Overbearing GM's and Character sheets.

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I recently left a Pathfinder game due to the GM's continual need to be right and correct bogging the game play down. No matter what anyone did the rules had to be consulted and followed exactly unless it was decided they should be ignored cause they were to "ambiguous". this included bloodline abilities!

I sent an e-mail as per request of the GM who said "oh sorry to lose you wish you were staying" never once asking why i was leaving. The GM then requested me to turn in my character, that yes i created. I figured my lack of response to this request would make my position clear.

However, the GM is being very insistent on me handing my character over so that the game can continue. The GM is continually calling and coming over to my residence uninvited. I am trying to keep things "civil" but this behavior is bordering on harassment! Especially when I am trying to recover from a bad lung infection.

Although i have googled it i can't find an answer to these questions:

1)Do I have to hand over my character?

2)Does intellectual copyright extend to rpg character creation, within the framework of the gaming system?
(example of what i mean, the gm can demand but i am not legally required to hand over my character sheet but if Paizo says "gimme" i do have to give it to them kinda thing is what i was thinking).

Thanks to everyone in advance. if someone can direct me to another thread if this has already been covered, great! if not, any place where this topic has been touched on would be fab as well!

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1. No. Of course not. A normal GM would try to get it to run it as an NPC before it fades out, but a normal GM would also give up after a while and just drop some rocks or retcon something.

2. Probably not, but it's not really relevant to your situation.

3. Have you said, "No. Go away."? Cause otherwise you can't blame the GM too much.

4. I wonder what the other side of the story is.

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Tell him to leave you the f&#~ alone. Use those exact words with as much force and anger as you can muster.

If he doesn't get the picture and keeps harassing you, take legal action (or at least threaten to).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Sounds like a pretty annoying fellow. However, we do have modern inventions like copying machines, so it's not as if his request is so difficult to fulfill.

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Some questions: Why didn't you tell him straight away what was bothering you? In my experience, if you don't tell someone how you feel, they don't know.
A lack of response could mean anything, maybe he took your silence as a "sure you can have it" or thought you didn't read it.
On the otherhand, he does sound annoying and out of line. You could, indeed tell him to go away, you could copy your charater sheet or give the statistics, I have no idea what the official rules about this are.

Since the situation itself is pretty wonky, I'll just continue down that road:

Who supplied the original blank character sheet in the first place?

Scarab Sages

Step 1: Take a blank character sheet
Step 2: In the slot "character name" inscribe the name of your character
Step 3: Fill out the rest so it at least look like your initial sheet.
Step 4: Next time that moron comes over to harass you, wave the sheet in front of his face while making sure he reads the character name.
Step 5: Destroy sheet (fire works well).

On a more serious note, you can either tell him in person or via phone or email or wichever prefered method that you do not want to relinquish the sheet (or lie and say you dont have it anymore). Furthermore that you are perceiving his behavior as harassment and that if necessary you will take legal recourse to expel him out of your life. Its called a restraining order and it has been keeping many people safe from other people for many years now. You might not like the idea of getting one but it is a better alternative to a physical altercation that could injure you or him or both and be coupled with accusations of assault and/or misdemeanor

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Heh, passive-aggressive vs agressive is always a poor strategy...

Tell him you have left the group and have no desire to continue to interact with the group and that you have no intention of continuing any conversation with him and if he doesn't stop bugging you, you'll take whatever action is required to get him to stop.

But honestly, you couldn't make a photocopy of your character sheet to give to him?

How much skin would that have actually taken off of your nose?

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pissedoffplayer wrote:
1)Do I have to hand over my character?

Absolutely, yes.

In fact, given that it sounds like some time has passed since you left the game, you may be hit with a fine for late delivery!

Your former DM is completely within his rights to show up at any time and verbally harass you in order to force you to hand over what is so clearly rightfully his.

As others have said, in a perfect world the DM would have said "Hey, I know you quit the game, but I'd like to NPC your character for awhile so I can wrap up some loose ends. Can I have a copy of your character sheet?"

Since that hasn't happened your options are to tell him "No, now stop bothering me about it." or "Sure, here's a printed/xeroxed copy of my character sheet." Just ignoring the guy is obviously not accomplishing what you want, regardless of his horrible behavior.

Of course, we don't live in a perfect world, but rather one with GMs like this guy or the one one of my players used to have who liked to kill off PCs and then literally tear apart and eat their character sheets.

Damn it, someone hacked Betts' account, again.

