The New Faction Expo

Shadow Lodge

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Sovereign Court

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Alain sighed as he lit the torches in the empty hall. It was a sad, sad day indeed that his beloved Shadow Lodge was ending. Ensuring mutual survival - what could be a more noble goal? Still, one had to move on. That was why he had organized this.

He set out the placards for the 8 remaining factions, each on their own table. He had invited his colleagues to attend, as well as the members of the Lantern Lodge. After double-checking that Qadira was far away from Taldor, he unlocked the door and waited for the representatives of the 8 factions to put up their displays, hand out some pamphlets and make their case.

This is a thread for members of the other 8 factions to pitch to the now-factionless members of the Shadow and Lantern Lodges. Please feel free to have some fun with it.

Grand Lodge

Urgh, this is depressing *kraaaaaw*
The last time I felt this rotten was the New Society Idol singing competition for new recruit bards. My ears ached for a month.

Factions, eh? Who needs 'em!

*kicks dust with his claws*


Ohhh ohh a gnome you should come with me and be a Zarniest. Now I know they are a little rough around the edges, but you get to do lotsa fun stuffs.

If you are anything like me I know you are scared of gettering bored. Trust me I know. I was stucked in the pit I created for 30 WHOLE SECONDS! I could of swore one of my hairs turneded white.

I got to make drugs with lizardy peoples. Randomly poison peoples with mind alteringing drugs. Loot rare treasures from temples. Plus I did so many good things for them I begged and begged and begged and uncle Gorrilla got my own porter to carry me around town!

So do not be worried about gettin beat up by his goons. Gorrila just says that to the newbs to make sure they behave and do good Zarny things.

Silver Crusade

A tiefling sits in the corner, staring intently at a blank piece of paper. He chews, absent mindedly, on his quill pen, revealing that he has way more teeth than you would expect to find in any one mouth. He begins to write . . .

Hardworking Pathfinder, recently of Shadow Lodge, seeks opportunity sneaking into secure areas and administering vigilante justice.

Detection and removal of traps
Moving quietly
Can see in the dark
Use of teeth for purposes of intimidation
Use of teeth for administering justice to evildoers
Fluent in abyssal, conversational in goblin and celestial
Flexible interpretation of laws (will do what paladins will not to administer justice)

Past successes:
Infiltrated Chellish embassy (Ambrus Valsin will deny that this happened)
Infiltrated Grand Cathedral of Aroden, when it was held by hobgoblins

Prefer to work with Pathfinders who can talk to others, or at least not scare small children with excessive teeth.


Augustine Jaeger

I can talks very well, and I am not scarey at all. I even have a hat that makes people like me more. I am not one of those bully wizards you hear about. I cast nice colorfull magics. Plus I am a masterfullically dancer.

The family of zarnies could use a sneaky guy like you that can stop bullies from letting us have fun with their stuffs.

Alain Falaviel wrote:

Alain sighed as he lit the torches in the empty hall. It was a sad, sad day indeed that his beloved Shadow Lodge was ending. Ensuring mutual survival - what could be a more noble goal? Still, one had to move on. That was why he had organized this.

He set out the placards for the 8 remaining factions, each on their own table. He had invited his colleagues to attend, as well as the members of the Lantern Lodge. After double-checking that Qadira was far away from Taldor, he unlocked the door and waited for the representatives of the 8 factions to put up their displays, hand out some pamphlets and make their case.

This is a thread for members of the other 8 factions to pitch to the now-factionless members of the Shadow and Lantern Lodges. Please feel free to have some fun with it.

where was the news posted?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

Nunspa wrote:
Alain Falaviel wrote:

Alain sighed as he lit the torches in the empty hall. It was a sad, sad day indeed that his beloved Shadow Lodge was ending. Ensuring mutual survival - what could be a more noble goal? Still, one had to move on. That was why he had organized this.

He set out the placards for the 8 remaining factions, each on their own table. He had invited his colleagues to attend, as well as the members of the Lantern Lodge. After double-checking that Qadira was far away from Taldor, he unlocked the door and waited for the representatives of the 8 factions to put up their displays, hand out some pamphlets and make their case.

