Bender is great |

This is a thread to share your favorite super-amazing character. I have friends that love to make some ridiculous stuff that is almost cheesy, but isn't. Example: in another rules system, there was a character called Dang. He wielded a glave, and could hit anything within 15 feet. He also had whirlwind attack and great cleave (this was before cleaving was its own action.) So Dang would spin around in a big circle and kill most everything whiten a 15 foot radius from him. (this could still be done with improved cleaving finish)

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She climbed a Blackstone Gigant to had our NPC ally a Ring of Freedom of Movement so he could escape. She speed-climbed down a cliff to leap across a chasm to catch a PC that had been thrown off the edge. Deflected prismatic rays with her stone glaive she had crafted herself using stone shape. Froze a dragon with Touch of Golden Ice.
A lot of good times were had.

Failed Saving Throw |

Vow of Poverty, Celestial Druid. Absolutely horrifically broken. I had to houserule the hell out of the guy as we went along because the stuff he was able to pull out of his backside was truly ridiculous. I think we know by now that the Vow of Poverty Druid is one of the more notoriously broken builds and the bane of any DM who allowed access to all books in 3.5.
One thing I remember clearly is how badly broken the Fleshraker companion was. It's from the MM3 and I believe is CR 4 or 5, so a druid can get it as a companion at quite a low level. Check out what it does:
Attack: Claw +6 melee (1d6+3 and poison)
Full Attack: 2 claws +6 melee (1d6+3 plus poison) and bite +1 melee (1d6+1) and tail +1 melee (1d6+1 plus poison)When a fleshraker charges, it leaps high into the air above its prey, attempting to knock it to the ground. This ability functions much like the pounce special attack. However, a fleshraker’s incredible jumping ability makes its leaping pounce particularly deadly. When a fleshraker charges a foe, it can make a full attack, including one rake attack. If a fleshraker successfully hits and damages a target of its size or smaller that it pounces on during a charge, it can make a free trip attack without provoking attacks of opportunity. If the fleshraker wins the opposed trip check, it can make an immediate grapple check. If it succeeds, the opponent is considered grappled and pinned on the ground beneath the fleshraker. On each subsequent round, the fleshraker can deal automatic claw and rake damage with a successful grapple check against a pinned opponent.
If a fleshraker fails the opposed trip check, it cannot be tripped in return. If it successfully trips its opponent but fails the subsequent grapple check, the opponent is still prone in the fleshraker’s square, but it is not grappled or pinned.Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 14, initial damage 1d6 Dex, secondary damage 1d6 Dex. The save DC is Constitution-based.
So you have this ridiculous little velociraptor that can attack four times in a round, grapple and deliver Dexterity damage, which quickly gimps many foes at that level. I had to ban it pretty fast because to balance things out, the monsters I'd have to throw at the party ran too high of a risk of TPK'ing them.
Oh, I forgot that later the dude picked up the Ashbound Summoning feat, from one of the Eberron splats I believe. This transformed him into a super-summoner capable of whipping out over-buffed elementals at the drop of a hat.
Overall sometimes it was fun to see what the guy came up with, but at the end of the day he was pretty much a spergy min-maxer intent on pushing what he could get away with.

ParagonDireRaccoon |
Half Gold Dragon Krynn Minotaur Wiz 3/Cleric of Kiri-Jolith 3/ Mystic Theurge 3 named Dr. Thog. Not a PC, an NPC designed in case a "fight a dragon" adventure got out of hand. Dr. Thog was designed to have Wingbind as a 3rd level spell, and have some handy scrolls (passwall in particular). But with +12 to strength and +5 to natural armor (combining 3.5 half-dragon and minotaur bonuses), he could tank.

