Worst... Character... Ever!


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I have an infrequent player. When she doesn't show, I run an NPC hireling- esque character. The NPC died and I have the opportunity to bring in a new one. What I need is some ideas for a terrible character. Not sub-optimal, just thoroughly trained in the arts of douche- baggery. Please regale me with your worst experiences of players or classes that have caused inter party grief. The characters name shall be Fargin Isole'...

The party consists of a barbarian, cleric, wizard, and infrequent bard.
Let me have it!

DONT ever make a multiclass freak. they will ruin your party. you should get a magical rogue of sum sort, sneak attacking with MAGIC!

darkorbit wrote:
DONT ever make a multiclass freak. they will ruin your party. you should get a magical rogue of sum sort, sneak attacking with MAGIC!

Arcane trickster?

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The silent type. Doesn't say anything about himself or his goals. Then, when someone asks him why are you doing something, walked out of the campaign because that question shoes that nobody had many any effort to fathom the motives buried inhis dark and tormented soul.

Yes, that's right. He blamed us for not knowing what he had never told us.

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How about a expert barbeque pit master...half goblin (won't admit what the other half is..."but me mum was a goblin princess!").

Has a obsession about barbequed dragon! Always talking about it, what it would taste like, does green dragon bbq give you gas?, does red dragon bbq really need any hot sauce at all?

Guards his secret recipe book...a coloring book with badly drawn pictures that could be almost anything...he can't read so he does his best.

Obsessed with other cooks secret recipes.

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Well I once played with a Tiefling alchemist who did everything in his power to increase his bomb's damage. He picked the explosive bombs discovery without picking precise bombs and used the teams monk as human bait then boasted on how he is invincible and he needs better servants. That game did not last long.

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A druid that constantly asks the barbarian if he knows how many iron elementals had to die to make that greatsword.

yes. arcane trickster.

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A goblin arcane trickster who has a crazy dragon BBQ fetish, stands in charge lanes and blast radi, refuses to communicate with the party (when not talking about BBQ recipes), and treats the other PCs like servants...

I think we are getting somewhere.

Silver Crusade

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Large, beefy fighter type class that is deathly afraid of getting dirty, so avoids combat like the plague. But constantly boasts about how he could beat any one of you in a single round if he felt like it.

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A wizard who chooses literally NOTHING but divination spells. Not even the good ones. Choose the most useless of the useless for combat (share language, discern value, etc).

A bard with negative charisma who's Bardic Performance gives negatives instead of bonuses to the appropriate roll. Name him Justin Beiber.

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Add some melodramatic tension due to a tragic TRAGIC I TELL YOU ! backstory AND some hysteric fits of straight ANGER, with some tunnel vision thrown into the mix... Oh, and a total fan of homoerotic subtext, constantly trying to pair male members of the party together, trying to prove the existence of some inexisting sexual tension, and talking the Face and/or womanizer of the group into how he is actually a refrained gay.


This is not a diatribe against gay characters, or romances in the group, it is about the refusal to accept that the percieved pairings DO NOT exist, and refusal to stop the bullshit related to that. The gay thing is just added "sexual uncertainty" bonus. It can be about anything else, but for having such a player in a campaign, this gets old REAL FAST.

My personal favorite I use to annoy the hell out of people : Nicknames. Derogatory nicknames, oddly fitting nicknames, etc, etc, etc... Of course, refuse to adress to a character by his proper name under any circumstances. Barbarian ? Hairy Fighter. elven/dwarf with impossible names ? Long Ears / Beardy. Referenced names ? Use that against them !

I drove a GM mad by calling his "Milamber" "Pug" until everyone referred to him as such, and he, himself, lapsed into using it too.

Nicknames catch on, nicknames WILL be used and abused. Call the barbarian a Hairy Fighter ONCE, wait, and watch as all Hell breaks loose.

Also, a mistake I made while still new to role playing : Refusing to take a situation seriously. No. Matter. What.

While playing the D&D version of Apocalypse Now, we finally confronted Colonel Kurtz. Except he knew what we were here for. My paladin ?