This is a thread for members of the other 8 factions to pitch to the now-factionless members of the Shadow and Lantern Lodges. Please feel free to have some fun with it.

where was the news posted?

It was announced live on the Know Direction podcast; a formal announcement will be made later.

Sadly i then find myself without a home.....

I wish to hold the pathfinders responsable for there own actions... who now watches the watchers?

All i see are puppets, blind followers of those who, if they fall to corruption, shall be free to reck havoc.

Where do we go now? Where can we, those who guard from the shadows, stand?

Sovereign Court

Nunspa wrote:

Sadly i then find myself without a home.....

I wish to hold the pathfinders responsable for there own actions... who now watches the watchers?

All i see are puppets, blind followers of those who, if they fall to corruption, shall be free to reck havoc.

Where do we go now? Where can we, those who guard from the shadows, stand?

Alain smiles, somewhat forlornly, and says, "Well, that is why I started this expo. I fear that no faction will meet my needs, but...I felt it necessary to let them say their piece, and to allow others to hear what they say.

Alain then turns to his Sczarni friend and says, "While your suggestion is intriguing, I do not believe that I am yet ready to delve into the world of illegal narcotics and bullying. Perhaps later in life; but such extreme measures are far beyond what I need to remain entertained. I am attempting to pace myself, to enjoy life as it comes to me rather than to crash and burn as I see so many young, yet blanched gnomes who have fallen upon that path.

That is a...... disonerable path alain.... do not lower your self to such a path

Sovereign Court

Nunspa wrote:

That is a...... disonerable path alain.... do not lower your self to such a path

Alain chuckles. "I have no intention of it now. In the future, who knows. Anything to avoid that horrid blanching. For now, at least, I intend to continue to explore the mysteries of the arcane, to consider great acts of diplomacy and to generally find what lies beyond the edges of the map. Eventually? If it prevents my blanching or death, then by all means."


Who are you calling dis-only-able? Nanny-spat? Just cause you are taller then use and we are shorter and need to take a lower path make you think you are btter than us!

I am a great at pathfindering. I bet you would rather be a Grand Boring and let Vaseline Armbrush and Sheila Hidey-ho-march have the other adventure cap'ns tell you what to do.

Alain, I am not a bully I do nice magiceses. I do colors and orbs of water. In my many pathfinderings I have yet to kill anyone. How many other pathsearchers can say that? The worst I do is drop them in a pit because they want to hurt us.

In did not insult your lack of hight, but your profession


*in a sing songy mock voice "do not lower your self".

Seems kinda coin-si-dental tah me. What do you have against dancers? You hate the arts and people shorter than you!?

Pontificor the Great wrote:

*in a sing songy mock voice "do not lower your self".

Seems kinda coin-si-dental tah me. What do you have against dancers? You hate the arts and people shorter than you!?

Oh no I'm a great fan of the arts (you note my character is a samurai)for example I own a wide array of kaboki masks and I'm a accomplished cartographer.

and I enjoy the company of little ones such as your self...

It is your... profession.. reminds me too much of what we call the Yakuza.. but they have their own code of honor. Unlike gaijin, such as yourself..

Shadow Lodge

The answer is, we watch the watchers. Whether under Torchy or not. We always need protection from those who see us as interchangable, or expendible.

(Aside: I'm all for 'former' shadow lodge members working together across our new factions.)

Grand Lodge

Indeed, supporting other Pathfinders and limiting the damage caused by those who send us out without worrying too much how many of us come back can still be done without somebody telling us to do it.

Or to put it another way, none of the other factions really have goals I can agree with, so I'll probably carry on approaching missions in much the same way as I do now

Liberty's Edge

"Pathfinders, come one and all, and listen to what I have to say!" says an enthusiastic human boy who can't be more than 16 or 17 years old. His features seem Chelaxian, and he wears light armor, with a sword on his belt and a quiver and bow strapped to his back. Many of you recognize him as Corin, a boy who has hung around the Grand Lodge in Absalom for the last few years, working as a valet for any Pathfinder willing to teach him any sort of useful skills.

"I have great admiration and respect for everything Grandmaster Torch and you of the Shadow Lodge have accomplished. Watching out for each other - an honorable calling, and something all Pathfinders should aspire to! And we do, don't we? Out in the field, we all have to watch out for each other. That's why I carry this!"

