clff rice |

Ok so i cooked up a smurf race Based off the original comics and cartoon.
Schtroumpf Racial Traits
Abilities: Schtroumpf are varried in their abilities +2 to any one attribute -2 to strength
Speedy: A schtroumpf is faster than other creatures of its size and has a base speed is 30 feet.
Size: Schtroumpf are Tiny sized.+2 Ac and attack, -2 to CMD and CMB. +4 fly skill and +8 to stealth.
Nitch: schtroumpf may pick any one skill, this skill becomes a class skill. The schtroumpf also gains skill focus in that skill as a bonus feat.
Team Work: Schtroumpf, Despite their highly individualistic natures work well in teams, Whenever someone uses an aid another action on a Schtroumpf it gains an aditional +1 on top of the normal +2 bonus.
Any ideas what kind of class(es) Papa Smurf would be? (Alchemist/Wizard/Sorc/Druid) all seem like viable options.
ALso i was wondering what kind of class gargamel might be. (Wizard seems best but maybe alchemist also)

Son of the Veterinarian |

I'd call Papa Smurf an Adept. But none of them are, or are supposed to be, PC classes. For the most part they're all Experts.
You could make a good argument for Jokey Smurf being an Alchemist, but more than likely he's just an Expert with Craft: Alchemy or Craft: Traps.

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My husband would LOVE this thread. The very first D&D game he played when he was a little kid had Papa Smurf as one of the bad guys and his stepdad as the GM. I'm not sure what class his stepdad used for PS, since it was an AD&D game (probably some kind of magic-user), but I'll add it here if he knows.
Full post here, if anyone's interested.

clff rice |

"Three apples tall" may put them all the way down in Diminutive.
3 apples tall: an apple is 4 to 6 inches tall so that puts smurfs 12-18 inches tall. They seem smaller in the cartoon But im just going off actual size quotes for them. This puts even the smallest smurf (not counting smurflings) at 1 foot tall which is the MAx for diminutive size most would be taller so i think this puts them squarely at tiny.
Anyway thats why i picked tiny.

Indagare |

Personally, I think smurfs would be specialized in their ability scores, getting to choose any one attributes for a +2 bonus and one attribute for a -2 penalty. I mention this because smurfs like Hefty were known for their unusual strength (but not Wisdom) whereas smurfs like Brainy seemed to have +2 Int -2 Wis. Come to think of it, except for Papa Smurf, most of the others seemed to have a -2 Wisdom...
As for Papa Smurf, I really think that either Wizard or Witch is the only option.
Despite the fact that he can brew various potions, the Alchemist in Pathfinder is more of a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde type. Sorcerer doesn't really fit (unless he has the Destined bloodline). Neither Magus nor Summoner work.
On the other hand, Witches can cast healing spells as well as many illusion and charm-based spells (all of which Papa Smurf can do). He'd most likely be a Hedge Witch with the Trickery patron (given how many times he's had to hide Smurf village).

clff rice |

Could a Schtroumpf put his +2 into strength, thus having no bonuses or penalties at all? I would've said -4 STR, +2 DEX, +2 to one other stat besides STR or DEX.
I was figuring they could. In some episodes Hefty trips gargamell just by lifting his feet.
Ok so In order to get this ball rolling Lets say papa is a Wizard (though is sorcerer smurf all 3 spells he cast were druid spells Unles they were illusory) he has bre potion at 500 years old i figure he is middle aged.
Useing the elite array for papa.
Str 5
Dex 9
Con 11
Int 18
Wis 15
Cha 14
Figure papa would need Permenant image to hide smurf village. So that puts papa at around 13-14th level to cast 7th level spells.
Papa has Brew Potion and i beleive there was an episode where he makes a magical object. so he has Craft Wonderous item as well.

clff rice |

Papa Smurf so far.
pap is built with elite array. having trouble picking his last 3 feats and magical items. I'm thinking his hat might boost Int or charisma because in the comics its a symbol of authority.
Any ideas?
Papa Smurf
Tiny fey
Neutral good middle aged Schtroumpf Level 14 Spell sage Wizard.
Str 5 (-3)
Dex 11 (+0)
Con 11 (+0)
Int 21 (+5)
Wis 15 (+2)
Cha 14 (+2)
Movement: 30ft
HP (14d6) 51
AC (+0 dex, + Armor, + dodge, +2 size)
CMD 15(+7 bab, +0 dex, -3 strength,)
BAB +7/+2
CMB +4 (+7 bab, -3 Strength)
Fort +4 (+4 base, + Con)
Reflex +4 (+4 base, + Dex)
Will +11 (+9 base, +2 Wis)
ATTACK (+2 size) + to hit 1d+ damage x crit
7 + , 2 wizard bonus feats
Scribe scroll (b), Brew Potion, Craft Wonderous Item, Quicken spell, Extend Spell, Widen spell, Still spell, Skill focus perception (b)
Special Abilitys: Team Work, Speak with animals 1/day (Cl 14), Low light vision
Class Abilitys: Spell study 3/day, Focus Spell 2/day
Skills 98 skill points Appraise (Int) 12, Craft Alchemy (Int) 19 , Stealth +8, Knowledge Arcana 19, Knowledge Engineering 13, Knowledge Geography 12, Knowledge History 14, Knowledge Nature 16, Knowledge Nobility 12, Knowledge Planes 14, Linguistics (Int) 16, Perception (wis) 22, Profession (Wis) 11, and Spellcraft (Int) 19.
+8 size bonus to stealth