Full BAB 1 / 2 Arcane casters

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Grand Lodge

Why are there not any classes that have Full Base Attack and 4th levels Arcane spells? Divine gets the Ranger and Paladin but no love for Arcane!

Lack of interest, maybe? But 3.5 had one, I'm sure you could find a 3rd party, and I KNOW there are home-brewed.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

It is kind of odd by its absence. Heck, the only 3PP one I know of off the top of my head is Super Genius Games' Dragonrider. (d20pfsrd.com link)

humm... yea your right not even magus gets the full BAB.

I'd love to see one. Don't think paizo has any plans.
Dragonrider looks cool but is probably overpowered.

It parallels the ranger with a full (dragon) companion, bonus feats and 4 levels of casting.

3 good saves is too much.

most 3pp are thats the only problem with them.

The hexblade in 3.5 (Complete Warrior)had full BAB and 1st-4th level spellcasting. But since it wasn't OGL, it could not be officially converted.

HERE is my conversion which catchs the feel of the class.


Super genius games also has the archon, who gets up to sixth level spells.
3.5 had the duskblade in the PHB2 which had up to fifth level spels.
Both with full BAB and spells starting from 1st level.

Grand Lodge

The justification as to why clerics are 3/4 BAB full casters compared to their 1/2 BAB full caster brethren is that divine spells are supposedly less powerful than arcane spells.

Maybe Paizo felt that the full BAB arcane caster would be too powerful.

Grand Lodge

Two Words: Arcane Strike

Grand Lodge

Yep... good one. Not epic compared to the magus but its a plus full bab classes wouldnt get

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

There is at least one other 3PP that came up with such a class:

Champions of Magic

This class is basically a warrior version of the witch.

3.5 had the Hexblade class.

Liberty's Edge

I did a very well received class in an issue of Wayfinder called the Battle Scion (edited by Mr. Deigle himself if memory serves) that is pretty much EXACTLY what the OP decribes. I was actually very pleased with the way that class turned out and it was great fun during playtests.

You know, maybe I should dust the Battle Scion class off, expand it and do something cool with it ...

Sovereign Court

For a new class to be reasonable it has to do something that isn't done, fill a need that isn't met through the other classes, prestige classes or arch-types.

In this case there really hasn't been any call for it. Between Magus, Bard and Eldritch Knights the arcane melee needs have been pretty much fulfilled.

Please don't think things need to exist due to some kind of design symmetry. 3.5 D&D seemed to do that and it got way out of hand. X BAB and X Caster class isn't a need. It's just a desire for mechanical symmetry.

Grand Lodge

I think the Hexblade would be completely doable. Just keep them relegated to Hex-type spells... Maybe Necro, Enchant, and Illusion.

@VM mercenario Did the Duskblade really top out at 5th level spells? That is... Odd.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Wyrmholez wrote:
Why are there not any classes that have Full Base Attack and 4th levels Arcane spells? Divine gets the Ranger and Paladin but no love for Arcane!

Because it's an accepted fact that 4 levels of Arcane is not the same power level as 4 levels of Divine. Note that Rangers and Paladins get a very specialised spell list, not full access to cleric/druid spells of those levels.

Paizo isn't going to build one at this point because it already has the Magus.

Grand Lodge

LazarX wrote:
Because it's an accepted fact that 4 levels of Arcane is not the same power level as 4 levels of Divine. Note that Rangers and Paladins get a very specialised spell list, not full access to cleric/druid spells of those levels.

The Divine Full-BAB guys get mostly buff spells, I think a debuffer would be fun (probably not as good).

Wyrmholez wrote:

I think the Hexblade would be completely doable. Just keep them relegated to Hex-type spells... Maybe Necro, Enchant, and Illusion.

@VM mercenario Did the Duskblade really top out at 5th level spells? That is... Odd.

It gets even odder . . . because they had Polar Ray as a 5th level spell. I liked the idea of the duskblade, but the execution (in my opinion) was way over the top.


EK isn't full BAB 1/2 caster but you can max fighter levels to get +17 BAB and only level 7 spells. More synergy with the diverse training class ability.

Or 3/4 BAB arcane caster 7/EK10/any full BAB 3 to have +18 BAB, 6th level spells.

