selunatic2397 |

I have been using a long term, very subtle "Fire Versus Ice" theme/feud in my game for the last few years.
One player has a very powerful fire sword and got pushed by shady strangers [efreeti in mufti] to "pick sides before you get one chosen for you"...another player's ice sword loathes and detests the other player's fire sword and starts personality conflicts when the players seem to cooperate.
A raid on the Brass City ended up in a new sultan and much death/destruction...and an extremely happy ice sword to say the least...
But then, I had some Ice Mages seem to help them against Rasputin and thoroughly confuse the lot of them..."just what is going on man???"
They now think that Ice thinks they chose their side but have not a clue on how to reassert their neutrality.
The ice witches have been a treasure trove on little bits of strife and conflict for me to inflict on my group.
[Plus the fire sword now is off the charts in passive agression land.]

Espagnoll |

Something is telling me if you put Anastasia on the throne Baba Yaga is going to have problems to keep with her rejuvenation ritual tradition.
First, she is not a direct daughter but grand daughter, second, she is descendant of a male and not a female, and third, she wasn't rise by the Queen of Witches and therefore less possible to manipulate and predict as her daughters.
In that scenario I think Baba Yaga would end consuming all the possible Jadwiga with closest generational distance towards the original daughters (like a very, very old vampire would do in certain narrative gothic punk game), certainly leaving quite a large hole in Irrisen's sociopolitical status.
If the PCs didn't allow Miloslav to commit suicide, that also adds a factor of renovation for the country as well as a huge intimidation element (Miloslav sure still knows how to reproduce the designs of Tesla, and create another world engine which certainly could destroy Baba Yaga's main source of mythic power, the Trice-tenth kingdom).
If Miloslav is not around, the PCs can always give Anastasia perhaps one of the few things which managed to humiliated Baba Yaga and also she could find intimidating: Vassilisa's doll.
A pity you can't ask Baba Yaga to destroy her hut.

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |

(Miloslav sure still knows how to reproduce the designs of Tesla, and create another world engine which certainly could destroy Baba Yaga's main source of mythic power, the Trice-tenth kingdom).
You have it backwards. The thrice-Tenth Kingdom isn't the source of Baba Yaga's power. At best it is a reflection of her power. Ultimately it is a sign of vanity on her part. 'Look at me, I'm so powerful I can warp a fragment of reality to my will!'

Espagnoll |

Espagnoll wrote:This is actually a plus for Baba Yaga. Irrisen is disappointingly predictable and subjugated and anybody who could liven it up a bit might just earn her respect.she wasn't rise by the Queen of Witches and therefore less possible to manipulate and predict as her daughters.
I had forget to mention there could be another element which would cause certain changes on Irrisen: Dimitry, the soldier which keep his sanity while his partners and himself had been used as cattle by the three Nosferatu brothers.
Dimitry could create another Iron Guard, one with gunslingers and trained by a frontovik, loyal to Anastasia and not Baba Yaga.
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Dimitry could create another Iron Guard, one with gunslingers and trained by a frontovik, loyal to Anastasia and not Baba Yaga.
Here's some fridge logic for you. A Red Guard, a White Guard, and a Black Guard existed in Dmitri's contemporary Russia: the armed wings of the Communists, the Anticommunists, and the Anarchists respectively (there were other factions in play as well). And then consider that Red, White, and Black symbolize Baba Yaga, witchery, and the day and life cycles. This is relevant because "X Guard" is the accepted nomenclature for the Irriseni security forces. Baba Yaga had her Iron Guard. Elvanna had her Winter Guard. Would Anastasia, who for the people of Irrisen would represent their "bright morning" but for Dmitri would represent the restoration of legitimate authority (I imagine that Russians loyal to Rasputin would also be supporters of the autocracy politically, and thus Whites) have a White Guard?

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Anything from Tome of Horrors should be reprinted in the module. Bestiary 2 and Bestiary 3 critters are available on Paizo's website - check out the PRD.
Awesome, thanks! That gives a lot more space in the mod for more rooms and descriptions.