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or YOU could just deal with the individual like an adult and talk directly to him.

But I'm sure this anonymous post on a message board will do the trick instead.

Personally I think this is a case of TWO people behaving like children.

/washes hands of it...

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One time James Jacobs showed up at my front door demanding copies of all my Pathfinder character sheets since 2008, in triplicate, one set per character level. I told him I'd been a little lax in my record-keeping and maybe some of it got lost in one of those weird Southern California flash floods.

One week later I found my tires slashed.

Thanks, Obama.

Silver Crusade

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Technically, NO. You don't have to hand over your character.

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This is just one of the reasons I love Hero Lab. I've had players leave, and I still need their characters to finish a narrative arc. With Hero Lab I just print a new sheet, and away we go.

A few people have said it, but I'll echo. This whole scenario smacks of people behaving like children. Speak to each other like adults, tell each other exactly what you want and why you want it. I'm guessing the whole fiasco could be ended quickly with a little civil discourse.

MendedWall12 wrote:

This is just one of the reasons I love Hero Lab. I've had players leave, and I still need their characters to finish a narrative arc. With Hero Lab I just print a new sheet, and away we go.

A few people have said it, but I'll echo. This whole scenario smacks of people behaving like children. Speak to each other like adults, tell each other exactly what you want and why you want it. I'm guessing the whole fiasco could be ended quickly with a little civil discourse.

Hear, hear!

Shadow Lodge

1. Tell the guy why you are leaving. Maybe he doesn't realize that he's being overbearing. He can't work to correct it if he doesn't know about it. Given that you said you are trying to recover from an illness, he probably assumes that is why you are leaving.

2. No, you don't have to turn your character sheet over to him. But it's always been fairly standard practice in groups I've played with that, upon leveling up (and more frequently if so desired), a player gives the GM a copy of their character sheet. After all, it's a lot easier for a GM to tailor adventures to the party if he knows what the party can do.

3. Tell the guy to chill out. Or just give him a copy of the sheet. It gets him off your back, and I don't really see any downside. So what if he maims your "intellectual property". You don't plan on gaming with him again, so it won't ever affect you.

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While usually I would condone that as the best strategy, when someone repeatedly shows up to your house unwanted and uninvited and proceeds to be an obnoxious ass about something wholly insignificant, "talk to him like an adult" is out of the question.

At that point it is time to be very direct, and very loud about what is and is not socially acceptable. Harassing someone in their home about a sheet of paper is not.

The easiest solution is to just send him a copy of your character sheet. If he feels some authority that he needs to take it away from you for him to have then tell him to f&$~ off.

Scarab Sages

Rynjin steals the words from my mouth

Put another vote in for talking to him like an adult.

If that doesn't work, there's always the option of feeding him to the Elder Gods.

No, after reading Cobalt's post -- I was gonna say restraining order, but Elder God Snack sounds much more reasonable.

[/sarcastic humor]

Seriously, he has no claim over your character. While I might assert that your handling of this parting of ways might not have been perfect... nobody is perfect.

His continuing harassment is NOT OK.


Did the DM say beforehand that characters belong to the campaign, for continuity's sake? If so, you should hand it in. If not, he has no right to retroactively require something to which you didn't agree.

And showing up at your place to harass and badger you is beyond ridiculous.

Jaelithe wrote:
And showing up at your place to harass and badger you is beyond ridiculous.

So get your own badger and counter-badger him when he comes over.

Silver Crusade

Clarence the Badger wrote:
Jaelithe wrote:
And showing up at your place to harass and badger you is beyond ridiculous.
So get your own badger and counter-badger him when he comes over.

Not unless he has 'Counter-Badger' written on his character sheet.

pissedoffplayer wrote:
1)Do I have to hand over my character?

If your GM wrote the whole thing for you on his paper with his ink and was letting you borrow his paper, you might be obligated to return that particular sheet of paper.

If you wrote the character yourself on your own paper, it's your property and you can do anything you like with it. If you want to hand it over, you can do so. If you want to frame it and hang it on your wall, you can do so. If you want to burn it ... check with your local fire department about burning season.

pissedoffplayer wrote:

2)Does intellectual copyright extend to rpg character creation, within the framework of the gaming system?

(example of what i mean, the gm can demand but i am not legally required to hand over my character sheet but if Paizo says "gimme" i do have to give it to them kinda thing is what i was thinking).