I feel ya though. It'd be cool to have a full BAB arcane caster.

master arminas wrote:

It gets even odder . . . because they had Polar Ray as a 5th level spell. I liked the idea of the duskblade, but the execution (in my opinion) was way over the top.


Too balanced?

Because they were seriously balanced.
They were just damage dealers (with a few personal buffs)

Wyrmholez wrote:
Why are there not any classes that have Full Base Attack and 4th levels Arcane spells? Divine gets the Ranger and Paladin but no love for Arcane!

There's a general consensus that Arcane spells are much stronger than Divine spells, even if Divines spell can be devastating, like Harm.

The only way I could balanced it out is if you would get up to 4th-level arcane spells taken from the Sorcerer/Wizard list, but at a caster level equal to half your level. To compensate, you would get much more spells per day in exchange for a lower caster level.

On a sidenote, I'm disappointed with the Magus's spell list, because it's not as spread out as the Bard. A Bard has a few 7th and 8th-level spells as 6th-level spells, but the Magus doesn't. They didn't spread and compressed the spells from a 9-level list to a 6-level list.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
JiCi wrote:
Wyrmholez wrote:
Why are there not any classes that have Full Base Attack and 4th levels Arcane spells? Divine gets the Ranger and Paladin but no love for Arcane!

There's a general consensus that Arcane spells are much stronger than Divine spells, even if Divines spell can be devastating, like Harm.

The only way I could balanced it out is if you would get up to 4th-level arcane spells taken from the Sorcerer/Wizard list, but at a caster level equal to half your level. To compensate, you would get much more spells per day in exchange for a lower caster level.

On a sidenote, I'm disappointed with the Magus's spell list, because it's not as spread out as the Bard. A Bard has a few 7th and 8th-level spells as 6th-level spells, but the Magus doesn't. They didn't spread and compressed the spells from a 9-level list to a 6-level list.

That's because unlike the Bard which has a "jack of all trades" utility role, the Magus is a considerably more narrowly defined character. He's a melee oriented Battle Mage. Nothing more nor less. What he has is more than adequate for what he needs to do, deliver ginormous amounts of burst damage. Those Bard spells you're thinking of simply don't have the same kind of impact as the spells you'd want to import from the Wizard list at that level.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I would love to see a Full BAB arcane caster with a utility focused spell list. But we don't really need an arcane mirror to the ranger or paladin. It would just be nice.

Retexture and rework the Ranger as an an arcane spellcaster with some more magic-focused abilities. Maybe a hunter of magical creatures with abilities that relate to the use of magic items, overcoming resistance, etc.?

Grand Lodge

Here's a rough draft of a homebrew magehunter-type class I wrote a while back. Sorry for the rough format. Had to remove the tables, but it gets paladin-like spell progression, full BAB, good Will saves.



While some warriors seek mastery of physical combat or dedication to a cause, others seek to contend with a world fraught with magical perils of all kinds. These are the Arcanexes. Through exhaustive study of the arts of combat and the secrets of the arcane, these warriors learn to guard against and dispel hostile magic, battle magical beasts, and bring the fight to powerful arcanists in their lairs.

Role: Arcanexes apply rigorous physical conditioning and arcane acumen to seek and destroy all kinds of spellcasters. They combine special defenses against magical effects with unsurpassed combat mobility to weave through enemy lines and eliminate their targets.

Alignment: Any

Hit Die: d10

Starting Wealth: 5d6 × 10 gp (average 175 gp)

Class Skills

The Arcanex’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex). Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (Planes) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Perception, (Wis) Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Arcanex.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Arcanexes are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light), and with light and heavy shields.

Arcane Senses (Sp)

An arcanex learns to manipulate magic to grant him enhanced senses. He gains a pool of arcane sense points equal to his Arcanex level + his Intelligence modifier. Each sense point can be spent to initiate or maintain an arcane sense, as follows:

Engaging a sense is a standard action that costs 1 sense point. Changing Arcane Senses from one sense to another requires the arcanex to end one sense and start a new one as a standard action, paying the point again. Arcane Senses cannot be disrupted, but end immediately if the Arcanex is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise unable to act. An Arcanex cannot have more than one Arcane Sense in effect at one time.

At 7th level, an Arcanex can engage his Arcane Senses as a move action instead of a standard action. At 13th level, an Arcanex can begin Arcane Senses as a swift action.