3.5 Loyalist |

In a game based around fighting mostly unintelligent undead and necs, I took a scout. I buffed his speed up high via feats and the class abilities, and from using that movement Skadi the swift could engage and retreat from much slower foes, flee if he had to, drag opponents away from a combat and then back to the waiting party. So op for that setting. Also had a terrible dex and ac, but used wisdom to shoot (thanks to a feat), high wisdom and strength scout.
Also had a knight/cavalier, a cavight that by spending a swift and a move, could bring two challenges into play. Then bam with the mace! Dm tried new sunder rules, cavight broke a lot of limbs.

Charender |

Mine were both 3.5 characters.
Ebberon campaign - We had an artificer, and I was an archer cleric with the 3.5 travel domain(the most powerful domain by a long shot) and trickery domain(hide skill + invisibility spells), and the traveller's dragonmark(movement and teleporting SLAs). The campaign wrapped up around level 13, by that time I could teleport twice ber day, dimension door several times per day, greater invisibility, enhanced movement speed, and had self buffs like stacking divine favor and divine power that lasted for 24 hours. I was easily putting out 100+ damage per round, and that was just the brokenness that was clerics in 3.5. What was really cheesy was that the original 3.5 rules were fuzzy on if spell storing enchant could be used on ranged weapon ammunition, so my DM allowed me to make +1 spellstoring arrows. I had arrows with inflict serious, cold iron arrows with cure serious for fighting undead, adamantine arrows hat the artificer would put the the construct version of inflict serous wounds, and a few special arrows with shatter. I could only do it for a couple of rounds per day, but the damage output was just insane. There were lots of large scale battles, and our standard battle plan was for the party to draw fire from the enemy rank and file while I ported around killing off high value targets. It wasn't unusual for me to teleport onto enemy airships, raise a ruckus one place to draw the soldiers away from my targets, then teleport into the control room, and put a shatter arrow right into the ship controls. How many rank an file soldiers can survive a 20d6 fall? The last battle of that campaign ended with me putting 3 airships out of commission, and dropping an epic level warforged juggernaut who was wading across the battlefield to kill a key NPC. The whole battle lasted about 8 rounds.
The second broken character I made revolved around a very ill defined forgotten Realms spell called Handfire. It was a level 1 druid spell that would last until the charges were dispelled. It did 1d4 + 1/2 caster level damage, and had 1 charge per caster level. So as a level 7 druid, I was casting it on myself, and sharing it with my tiger pet. Pounce, pounce gave us 10 attacks total, and every natural attack that hit would also release a charge of the spell. So all the brokenness of a fully buffed 3.5 druid and companion plus 1d4 + 3 to 6 damage per hit. There was one fight against a nasty giant that I think the DM was expecting us to run from level 6, but I ended up two rounding him by myself. We quickly revised the rules on Handfire after that to something a bit more sane.

GM_Beernorg |

Half-Orc Knight/Cavalier pretty event stats, nothing better than 16. However mounted combat was insane. Got myself a black unicorn horn lance (killed the beast myself in single combat) which on ONLY change attacks was 3d12 base damage. Had spirited charge, which then stacked with deadly charge from the 3.5 cavalier prestige class. best damage on a charge attack 234 in on blow, and never did get a crit charge. but there is nothing like 3d12+3 dmg x6. I will mention that the character did not use ANY magic items. No stat buffs or +'s, just straight up feat and class num num's.

GM_Beernorg |
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I forgot to mention Ser Beernog (yes this character is my avatar name) also had a dog, started as a normal dog. used handle animal to train him for war, just a good old Irish Wolfhound war dog. During game, dog gained powers. Got a bond from us saving a unicorn (nature tattoo, gave both of us nat AC buff). The most insane part was not my doing however. Another PC (dwarven paladin) contracted lycanthropy, then via his god gave the disease to my dog. However one asks, what happens when a dog is given lycanthropy, answer, hes gets a bunch of stat buffs, gets way to smart, and turns into a dude on the full moon. Lastly Squire (yes that was the dogs name) was able to grow to large size if he wished. The best part of this is as a dog, Squire disarmed a gnome with a rifle, smashed the gun into the ground, it went off, and shot the gnome. He summarily surrendered.
We wont even talk about how the horse Ser Beernorg gained in the first session eventually became a winged horse (again not my doing) Thus we ended up with a Knight7/cavalier10 with a super intelligent were human war dog and a flying horse that started as a cart horse.

