Why cancel your subscription?

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

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Is it not a cheap option to subscribe, get the PDFs early, then sell the physical books on EBay (or whatever)? I think that's what I'd do if I wanted just the electronic products (granted selling them is a pain, but you could bundle them up into complete APs).

Firstbourne wrote:
When I buy books from Amazon, I use the USPS option and I have never received dented, torn, or wet books. This is because of the way they pack them. As I have expressed to Paizo, I would be happy to give up some of the discount in order to have better packaged items.

As a counterpoint, the packages I have received from Paizo have been infinitely better packaged than those from Amazon, which have included a Core Rulebook in nothing but a padded envelope (with the inevitable result of a torn outer envelope and crushed corners and multiple dents on the book cover) and similarly heavy books thrown loose into a larger box without padding to rattle around and arrive all beat up.

Paizo puts corner protectors on the hardback rulebooks and typically packs the smaller softcovers in a separate cardboard sleeve to keep them from getting crinkled.

Joana wrote:
Firstbourne wrote:
When I buy books from Amazon, I use the USPS option and I have never received dented, torn, or wet books. This is because of the way they pack them. As I have expressed to Paizo, I would be happy to give up some of the discount in order to have better packaged items.

As a counterpoint, the packages I have received from Paizo have been infinitely better packaged than those from Amazon, which have included a Core Rulebook in nothing but a padded envelope (with the inevitable result of a torn outer envelope and crushed corners and multiple dents on the book cover) and similarly heavy books thrown loose into a larger box without padding to rattle around and arrive all beat up.

Paizo puts corner protectors on the hardback rulebooks and typically packs the smaller softcovers in a separate cardboard sleeve to keep them from getting crinkled.

I agree - Paizo ships hardcovers better than anyone else, hands down. It's the softcover books (which make up the bulk of what I order) that come in a cardboard mailer that I have an issue with. Corner damage and water damage have both been issue for me.

The Exchange

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Orthos wrote:
Arnwyn wrote:

- Shelf space. I, for one, don't need any more books. I can only get a sub if it includes physical books.


(Nowadays, if there was a PDF-only sub at a reasonable PDF-only price, I would definitely re-look at subscribing again, which I dumped at Jade Regent, then dumped again at Shattered Star - with no re-up in the foreseeable future.)

I've never been a subscriber and this is why. Physical purchases are not an option for me.

I have recently cancelled my subscription for exactly that reason. I would have loved to have a PDF only subscription available - even if it doesn't reduce the price and only manages to get me the PDF a couple days early plus saves me the need to make each separate purchase, I'd be happy to see an option to subscribe electronically.

Steve Geddes wrote:
Is it not a cheap option to subscribe, get the PDFs early, then sell the physical books on EBay (or whatever)? I think that's what I'd do if I wanted just the electronic products (granted selling them is a pain, but you could bundle them up into complete APs).

I can't have things shipped to my current location.

Liberty's Edge

I have to admit, high level play is poorly supported in PF. The few high level (non AP) modules are terrible, and most of the monsters above CR 12 are only good as challenging end bosses to lower level groups. Try to populate a dungeon for a high level group. Its frikkin hard.

On topic, RoW is clearly meant to be experimental. I doubt it will end up as the least popular AP, I doubt it will make a lot of top 5 lists though. I am looking forward to the demon AP for my own personal tastes but watch for 2014 to be much more traditional (although I would like an Arcadia AP in Aug 2014)


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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I like most of the AP. To me they are my Dungeon magazine. I keep my subscription because i want the PDF and the book.

The AP are the best i have found for consistant story and output. i rob from all the material to make my AP's work.

The price hike had to happen one day. Inflation sucks and even Paizo has to follow the economy.

I used to subscribe to everything but a set of twins and one on the way changed that.

I also keep my subsciption as i want to see Paizo succeed. I don't want to replace my Dungeon magazine again.

So keep up the hard work.

The only reason that I would cancel any of my subscriber lines which are right now the AP line and the RPG line is that I'm slowly starting to run out of space on my bookshelf.


Right now I'm trying to figure out where I can sell/get rid of some of my 3.5 books to make room for more Pathfinder stuff.

That and the AP's taking a complete tank in quality and subject matter might do it.

MMCJawa wrote:
vikingson wrote:

my aren't we really in-offensive.