You have an immediate Copyright (you are the owner of the Copyright) on everything you write, just as soon as your pen touches the paper.

However, in the case of a derivative work, the Copyright belongs to the Copyright holder of the original work. (i.e.: If you write a story that featured Captain Kirk and Spock as the main characters, the owner of the Copyright for Star Trek would also own the Copyright on your story.)

So, by default, if you used Paizo material, they would own the Copyright to your character. However, Paizo has licensed their material to you under the Open Game License (OGL). It means you are allowed to re-use parts of their material (i.e.: the Pathfinder rules) in order to create derivative works.

So if you made your character using Pathfinder rules, you certainly own the Copyright on that character. (Assuming you didn't just copy it straight out of an Adventure Path .. in which case, you'd be using non-OGL material, and then you wouldn't own the character.)

If that is your original character that you invented, and you used only OGL material (i.e.: virtually all of the Pathfinder rules), then the Copyright is 100% yours, and nobody can take it away from you.

pissedoffplayer wrote:
However, the GM is being very insistent on me handing my character over so that the game can continue. The GM is continually calling and coming over to my residence uninvited. I am trying to keep things "civil" but this behavior is bordering on harassment! Especially when I am trying to recover from a bad lung infection.

Screen your calls. You never have to answer your phone if you don't actually want to talk to the caller.

If the person shows up at your residence, tell them "Please leave immediately."
If they don't leave immediately, call the police. (Chances are you won't have to do this more than once.)

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Someone up there stated that they wondered what "the other side" was. I thought I'd let you all know. (And the former player, since she obviously has no interest in communicating with me directly.) And my apologies that this seems to have gone public.

pissedoffplayer wrote:

I sent an e-mail as per request of the GM who said "oh sorry to lose you wish you were staying" never once asking why i was leaving.

There was no need to ask you why you were leaving. Your email clearly stated why. To quote directly from your email, "I have not been enjoying myself for several months and feel it is time to find something else to do."

See? No need to ask. And, as far as not saying "oh, sorry to lose you wish you were staying"...here is a quote directly from the email I sent to you in reply: "I am very sorry that you want to leave the game. I wish you'd stay, but you need to do what's right for you."

Way to go and tell only the parts of the story that YOU want to tell, that make YOU look good. And, by the way, I felt it VERY diplomatic of me to NOT point out in my email that you had only been to about 2 games in the past several months. (One in December, one in January, and you quit just before our first game in March. (And don't try saying there were a lot of cancelled games in there, because I've been keeping track, and NONE of those were cancelled.)

No wonder you weren't having fun...you weren't showing up!!!

pissedoffplayer wrote:

The GM then requested me to turn in my character, that yes i created. I figured my lack of response to this request would make my position clear.

A "lack of response" does not make a position clear. Especially in your case. There have been times when you were unreachable for weeks that, when I finally got a hold of you, you were like "Oh, you finally called when I was home!" or "Oh, I went up to visit so-and-so."

pissedoffplayer wrote:

However, the GM is being very insistent on me handing my character over so that the game can continue.

First, I'm not being very insistent you hand over the character sheet. I'm being PERSISTENT in trying to get a hold of you. By ignoring me (thanks for letting me know that's what you were doing), you set yourself up for this perceived harassment. If you've a problem with this, it's of your own doing, not mine.

Why am I being so persistent? "So that the game can continue." That's very correct, and my only reason. Since you have left and your boyfriend has been kicked out (for not showing up to two games in a row without even the courtesy of emailing to say he wouldn't be there), the party is left with a fighter, a wizard/monk (primarily monk), and an alchemist/rogue/fighter. No real magic to speak of, and no healing.

Furthermore, I want to go over the equipment and make sure you weren't carrying anything that needs to stay with the group for the sake of the campaign. And, if I remember correctly, you made off with some pretty choice items at the last treasure split that someone who IS still in the group paid for (at least partially). That person deserves something, I think.

pissedoffplayer wrote:

I am trying to keep things "civil" but this behavior is bordering on harassment! Especially when I am trying to recover from a bad lung infection.

How does ignoring me keep things civil? How does not bothering to answer the phone, emails, or messages keep things civil? How does assuming I KNOW you have a bad lung infection (instead of TELLING me about it) keep things civil?

I'm simply trying to do what's best for the group. I told you in an email THREE DAYS before game day I wanted/needed your character so we could play...it's now nearly a WEEK AFTER game day, and not a peep from you.