Rynjin |

Perhaps not cheesy, or very complicated, but has the capability to be "broken" as long as he doesn't need to save against anything mind affecting.
Initiative: +4
AC: 24 (+10 armor, +1 Natural Armor, +1 Deflection +2 Dex), Touch AC: 12
HP: 125 (10d10+70)
Saves: Fort: 14, Ref: 5, Will: 0
Traits: Reactionary (+2 Initiative), Eyes and Ears of the City
Languages: Common, Orc
Senses: Darkvision 60 feet, Perception +11 (10 ranks)
Str: 24
Dex: 14
Con: 24
Int: 5
Wis: 5
Cha: 5
Melee: +3 Earthbreaker +22/+17 (2d6+17), Power Attack: +19/+14 (2d6+26)
Ranged: Big Rock +12/+7 (1d8+7) [Lol idk maybe]
1.) Endurance
1.) Weapon Focus: Earthbreaker
2.) Power Attack
3.) Diehard
4.) Weapon Specialization: Earthbreaker
5.) Ironhide
6.) Combat Reflexes
7.) Deathless Initiate
8.) Greater Weapon Focus
9.) Deathless Master
10.) Furious Focus
Gear: +3 Earthbreaker, Belt of Physical Perfection +4, +1 Full Plate, Ring of Protection +1
Skills: Perception +11 (10 ranks)
Class Features: Bravery, Armor Training, Weapon Training (Hammers)

Daniel Chaplik |

Many years ago, a friend of mine was running his very first Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Unfortunately for him, he decided that he would blend 3.0 material into a 3.5 campaign - primarily because he wanted to run an end-game where we would cross over into epic levels while also becoming gods as per the Deities and Demigods rules.
Unfortunately for him, he was also very gullible; and I can be very persuasive.
Originally, there were only thee of us playing in the campaign, with one of my friends running as an elven master of cinematic gunkata, and the other I believe a dwarven defender build? So I ended up running three separate characters; Luana, a NG cleric of healing/protection, Zilmarian, a LE drow rogue/wizard, and Ryshk'k, a CN gnoll barbarian. It was actually great fun, playing their personalities off of one another.
Ryshk'k quickly got a little out of hand, however. This friend of mine has a nasty habit of running "what's cool trumps what's fair," and I ended up with a gnoll barbarian capable of making, by the end of the campaign, 36 attacks per round. And mind you, each attack dropped an average of about 1,500 damage.
Most of this was various combinations of multi-weapon fighting, the Haste spell, and speed enchantments; remember when I said he ran by the Rule of Cool? I was able to have Girallon's Blessing made permanent on him, as well as Haste, and combine that with a Orc Double Axe that had Speed on either end, among other things. Add to this that when we became gods, he let us duplicate three items of our choice...
I think it really came into play how broken I had become as Ryshk'k when Zilmarian decided it was time to go for Lolth. By this point he had retrained out of rogue and become a full wizard, and had actually shifted over the course of the campaign into Lawful Good, so his intention was to take her down and set himself up as the new god of the Drow so that he could usher in their redemption as a race.
Unfortunately for my DM I had been gunning for Lolth even when I was a low-level hedge wizard and had spent the entire campaign secretely planing this fight. And it was that fight that really drove home how out of hand things had become. As per a VERY strict interpretation of the rules, I was able to convince him to let me open up a Gate on the back of her throne, just behind her; and with the surprise round I was awarded for shocking her with my blatant audacity, I let Ryshk'k reach through the gate and UNLOAD on her.
She was dead before I even rolled my fourth attack.
EDIT: OH GOD THE TYPOS. Oh well. I'm too tired to fix them right now.