Sloanzilla |
This AP is a great read from start to finish- probably my favorite.
I really like that you put the story first and the rules second. If you wanted Baba or her hut to do something, you said that's how it works instead of having to have a detailed mechanical system explaining what combination of spells is needed to cause the hut to do X. Unlike some other APs, it therefore had an epic, unknown feel, and also the final wasn't just a return to the status quo. It felt like a first edition adventure, and I mean that in a good way. Kudos for teaching mythic play a bit- it's made me more receptive to the entire thing.

magnuskn |

This could turn into an interesting discussion how evil fights evil. :p Which, realistically speaking, should happen quite a lot more than it apparently does on Golarion. After all, rival Evil Overlords kinda suck if you are one, because there's just place for one person/slobbering tentacle monster/dragon on that throne.
Probably a better matter for another thread, though. ^^

Zhangar |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

This AP is a great read from start to finish- probably my favorite.
I really like that you put the story first and the rules second. If you wanted Baba or her hut to do something, you said that's how it works instead of having to have a detailed mechanical system explaining what combination of spells is needed to cause the hut to do X. Unlike some other APs, it therefore had an epic, unknown feel, and also the final wasn't just a return to the status quo. It felt like a first edition adventure, and I mean that in a good way. Kudos for teaching mythic play a bit- it's made me more receptive to the entire thing.
Reign of Winter indicates that Elvanna has loads of servants that are CR 20 critters - i.e., quite a number of those frosts giants, trolls, and winter wolves are high level characters on top of being monsters. For example, the top winter wolf in the Howlings is like a L16 barbarian.
If Elvanna ignored the horrible places like Vyrlich, Castle Kronquist, and Bastardhall, the only real resistance she'd face is Luvick's vampires in Caliphas.
And she would probably make a deal with them. After all, she could grant them open rule of the city. Similarly, she could easily negotiate with the Whispering Way concerning its strongholds.
A key thing to remember about Elvanna is that she has no regard for human life, and wouldn't bat an eye at consigning the populace of Caliphas to being vampire food.
Now, if Tar-Baphon was actually out and about this would be a radically different situation, and Elvanna would be wise to stay the hell away.
@Magnus - In Avistan a lot of the various Forces of Evil pretty much have buffer zones between them made of non-evil territories. The border of Versex County and Razmiran is one of the few exceptions, but Versex County is rather undesirable. Meanwhile, Barstoi is protected from the Worldwound by the Ward Stones. However, the Shudderwood extends all the way into the Worldwound, and it's from the Worldwound side that the fiendish werewolves are coming from.

magnuskn |

Well, yeah, grantedly. And we have a good example with Geb and Nex already what happens when Evil fights Evil... the Mana Wastes. ^^
Still, it's a nice thought to imagine Infernal Cheliax vs. Tar-Baphon Reborn, ruler of Ustalav and Belkzen vs. New Thassilon under the Runelords.
And then Baba Yaga sneaks in the ring with steel chair. :D

Ataraxias |

Now, if Tar-Baphon was actually out and about this would be a radically different situation, and Elvanna would be wise to stay the hell away.
In the Ask James Jacobs thread he has Tar-Baphon in the CR26-27 range.
By plumbing all of the Dancing Hut's knowledge and assets as well as siphoning power from Baba Yaga as Rasputin did Elvanna can equal or exceed him.
magnuskn |

Zhangar wrote:
Now, if Tar-Baphon was actually out and about this would be a radically different situation, and Elvanna would be wise to stay the hell away.In the Ask James Jacobs thread he has Tar-Baphon in the CR26-27 range.
By plumbing all of the Dancing Hut's knowledge and assets as well as siphoning power from Baba Yaga as Rasputin did Elvanna can equal or exceed him.
Hmmm, I doubt that Elvanna could rob all the knowledge and powers of her mother so quickly. Doubtless she'd make a few mythic tiers, but much of Baba Yaga's CR didn't even come from those but from unique abilities.

Ataraxias |

Well we're talking about immortals so quickly is rather relative.
But I think Elvanna would bump up to around CR24-25 in a short time.
Starting at CR20
+1 Dancing Hut
+1 Baba Yaga's Artifacts
+2 Let's say a modest 2 tiers from defeating Baba Yaga, 1 tier from eternal winter, 1 tier from power siphon machine.
After that it'd be a slow gain from learning secrets.

Espagnoll |

In a scenario where Elvanna succeeds, her campaign would end known as the major victory of the Old Ones and their followers.
First possible scenario: Queen Elvanna lets an strange bard and his troupe perform the King in Yellow for her and her generals.
Second possible scenario: A chuckling madman is release from an asylum, just armed with a whistle or flute.
Third possible scenario: The fey in Queen Elvanna's armies are corrupted by an ancient fertility entity lurking in Ustalav's forests.
Fourth possible scenario: On a distant world, an high priest stirs, his sleep disturbed by pitiful lesser beings playing with the energies of the planes. This will not stand.
Just visualize a twisted version of The Prince of Egypt's "You are playing with the big guys now" in which all the Lovecraft mythos are mentioned by Obed Marsh and Old Whateley to Queen Elvanna.