A wand suddenly pops out of his sleeve and into his hand, and he twirls it with a flourish.

"A wand of cure light wounds! We all know them. We've all benefited from them, even those who can't use these wands on themselves."

"I'm primarily an archer in combat, so I rarely face the Society's enemies up close, face to face. That means I rarely need this wand for myself. I carry it primarily to heal my brothers and sisters in arms. But do I ask them which faction they're in before I heal them? Do I offer my healing only to people from the Shadow Lodge or the Silver Crusade, and withhold it if someone is from Qadira or Taldor? Of course not! We all watch out for each other! And that will always continue, even if there is no Shadow Lodge."

"So shed not a tear for the end of the Shadow Lodge era. You will continue to watch out for your fellow Pathfinders, as will we all."

As he talks, you realize that the boy is clearly a very gifted orator, most likely a bard of some sort.

"But if watching out for your fellows in arms is a noble calling, one to which we all aspire, then what about watching out for those who can't protect themselves? Isn't that just as noble, and just as important? Perhaps even moreso, specifically because they can't protect themselves?"

"I was born a slave in Cheliax, forced into hard labor, and beaten regularly by my... 'owners'" the boy's hatred is apparent as he spits out this word, "... until I was around 9 years old. I couldn't protect myself. I couldn't fight back. I certainly couldn't protect anyone else."

"And then a Pathfinder from the nation of Andoran freed me, and brought me back here to Absalom. He taught me to use a sword, and I've learned other skills from other Pathfinders, earning my keep by working for any who would have me. That's what freedom is all about!"

"And now, as a Pathfinder, I've sword to pay my debt forward. I not only protect my fellow Pathfinders from danger, and protect the world from threats like this Lissalan cult everyone's talking about lately, but I also work to protect innocent people from the evils of slavery."

"And in that noble struggle, I ask you to join me! Join the Andoren crusade against slavery! Help protect the imprisoned and innocent who can't protect themselves, and spread freedom throughout Golarion!"

"May the gods bless you, my friends. Thank you for listening."

Shadow Lodge

Posting as 'The Kid' a 9 year old deaf and lame boy who is often seen around the Grand Lodge and if asked swears that he is a pathfinder and has the mission reports to back it up since Venture Officers can't use aliases. 'The Kid' doesn't seem to do much but missions that he is on have a higher than normal success rate.
"As long as we have time to complete the Heidmarch project the Shadow Lodge will have done its job." He looks up innocently at Corrin and very faintly there is the overtone that even a 9 year old can defend himself.

For people with perceptions modifiers higher than +30:
'The kid' is a very well disguised halfling (disguise modifier of +40 using no magic for the disguise resulting in a daily disguise check of 50).

The Exchange

Finally hearing enough, a human stands up. He has the look of a warrior, sheathed in full plate armor with metal spikes protruding all over, with a greatsword strapped to his back. His visage is that of a Shoanti tribesman, bold, towering and stoic.

He speaks in a low baritone, "Nice speech, but I do not fight for those who lack the courage to fight for themselves."

"I seek to bring honor and glory to my god, my quah, and myself. I do not care for petty agendas or deception. That is the way of cowards."

Raising his voice slightly, he continues,"I seek to be tested in the crucible of blood, fire, and steel."

For those with Knowledge: Religion

Around his neck you see an iron holy symbol of Gorum

The Exchange

A small red-haired figure clad in brightly colored patchwork silks enters the room, juggling 3 lit torches.

He says

"By the Lantern's light the Shadow grows.
When the Lantern dies, the Shadow goes."

He snuffs the torches and drops them, one by one.

"Where will you go? What will you do?
Which house will take you, knowing that you will be watching them from the shadows of their rooms?"

He turns, and cartwheels out the door, dropping silver pennies as he turns.

"Follow the money. Follow the money. Follow the money ..."

His voice trails off as he spins out through the still open door.

Lantern Lodge

"I know not where to go among all ye tall folks, but I'm sure Irori will guide my arrow to sail over the seas to the land of my ancestors."

A seemingly misplaced excessive scarf wearing halfling, notches an arrow and points it to a random map on the wall and closes his eyes.