As I stated already, any harassment here is solely perceived by you.

pissedoffplayer wrote:

1)Do I have to hand over my character?

No, of course you don't HAVE to. Anymore than you HAVE to answer your phone or emails. It would be nice of you. It would be courteous. It would show that maybe you think of others as well as yourself. But at this point, I don't give a *@&^ anymore. Keep the damn thing, I'll roll up an NPC cleric and sorcerer for the party to continue. I'll come up with something to give the guy you owe money to. I'll see what I can do about making things more fair with the party. In short, I'll take care of all your responsibilities in this matter, and you can continue living in whatever world you seem to live in, care-free.

Your perceived harassment is over. I will not be attempting to contact you by any means from this point forward.

Your former GM

pissedoffplayersGM wrote:
First, I'm not being very insistent you hand over the character sheet. I'm being PERSISTENT in trying to get a hold of you. By ignoring me (thanks for letting me know that's what you were doing), you set yourself up for this perceived harassment. If you've a problem with this, it's of your own doing, not mine.

"You're not acting the way that I want you to act, so you've brought my actions upon yourself." (See also: Victim blaming)

*makes popcorn*

Wow, drama. Unfortunately, this happens all too often. However, as everyone knows, the airing of grievances can be done just once a year, during Festivus. Get out the aluminum pole from the crawlspace.

Seriously though, couldn't this all have been handled differently?

1) Player leaves game, takes character sheet
2) E-mail exchange - Cool, whatever.
3) Find new player(s), DM PC, or just put the game on hiatus for a while until things cool down. Resume where you left off, handwave the details, continue to roll dice and have fun.

All hail the GM who puts ranks in Diplomacy, a skill all too often underutilized in this day and age.

FuriousPhil wrote:

Seriously though, couldn't this all have been handled differently?

1) Player leaves game, takes character sheet
2) E-mail exchange - Cool, whatever.
3) Find new player(s), DM PC, or just put the game on hiatus for a while until things cool down. Resume where you left off, handwave the details, continue to roll dice and have fun.

That is pretty much exactly what I was trying to do. Unfortunately, a lack of communication made all of THIS *waves hands* happen. I'm just really sorry that she seems to be willing to throw away a friendship of nearly 20 years over this.

BTW, I want to apologize for the public airing of all of this. It should never have been public, it should have been handled better, and it wasn't. :(

I owe my former player an apology... I misread something in her message above, where she said "the GM who said 'oh sorry to lose you wish you were staying'". I misread that as her saying I never said that. My mistake, my apologies. :(

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A couple of points...

1) She did not exactly made this public. As I doubt pissedoffplayer or pissedoffplayerGM are your actual names...if their are...than your parents are stranger than Moonbeam's parents.

2) My opinion is both sides could have handled this situration alot better. Either apologize to each other...or ignore each other, but realize you both made mistakes.

3) The whole Copyright of characters thing I kinda find amusing. Unless either are going to write a book about the character that it is really unimportant.

If either you are it still does not keep one or the other from using said character in private game. Anymore than who ever owns the rights to the Predator creature from movie can tell me I can't stat it up for PF and not use in a private game. Atleast I don't think they can.

I actualy do have a GM that plans on publishing his Champions World as a campaign setting. And chances are he might use serveral and all my characters in doing so. As I don't plan on writting a novel about them...and even if I did I am sure we can work something out...my attitude is Cool. All I asked him if he can give me a little credit for the character...not because I want money...more because I would love to see my name in print someplace.

Kalshane wrote:

As others have said, in a perfect world the DM would have said "Hey, I know you quit the game, but I'd like to NPC your character for awhile so I can wrap up some loose ends. Can I have a copy of your character sheet?"

Since that hasn't happened your options are to tell him "No, now stop bothering me about it." or "Sure, here's a printed/xeroxed copy of my character sheet." Just ignoring the guy is obviously not accomplishing what you want, regardless of his horrible behavior.

Of course, we don't live in a perfect world, but rather one with GMs like this guy or the one one of my players used to have who liked to kill off PCs and then literally tear apart and eat their character sheets.

Wow. Did he have a favorite bbq sauce or sidedish he enjoyed eating while he did that? :)

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I do enjoy the irony that pissedoffplayer is annoyed that their GM is following them around in real life, and that their GM followed them to the forums right after.

Dark Archive

Utterly odd. I will stick to play by posts I think.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

As always, actually seeing the other side of the argument is illuminating.

Nimon wrote:

Utterly odd. I will stick to play by posts I think.