Numbers : orders for AP#5-AP#6 of any Adventure path take only about two thirds of the relevant numbers. Most of those go to people with instore/on-order subscription. Hardly any sales after that. Go to any FLGS and look at the sales bin.... if you find Pathfinder, you find the high-end adventures of the APs, regearldless of author. That must be utterly co-incidental. The High end adventures.. sell like leaden shingle.

On the other hand, if the last two volumes were regularly underselling compared to the early volumes, don't you think that Paizo, you know...might have fixed that before now?

You know the principles of sale-quotas ? Or a set number of issues you have to take of the dealers' hands as a FLGS or distributor? If the publisher can sell the numbers, things are ok for them.

One year - or more - down the road, at the local Con, you get special offers for all the stuff still stuck at the warehouse.

Liberty's Edge

It is the nature of anything done as a series. A lot more people will pick up the early parts and then lose interest. No one really joins in late. Especially something like an AP.

Jadeite wrote:

One thing I don't get is why people cancel their subscription just because they don't like the theme of the AP. You probably won't be able to run all APs anyway (especially when you include third party material like Way of the Wicked, Razor Coast or Rise of the Drow).

But even if you would never run an AP, it still contains lots of useful stuff, bestiaries, gazetteers, deity articles, magic items, etc.
Of all the APs I can only see me running Carrion Crown (which I run at the moment), Curse of the Crimson Throne, Legacy of Fire, Rise of the Runelords and maybe Shattered Star. I can't wait to get my hands on Reign of Winter. But do I regret owning all the other APs? No, they are nicely done and contain lots of stuff to salvage.

So up front, I'm an AP subscriber who is not interested in the Earth/Russia connection with Reign of Winter and is on the fence with Mythic rules/content. I'm NOT cancelling my AP subscription.

That said, going in reverse order:

Salvage is all well and good. Like you, the number of APs that I'll actually get to run is pretty small. Almost every AP installment I'm getting is stuff that will be salvaged in some way for my campaigns. I also like just reading the APs for the story aspect. However, the greatest value I get from the APs is as an inspirational source and as examples that inspire my own creations.

But salvage is only useful if there's a decent chance that there will be something to salvage. And for the price of a AP installment a couple of monsters, a few magic items, and a gazetteer isn't enough salvage to justify the price in some cases. Using "Rasputin Must Die!" as an example, if the magic items are all enchanted 20th century items, the bestiary is 20th century foes, vehicles, or enchanted variants of such, there won't be much for me to salvage. I don't care how much disposable income you have, $20+ for a few pages of "salvage" is a poor bang:buck ratio.

As for the theme, why wouldn't that be the primary criteria for continuing/stopping a subscription?!? Why should anyone purchase something if they aren't interested in it? I'm keeping my subscription because a) I can afford to, b) I'll savage bits, c)I like the discount applying to my Paizo purchases. Take those considerations away, and my AP subscription is gone.

Also, Paizo is always asking for feedback. Yapping away on a messageboard provides feedback, but I have yet to see a company that doesn't pay more attention to what customers are, or as the case may be, are NOT buying. Voting with your wallet is a pretty concise way of providing feedback. Truth be told, even with my 3 considerations met, I was on the fence with cancelling my AP subscription. Ultimately, I decided that Paizo had earned enough customer loyalty from me to ride out a year's worth of AP installments that I potentially will not like. (And if consideration "a)" goes away for economic reasons, so does that ride...)

Also, for those citing "traditionalist", "conservative", and "reactionary" fantasy fans, like it or not, those sources and elements are the foundations upon which this game is built upon. Is the game limited to such things? Of course not. But they have a wide appeal for a reason. Some GMs and players don't get to play every week. We don't burn through a setting in a year or two. We're not looking for the weird thing or the new shiny for the novelty of it. We've bought into the setting as it was revealed to us and while we want to be as inclusive as possible, not everything "fits".

There are all too many examples of settings that have "jumped the shark" because detrimental elements were introduced, or the setting morphed into something that was a huge departure from the established canon. We don't want that in Pathfinder or Golarion.

Paizo has ONE setting, because they've seen the business pitfalls of supporting multiple settings simultaneously. Fair enough. But part of that equation for some fans is that Golarion CAN'T be all things for every type of fantasy or else you get a watered-down hodgepodge. For us, Golarion IS for the mainstream/classic fantasy -- blended with all of Paizo's modern-day goodness & inspiration. Other settings, like Iron Kingdoms, Neo-Exodus, and others are for the radically divergent.

