Character gets his tongue cut out. What happens now?



What penalties should I, as the GM impose. The rules don't exactly cover this...

Speech is going to be difficult. I would rule a linguistics check to see if they're understood would be appropriate. if a spell caster some form or spell failure chance for all spells that need a verbal component would also fit.

Well, they can't talk. If they're spellcasters they're kind of screwed. If they're anything else.... they're still screwed, but not quite as much.

Are they anywhere nearly high enough level to find someone who can cast Regeneration?

Also, they'll have trouble eating and drinking.

If it's a caster, I'd go with the spell failure chance of a verbal spell cast while deafened. Seems fair.

If the character is not a caster, he/she can't speak very well, and anyone would notice that they speak as if they had no tongue. Normal speech just ain't happening. Even talking to friends will require some nonverbal communication just to be understood.

Brutal stuff.

Scarab Sages

If a non-caster: learn sign language and convince the rest of the party to do so as well.

If a caster, I would say concentration checks or spell failure checks to cast. The wolf scarred oracle curse could be used as a guideline.

Yeah, seems like everyone needs to blow a skill point on Linguistics if he can't get it grown back, either for sign language or for some language that's all guttural growls and gurgles anyway (It always seemed like that's what Abyssal would be to me).

Alot of dumb jokes!

Talking familiar will help alot. I recomend a parrot ah la Mr.Cotton.

"Screach.... Ready to sail, Ready to sail"

Scarab Sages

Rynjin wrote:
Yeah, seems like everyone needs to blow a skill point on Linguistics if he can't get it grown back, either for sign language or for some language that's all guttural growls and gurgles anyway (It always seemed like that's what Abyssal would be to me).

Sign language does have its advantages if the party is trying to be quiet.

Just to be clear, what kind of world are we talking about?

If it is a generic level of magic, regeneration is available to people of the "adventuring" class.

If it is a legal punishment, and forbidden to fix, or magically enforced in some way, then your in a whole different ballpark.

Spell-casting is out or MAYBE an 80% failure chance. A character that loses both arms at the elbow won't be doing much casting either, same effect. Now, there is little reason he can't RE-learn to cast, given enough practice, but probably not feasible in the short term.

If they are not a caster, well, not that big a deal. Heck, it could even be flavor. There are plenty of characters that never utter a word out of combat anyway. Depends on how creative you want to get.


It was a lawful punishment and is magically enforced. Regeneration is not possible.

I figured the character couldn't talk and that sign language would be important. The character is a noble and has easy access to paper and writing utensil.

How are people going to react to a tongueless noble? Are they bolder or less so?

Opinions welcome :)

Depends on the crime, how public the punishment was, and how easy it is to tell until he speaks. If severe and very public I'd say people probably try to avoid them for reputation sake. It's possible to talk with tongue damage but it's difficult and takes a long time to adjust and even then it's still hard to enunciate. If it's not well known what happened then I could see the player using one of the compatriots as his speaker as part of his nobility. Sign language is useful in general for parties. My group tends to create one around the level 5 mark in case its needed (and to help if we have druids in the party).

Was he "clipped" or "Cut out"? Those are 2 totally different types of punishments.

Clipped involves removing about an inch of tongue. He will speak very poorly, and people will know it was done on purpose.

If it is cut out, there is little tongue left. Talking will sound like he has no tongue. Try to talk for a minute using only your throat. Just let your tongue lie flat in your mouth and keep all but the very back part that closes your throat relaxed and still. It would sound like that. Communication would basically involve nothing but growls, yelps of pain, contemplative "HRMMmmm" sounds and questioning "hrmMMM?" sounds.

if he is a caster, a level of oracle with the deaf curse may help with the spell failure (not quite sure whether this would apply to spells from other classes but it sounds like it does)

otherwise send him on a quest for a high level divine caster that can cast regeneration.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

critical hit deck (3.5) wrote:

Tongue Piercing

Normal damage and 1 Con damage. Target gains 50% spell failure chance for verbal spells until healed.

Not exactly the same but it provides an actual rules reference. Hope it helps.

Well, if the Character is a spellcaster, they could always get Silent Spell Metamagic, although it does increase the level of quite a few spells, and even more so royally screws over Sorcerers due to elongated cast times...

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