Bellona |

Winter Witches (archetype + prestige class combo) can penetrate cold resistance. By character level 13 (Witch 5/Winter Witch 8), half the cold damage done is not subject to cold resistance or cold immunity, and the other half treats affected creatures as if their cold resistance was half its normal value.

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So here is my issue with the AWESOME "continue the campaign" article - it doesn't make tons of sense.
I mean, the PCs just went through Baba Yaga's innermost fortifications. They gained access to her hut, her power, her death, her life, and herself. They defeated in combat every single guardian and obstacle standing in their way... they faced the most potent defense Baba Yaga could wield.
And yet, somehow, we are expected to believe that greater defenses are guarding the winter channeling devices? If the Witch Queen was capable of much mightier defenses, how come they are not guarding her hut? Essentially my problem is that while the difficulty should continue to scale along with the PCs gaining levels and mythic tiers, it's not very logical that it will.

Tangent101 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The Hut was not warded against her own blood. She didn't expect her daughter to have the guts to strike against her. She hoped! Oh how she hoped! Elvanna is the BEST daughter she's had in centuries! She was quite caught off guard! But she didn't expect it. Her children had proven to be a fairly weak willed bunch, willingly rolling over and accepting her word at things.
There's a reason only one daughter escaped being brunch. And I must admit curiosity as to what HER end was. Or if she actually is out there, having her own adventures.
So Baba Yaga didn't ward against her own blood and her own power. Don't forget, the PCs in theory are protected against lots of her own wards which target intruders! Sure, we never HEAR of these outside of the end of book 2, but in theory they're everywhere! And as those who sought to free her (and were geased to do so) were protected... so too was Baba Yaga's children.

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Keep in mind, also, that the Dancing Hut's "most potent defense" is Baba Yaga herself. Obviously, the PCs didn't face her during their traipse through the hut, but anyone else attempting to do so (outside of the confines of the AP plot) would have to face her. So in fact, her mightiest defense does normally guard the hut - herself. Why put other mythic guardians in your hut when enemies would have to get through you first?

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Don't forget, the PCs in theory are protected against lots of her own wards which target intruders!
Keep in mind, too, that Baba Yaga expected to be rescued by her Three Riders. That is, she expected the CR 13 folks statted up in Irrisen, Land of Eternal Winter, to be able, once protected from the actual wards, to be able to handle the things the PCs handled in The Witch Queen's Revenge. The Three Riders together are a CR 16 threat and form something like an APL 10 party*. The PCs are at the start of The Witch Queen's Revenge a CR 19 threat forming an APL 15 party, but they needed a whole other person and fifteen or so class levels to pull that off...and they still managed to nearly get themselves killed despite Dear Grandmother deliberately lowering most of her defenses against them. Why should she fear this bumbling band of incompetents? They might grab at power the way an infant grabs at a rattle, but they sure as hell aren't capable of wielding it.
*How to reverse-engineer a monster party's APL:
1. Determine the CR of the party together. The Three Riders form a CR 16 party.
2. Determine the XP granted by that party. The Three Riders grant 76,800 XP.
3. Divide the XP granted by 4, find the CR that grants that XP, and treat that as the party's base APL. 76,800 / 4 = 19,200, the amount of XP granted by a CR 12 encounter.
4. Perform the usual adjustments to APL as suggested by the Gamemastering section of the PRD. The Three Riders are three, not four, and are equipped with NPC instead of PC wealth. This drops their APL by 2. 12 - 2 = 10.
5. Conclusion: the Three Riders form an APL 10 party. Corollary: Baba Yaga expected a competent APL 10 party, protected from most of her defenses, to successfully navigate the inner sanctum of her Dancing Hut.

Alleran |
There's a reason only one daughter escaped being brunch. And I must admit curiosity as to what HER end was. Or if she actually is out there, having her own adventures.
Well, assuming that Tashanna refers to what everybody thinks it refers to, Tashanna was a skilled summoner banished to other worlds by Baba Yaga, became Tasha/Natasha the Dark, studied with Zagyg on Greyhawk (inventing spells like Tasha's Hideous Laughter in the process), and then seduced Graz'zt, had a son called Iuz, and took on the name Iggwilv. And is now a CR 30 near-deity power in her own right, but who is also perfectly happy where she is and has no desire to ever go back to Golarion.
This is my headcanon, and nobody can take it from me.

