Saluzi's page
Organized Play Member. 127 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
It also has no colors. Several guides that can't be downloaded are like that.
Magical Lineage - Pick one spell. Drop the metamagic cost by 1.
That's part of why I just bought a wand of Grease!
While you're at it, you can get a plus 5 competence on the feint with a Mask of Stony Demeanor 500G 4lb It's also +10 to lie
I always cringe at the charge down the hill into the orcs in the movie LOTR. I know from ancient miniatures rules that, when cavalry charges steady pike, or even a bunch of Sots holding long pointed sticks, you get dead horses and riders. It's so bad I can even imagine newbies in the infantry wanting to apologize for what they have done.
There is also a painting from Waterloo of English cavalry charging French infantry only to find at the last 50 feet a deep, wide sunken road. It's a good but awful painting.
I've thought of having my character publish a book thru the PFS - Title "Don't Harm Us - A Guide for Enchanters" using PFS headquarters rescources to produce a book with that phrase translated indexed by monster/ethnic for use in Command and Hypnosis spells. AND I would want my character to get royalties.
"Dead Magic: These planes have no magic at all. A plane with the dead magic trait functions in all respects like an antimagic field spell. Divination spells cannot detect subjects within a dead magic plane, nor can a spellcaster use teleport or another spell to move in or out. The only exception to the “no magic” rule is permanent planar portals, which still function normally."
Magic Traits heading down page
I'm as clueless as a dodo and as subtle as a rhino at this. Include both bribes of gold and illegal drugs as this does come up Thanks!!
THANKS!! I needed that second read - it would have been nice though...
Now, I have to quit reading these posts and
I plan to make several PFS - concerned about all the undead already there and demons next year
Celestial resistance DR5 vs acid, cold, electricity
Deathless Spirit alt trait
DR5 vs neg energy damage, lose no hit points on neg levl +2 vs death effects,energy drain,neg energy,evil spells or spell like ablity
Exalted Resistance
+5 Per Level vs evil spells or spell like ability or any spell cast by an evil outsider
What should I choose?? That last one could rise to +55 by lvl 11 but is narrower than the second one.
Yeah, castles get, and need to be, really big. Tower of London sprawls all over the place, though the actual Tower isn't that big.
Then, there's concentric defenses. Japanese castles today are not what the whole castle was. What you see today is just the naked core. There were actually acres and acres of concentric moats.
Then there's the walled outer bailey, need to martial and protect forces.
Henry the IV found that out the hard way during a Welsh revolt. He martialed his forces and advanced to a small castle on the border, White castle. He and his closest stayed in the castle, everyone else camped outside. That night, the Welsh raided and destroyed everything they couldn't steal. In the morning, the king and his forces had to return to London, war ended for the year. What they needed was a big walled bailey.
Have you considered race Assimar? It would work well with the Bard combination or be a reason for Sorcerer.
Battle field control for swarms - Butterfly net [in equipment] - Enlarge
Having a build be effective against all kinds of enemies, or at least most kinds of enemies is key. AND being able to make the strike and not get destroyed (Witch, enchanter) before you can.
Have you tried this?
Raving Dork's Crazy Character Emporium (An Amazing List of Creative and Interesting Builds)
Doesn't get much 'more unique'
When the Celts did it, didn't' they do it berserk i. e. rage therefore Barbarian??
Two things I'm trying to work out for a fighter like this:
Alchemical stuff - tangle and definitely fire and acid - anti-swarm.
1. I'm surprised the ninjato hasn't come up yet.
2. If you want to laugh yourself sick, google Ninja sword
'real ninja sword' is even worse - NOT recommended for someone eating or drinking while reading.
This begins to look like Traveler. How about the game starts at 6 capped and the previous levels are created by random generation with choices and a story attached (that would be Traveler. In Traveler, notoriously, you could die during character generation.)
1. The good ones are in the APG. Many are not at all once per day. Some would be great for an investigator - especially the Advanced Thoughtful Rexamining
2. Think of once per day as like scroll spells. Not to be used in battle.
Blind gunslinger hits more than 80 percent of targets
http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/blind-gunslinger-hits-more-80-percent- targets-211129297.html
In case you were wondering
Use enchantment spells on them? Hypnosis etc??
And if they are immune, some spell or trait to bypass that?
Since you are only at second level, you could start all over again a brand new character and retire the current one, or, save it and redirect it into a different concept character at a later date.
Thanks, though that's gonna get rough with the cognatogen. Ten minutes of use and two ranks of ability damage every time.
"The bard makes a new Perform check each round of the countersong."
THANKS! That's what wasn't clear.
The worlds largest nut or seed. For centuries, it was very rare and in museums and historical displays in Europe, you will fined it in-cased in gold filigree. Until the mid 18th century when a ship found the islands where they actually grew - the Seychelles He of course loaded up the boat (leaving behind the also newly discovered dodo bird) and, as soon as he arrived in Europe, it was almost worthless. IF he had only loaded one or two, he could have retired a rich man.