"Hey Kurtz ! We're the execution platoon ! Nice to meet ya !"

In hindsight, funny as hell. Since we're busted, we might as well get a laugh at it. Ruining the dramatic tension ? Priceless. (for what you want to do)

So, yeah, you may not want to shoot yourself in the foot by destroying your own dramatic tension, and wise-cracking can be a bit hard depending on situations, but keeping the group's plans and actions REAL is a real campaign destroyer.

A few "So, we bash the head of some foreign tribe because they're GREEN and in our way, and hope fame comes along the way ? Sure, you're the good guys, no doubt."

"So, basically, let the meat shield take the heat and pray things don't get too bad for us, uh ? Groovy."

"Wait, you are planning to rescue the princess... By slaughtering everything in your way until we open the right door ? Genius."

Can be the doom of a group.

Deny, with a short, mean quip, the epic of their quest, calling it basically murder for profit, and refuse to speak about it no more...

And all hells shall break loose again.

Hope it helps ! ^^

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I had a particularly egregious ordeal with an inquisitor of Sarenrae who inquisit-ed his own teammates. By which I mean he acted incredibly suspicious of, rarely healed, and tried to steal the stuff of anyone who didn't have "Sarenrae" written in the religion tab.

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Is Han Solo. Constantly reminds others how they AINT

A wizard with 9 int named Apple Snotfinger.

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I suggest a dwarven magus that one hands a beer mug and offhands a spell.

Theres a feat that will help negate the -4 for being nonproficient with the beer mug, so thats a good idea to take.

I suggest skill ranks in craft: pottery to help make new beer mugs, should yours break

oh sry. i thought you meant to make a good character build. whoops.

Weapon Focus (Beer Mug)

yeah. coarthios, can u plz direct your attention to my thread "i need some advice" last page. plz respond.

The Exchange

How about a doppelganger?

Thoroughly trained in the arts of douche-baggery? You mean like a paladin? =P

If you want to have a douchey character, it's hard to get worse than one who tries to limit and control the group's actions for religious reasons, especially if the character has a terrible sense of tactics and a massive ego.

Actually, a character who keeps suggesting they do strategically awful things that any sane or experienced party wouldn't entertain the thought of could be hilarious if played right, for the whole gm double/triple bluffing aspect.

Great suggestions all! If the pcs don't figure him out by his name alone then they are fair game at that point... But I have to give them a chance to get revenge by turning him against them at some point...

darkorbit wrote:
yeah. coarthios, can u plz direct your attention to my thread "i need some advice" last page. plz respond.


I had a player play a halfling monk who was obsessed with grappling an elder dragon before he died.

Same character at one point developed Multiple Personality Disorder, due to some bad juju, and wake up one morning as Gertrude, who hated black (the former personalities favorite color) and would only dress in pink.

Make Gertrude, the halfling cross-dressing monk who is obsessed with grappling dragons, and hits on whichever character happens to treat her nicest the first time she joins (this is what happened in game, the first person to be nice to her in the party became the object of her crush). :)

My vote, do a EK but use Wizard and Paladin to get into it. ;)

Magus/ paladin MT anyone?

make a character (assuming a 20 point build) with 6 13's and one 12 ability scores. have them take a level in a different class every time. start with things like rogue and bard for plenty of skill points, and take a variety of relatively useless craft and profession skills. they will be a jack of all trades, but master of absolutely none. however, they will constantly insist that their breadth of knowledge and ability makes them superior...to the party, any npc who will sit still long enough, even the monsters/enemies you are fighting. pick up feats like dodge, endurance, toughness...not entirely useless, but nothing that will really aid them in combat or compensate for how far behind the rest of the party they will be in terms of ability. sure, they will eventually have ok saves and maybe a merely mediocre BAB (although they could theoretically be level 7 or higher with BAB zero), but the difference in power should be glaringly obvious...to anyone but them. at some point they could actually do something useful, though...

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Low Int Paladin, who is certain that someday he and his trusted steed Moonlight Blossom will give rise to a reborn centaur race.