The Arcanex gains senses at the following levels. These function as the spells of their names. Maintaining a given arcane sense costs 1 point per time period – the amount of time for each sense is given in parentheses.

1 - Detect Magic and Read Magic (each 1 minute)
3 - Detect Charm and Detect Thoughts (each 1 minute)
5 - See Invisibility (1 round)
7 - Darkvision (1 minute)
9 - Arcane Sight - (1 minute)
11 - Detect Scrying - (1 hour)
13 - True Seeing – (1 round)
15 - Greater Darkvision - (1 minute)
17 - Greater Arcane Sight - (1 minute)
19 – Foresight (10 minutes)

Bonus Feat

At 1st, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels, an Arcanex gains a bonus feat from the below list. His arcanex levels count as fighter levels for the purpose of qualifying for these feats, but he must otherwise meet the prerequisites.

Improved Grapple
Greater Grapple
Step Up
Iron Will
Arcane Strike
Dispelling Critical
Disrupting Shot
Missile Shield
Ray Shield
Teleport Tactician
Improved Counterspell
Dispel Synergy
Dispelling Fist
Parry Spell
Spell Penetration
Greater Spell Penetration
Disruptive Spell
Dimensional Assault
Dimensional Maneuvers
Dimensional Agility
Dimensional Dervish
Dimensional Savant
*Possibly certain metamagic feats*

Adversary (Ex)

At 2nd level, the Arcanex gains Magical Beasts as a Favored Enemy, as the Ranger ability. The bonus for this favored enemy does not increase as the Arcanex levels. At 6th level, he can treat any creature that he has witnessed cast an arcane spell or spell-like ability as a Favored Enemy.

Arcane Sigils (Su)

As an arcanex explores the mysteries of the arcane, he learns how to use the magic of Arcane Mark to create tattoo-like sigils on his skin that trap latent magical power. These sigils torturously restructure some of the arcanex’s very life force, granting him powerful abilities. They also function as arcane batteries, allowing the arcanex to discharge their magic to gain temporary bonuses or emulate powerful spells.

Once an arcanex chooses a power for one of his sigils, he can only change the power through an excruciating process of erasing and rewriting the sigil. This process deals 2 points of Constitution damage per sigil category, and requires a large amount of magical supplies. These supplies cost 1000gp for minor sigils, 4,000gp for major sigils, and 16,000gp for greater sigils. The master sigil cannot be rewritten.

All sigils recharge when the arcanex rests for spells. Additionally, whenever the arcanex rolls a save against an arcane spell, he can voluntarily take a penalty to that save in an attempt to harvest some of the spell energy and recharge one of his sigils. This penalty is -2 for minor sigils, -4 for major sigils, -6 for greater sigils, and -8 for the master sigil. The level of the spell saved against must be at least equal to the penalty taken or the attempt automatically fails. If the arcanex makes his save, he recharges the sigil. If he fails the save, the sigil is recharged only if the arcanex succeeds at a concentration check.

As long as the arcanex has at least one charged sigil, he gains Spell Resistance equal to double the number of charged sigils.

Minor Sigils (Su)

At 2nd and 4th levels, an arcanex can create a minor sigil. As an immediate action, he can discharge the power of a minor sigil to gain a +2 insight bonus to any caster level check or to regain 1 spell level worth of spent spells. In addition, each sigil has an alternate discharge option. The arcanex can choose from the following minor sigils:

Armored Casting – While active, this sigil lowers the arcanex’s arcane spell failure chance by 10%. He can discharge this sigil to completely negate the failure chance for 1 round.

Spell Resistance – As long as this sigil is active, the arcanex adds 4 to his Spell Resistance. As an immediate action, he can spend points of this resistance to infuse a single melee or ranged attack. If the attack hits, the target takes a penalty to Spell Resistance equal to the amount of SR spent to fuel the attack. This penalty lasts until the target spends a standard action to raise their spell resistance.

Evasion – As long as this sigil is charged, it grants Evasion as the rogue class ability, but only against spells and spell-like abilities. This sigil can be discharged as an immediate action to grant a +4 insight bonus to a single reflex save against such an attack.