"For where it lands so I shall be"

Liberty's Edge

My cleric of Asmodeus is thinking of joining the Silver Crusade. He's an odd bird.

Silver Crusade

Reynard Heyerdahl wrote:

The answer is, we watch the watchers. Whether under Torchy or not. We always need protection from those who see us as interchangable, or expendible.

I will certainly continue to watch, both due to my short service to the Shadow Lodge, and due to my religious obligations. Contrary to popular belief, the church of Callistria is not just about the beautiful ladies; she is also the patron goddess of revenge. We keep an eye open for situations where someone is mis-using their power, treating other people like dirt, or abusing the system. You may think you're getting away with it, but Callistria knows. She puts a quiet word in priestess's ear, she puts a quiet word in my ear, and you get your come-uppance in the end.

They have a saying down at the local temple, "You'd better hope that it's karma that bites you in the ass because Augie has more teeth!"

Pontificor the Great wrote:

The family of zarnies could use a sneaky guy like you that can stop bullies from letting us have fun with their stuffs.

Sczarni is definitely on my short list. No, wait, I didn't mean in like that . . . I mean, I feel like I could do a good job working for Sczarni. I just feel like there are also certain members of the Sczarni organization whom Callistria might want to see taken down a peg or two.

Corin LaDrock wrote:

"And in that noble struggle, I ask you to join me! Join the Andoren crusade against slavery! Help protect the imprisoned and innocent who can't protect themselves, and spread freedom throughout Golarion!"

Andoran is another possibility. I can definitely get on board with the idea of revenge for those who can not achieve revenge for themselves. You guys just aren't very subtle sometimes - it's all charging in, waving the flag and "For the glory of Andoran!" I'm not one for passionate speeches and grand gestures.

This will be a difficult choice, so I don't want to rush into anything without thinking it through.

Grand Lodge

Augustine Jaeger wrote:

Andoran is another possibility. I can definitely get on board with the idea of revenge for those who can not achieve revenge for themselves. You guys just aren't very subtle sometimes - it's all charging in, waving the flag and "For the glory of Andoran!" I'm not one for passionate speeches and grand gestures.

This will be a difficult choice, so I don't want to rush into anything without thinking it through.

Yeah, the speeches & stuff are a bit much for a girl from the Puddles (though they're not as bad as the Taldans *grin*)

As for the Sczarni, I've got a bit of a problem with organised crime...

Dark Archive

Anna Beldarix wrote:

As for the Sczarni, I've got a bit of a problem with organised crime...

Don't kid yourself. We're not that organized. And where I come from, it's not even crime.

Scarab Sages

"Well I seem to be the only one here from Osirion. I am not sure if I am the best representative but here goes.

We from Osirion are the collectors of lost knowledge. Our job is to prevent knowledge from being lost for all time.

What good is saving people if they are kept in the dark about things that effect them. When knowledge of disease is lost, how will you tend to the sick pathfinders.

When knowledge of ancient religion is lost , what cults will come out of the woodwork seeking to harm the pathfinders.

When knowledge of dungeons are lost then pathfinders are caught in cave-ins

When knowledge of geography is lost then pathfinders are just lost.

To conclude I hope you consider the Osirions as one of your choices when the time comes for you to make a decision."


Pontificor the Great wrote:

I got to make drugs with lizardy peoples. Randomly poison peoples with mind alteringing drugs. Loot rare treasures from temples. Plus I did so many good things for them I begged and begged and begged and uncle Gorrilla got my own porter to carry me around town!

Woo hooo! I'm in.

After we finish up that business with the high priestess of course...

Liberty's Edge

Eric Brittain wrote:

[ooc][b]Posting as 'The Kid' a 9 year old deaf and lame boy ...

** spoiler omitted **

I had a similar character for Second Darkness only

character details:
My character was actually a kobold bard with mad disguise skills and magical aid. The five-year-old beggar who followed the Golden Goblin Gang around in town was so very much fun to play!

Silver Crusade

a small human male in plain green robes shuffles into the hall, trying to keep an armful of scrolls and posters in his arms. He's followed with a slightly larger velociraptor trailing on his heels and occasional growls to the passers bye

"Please tell me they're sending someone else later?"