Daniel Chaplik |
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The back of her chair should have been covered in the most deadly spiders in existence.
That would have been hilarious. I wish he was that quick-thinking a DM.
Of course, now that I think about it, it wouldn't have made a difference unless the spiders were a spell effect she cast or had divine ranks, because if I'm not mistaken, aren't gods immune to poison effects unless attacked by a higher rank deity, as per the Deities and Demigods rules?
Dare I ask how 1500 damage was managed, in fact, yes, I shall ask, how in the name of all that is good did you get 36 attacks a round and 1500 average damage?? I ask so I can NEVER let PC's do what ever it is.
You really don't have to worry, because, like I mentioned, a lot of what the guy let us do completely and FLAGRANTLY twisted, bent, and outright busted the rules system. I mean, haste and speed effects don't stack, fist of all. xD
In all honesty, though, a lot of it was the result of the many days I spent between sessions min-maxing what I could within the system we were using. Basically, Luana's sole purpose was to heal and buff the party, and Zilmarian had a fair number of buff spells as well; though the rest of his grimoire was AoE death effects. So before each combat, or as soon as I was able, they stepped up behind him and unloaded as many spell slots as I could figure onto him and tuned him into what I affectionately called "Combat Mode." STR and CON both in excess of 100, plus Pain Mastery to raise my STR even further as combat progressed.
As far as my attacks per round went, it was something like this.
1. As a BBN, my BAB at the time was four attacks at higher levels.
2. For multiweapon fighting, I gained three additional attacks (one for each of my three other arms). This put me at seven atks/rnd.
3. For improved multiweapon fighting, I gained three additional attacks. This put me at ten atks/rnd.
4. For greater multiweapon fighting, I gained three additional attacks. This put me at thirteen atks/rnd.
5. One of the spells Ryshk'k was always under in Combat Mode was Haste; this gave me one additional attack, for fourteen atks/rnd.
6. Since I was using a double weapon, I made sure to put speed on both ends since Cyrus let us stack it with Haste and with itself. This gave me an extra attack with both ends, putting me at sixteen atks/rnd.
7. When we became gods, the DM let us duplicate up to three magical items that each character possessed; I of COURSE chose my gorgeous double axe for one of mine! So I was now getting another two attacks per round for the speed enchantments on THAT axe, for 18 atks/rnd.
8. Lastly, some of our less martial characters in the campaign wanted to be more involved in combat, but their melee stats were of course not up to par with my BBN, my friend's archer, and, surprisingly enough, my other friend's ninja. So he let my wizard Zilmarian develop a spell that for a limited time allowed the subject to make twice as many attacks per round as it normally could...

Piccolo |

Normally, I deliberately avoid overly buff characters. I did, back in the AD&D 2nd ed days, run a sylvan elf by the name of Damrynth Dalarynth. He was a Fighter, with the Elven archer kit, had a 19 Str, 19 Dex, and 8 Con, with the minimum possible Cha. I made him a dick (didn't like humans), but also the closest thing to a Western movie gunslinger in attitude.
Mind you, that was back in the day when Strength had percentiles still. So he basically had the Strength of a Hill Giant, but Medium sized.
At first level, he could fire off one or two arrows at once, and completely wipe out 2 different targets (DM ruled the arrows were shattered).
In the end, he got dead for starting to like the lunatic dwarven battlerager (only had a 3 Wisdom, but a 18/00 Strength, and we watched him roll it!). Stayed behind to cover the dwarf when he taunted a gnoll hole, and once the resulting horde caught up to me, I started running as well. Died because I couldn't make the Con roll to continue running long distance.