Scarab Sages

A healer who's so afraid of combat she refuses to get close enough to heal - also, who tries Diplomacy on everything and everyone, even when it's obvious that's out of the question...and is conceptually based on an insipid C-list cartoon character, such as one of the Chipettes.


A thief who has a knack for finding treasure before everyone else does. He'll even go for it even when other are debatably in danger. He picks through the loot and sleight of hands one or two things he wants without anyone else seeing.

The party will slowly start to suspect him, and eventually get irritated by him. Not only is he not a player, he's taking more than his fair share. If they ever accuse him he refuses to respond to their accusations, or has such an amazing bluff skill that he always gets out of it.

Also, in important social situations, he seeks to take the glory for himself, leaving the rest of the party in the dust. If he somehow makes a bad impression on an NPC, have it cause a problem for the party.

Why would your players want to hire an NPC douchebag? Wouldn't it be better, if you're going to run a hireling, to run a professional? More Mr. Brown, less Mr. Teatime.

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The old NPC was a valuable asset who provided much needed services for the group while they were out and about, and filled in whenever the bard couldn't make it. They asked for another NPC so I decided to do it differently this time. So now they are stuck with a Fargin Isole'...

Lantern Lodge

Its not Pathfinder but the worst character ive ever come across to date was a Kender Spellthief, enough said.

Scarab Sages

...Just promise us you won't shift their alignments toward Evil when they decide to kill "Fargin", will you?

Also, I kind of like Atarlost's idea for the character's name better than yours, no disrespect (then again, Mr. Teatime may have been pure evil, but he was very much a professional, too - more than a few adventuring parties would consider someone with his qualifications an asset, even if they'd all secretly pledged to quintuple-dog-gib him when the adventure was over).

You could also call him "Erich Wagenmann," or something like that....

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You've got a fighter, a cleric, and a wizard. The only choice is rogue.

Pick an archetype that swaps out trapfinding and trap sense, but don't tell them that he's rubbish at detecting traps. Give him something like Survivalist.

Race: halfling

Str - 9
Dex - 20
Con - 7
Int - 10
Wis - 7
Chr - 18

Craft (shoes)
Profession (gambler)
Sleight of hand
Use Magic Device

1st feat: Lightning reflexes.

Have him insist on searching for traps, and make a big show of it before he inevitably sets all traps off. Get his reflex save as high as you can so he typically comes away unscathed thanks to Evasion. Even funnier if you can have him walk safely over pit traps that his weight is not enough to set off, declaring the way safe.

Give him improved initiative, and have him charge up to go toe-to-toe with monsters before anyone else has a chance to go. Make him whine to the party and try to get them to provoke AOOs to get a flank for him.

Have him do the occasional awesome thing, like stealing the evil cleric's holy symbol right out of his hand, followed by rounds of wasted actions talking about how awesome that thing he just did was.

With his con tanked, it'll be easy for them to get him killed, if he doesn't do it himself. Have him demand healing whenever he is down even a single hit point. If you can get him the Friendly Switch feat, have him use it to push his cleric closer to danger when he desperately needs healing - if they catch on and stop being willing to let him swap places with them, have him drop and make himself helpless in the cleric's square.

Make him the relative of someone they have a reason to keep happy, and make that other NPC insist that they bring Fargin' home safely, or there will be consequences.

Have him always be willing to scout ahead. He's good at stealth, but not good at perception. Let him Mr. Magoo areas of incredible danger while the party is attacked, only to have him return training all the encounters behind him at once.

With the unhelpful character he already is, give him the role of treasurer of the group.

Adventurers HATE not to be able to use their hard money the way they wish.

Force them to go through some administration based shenanigans with the character to enrage them some more.

Grand Lodge

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This just needs to be straight Monk/Rogue.

Now, we just need to pick a terrible archetype for both.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

This just needs to be straight Monk/Rogue.

Now, we just need to pick a terrible archetype for both.

Off hand I'm going to say Burglar of Many Styles.

I think Burglar swaps trapfinding for nothing useful and master of many styles loses flurry and therefore pseudo-full-BAB and has no way of boosting accuracy.