(And in case anyone is wondering -- no, given the game's roots and inspirational sources, I don't consider Numeria "radically divergent".)

I really like the APs - I've thumbed through a few of them at my local book store, and need to set out collecting a few of them eventually, if only for the really awesome ideas contained in them. Right now, I have physical copies of Carrion Crown, and I can't wait to get Reign of Winter. I usually buy the PDFs from Paizo, because its less expensive than a hardcover, and easier to store. My next mission is to buy PDFs of some of the hardcovers I've bought over the years.

As for the topic at hand, different things get different people. Personally, I don't like High Fantasy - pointed hatted wizard magic solves everything, chainmail bikinis, loincloth-clad fighters - basically all the reasons that I never got into D&D. I wouldn't say that I specifically like gritty fantasy, but I do prefer a more realistic tone, and that's what drew me to Pathfinder. If you have dragons and magic everywhere, it takes away from its charm and mysteriousness, in my opinion. I personally like that Paizo is trying crazy stuff like RoW - creativity that catches me off guard is far superior to me. I support your love of saving princesses from dragons - though I'll argue the inherent misogyny of such a trope ;) - but its just that to me...a trope. Its boring - its been done ad naseum, and I want something unexpected.

I think that's why I love and write horror...if you do it right, no one is expecting what you do next ;)

I am considering canceling as well. I started with Jade Regent. I ran the first book and part of the second. Group imploded.

I played in Carrion Crown. Got to book 4. Group imploded.

I have Shattered Star. Tried to run it using D20Pro. Group imploded.

I have Skulls and Shackles. I am waiting to find a GM to run it.

I also don't have an interest in Earth/fantasy mix. Almost canceled then.

It costs less to buy from Amazon (free shipping) and buy the PDFs from Paizo then the cost of a hard cover with discount at Paizo. This effectively makes the discount pointless. But, like others, I buy from Paizo to support them.

But it costs about $150 per AP with shipping. While I don't play/use all the stuff I buy, I only buy stuff that I might use. In this case I am spending a lot for something I know I won't use.

As I print all the maps at full battle at size, I might just stick with PDFs from now on. I haven't made the switch yet, but I am getting close. The fact that they update is also appealing.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Reign of Winter and the next AP appeal to me. But I really should have cancelled for Skull&Shackles and Shattered Star. That was an entire years worth of AP that just aren't my cup of tea. But the quality of the work is always gorgeous, so I don't regret it. And who knows, maybe someday I'll be in the mood to run a pirate themed campaign.

Scarab Sages

Jadeite wrote:

One thing I don't get is why people cancel their subscription just because they don't like the theme of the AP. You probably won't be able to run all APs anyway (especially when you include third party material like Way of the Wicked, Razor Coast or Rise of the Drow).

But even if you would never run an AP, it still contains lots of useful stuff, bestiaries, gazetteers, deity articles, magic items, etc.
Of all the APs I can only see me running Carrion Crown (which I run at the moment), Curse of the Crimson Throne, Legacy of Fire, Rise of the Runelords and maybe Shattered Star. I can't wait to get my hands on Reign of Winter. But do I regret owning all the other APs? No, they are nicely done and contain lots of stuff to salvage.

I only have so much shelf space these days, and there is only so much game product I can actually use. I have at least six full adventure paths, plus Rapan Athuk and Slumbering Tsar... which is already too many 1st to Nth level campaigns. Anything new I add means I have to discard or sell something else to make room for it. I mean, yeah, I have about 10 yards of gaming stuff but that doesn't mean I have room for more.

Edit: And yes, they only offer subscription for physical books + PDF. I'd sign up for PDF only subscriptions in a heartbeat.

Liberty's Edge

The reason there is a print subscription is because it helps determine print runs. Not neccessary for PDFs. Just buy it every month lol.

Liberty's Edge

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I went the other way. I was going to cancel (or at least switch to another line) my subcription until I saw the info for this AP, and the one that follows.

I want more info on other worlds, I am excited about seeing what they can do with creating a "modern" weapon ruleset on earth, etc...