Eh, wish I liked/was more competent with the virtual scene; if I were, I'd agree with you wholeheartedly.

Alas, pretty much doomed to analog gaming. Le sigh.


Is this for real?

Two brand new forum accounts spring to life suddenly to b*!~* about each other??? Either these are alts or this is faked. And why use an alt if this is real? I see nothing to be embarrassed about...

If it is real then um... no an unpublished character has no copyright protection and you don't have to hand it in if you don't feel like it.

PS: Ignoring a guy never works trust me I have tried it. It just makes them more desperate. I am not sure why you didn't show up to games but it sounds like leaving was the correct step you obviously weren't enjoying gaming with these people. Next time just tell him no the first time he tries to contact you. That should stop his attention.

As for mr GM... If she is avoiding you it probably means stay away. She seems like a casual gamer based on her attendance so I am not sure how important her character could have been to the group. And why ask for her sheet NOW?! If she was that important to have a sheet for then why didn't you need it during all those game days she missed?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I don't know about everyone else, but I love it when passive-aggressive personalities try to work out their differences on message boards under aliases of their message board aliases.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
John Kretzer wrote:

A couple of points...

1) She did not exactly made this public. As I doubt pissedoffplayer or pissedoffplayerGM are your actual names...if their are...than your parents are stranger than Moonbeam's parents.

2) My opinion is both sides could have handled this situration alot better. Either apologize to each other...or ignore each other, but realize you both made mistakes.

The real moral of this story...don't pass judgement on someone else's game or marriage when you hear only one side of the story. And try to avoid judgement even when you hear both.

As a GM I always make it a point to keep uptodate copies of everyone's character sheets, both for mutual protection. (As sometimes the Dog WILL eat your sheet) and to keep things going if a player can't make it for some reason. Everything else on this thread I'll leave in the Thee Said/Thou said category.

magnuskn wrote:
As always, actually seeing the other side of the argument is illuminating.

No it really does not. Humens in general make bad whitnesses when the even is not contentious. When it is contentious it is even worse.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
John Kretzer wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
As always, actually seeing the other side of the argument is illuminating.
No it really does not. Humens in general make bad whitnesses when the even is not contentious. When it is contentious it is even worse.

So you prefer only hearing one side of a conflict over both sides?

magnuskn wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
As always, actually seeing the other side of the argument is illuminating.
No it really does not. Humens in general make bad whitnesses when the even is not contentious. When it is contentious it is even worse.
So you prefer only hearing one side of a conflict over both sides?

Or don't believe anything without video evidence? While I agree that humans aren't the most reliable of witnesses, they are often the only available ones.

Beyond the normal behavioral stuff, there's an additional lesson to be learned here for GMs.

After every level up get a copy of the character sheets.


Just get a copy of his sheet over email and be done with this.

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another_mage wrote:
"You're not acting the way that I want you to act, so you've brought my actions upon yourself." (See also: Victim blaming)

Really? "If you had told me you were intentionally ignoring me, instead of just being hard to reach like you always have been in the past, then I would have left you alone" is victim blaming?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
kyrt-ryder wrote:

Beyond the normal behavioral stuff, there's an additional lesson to be learned here for GMs.

After every level up get a copy of the character sheets.

I've just begone that practice a few weeks ago, by making Paizo-style statblocks of the player characters at every level. Not for fear that one might leave, but just for the fun of having an archive which lasts even after the campaign is over. :)

@Magnuskn & Bearded Ben: Oh it helps...but not that much. Especialy just via texct based communication. If you are present you can pick up on visual cues and such.

But it still not enough (for me atleast) to judge who is in the wrong or not. It does not changer my advice one bit...which is either apologize to each other and talk it out...or forget it and move on. Life is too short to chew over vomit.

Dark Archive

Or just get a copy of Hero Lab, and um make all the NPCs/Characters ect you want in a matter of mins.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
John Kretzer wrote:

@Magnuskn & Bearded Ben: Oh it helps...but not that much. Especialy just via texct based communication. If you are present you can pick up on visual cues and such.

But it still not enough (for me atleast) to judge who is in the wrong or not. It does not changer my advice one bit...which is either apologize to each other and talk it out...or forget it and move on. Life is too short to chew over vomit.

Determining who is right or wrong is almost never easy, anyway. But just hearing a one-sided recount of a conflict will leave you ( as one can see from many of the replies above ) needlessly biased towards one side.

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