About Ketli InkwhistleVARISIAN WANDERERS RIVAL: Ketli Inkwhistle
**Razor Gauntlet (as spiked gauntlet, but inflicts slashing damage instead of piercing damage and the delicate blades of the device cause it to gain the broken condition on an attack roll of 1, until the item is mended or repaired) ***Varisian Skins (through careful alchemical and magical techniques, she has learned to flay the flesh from a tattooed Varisian in such a way as to preserve the efficacy of any magical tattoos that individual has (although once removed, the CL becomes 1 and the DC assumes scores of 10). To activate any of the tattooed skins, she must use a move-equivalent action to prick herself with her razor gauntlet and smear a drop of her own blood on the skin, as well as manipulating it in some way, and then can use its ability as a standard action normally within one round. She must do this every time she wishes to activate the power of the tattoo, but takes no damage from this process, as she is quite skilled at drawing only the most trivial amounts of her own blood in this manner. She has four skins in her collection;
Ketli Inkwhistle is bemused by the idea that some gnomes grow so jaded by this world of infinite wonders that they begin to fade away. Crazy! She’s been unable to focus on just one of the seemingly endless and fascinating diversions that this world offers, and transitioned as a youth from a devoted cook, to a butcher, to a taxidermist, to a student of body art, such as tattoos and scarification. From there, traveling to find new tattoos and scarification techniques, she fell in with the followers of Andirifkhu, particularly with a charismatic halfling serial killer who served as a cleric of that faith, and was pleased when she was the first of his disciples to not only survive his initiation, but to also answer the call of the Razor Princess, and become a cleric like himself, his companion in faith, in torture, in self-mutilation, and in the more mundane pleasures of the bedchamber. But a gnome she remained, and this would never be enough for her wandering eye, and she left his cooling body in the cellar he used as a ‘temple’ to the Razor Princess, stealing his self-crafted ‘Razor Gauntlet’ as a trophy of her time learning from the man she had come to see as stuck in a rut, always committing the same murder by the same methods, as if attempting to repeat himself unto perfection, instead of moving on to new and exciting challenges and experiences. It was in discovering the intricate, and magically-potent, tattoos of the Varisian wanderers, that she found the faith and practices of Andirifkhu to fail her. Now matter how elegantly she carved, the tattoos were ruined, and she felt that she had reached the limits of what the song of razor-through-flesh could teach her, and sought out instead lore that led her to the faith of Abraxas instead, finding the Lord of the Final Incantation more to her liking. She has devoted her life to now finding and abducting Varisians, to examine their tattoos for signs of power, and when she finds them, she slices them away in a bloody (and fatal) sacrificial rite to Abraxas that allows her to harness the power of these tattoos as if they had been placed upon her own flesh. She has, almost incidentally, learned that the Varisian wanderers sometimes carry small items that seem worthless, but contain spiritual connections that imbue them with a bit of sentience. She is now seeking a manner by which she can preserve these fragments, and commune with them, even after slaying their owners, but so far all have died within months of the death of their masters. Still, she retains these ‘tatcheys’ tied together on a long leather cord, and intends to find a way to rekindle and bind these spiritual fragments, so that they can never abandon her… When she isn’t running around murdering people, she works as a cook and butcher, of some skill and repute, always wandering, but sometimes pleased to find that her reputation has preceded her, and people are eager to sample her fine fare. Unknown to most, she ‘spices’ her most infamous meals with negligible amounts of alchemically crafted drugs and toxins that she has diluted until they are merely noticeable, but not debilitating or damaging (usually…). As a result, her meals are sometimes said to have an otherworldly effect, and she smiles a little smile when someone asks her about her so-called ‘First World Cooking,’ since she knows that the ‘secret ingredient’ is some combination of spider venom (for the pleasant tingling) and mushrooms (for the occasional visual side-effects). Boons Anyone who helps Ketli in her gruesome activities, to locate and skin tattooed Varisians (and random other people with interesting tattoos), or to figure out how to communicate with and / or preserve the tiny sentiences preserved within the wanderers elusive ‘tatcheys’ (essentially trapping tiny fragments of her victims souls to torment for all eternity), will earn great favor with the psychotic little freak. Sarenrae help them. |