I was kind of disapointed in Shattered Star (not the concept, but the execution), but these have me intrigued enough to drop another couple hundred dollars for another year.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Coridan wrote:
The reason there is a print subscription is because it helps determine print runs. Not neccessary for PDFs. Just buy it every month lol.

That is a really good point.

It would be really nice if there was some .pdf "subscription" from the perspective that you essentially are preordering all the .pdfs in a line for say, the next 6 months (or whatever time period you designate). Maybe not that you would get any kind of discount, but just be able to get the order set up in one single click, rather than have to buy each one individually (and hope you don't forget or miss anything).


Jadeite wrote:

One thing I don't get is why people cancel their subscription just because they don't like the theme of the AP. You probably won't be able to run all APs anyway (especially when you include third party material like Way of the Wicked, Razor Coast or Rise of the Drow).

But even if you would never run an AP, it still contains lots of useful stuff, bestiaries, gazetteers, deity articles, magic items, etc.

The ancillary stuff may not seem so useful if the theme doesn't excite.

For example, I'm not at all interested in Asian-themed RPGs, so I cancelled for Jade Regent. Even the articles and bestiaries wouldn't hold too much interest for me, as I expected them to be Asian-themed as well.

Similarly with Skull and Shackles; I feel like I've already got plenty of great pirate material (adventures, articles, and bestiaries); furthermore, if we want a pirate campaign with extensive support articles, we'll just finish our Savage Tide campaign that languished several years ago.

However, I resubscribed with Shattered Star, and Reign of Winter looks quite awesome, too. Wrath of the Righteous, after that, also holds a lot of appeal. So the theme does really matter to me.

I would love to actually subscribe, but at 20 + 6$ for shipping its kind of stiff as a Canadian. I will probably just buy them on Amazon.ca one by one.

I'll admit, even I am thinking about cancelling. The 10% discount is nice, but I'm not sure if I am really saving money by having the hard copy. And truth be told, I don't even know if I want the hard copy anymore. I'm an e-reader guy. I'm not too terribly attached to the smell and feel of a new book if I can fit the pdfs all in my pocket. So given I do buy the pdf hardcovers and sometimes the Player's Companion and Campaign setting, I need to do the math to see if the discount is really worth it.

Not to mention the USPS lady is being a real prick and not actually delivering any of the packages to the people in my apartment. It makes the subscription less likable if I have to go to the mailing center because someone has a bone to pick with our neighborhood. But that's not Paizo's fault.

Rubius wrote:
I would love to actually subscribe, but at 20 + 6$ for shipping its kind of stiff as a Canadian. I will probably just buy them on Amazon.ca one by one.

Be fair, you aren't taking the discount into effect. I know for me, as a fellow Canadian, the total for just the AP, shipping included, is around $22.50. Still more expensive than Amazon (especially if you're buying enough from amazon each time to get free shipping), but it is balanced out by the free .pdf and interactive maps, and the 15% discount on all other products purchased from Paizo. In general, if you buy a fair bit of Paizo product, the benefits should equal out cash wise, with the added advantage of Paizo sending and giving access (by PDF download) to the product earlier than amazon. And of course, directly supporting Paizo.

Jadeite wrote:

One thing I don't get is why people cancel their subscription just because they don't like the theme of the AP. You probably won't be able to run all APs anyway (especially when you include third party material like Way of the Wicked, Razor Coast or Rise of the Drow).

But even if you would never run an AP, it still contains lots of useful stuff, bestiaries, gazetteers, deity articles, magic items, etc.
Of all the APs I can only see me running Carrion Crown (which I run at the moment), Curse of the Crimson Throne, Legacy of Fire, Rise of the Runelords and maybe Shattered Star. I can't wait to get my hands on Reign of Winter. But do I regret owning all the other APs? No, they are nicely done and contain lots of stuff to salvage.

I was an initial subscriber and kept going until the start of Council of Thieves. Then I started having kids and could no longer afford the subscription. I also wasn't playing anymore. I'll get back on the horse one day I suppose when I have more disposable income - all of the APs in my opinion are great products. But they're luxuries when you're not actively paying and things like daycare and diapers loom large.

Failed Saving Throw wrote:
Then I started having kids and could no longer afford the subscription. (...) I'll get back on the horse one day I suppose when I have more disposable income

You are going to sell the kids?! ;)

I cancelled mine merely because I had more than enough to fill my shelves (more than I could use, technically). While it was difficult to lose the "Charter Subscriber" tag <sniff>, I may just pick up some pdf's that look interesting.