From ending the effects of a cognatogen (but oddly enough, not a mutagen)
From infusing a mutagen/cognatogen
When/how does he repair/recover from that damage?
The saving roll - can you make that at the beginning of the song and keep it for the duration or do you have to save at the time of attack and roll again for each new attack?
If you can make it at the beginning and keep it. If you don't like it, next turn can you stop/start the song at roll again for a save you like?
Some insight on ancient Egyptian faith - it's a frustrated engineer's religion. In building a bridge to the next life, you were building a bridge you could never test, or never get test results on.
So, you keep adding struts and braces. Put the Book of the Dead in the coffin. Add it to the walls. Print it on the wrappings And, keep writing it longer. Each 'Book of the Dead' was unique AND you got what you paid for - by the page/foot.
Do a google on negative confession - you'll love it!
The gold in the tombs was the same gold constantly recycled - the same people that put it there and built the tombs also robbed them, over and over again - generations of artists - the art of the object and the art of tomb robbing. Generations of merchants who were also fences.
This thread is so GOOD it ought to be made STICKY!!!!!
nosig wrote: Saluzi wrote: But the Sun IS something other than non-magical. Ask any Vampire! Although, a simple light dimming spell seems to fix this. Moonlight is also special for some spells/ability. Then there's a trait/feat that only works during the daytime (to boost Charisma skills) no matter where you are. But all that could be symbolic.
Question - What light spell would toast/ash that Vampire??
SO... you would say the Sun is magical then? OK - I have no problem with that.
My point is, either it is magical, or it isn't. There is no need of a third catagory (not magical AND not non-magical). What "level" is it?
in answer to your question - Both Sunbeam and Sunburst are spells that would "toast/ash" a Vampire. As would a non-magical fire of large size. Was this ment to be a trick question? I'm sure there are other light spells that would work fine to "toast/ash" a Vampire. Not trick at all. I am really looking to build some characters to deal with the undead in all those scenarios. And Thanks! It's just that so many places it says something like real daylight is required and not whatever...
I strongly suspect it's banned not for any rationale but for the same reason Druids use scimitar (a curved sword only used by horse peoples)
And for the same reason high school is four years long:
Because college is four years long
Because the first colleges in England and America were four years long
Because Oxford was four years long
Because in 15XX, a particularly influential nobleman decided that four years was long enough for his son to be at Oxford and no one wanted to disagree.
Because That's The Way We've Always Done It!!!
I had not heard of the Urami (or don't remember) but that's not it
this thing was a target shield with a sword coming of the top edge (in the geometric plane of the shield) and some other stuff coming off other places. I think it was something I saw in a Palladium book.
BTW, there's also the hurlbat and the African throwing knife that probably inspired it - a swastika with one leg extended as a handle and everything else sharpened. Big and thrown horizontally. The African one was said to be able to take a leg off (Palladium again).
You cannot build a Bard in GURPS without more points than my calculator can handle. CANNOT!!!. The problem is that with every feature available to every player, they have to be priced according to power based on that availability. Classes provide more than 'fluff' The provide restrictions that make features affordable (since they can't be combined with any other listed feature in the rules, only within the class). Want a Mage, GURPS is fine. Want any kind of Fighter, Gurps. Want a fighting Mage, GURPS. Want a Bard not Gurps.
Every 20 years, I have a liverwurst sandwich to remind me that I don't like liverwurst. Every 10 years, I play GURPS to remind me I don't like GURPS!
I think a the other extreme (which I really like!!) is Traveler where all you're leveling occurs before you start play and what you get is partly randomized. After play starts, it's only objects that you own that increase. I would love to see a fantasy implementation of that.
But the Sun IS something other than non-magical. Ask any Vampire! Although, a simple light dimming spell seems to fix this. Moonlight is also special for some spells/ability. Then there's a trait/feat that only works during the daytime (to boost Charisma skills) no matter where you are. But all that could be symbolic.
Question - What light spell would toast/ash that Vampire??
There is also a pfs leak of permanency just added - read 4 books, get permanency - on a boon.
Xena! Warrior Princess!!! YES!!
Historically, they were used in India as weapons of war. Nobody else ever got impressed by them. (or by punch knives or a weird combination shield/sword/something else - things unique to India) 3.5 wasn't impressed either 1D4 damage.
That's a Pathfinder novel.
Pathfinder "City of the Fallen Sky" [good read, not bad chronicle]
Pages 176 - 194 describe Osiris and a trip up the Sphinx river - STEAL!!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
The go to scholar on all myth is Joseph Campbell. His contribution to Star Wars really changed it. His most famous concept, The Hero's Journey, which, if you google, will keep you up past midnight complete with plot diagrams. It's the idea of the monomyth. That all myths are expressions and variations of a single master myth.