He puts out a sign that reads: "Use the societies vast resources to do good". After a few moments he hangs one on the velociraptor that reads "Free Dinosaur rides"

The Exchange

Ohh Gawd! You guys should be greatful you have a reason to leave the society. The Decemvirate does not care about us. I always ask if it will be safe and they tell me yes it is just a party. Until flying devils fly out and attack you. Ohh Gawd! I hate this... *sob* *sob*

We are gonna Diiiieeeee.....*moan*

Silver Crusade

Doyle Taghaur wrote:

a small human male in plain green robes shuffles into the hall, trying to keep an armful of scrolls and posters in his arms. He's followed with a slightly larger velociraptor trailing on his heels and occasional growls to the passers bye

"Please tell me they're sending someone else later?"

He puts out a sign that reads: "Use the societies vast resources to do good". After a few moments he hangs one on the velociraptor that reads "Free Dinosaur rides"

"Ahem. I actually laughed at that one there, Doyle. Dino rides, HAH!" A stout, short figure pats him on the back with a chuckle. "Morgrym Anvilstrike is my name, and I, like Doyle here, walk with the Crusade. I'm not wholly certain I can tell ye what the Crusade can do ta offer ye, since our path is one o' fulfillment o' the soul through self sacrifice." Morgrym clears his throat. "I'm sorry, ye'll have ta excuse me. I'm not one fer speeches.

"I've noticed that many among the number o' Lantern Lodge hold honor above all else. The Crusade holds goodness and honor equally in the highest o' regard.

"As fer the Shadows here, I think we can offer ye something that no other faction can: vigilance. While the other factions squabble among themselves, the Crusade can take the Torch ..." Morgrym looks as if he stumbled on this bad pun. "... from the Shadows and watch the Decemvirate. We too find that any acts of callousness or corruption on their part ta be reprehensible. We encourage ye ta highly consider the Crusade fer yer new home."

Silver Crusade

Doyle Taghaur wrote:

a small human male in plain green robes shuffles into the hall, trying to keep an armful of scrolls and posters in his arms. He's followed with a slightly larger velociraptor trailing on his heels and occasional growls to the passers bye

"Please tell me they're sending someone else later?"

He puts out a sign that reads: "Use the societies vast resources to do good". After a few moments he hangs one on the velociraptor that reads "Free Dinosaur rides"

A small, blue skinned gnome with wild green hair wanders in and notices Doyle's sign.

"Oooh... dino rides!!!"

Wizzlefarb looks around and realizes people are expecting him to say something about his faction.

"Oh yeah, I agree with the others. The Silver Crusade is cool. What's could be better than trying to make the whole world a better place? I know most Crusaders have a well deserved reputation as holier-than-thou stick in the muds, but we're not all like that. Personally, I just try to make the world a little better by spreading laughter around."

Satisfied with his little speech, the gnome turns back to Doyle and the dinosaur excitedly.

"So can I get that ride now? I've never ridden a dino before!"

Shadow Lodge

Me no join new factun! Me are loyal ta Grandmaster Torch!!! Torch are me mentor!


one who hangs in the shadows of the shadow lodge or once did should joing the new gang of thieves the sczarni

Silver Crusade

Mash wrote:

Me no join new factun! Me are loyal ta Grandmaster Torch!!! Torch are me mentor!

Gently takes a cookie, holds it out in front of mash and slowly tries to walk mash over to the andoran table

"They can probably direct your energies towards something destructive... that needs something constru.. they have beer"

he smiles at the gnome and helps him up onto the saddle. He pats the raptor on the rump, and is promptly bitten on the hand. He winces and sucks the blood off of one finger, growling in draconic

"Ok ok, PLEASE take him once around the garden SL..." a green streeked blur shoots out the window and down the side of the wall. "..Owly."

Shadow Lodge

A bulky, loping half-orc stretches out in his chair at a nearby table, his crossbow and other various hunting equipment spread out on the table and nearby chair.

"Well shit. It figures I just manage to make it hear and what happens? I hear tell Torch is closing his doors. Well don't fret topsiders, we've still got a few months at least before the organization folds, we might as well give em hell while we've still got the legs to do it.

