I got home today I did not have any.

I Blame Cosmo the massive headache I am suffering from right now

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After resisting it for so long, fighting against the tide of blame and focus, at long, long last, I... I... I... I blame Cosmo.

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I blame Cosmo that my aging laptop's mediocre CPU and crappy GPU are woefully underpowered for mining BitFavs.

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I'm sitting here in SEATAC awaiting my flight when I hear over the intercom: "Would the following persons with the last names boading flight XXX to (Location Withheld) please report to gate XX: Vegeta, Davis, Franks..."

Wait, what? Vegeta?

So I stop and wait for it and they repeat the message a few times. Definitely waiting for a person with the last name 'Vegeta' to board their blame.

I blame Cosmo that I am not on that flight.

I also blame Cosmo for being envious of the space in a sardine tin on the flight from Anchorage to Seattle.

Thirdly, I blame Cosmo for being so close to Paizo HQ (relatively) and being unable to visit.

Silver Crusade

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Tels wrote:
Definitely waiting for a person with the last name 'Vegeta' to board their blame.

Cosmodian Slip?

Paizo Employee Sales Associate

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Rysky wrote:
Tels wrote:
Definitely waiting for a person with the last name 'Vegeta' to board their blame.
Cosmodian Slip?

The proper term is: Schadenfreudian Slip

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Cosmo wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Tels wrote:
Definitely waiting for a person with the last name 'Vegeta' to board their blame.
Cosmodian Slip?
The proper term is: Schadenfreudian Slip

Isn't Shadenfreude just another synonym for Cosmo?

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What a TWEEST!

Chemlak wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Got em squished. Looks like Cosmo even came out of the shadows to bash some spammers too >.>
He was destroying evidence of his guilt.
In a shocking twist of fate, the first person to blame Cosmo has been determined to be... Cosmo.

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Got a list of things to blame Cosmo for.

I blame Cosmo for waking up early on Wednesday and having to do all the packing for 4 people as we travel from Alaska to North Dakota for my sister's graduation on Sunday.

I blame Cosmo for my driver's license being expired.

I blame Cosmo for no one at the airport, including two different TSA agents realizing my license was expired (more on this later).

I blame Cosmo for the 3 hours plane trip from Anchorage to Seattle and how much I envied sardines.

I blame Cosmo for the 5 hour layover in Seattle.

I blame Cosmo for the seating arrangement on the 4 hour plane trip from Seattle to Minneapolis.

I blame Cosmo for my mother having the bright idea of renting a car that "seats 5" for 5 people (the car really only seats 4) instead of getting the SUV. The other four people in the car voted fro the SUV, but my Mother refused.

I blame Cosmo, further, for the 6 hour drive in the cramped assed car.

I blame Cosmo for longing to be back on the plane as it was more spacious.

I blame Cosmo even more that one of the 5 people coming with us is my sisters best friend whom I am attracted to and had to spend so many hours in close physical contact with unable to do anything (she's completely out of my league).

I blame Cosmo for my mother being such a bloody tourist and demanding we drive around and look at "all the cute buildings and houses" and gushing over how adorable this town is despite no one else being interested in doing so.

I blame Cosmo for getting roughly 1 hour of sleep on the plane flight from Anchorage to Seattle, getting no sleep on the lay over in Seattle, no sleep on the flight from Seattle to Mineappolis, and sporadic napping spanning 10-15 minutes every half hour or so in that car drive from Minneapolis to Jamestown and then finally not getting to our hotel until ~2 AM.

I also blame Cosmo for having to wake up at 8 AM so we can do the aforementioned 'touristy crap' my Mother wanted to do.

I blame Cosmo again for the people at the airport not realizing my license expired as I would have been able to avoid everything so far. Clearly, Cosmo wasn't going to let a little thing like "national security" get in his way of causing people misery.

Silver Crusade

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Tels wrote:
I blame Cosmo even more that one of the 5 people coming with us is my sisters best friend whom I am attracted to and had to spend so many hours in close physical contact with unable to do anything (she's completely out of my league).


I Blame Cosmo for Tels' anxiety and low self-esteem getting in the way of him talking to/ asking out/ANYTHING the girl he is attracted to.

Rysky wrote:
Tels wrote:
I blame Cosmo even more that one of the 5 people coming with us is my sisters best friend whom I am attracted to and had to spend so many hours in close physical contact with unable to do anything (she's completely out of my league).


I Blame Cosmo for Tels' anxiety and low self-esteem getting in the way of him talking to/ asking out/ANYTHING the girl he is attracted to.

Partially, yes, but she's also been in a committed relationship for the last few years and we suspect she'll be getting engaged soon. Plus, there's also a healthy dose of realistic expectations involved. We don't exactly have much in common and very little to really talk about (I've tried).

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tels wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Tels wrote:
I blame Cosmo even more that one of the 5 people coming with us is my sisters best friend whom I am attracted to and had to spend so many hours in close physical contact with unable to do anything (she's completely out of my league).