Is this a trick question? People cancel subscriptions so they can do something else with the money.

Carter Lockhart wrote:
Rubius wrote:
I would love to actually subscribe, but at 20 + 6$ for shipping its kind of stiff as a Canadian. I will probably just buy them on Amazon.ca one by one.
Be fair, you aren't taking the discount into effect. I know for me, as a fellow Canadian, the total for just the AP, shipping included, is around $22.50. Still more expensive than Amazon (especially if you're buying enough from amazon each time to get free shipping), but it is balanced out by the free .pdf and interactive maps, and the 15% discount on all other products purchased from Paizo.

the 15% rebate is worth.... not very much, if anything has to go over the Atlantic ocean. Just checked the paizo RPG hardcover at $49,95... minus 7,50 dollars for the rebate plus ca $50,- handling charges.... so the whole deal costs me... like 90 dollars ? well, I can get the same book for 30 pounds sterling at amazon.co.uk... app 48 dollars total. And I will have that edition in hand within 3-5 days. Nevermind I do not get the free pdf in either case^^... app.9 dollars either way

For overseas buyers, the rebate does next to nothing. Unfortunately. I guess, quite a number of the non-american purchasers simply go for the simplicity and having it delivered to their doorstep^^ Even if approximately 3 weeks later.

and looking at roughly 18 months of "not-worth-it" APs ( I couldn't stand "Shattered Star", "Reign of Winter" looks extremely childish too in its genre mix, and I could definitely care more for the next, mythic oriented AP ) I DO honestly consider cancelling the subscription... even saving on 10 times 20 bucks, that is money I will gladly use elsewhere.

Silver Crusade

I think looking at it as "People cancel when there is an AP they don't like" is a bit backward.

I, for one, do the opposite: I subscribe when there is an AP I really want, and then cancel when I have all the issues (unless I happen to really like the sound of the one that follows it). I feel no reason to own every AP out there.

vikingson wrote:
Carter Lockhart wrote:
Rubius wrote:
I would love to actually subscribe, but at 20 + 6$ for shipping its kind of stiff as a Canadian. I will probably just buy them on Amazon.ca one by one.
Be fair, you aren't taking the discount into effect. I know for me, as a fellow Canadian, the total for just the AP, shipping included, is around $22.50. Still more expensive than Amazon (especially if you're buying enough from amazon each time to get free shipping), but it is balanced out by the free .pdf and interactive maps, and the 15% discount on all other products purchased from Paizo.

the 15% rebate is worth.... not very much, if anything has to go over the Atlantic ocean. Just checked the paizo RPG hardcover at $49,95... minus 7,50 dollars for the rebate plus ca $50,- handling charges.... so the whole deal costs me... like 90 dollars ? well, I can get the same book for 30 pounds sterling at amazon.co.uk... app 48 dollars total. And I will have that edition in hand within 3-5 days. Nevermind I do not get the free pdf in either case^^... app.9 dollars either way

For overseas buyers, the rebate does next to nothing. Unfortunately. I guess, quite a number of the non-american purchasers simply go for the simplicity and having it delivered to their doorstep^^ Even if approximately 3 weeks later.

The rebate is significant for AP issues, though - although it doesn't cover the shipping for the big books which require priority shipping internationally, it's good value if you use the cheaper shipping options (as you can for an AP). Especially if you value the PDF.

I'm surprised you're getting them three weeks after release date (is that what you meant?) the arrival time shifts around for me, but I don't think it's ever been that delayed for me (in Australia).

I almost canceled on Shattered Star. I cannot stand Dungeon Crawls, they're a pain in the asphalt to run and something I stopped finding enjoyable a long time ago. Reign of Winter on the other hand, I love, I love me my wintery fantasy, perhaps on account of being Alaskan, and I love Russian folklore. My one disappointment is that damn near everyone knows about the controversial side of the AP, and that is something that seems like it would be far cooler to spring on the players.

Ever see Dusk 'till Dawn? I watched that and my friend barely let me look at the cover, the old cover didn't give anything away about the movie save that it had Quentin Tarrantino and George Clooney in it. You start watching the movie and you're thinking it's a fugitive cops and robbers one, when the scene at the bar hits you're frickin' blown away, at least I was. Now all the covers advertise it as the type of movie it is and so few people will have that awesome of an experience as I was fortunate enough to have.