Second I don't think old Torch is just going to roll over and let the shadow fall away. You know what I think? I think the crafty little pale skin will finally manage to get himself an in with the Decemvirate and just segway his work, our work into a legitimate wing of the grand lodge itself and we'll be back where we belong.

In the end lets not call this the end of the lodge, lets call it the beginning of our legitimacy in the society we all have fought so hard to straighten out and the beginning of Torch's ascent into the 10."

*Raises a tankard*

"To the Lodge and to the future Decemvirate member Torch!"

Silver Crusade

Raises up his clay mug of milk

To Mr Torch, trying to keep us as safe as you can be from the digestive systems of the things between us and knowledge.

You know, with all his false identities I'd really be disappointed if he was less than three decemvirate members by now...

Silver Crusade


Wizzlefarb screams in delight as he holds on for dear life to the velociraptor running around outside.

OOC: Wizzlefarb has 14 intelligence and the gift of tongues gnome racial trait that lets him learn 2 new languages for every rank in linguistics, so he's already up to 9 languages at level 2, including draconic.

Having heard Doyle talking to the creature in draconic, Wizzlefarb does the same, babbling rapidly as they run around the yard.

"So you understand draconic speech, eh? That makes you the smartest dinosaur I've ever met. Come to think of it, you're the only dinosaur I've ever met. But I'm pretty sure most velociraptor's don't understand any type of languages, so you must be pretty smart for a dino."

Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

"So do you give people rides a lot? I seem to be riding on others a lot lately. Just last week, I was on a Pathfinder mission where we found ourselves in water that was as tall as I am, which is about waist high on the humans and elf. So I ended up riding on the shoulders of one of the stronger humans in our group for a couple of minutes until we got out of that wet mess."

"Is your halfling friend a druid or something that can communicate with you? And can you speak back, because this is an awfully one sided conversation so far. My name's Wizzlefarb. What's yours?"

The gnome finally stops talking as the dinosaur returns to Doyle inside, and Wizzlefarb climbs off his back. He waits expectantly for the raptor to answer his question, and when he doesn't, Wizzlefarb continues talking to the dinosaur in draconic.

"Well, thanks for the ride. That was fun!"

Shadow Lodge

Posting as 'The Kid' a 9 year old deaf and lame boy who is often seen around the Grand Lodge and if asked swears that he is a pathfinder and has the mission reports to back it up since Venture Officers can't use aliases. 'The Kid' doesn't seem to do much but missions that he is on have a higher than normal success rate.

The shenanigans of the expo is greeted with a deep sigh, "No one here makes me want to join their team."

He looks wistfully out of the window.

For people with perceptions modifiers higher than +30:

'The kid' is a very well disguised halfling (disguise modifier of +40 using no magic for the disguise resulting in a daily disguise check of 50).

Silver Crusade

I want to swear; to be polite, I won't.
I joined with Torch since I believed in him, to show the world we aren't like Aspis goons. The Shadow Lodge has people full of vim, breaking down this cult of sin and runes.But where to go when Torch is with the Ten? I like the dark; crusading's not my style. I won't be seen among the Szcarni's men, and Ambrus Valsin won't respect my guile. The Paracountess grates across my nerves, and I'm unsure about democracy; while Taldor's time is far behind the curve, Quadiran wealth is not my cup of tea.

...Sorry. I tend to lapse into verse sometimes. It's how I cope. I guess if Torch isn't replacing a retiring member of the Ten, then I could always become one of those amateur Osirionologists. Caladrel, Face, thank you for your suggestions. Though you must neither have practiced any public speaking, you were persuasive enough for me.

Scarab Sages

I feel like I've only just joined in and I hear the doors are closing...Torch was an inspiration to me. I've seen fellows fall, and only he and he his crew seemed to care. I'm not sure where to go from here. Who do I follow, in a world that leaves you behind when you walk on your own? Do I simply take orders from those who we have watched with suspicion? Do I fall to pettiness and theivery for a few extra coins? Or do I further the goals of a nation I care nothing for?

*sighs and looks around the room*

Perhaps freedom? Or should I make a show of being a loyal lacky of the Decemivrate to keep a better eye on them from the inside? For now I will simply be the wallflower, seen but unnoticed in the fading shadow.