I Blame Cosmo for Tels' anxiety and low self-esteem getting in the way of him talking to/ asking out/ANYTHING the girl he is attracted to.

Partially, yes, but she's also been in a committed relationship for the last few years and we suspect she'll be getting engaged soon. Plus, there's also a healthy dose of realistic expectations involved. We don't exactly have much in common and very little to really talk about (I've tried).


I Blame Cosmo for Tels leaving out this VERY pertinent piece of information.

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I blame Cosmo for the almost certain disappearance of Rysky's invitation to the 'Club of evil's annual meeting'. Really now Cosmo, if you wanted to join the club, just apply instead of nick a ticket to get attention.

Rysky wrote:
Tels wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Tels wrote:
I blame Cosmo even more that one of the 5 people coming with us is my sisters best friend whom I am attracted to and had to spend so many hours in close physical contact with unable to do anything (she's completely out of my league).


I Blame Cosmo for Tels' anxiety and low self-esteem getting in the way of him talking to/ asking out/ANYTHING the girl he is attracted to.

Partially, yes, but she's also been in a committed relationship for the last few years and we suspect she'll be getting engaged soon. Plus, there's also a healthy dose of realistic expectations involved. We don't exactly have much in common and very little to really talk about (I've tried).


I Blame Cosmo for Tels leaving out this VERY pertinent piece of information.

It wasn't relevant to the blaming of Cosmo for being in close proximity to her for ~14 hours of travel time. As in, she was practically in my lap for much of the plane and car ride, and, during the car ride, there was always an awkwardness as anytime we wanted to buckle our seat belts there a liberal amount of butt touching was an inevitable result.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tels wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Tels wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Tels wrote:
I blame Cosmo even more that one of the 5 people coming with us is my sisters best friend whom I am attracted to and had to spend so many hours in close physical contact with unable to do anything (she's completely out of my league).


I Blame Cosmo for Tels' anxiety and low self-esteem getting in the way of him talking to/ asking out/ANYTHING the girl he is attracted to.

Partially, yes, but she's also been in a committed relationship for the last few years and we suspect she'll be getting engaged soon. Plus, there's also a healthy dose of realistic expectations involved. We don't exactly have much in common and very little to really talk about (I've tried).


I Blame Cosmo for Tels leaving out this VERY pertinent piece of information.

It wasn't relevant to the blaming of Cosmo for being in close proximity to her for ~14 hours of travel time. As in, she was practically in my lap for much of the plane and car ride, and, during the car ride, there was always an awkwardness as anytime we wanted to buckle our seat belts there a liberal amount of butt touching was an inevitable result.

No, but it made me feel sorry for you!

I Blame Cosmo for me pitying Tels when he withheld information.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Tels wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Tels wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Tels wrote:
I blame Cosmo even more that one of the 5 people coming with us is my sisters best friend whom I am attracted to and had to spend so many hours in close physical contact with unable to do anything (she's completely out of my league).


I Blame Cosmo for Tels' anxiety and low self-esteem getting in the way of him talking to/ asking out/ANYTHING the girl he is attracted to.

Partially, yes, but she's also been in a committed relationship for the last few years and we suspect she'll be getting engaged soon. Plus, there's also a healthy dose of realistic expectations involved. We don't exactly have much in common and very little to really talk about (I've tried).


I Blame Cosmo for Tels leaving out this VERY pertinent piece of information.

It wasn't relevant to the blaming of Cosmo for being in close proximity to her for ~14 hours of travel time. As in, she was practically in my lap for much of the plane and car ride, and, during the car ride, there was always an awkwardness as anytime we wanted to buckle our seat belts there a liberal amount of butt touching was an inevitable result.

No, but it made me feel sorry for you!

I Blame Cosmo for me pitying Tels when he withhold information.

I blame Cosmo for Rysky still having the capacity to feel sorry for people.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Rysky wrote:
Tels wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Tels wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Tels wrote:
I blame Cosmo even more that one of the 5 people coming with us is my sisters best friend whom I am attracted to and had to spend so many hours in close physical contact with unable to do anything (she's completely out of my league).


I Blame Cosmo for Tels' anxiety and low self-esteem getting in the way of him talking to/ asking out/ANYTHING the girl he is attracted to.

Partially, yes, but she's also been in a committed relationship for the last few years and we suspect she'll be getting engaged soon. Plus, there's also a healthy dose of realistic expectations involved. We don't exactly have much in common and very little to really talk about (I've tried).


I Blame Cosmo for Tels leaving out this VERY pertinent piece of information.

It wasn't relevant to the blaming of Cosmo for being in close proximity to her for ~14 hours of travel time. As in, she was practically in my lap for much of the plane and car ride, and, during the car ride, there was always an awkwardness as anytime we wanted to buckle our seat belts there a liberal amount of butt touching was an inevitable result.

No, but it made me feel sorry for you!

I Blame Cosmo for me pitying Tels when he withhold information.

I Blame Cosmo for Rysky's questionable grammar. That should have been "withholds" or "withheld", each presenting a different—but still grammatically correct—phrase. For shame!

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