The Exchange

I once knew a paladin named T.H.E. Onceler.

Theodore Horation Earnest Onceler, Esq. Beloved of God. Hero fo the Hour.

He's a real Paladin PITA. At least he means well. Unfortunately, he is afflicted with all 7 deadly sins:

Vanity - Well what woudl you expect for CHR 16
Greed - It takes a lot of money to buy palte armor and horse barding
Gluttony - All that comabt rerally works up an appetite
Envy - It seems that all of the really good treasure goes to soemone else.
Sloth - Fighting makes you tired, and so does that big meal afterward
Lust - Are there chicks there? 'Cause if there are chicks there I want to do them.
Wrath - Well more like peevishness and petty tantrums

He would really like to help you out, but his armor might get dirty. When he's not combing his hair, he's polishing his armor.

He likes to eat ... YOUR food, and drink....YOUR wine. (He didn't pack any rations.)

Claims he deserves an extra share of the treasure, since, after all, he did most of the work, and took most of the damage.

Wishes he had your your armor, or your weapon, or your magic ring.

He won't carry anything, unless it's treasure, and he gets to keep it.

Also, he tends to fall asleep on watch.

He gets upset and goes off in ahuff if you mention of these faults to him.

Finally, he only uses things once. For example, he doesn't like blood on his sword, and being too lazy to clean it off, he will sell it or throw it away and buy a new, clean sword instead.

Says things like,

"I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today."

"I'd like to help you fight the dragon, but I just polished my armor."

"I wasn't sleeping, I was communing!"

I think this is the sort of character (or NPC), that you are talking about. We are talking Character's with character defects, not Players with character defects.

Psion-Psycho wrote:
Its not Pathfinder but the worst character ive ever come across to date was a Kender Spellthief, enough said.

I once had a kender who claimed to be able to steal thoughts. Sadly, he was created sincerely.

Grand Lodge

I will not play in any game with Kender.

I was kind of joking before, but honestly I think Druids have a huge potential for obnoxiousness. If people took their restrictions as seriously as they take the paladin's.

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Bard who uses his performances with an adamantine vuvuzela.

Gruthl for the win!

Gruthl was a 2nd Edition half-orc thief with Wisdom and Charisma the lowest possible without the character being some kind of animal (what can I say - we rolled for stats in those days and one of our players thought it would be fun to play the lousy hand he was dealt). He had a decent Int, but the player played his Wis and Cha up so that Gruthl almost never made a good decision or had a decent conversation except by accident.

Gruthl was terrible. He grabbed butts (both male and female) said inappropriate things at every opportunity, stole from the party, ran through strange doors, picked fights with dragons, had staring contests with gaze-attack monsters, you name it!

It is important to note that the player in question ended up being a longtime problem player who reveled in wrecking campaigns and taking fun at the expense of others. Many fights ensued over the years, and finally he was asked to leave. Then again. Then again.

So don't use Gruthl, I was just joking. But do take care not to make the NPC too bad, or run the risk of having more players become "infrequent."

Lantern Lodge

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blackbloodtroll wrote:
I will not play in any game with Kender.

I was young and not as wise enough back then to hear the words of others when it came to the race and that class. I thought back then "there is no way they would creat a race and class as horable as those." Then it happened both race and class on the same character played by a neckbeared with an obsession of children that bordered on the criminal. WARNING: If any of u come across a person that wants to play KENDER step away slowly to a safe distance of 10ft then run. U will thank me in the morning for saving u 2-6 hours of ur life.

what is KENDER?

MiniGM wrote:
what is KENDER?

From what I gather, compulsively kleptomaniac halflings with rather poor social skills besides.

Byrdology wrote:
Magus/ paladin MT anyone?

I'd go with Ranger/Bard.

For annoying characters, as stated above, the suspicious types, who tell you nothing really suck.

Had a rogue, who was so suspicous, he didn't even tell us his name. We just called him "Guy".

I GOT IT! Ex-paladin that just became recently an ex-paladin and with his bad habits, he will never want to reform. Womanizer, drunk, etc...

No class magical or supernatural abilities at all! LOL

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