*sits in the back, playing a simple and forgettable tune on her harp*

Scarab Sages

An elf comes into the room, a cake balanced on one hand as he strokes his beard with the other. He surveys the room, sees the Osirion sign, and puts the cake down near it.

"Eh? What's that? Oh, it is cherry cake with raspberry icing, the scarab is make of chocolate, the sun is a blob of lemon icing." He looks to the others. "Oh!! You want to know what faction to join. I suggest the Osirion faction. Knowledge never hurts, you know. Have you heard of the reward of Groetus?" He slaps the nose of the Dino.

"No, you great teething lizard..." He stops, looking at the sign. He looks to Doyle. "My turn?" He smiles, the beard not quite hiding his glee at risking life and limb to ride a dino.

about the beard:
Easy perception to notice that the beard is fake, with hooks around the ears to keep it on.

Grand Lodge

Can I have a piece of that cake my good Elf

Grand Lodge

Aurenus Goladius wrote:
Can I have a piece of that cake my good Elf

[b]It is easy to the the musket sticking out of his heavy cloak.

Scarab Sages

"Elf?!? Elf!! Who are you calling an elf.. oh, I keep forgetting. Blasted elf form, I so wish I was still a gnome." He pats himself, and hands him a cake knife. "You can do the honors, I am gonna ride me a Dino."

Silver Crusade

Kuro Poe wrote:

Urgh, this is depressing *kraaaaaw*

The last time I felt this rotten was the New Society Idol singing competition for new recruit bards. My ears ached for a month.

Factions, eh? Who needs 'em!

*kicks dust with his claws*

"Perhaps if you value honor and pride, ka, you can join with us in the Silver Crusade, ka? We have much the same goals, ka, as the Lantern Lodge, Ka."

Grand Lodge

Have an good ride my friend.

*At that Aurenus takes the knife and begins to expertly cut the cake it perfect pieces then takes a piece and swallows it almost whole.*

Grand Lodge

Ive been doing myself some thinking about that Silver Crusade of yours and I believe I'll be joining you soon after my brothers death their has been little for me in the grand lodge and I need to forget about him this cakes helping a little though.

*Takes another piece of cake as a tear starts to stream down his face.*

The Exchange

A thin, wiry man of unimpressive visage and little personal majesty sits in quiet contemplation upon the words his peers have spoken. He clearly bears some slight planar heritage, and wears a simple monk's attire and straw rice hat. One of the few noteworthy features of the man is the nearly two-dozen ioun stones which are implanted in his flesh along his neck, arms, and chest in patterns of arcane or religious significance. Those who take interest in Pathfinder politics might recognize him by that notable countenance as Venture-Captain Master Solail.

"Take heart, my friends. There is no shame in feeling displaced by what seems soon to transpire. It is the nature of history to change course, and we find ourselves upon the precipice of it's ever turning wheel.", he says serenely.

Turning to face Nunspa, Miyomi, and Reynard, he offers heartfelt words. "Though I am not a member of your Lodge, I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with Grandmaster Torch on two occasions. He dealt with myself and my peers openly and fairly, and for this he has my respect. I understand that you value his leadership and wish to continue working with him. As Reynard has said, you need not be party to a specific affiliation to pay honor to his legacy and strive to uphold his values. Remember that his ideals and those of your Lodge shall endure through your actions."

He pauses briefly before going on. "I too struggle with where to place myself in the pending absence of the Lantern Lodge. Though I carry Tian Xia with me wherever I travel, there was a comfort in sharing ideology and etiquette with those who also cared to see our home prosper and gain enlightenment."

"I find the ideology and goals of Sczarni antithetical too my own, and would know no solace in the lacking prospect of finding noble or self-perfecting purpose in their number. Likewise, the penchant for devil worship and slavery that is prevalent within Cheliax is not ideology I can support, and actively oppose."

"I would hear the words of those who support Andoran, Osirion, Qadira, The Silver Crusade, and Taldor if they would speak them, however. If there are any who would speak further of the goals and aspirations of these five, I will listen. If my presence shall bear no greater good within these Lodges, then I shall place myself at the disposal of the society in general by serving in the Grand Lodge."

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