Necrovox |

So I was planning on reworking the Witch War Legacy to fit in at the end. I feel with Baba Yaga so vulnerable, Kostchtchie would be far more aggressive. Bring Vsevold back as the fiendish-Svathurim and fit him in there somewhere. Anyone else considering implementing him as a bigger player in this current ordeal?
Also, has anyone thought about having the players assist newly crowned Anastasia in slaying a linnorm in order to mark her right to rule (as per Ulfen tradition?).

Alleran |
Also, has anyone thought about having the players assist newly crowned Anastasia in slaying a linnorm in order to mark her right to rule (as per Ulfen tradition?).
If she's not the one to actually kill it, does it still count? Yes, there's at least one Linnorm King who hasn't actually killed one as such, but still.
Although, if the PCs are pushing 17th level, then they're starting to draw close to taking down Fafnheir. Burn a wish or similar to deal with the curse, and you'd have Anastasia (or a PC) ruling all the Linnorm Kingdoms, in alliance with Irrisen. Then you just need to bring the Mammoth Lords to heel.

Zhangar |

I don't think the Mammoth Lords are organized enough to be brought to heel. You'd have to conquer the entire realm.
And then the Worldwound's your neighbor, and do you really want that?
Another comment to the Hut's defenses - remember that the PCs are navigating a section of the Hut that people can normally only enter with Baba Yaga's permission (which they have).
So yeah, the biggest obstacle to getting access to Baba Yaga's death is that Baba Yaga has to let you in, but it's not too bad in there because you're supposed to be there.
The winter collectors, though? You're not supposed to be there, and she set up the means and methods to tell you to sod off.
Incidentally, in the Golarionverse, the first expeditions to Earth's South Pole definitely never it made back.

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I don't think the Mammoth Lords are organized enough to be brought to heel. You'd have to conquer the entire realm.
And then the Worldwound's your neighbor, and do you really want that?
Hey, it's not like Anastasia-ruled Irrisen could make more of a hash of dealing with the Worldwound than those bumblers over in Mendev ;)
Another comment to the Hut's defenses - remember that the PCs are navigating a section of the Hut that people can normally only enter with Baba Yaga's permission (which they have).
So yeah, the biggest obstacle to getting access to Baba Yaga's death is that Baba Yaga has to let you in, but it's not too bad in there because you're supposed to be there.
The winter collectors, though? You're not supposed to be there, and she set up the means and methods to tell you to sod off.
This is truth.
Incidentally, in the Golarionverse, the first expeditions to Earth's South Pole definitely never it made back.
Why not? The Antarctic Winter Collector isn't necessarily at eother the magnetic or the geographic pole. It's just somewhere on the Antarctic landmass. The PCs will have destroyed it long before we Terrans (speaking of which, are the Jadwiga Terran-descended?) got around to exploring and mapping the whole continent.

Alleran |
I don't think the Mammoth Lords are organized enough to be brought to heel. You'd have to conquer the entire realm.
And then the Worldwound's your neighbor, and do you really want that?
Well, the easy way out is to conquer the Mammoth Lords, but in practice use them as client-kingdoms much like the Romans did on Earth. A buffer state against the Worldwound, if you're that against getting close to the wardstone border.
Another comment to the Hut's defenses - remember that the PCs are navigating a section of the Hut that people can normally only enter with Baba Yaga's permission (which they have).
A wish spell could probably get you in.

Alleran |
Alleran wrote:A wish spell could probably get you in.Baba Yaga laughs at your wish spell. A mythic wish might get you in.
I'm referring to this line:
"A wish can lift one creature per caster level from anywhere on any plane and place those creatures anywhere else on any plane regardless of local conditions."
Nothing beyond GM fiat stops a wish-port thanks to that "regardless of local conditions" bit. No, not even Baba Yaga's hut, unless the mythic wish in Mythic Adventures can explicitly overrule it and she's used one to do so (since MA isn't out yet and it requires the decision that yes, she has used one, it's a moot point anyway). Not even another wish spell will stop wish-porting.

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I really hate that the word "mythic" now makes ultra-powerful 9th level spells kiddie pool stuff.
Remember that in order to gain access to any sort of a mythic version of "wish" you'll have to have access to "wish", first. So you should be at least 18th level, and then also have mythic tiers. Yeah, if you are that powerful, regular spellcasters should seem nearly powerless when compared to you.
I mean... is failing to surpress Baba Yaga's defenses being "in the kiddie pool"? I don't think so. She's a CR 30 mythic , unique creature. She literally has the power of a demigod.