Teleportation – While this sigil is charged, the arcanex gains the Shift power, as from the Wizard Teleportation subschool, except that he can only use the power a number of times per day equal to his Intelligence modifier. His arcanex levels count as wizard levels for this power. Once this power has been used at least once, the arcanex cannot discharge the sigil until it is recharged. If the sigil is charged, he can discharge it as a swift action to teleport up to 10 feet per arcanex level. If the arcanex has Dimensional Agility or any of its follow-on feats, he can apply their affects to any of the movement granted by this sigil. This sigil allows an arcanex to qualify for those feats.

Speed – Grants a 10-foot enhancement bonus to the arcanex’s land speed while active. He can immediately discharge the sigil to gain the effects of haste for a number of rounds equal to half his arcanex level.

Enhancement – While this sigil is active, it grants a +1 enhancement bonus to any weapon wielded by the arcanex. This stacks with any bonus already on the weapon to a maximum of +5, and can be used to purchase weapon properties if the weapon has at least a +1 bonus already. As a swift action, the arcanex can discharge the sigil to instead add a +2 enhancement bonus to the weapon for a number of rounds equal to half his arcanex level.

Warp – Active: -1 penalty to all caster level checks in 30’ radius. Discharge: Ranged touch attack inflicts -4 penalty on all caster level checks to one foe for one round.

Shield – Active: +1 deflection bonus. Discharge: Deflect any one force effect.

Major Sigils (Su)

At 8th and 12th levels, an arcanex can create a major sigil. As an immediate action, he can discharge the power of a major sigil to gain a +4 insight bonus to any caster level check or to regain 2 spell levels worth of spent spells. In addition, each sigil has an alternate discharge option. The arcanex can choose from the following major sigils:

Armored Casting – While active, this sigil lowers the arcanex’s arcane spell failure chance by an additional10%. He can discharge this sigil to completely negate the failure chance for 1 round.

Spell Resistance – As long as this sigil is active, the arcanex adds an additional 4 to his Spell Resistance. This stacks with the Minor Sigil of Spell Resistance. As an immediate action, he can spend points of this resistance to infuse a single melee or ranged attack. If the attack hits, the target takes a penalty to Spell Resistance equal to the amount of SR spent to fuel the attack. This penalty lasts until the target spends a standard action to raise their spell resistance.

Metamagic – When you write this sigil, choose one spell the arcanex knows. As long as this sigil is active, the arcanex casts that spell at one caster level higher. If the spell has a save DC, it is increased by 1. The arcanex can discharge this sigil as a free action to apply any metamagic feat he knows to that spell.

Evasion – As long as this sigil is charged, it grants Evasion, but only against spells and spell-like effects. If the arcanex already has the effects of Evasion, this sigil instead grants Improved Evasion against spells and spell-like effects. An arcanex can discharge this sigil as an immediate action to grant a +4 insight bonus to a single reflex save against such an attack. If he chooses, he can discharge the Minor and Major Sigils of Spell Resistance simultaneously for a +8 insight bonus to the save.

Major Sigil of Teleportation – While this sigil is charged, the arcanex gains the Shift power, as from the Wizard Teleportation subschool. His arcanex levels count as wizard levels for this power. Once this power has been used at least once, the arcanex cannot discharge the sigil until it is recharged. If the sigil is charged, he can discharge it as a swift action to teleport up to 20 feet per arcanex level. If the arcanex has Dimensional Agility or any of its follow-on feats, he can apply their affects to any of the movement granted by this sigil. This sigil allows an arcanex to qualify for those feats. An arcanex need not have the Minor Sigil of Teleportation to scribe this sigil.

Speed – While active, this sigil gives the arcanex a 10-foot enhancement bonus to his land speed. This bonus stacks with that granted by the Minor Sigil of Speed. He can immediately discharge the sigil to gain the effects of haste for a number of rounds equal to half his arcanex level.

Enhancement – While this sigil is active, it grants a +1 enhancement bonus to any weapon wielded by the arcanex. This stacks with any bonus already on the weapon and with the bonus granted by the Minor Sigil of Enhancement, to a maximum of +5. This bonus can be used to purchase weapon properties if the weapon has at least a +1 bonus already. As a swift action, the arcanex can discharge the sigil to instead add a +2 enhancement bonus to the weapon for a number of rounds equal to half his arcanex level. If he chooses, the arcanex can discharge both the Minor and Major Sigils of Enhancement simultaneously.