It's from his most famous book The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Not easy reading. My book mark in it is maybe a decade old (but I'll get to it this summer. I promise!!)
Would the feat Trident and Net (no, it's NOT about Tridents, just nets) work for some of this? I'm trying to figure out how to work in the net. Plus Ghost Wash Oil it handles incorporeal. To sneak attack two weapon net then stab
There was a fantasy story about a guy who was cursed at some party he doesn't remember well (too drunk) to turn into a medium grey elephant on national holidays. At the end of the story, it saved his sweetheart's life and went away (like Ground Hog Day)
How about a doppleganger so that they are followed by different people or creatures and from time to time you ask for an off the wall perception roll which if, they make it, they notice the tail (but it's different then the last time) and if they don't, they get nothing. And let them make the roll so they know.
I don't have to remember0D&D - I own the original in the cheesy false woodgrain cardboard box and still have a sealed pack of the original polyhedral dice that you had to send away for to play the game.
Along the way to the present:
Barbarian - You had to hide any magic device from them. They had sort of a vow to destroy anything magical - Very Conan
Bard - Early prestige class - had to first be a thief for 5-8 levels, then a druid for 5-8 levels, high stats in almost everything was a prerequisite. Our group got an Instrument of the Bards and wanted me to create one so they could use it. That was my first Bard and I've played them every since. From Druid, the Bard could shapechange and from Thief, he could steal, traps etc.
Cavalier ADD2 - best single act of roll playing - Hard messy battle - We are all on the ground moaning Medic Medic for a clerical healing except our Cavalier - "Tailor Tailor" ADD2 Cavalier was like that - more of a fashionable highway man.
Would not mind seeing classes for either the old Bard or Cavalier again.
That used to be Bardic Knowledge under 3. Bards just knew stuff (on a die roll)
DungeonmasterCal wrote: Everything is overpowered.
Everything has been nerfed.
There are too many feats (options in general).
There aren't enough feats (options in general).
Paizo is succumbing to bloat.
Paizo needs to produce more sourcebooks.
Paizo is sneaking power creep into the game.
Paizo isn't doing enough to make characters viable.
Paizo is just another corporate bloodsucking monstrosity preying on gamers.
Paizo is a fine business turning out quality products for fans who really love them.
There. I think that covers most of it.
No, it doesn't. Not for this thread. Not by a long shot. I'm flagging this thread for TIPS!! I'm new to Pathfinder. This is, in part, an all class and what are they good for/not good for/not good at all discussion.
Extracted from "Pathfinder Chronicles Seekers of Secrets A Guide to the Pathfinder Society"
"Cooperate: The Society places no moral obligations upon
its members, so agents span all races, creeds, and motivations.
At any given time, a Pathfinder lodge might house a fiend-
summoning Chelaxian, an Andoren freedom fighter, an
antiquities-obsessed necromancer, and a friendly halfling
raconteur. Anything can (and often does) happen in the field,
but the lodge is inviolate, and agents are forbidden from
battling within its confines. Even beyond the lodge, Pathfinder
agents are expected to respect one another’s claims and stay
out of each other’s affairs except to offer a helping hand.
According to long-held tradition, Pathfinders must attempt
to parley before a potential conflict, regardless of potential
enmity based on national affiliation, personal allegiances, or
other factors."
Rumors have circulated for years that the
Decemvirate plans to sponsor a team of undead field agents
into the benighted realm, and recent intelligence uncovered by
Nexus House in Quantium suggests that their plan has been
in effect all along, and that the necromantic Pathfinders—
said to have been cultivated from famous agents killed in the
line of duty throughout the Inner Sea region—have been
in place for nearly a decade. Given the dangers of that
little-known land, conspiratorial Pathfinders suspect
that fresh replacement agents are always needed.
If the Lantern Lodge had been the Kitsume Lodge (at least, headed by a Kitsume with that flavor and objectives) it would not have been dropped...at least not without a full scale in the streets revolt!!
For Von Helsing, if there ever was an Inquistor, he's it. Seems like the model for it:
"Grim and determined, the inquisitor roots out enemies of the faith, using trickery and guile when righteousness and purity is not enough. Although inquisitors are dedicated to a deity, they are above many of the normal rules and conventions of the church. They answer to their deity and their own sense of justice alone, and are willing to take extreme measures to meet their goals.
Role: Inquisitors tend to move from place to place, chasing down enemies and researching emerging threats. As a result, they often travel with others, if for no other reason than to mask their presence. Inquisitors work with members of their faith whenever possible, but even such allies are not above suspicion."
As to race, Assimar would give you advantages against undead not the least of which is the ability boost in wisdom and charisma. But I can't imagine Von Helsing as an Assimar.
I'm thinking of making an Assimar straight Paladin with a vow against Undead....then...I got the idea of adding a dip of arcane and making him a Dragon Disiple. Is that illegal? Tasteless? or some other form of "Just No!"???
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