Grizzly the Archer |

One of my broken 3.5 characters that I only got to run for a short while due to campaign ending, not my doing, was using some perks from the Tome of Battle. Also, pathfinder had just come out some time around then or after, so my DM allowed us to use what we wanted from pathfinder that was available. This was so if we ever converted over, which we did, it would be easier to get into.
Essentially a rogue/swashbuckler/monk(pathfinder)/shadow blade was able to use Dex towrds AC, hit, damage, and a few other buffs. Also, he used 2 kukri, TWF and used the lightning mace feat with the Aptitude weapon ability on the kukri. Throw in Robilars gambit, a blood in the water stance, whisper gnome race, And dark stalker feat, and you had the stealthiest little assassin this side of the continent. Getting 7+ base attacks before AoO, both normal occurring and forced by Robilars gambit, I was getting 15 attacks a round at some serious damage. This was of course only at level 10 or 12.

johnlocke90 |
In pathfinder, the best broken characters i have had are:
1) An undead Sorcerer, you max out charisma and have amazing health and saves. He was extremely tough.
2) Bloatmage wizard. You can prepare one spell in each spell slot then rely on bloat points if you want to cast a spell more than once per day. He was prepared for anything.

Ravingdork |

Many people think think that my characters are silly broken.

Ravingdork |

Some are pretty powerful, and all have a leg up on most other peoples' characters since they are 25-point buy.
I don't think very many of them are broken though (I'd say less than five are potentially disruptive to your typical campaign).

Grizzly the Archer |

Some of the builds are intersting, and some are what I call a specialist. A specialist type character typically is more powerful due to the focus spent on that specialty. Whether it be an ice witch, or a fast moving pouncing barbarian, if you spend the resources, it will pay off. All of them though can be run as an NPC and you wouldn't feel burdened with the task with how to run it, let alone create something similar. Many are self explanatory.
However, making them a higher point buy doesn't mean they are better. If people did the same thing and bumped it to 25 pts they'd do the same thing. They'd round out their weaknesses more, and improve their strengths, which is what higher point buys allow for. So to say they have a leg up, is only situational at best.
I will say though, that the builds RD has are quite powerful, even if not trying. Many players forget the overall impact of small resource improvements. Whether it be armor, CMB, defensive abilities, or speed, RD spends a lot of time on each one to get the most efficiency, use, or power out of the character. Also, little tricks or combos have been seen in a lot in his builds.
As for the 5 campaign shifters he mentioned, I'm not sure which ones, except maybe the hippo shifter for 300+ Dmg, if that one at all.

Painful Bugger |

Had a kobold sorceror survive drawing 1000 times from a deck of many things. It killed the game for the rest of the evening as we watched in amazement as my luck continued to persist and I grew monstrously powerful in a single evening.
At the end of it all I was level 57, had a little over 100 wishes, killed dozens of wraiths, no magic items, had an army of 4th level fighters that hated me, avoided many terrible situations by pure luck alone, all major outsider lords from the outer planes hating me, and a keep.

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I had two awesome monks:
- A fat hobo, qinggong drunken monk of the mountain's lotus. I drank liters of alcohol each day and never ran out of Ki. I had so much HP and good saves from drinking that even my 8 Dex and 14 Cha didn't make me suffer much in fight, and I was nearly unkillable thanks to high AC, DR, flurry of disarms/trips, new temporary HP each round whenever needed, AND the ability to spend Ki points when dying to recover HP.
I True Strike/Spring Attack/Disarm'd big baddies, and made the group's barbarian follow me just by running away with his greataxe whenever a disagreement occured. With Monkey Style, I fought several targets at once while prone, puking venom and holding my foes's precious magic weapons. I had a powder bag that converted foul substances into clear water, except it was the eau-de-vie kind of water, with a quality depending on the original material's level of impureties.
Elian Cordonnier, you will be remembered as a fat alcoholic monk-ey with a great charm, despite your bad breath, questionable hygiene, tendancy to puke lethal poisons, drink eau-de-vie from mysterious but disgusting origins, and eat the snacks you kept between your beads.
- A qinggong tetori monk wearing only a cloack, a belt, underpants and earrings. He bathed people in mud, made them run and keep a statue pose during hours as to grow their muscles. He was able to grapple frogemoths and krakens and actually win.
He once grappled a living tornado that teleport'd with him some dozens feets over the ground and threw him to his death, only for the monk to Dimension Door over it seconds before hitting the ground, dealing 46d6 fall damage, exploding the monster and falling back to his death. Death which would have occured if he didn't freaking ate the aluminium flask containing an extract of Fluid Form that he had in his belt (the sadistic DM ruled I survived and got back together as the T-1000, but also that I forgot everything that just happened in the impact). He once took on three dominated party members by himself : a THF, and a TWF ranger whose snake animal companion I used as a cord to tie them both. Once, he Dimension Door'd over three flesh golems, grappled them in the same round then suplex'd them three at once on the BBEG wizard's Force Wall to shatter his energy field under some tons of fresh meats (equaled only by my monk's iron balls). Humongous AC despite a 14 Dex, huge HP, and obscene saving throws that made people cringe.
Randy Nocho, you will always be remembered as the LG, simple man who walks around almost nude but lacks the subtility to understand that few people want to contemplate your has-been 80's action movie star's musculature and Dr. Manhattan profile... and as the guy who wrestles with giants, throws peoples out of cliffs and Ki Shout's on people that "the Saint Elian would not accept this".
Monks are awesome.