Even though I cancelled my sub because of the earthy stuff, I may pick up the PDFs of the first volume because of Neil Spicer. Love his stuff.

vikingson wrote:
Carter Lockhart wrote:
Rubius wrote:
I would love to actually subscribe, but at 20 + 6$ for shipping its kind of stiff as a Canadian. I will probably just buy them on Amazon.ca one by one.
Be fair, you aren't taking the discount into effect. I know for me, as a fellow Canadian, the total for just the AP, shipping included, is around $22.50. Still more expensive than Amazon (especially if you're buying enough from amazon each time to get free shipping), but it is balanced out by the free .pdf and interactive maps, and the 15% discount on all other products purchased from Paizo.

the 15% rebate is worth.... not very much, if anything has to go over the Atlantic ocean. Just checked the paizo RPG hardcover at $49,95... minus 7,50 dollars for the rebate plus ca $50,- handling charges.... so the whole deal costs me... like 90 dollars ? well, I can get the same book for 30 pounds sterling at amazon.co.uk... app 48 dollars total. And I will have that edition in hand within 3-5 days. Nevermind I do not get the free pdf in either case^^... app.9 dollars either way

For overseas buyers, the rebate does next to nothing. Unfortunately. I guess, quite a number of the non-american purchasers simply go for the simplicity and having it delivered to their doorstep^^ Even if approximately 3 weeks later.

and looking at roughly 18 months of "not-worth-it" APs ( I couldn't stand "Shattered Star", "Reign of Winter" looks extremely childish too in its genre mix, and I could definitely care more for the next, mythic oriented AP ) I DO honestly consider cancelling the subscription... even saving on 10 times 20 bucks, that is money I will gladly use elsewhere.

If you'll look, my post was as a Canadian in regards to a Canadian. I never argued that it's a fair price point if you live overseas, that is something I have no experience or knowledge with.

Carter Lockhart wrote:

If you'll look, my post was as a Canadian in regards to a Canadian. I never argued that it's a fair price point if you live overseas, that is something I have no experience or knowledge with.

yes, saw that. Although I somehow expected overseas charges to be... similar. But I do wonder, there being no real survey, as to how many subscribers actually get anything much from the rebate.

Amazon offers the main RPG book at 33 dollars US, or 33 Dollars Canadian. what is the surcharge for mail by them ? *shrug*

I don't think the 15% really make or break any deal.

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Never played an AP, yet I own a complete set. Only wish I'd kept my founding subscriber from when I got switched over from Dragon. This is what I read for fun - I never found a group to play with. Also, I'm a completionist. I have ten to twelve bookshelves of RPG stuff going back to first edition. But then I rarely buy alcohol of music, so I suppose everyone's disposable income works differently.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I find my AP subscription to be a good investment even without the intention of running the AP. I'll likely never run shattered star but I will use every dugeon for sure.

To those who bellyache about going to Earth, ignore its Earth change the names.

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No worries Azazyll, I know exactly how that vice goes, and its allot better for you than alcohol and today's music is barely music at all. I do envy your first ed collection though. My wife's cat herd made sure to pee on half of my 2nd ed originals....

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Azazyll clearly downloads music off bit torrents and has a still in the basement making mooshine! Sorry alternate personality came out there.

@GM_Beernorg: This is why I don't like cats :)

@Creepy Shadow: If I'm going to make alcohol in my basement, it will be mead. And I don't get the newfangled bit torrent - I still miss Napster.

I do wish Paizo would bundle PDF collections of the old APs at a discount. I would be on that so fast... But having them in print, I can't justify to myself paying $50-60 for the pdfs for each one.

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To be honest I almost considered canceling my subscription when I learned of the "Let's go to earth" thing for the Reign of Winter AP.

As I said in another thread, this is for me, the ultimate taboo in fantasy RPG. I won't explain why again here.

Anyway, in the end I didn't cancel for a few reasons:

- I can still use the material from the AP, even if I don't plan to run it
- The 15% discount on everything else is nice and I have a tons of other book in the upcoming month taking advantage of it.

So while I definitely made sure to let know to Paizo that I was among the people who are NOT happy with an AP going to earth, I am not going to cancel my subscription over this.

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