Big Lemon |

I'm in the most-broken =/= most fun camp. The only experience I ever had with a truly broken character was in a GM's Game we were running (where all the GMs that didnt get a chance to play otherwise played together).
Now, disclaimer: shortly after this we all came to realize this guy was an @$$ at and away from the table. It was a 12th leverl game and he (even though he wasn't running it) got the wealth to be set at 120,000gp for each person, which ended up being just enough for him to build a Wizard/Magus that maximixed 350 damage from lightening bolts of any type of damage that he could cast a basically limitless number of times per day.
It was a miracle if anyone else in the group even got to hit the bad guys. I was a Dirge Bard so at least I had something to do, but it wasn't much more than stand on the ceiling and Dirge of Doom.

Viscount K |

Hm. I don't know if he's the most broken thing I've ever seen, or even created, but this little guy succeeded in destroying my GM's brain.
Venti, Halfling Rock-Skipping Champion (aka The Ricochet Dingo, aka Skip, aka Bognus Thunderbeard)
If you've never heard of the Halfling Rock-Skipping Champion, I'm not surprised. It's a homebrew prestige class made by Rich Burlew, better known as the creator of the Order of the Stick webcomic. I believe you can still find it off of that website...in fact, you can, here, just search for rock-skipping.
Anyway, the basic gist of the class is that you take one standard action attack, rather than a full attack. With that standard action, you bounce the rock off of objects, people, etc., with increasing flourishes and number of skips as you get further in the prestige class. By itself, it's actually not that bad, as it specifically restricts you from taking any action that might get you extra attacks. "He may not use the Rapid Shot feat, throw with more than one hand, or throw multiple stones in the same round for any reason in order to gain the benefits of skipping."
However. Ever heard of the Master Thrower? A fun little class out of the Complete Warrior, designed to be (you guessed it) a master at throwing a particular type of weapon. In my case, (got it again), halfling skip-rocks. One of their tricks allows you to hit two targets adjacent to one another with one shot, if either is hit by the attack roll they take the hit.
Next step, add in the actual weapon, halfling skiprocks, I believe from the Miniatures Handbook. These things allow you to bounce them from one adjacent target to another.
Then find a GM who says all these things stack with one another. What does all this amount to?
Find two targets next to one another.
Target them both.
Bounce the attack, target them both again.
Repeat both of the above for every extra bounce that skiprock champion gives you.
Throw in some rogue levels and Improved Initiative, so you do all this with sneak attack damage on every hit.
Clean up the goo your opponents leave behind.
The nicknames are a whole other thing - basically, we had a thief crew going on, and he was the face guy, running several different cons. My favorite was Thunderbeard - a supposed dwarven mob boss.

TGMaxMaxer |
3.0/3.5 Fighter/Rogue/WeaponMaster/Lasher Threaten the whole reach with a whip, combat reflexes and a stupid dex for 8AoO/round, 3.5 opposed rolls for trip I got a +20 on the roll... most enemies have around a +6, +10 if they have a 30 Str, 2 whips... in a seagoing pirate campaign. The deck is 30 feet across and 35 feet long, I stand in the middle and can reach the entire thing, get 5 attacks on my turn, and another 8 on theirs. This was before the rule against triplocking, and when tripping (from the class options) was after doing damage.
3.5 Antipaladin of tyranny with Combat Brute and Shock Trooper feats, sunder chain, cleave chain, and a +4 Adamatine weapon. He could sunder your weapon, then shield, then armor, then target you all as separate options for sunder/cleaving purposes on a charge, and smiting/divine power feats did around 2d6+50 damage/swing, any damage that exceeded the items HP went into the wielder... absolutely sick, because after his turn, if you were still up, you were naked and weaponless.
Eberron 3.5 Shifter ranger/barb/warshaper with 15ft reach 50% crit immunity 30+ str and 6 attacks a round... by level 8.
3.5 Psychic Warrior/Psion at level 12 could body or mind control 2 separate targets with either a fort/will save around DC 23... and still cast more powers while maintaining. Usually kept a couple ogres around for that purpose.

Kyrademon |

I think the most broken character I ever played was Lilith, who was, by the end of a full 20 levels of campaigning in 3.5, a Wizard (Focused Necromancer) 5 / Divine Oracle 3 / Loremaster 7 / Master Specialist 1 / Archmage 4.
She had the magical lineage trait for Enervation, and also took it as the spell for an Arcane Thesis feat. With appropriate metamagic feats, this eventually let her cast a chained split maximized empowered enervation followed by a quickened chained split empowered enervation, promptly bestowing 14 to 24 negative levels on everyone in a 30' wide circle.
That was fun.

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Played it in LG, it's actually even better in Pathfinder, although it takes a while to get there ...
Arcane Archer, via the pure wizard/sorcerer route.
Once you get to 12th level, you can qualify for the "hardest" of the Arcane Archer pre-req's: BAB of 6. Then you take 2 levels of Arcane Archer for that not often used 2nd level ability: Imbue Arrow.
Since you're already casting 6th level spells, check out an interesting tidbit on antimagic field: it's an area spell, it's range is personal only, thus it should work with Imbue Arrow.
TL:DR - shoot antimagic fields at bad guys as a standard action. No save, no SR, suddenly they can't use any magical abilities. If you're worried about high ACs, cast quickened true strike first, even with a Wizard BAB you should be firing that shot at +30 at least.

Corvo Spiritwind |

I don't remember the specifics, but it was in Ebberon, a major crafting character, he was Artificer, dipped in Heir of Syberis for Major Creation sp ability and that PrC that makes you a captain of a sky ship with telepathic bond to it.
Main income was crafting, he'd use homunculus like crazy, Filtchers were released every time he made harbour in a place, and those little bastards had stealth and sleight up their wazoo, stealing all day long. Once he started crafting, he'd let the other homunculi take over, a special type that can continue work on magic items where he left off.
He fought mainly with cheap scrolls and wands, and whenever someone got close, he had these two big metal wolfhounds(homunculi) to defend him.
We houseruled Major Creation sp so he could divide it up instead of making a large slab of iron, he'd take a weaponsmith check and create a bunch of full-blades, which he then threw around with a Ring of Telekinesis.

Lord Mhoram |

3.0 - the rules said you could play monsters, so I took them at their word and tried to break the system.
A Pixie Sorceress and a Half Gold Dragon, Half Celestial Paladin. Yeah it was broken until Savage Species came out, and we had them at the right balance level.
Was a blast to play the characters though - the Paladin that never doubted anything, and played as a perfect Paladin through every test that came up (The DM even said so). After all, Law and Good were in her blood. :D
And a fully invisible small being with a huge bump to charisma throwing fireballs - too much fun.