Warp – Active: -1 penalty to all caster level checks in 30’ radius. Discharge: Ranged touch attack inflicts -6 penalty on all caster level checks to one foe for one round.

Shield – Active: +2 deflection bonus. Discharge: Can discharge bonus one plus at a time to deflect force effects.

Greater Sigils (Su)

At 16th and 19th levels, an arcanex can create a greater sigil. As an immediate action, he can discharge the power of a greater sigil to gain a +8 insight bonus to any caster level check or to regain 4 spell levels worth of spent spells. In addition, each sigil has an alternate discharge option. To write a greater sigil, the arcanex must have written each of the previous sigils in its line if applicable, though he need not currently have them. The arcanex can choose from the following greater sigils:

Armored Casting – While active, this sigil lowers the arcanex’s arcane spell failure chance by an additional 10%. He can discharge this sigil to completely negate the failure chance for 1 round.

Spell Resistance – As long as this sigil is active, the arcanex adds an additional 6 to his Spell Resistance. This stacks with the Minor and Major Sigils of Spell Resistance. As an immediate action, he can spend points of this resistance to infuse a single melee or ranged attack. If the attack hits, the target takes a penalty to Spell Resistance equal to the amount of SR spent to fuel the attack. This penalty lasts until the target spends a standard action to raise their spell resistance.

Evasion – As long as this sigil is charged, it grants the effects of both Evasion and Improved Evasion. This sigil can be discharged as an immediate action to automatically succeed a single reflex save against such an attack and grant Evasion to all allies within 30’ until the end of the round.

Teleportation – While this sigil is charged, the arcanex can cast dimension door as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + his Intelligence modifier. His caster level is his arcanex level for this ability. Once this ability has been used at least once, the arcanex cannot discharge the sigil until it is recharged. If the sigil is fully charged, he can discharge it as a full-round action to cast teleport. If the arcanex has Dimensional Agility or any of its follow-on feats, he can apply their affects to any of the movement granted by this sigil. This sigil allows an arcanex to qualify for those feats.

Speed – While active, this sigil gives the arcanex a 30 foot bonus to his land speed. He can immediately discharge 10 feet of this bonus speed to gain the effects of haste for a number of rounds equal to his arcanex level.

Enhancement – While this sigil is active, it grants a +1 enhancement bonus to any weapon wielded by the arcanex. This stacks with any bonus already on the weapon and with the bonuses granted by the Minor and Major Sigils of Enhancement, to a maximum of +5. This bonus can be used to purchase weapon properties if the weapon has at least a +1 bonus already. As a swift action, the arcanex can discharge the sigil to instead add a +2 enhancement bonus to the weapon for a number of rounds equal to half his arcanex level. If he chooses, the arcanex can discharge any combination of the Minor, Major Sigils, and Greater Sigils of Enhancement simultaneously.

Warp – Active: -2 penalty to all caster level checks in 30’ radius. Discharge: Ranged touch attack inflicts -8 penalty on all caster level checks to one foe for one round.

Shield – Active: +4 deflection bonus. Discharge: Can discharge bonus one plus at a time to deflect force effects.

Master Sigil (Su)

At 20th level, an arcanex has mastered the intricacies of the arcane sigil. As an immediate action, he can discharge the power of his master sigil to automatically succeed a single caster level check or to regain 8 spell levels worth of spent spells. In addition, each master sigil has an alternate discharge option. To write a master sigil, the arcanex must have written each of the previous sigils in its line, though he need not currently have them. The arcanex can choose from the following master sigils:

Armored Casting – Permanently lowers arcane spell failure chance by 10%. While active, this sigil grants +2 to Concentration checks per category of armor (+2 light, +4 medium, +6 heavy). An arcanex can discharge this sigil to completely negate the failure chance and gain +10 to concentration checks for 1 minute.

Spell Resistance – The arcanex permanently adds 6 to his Spell Resistance. While this sigil is active, all of his successful melee and ranged strikes impose a cumulative penalty of -1 on his targets’ Spell Resistance. This penalty lasts until the target spends a standard action to raise Spell Resistance. The arcanex can discharge this sigil to lower the Spell Resistance of all creatures within 30’ by an amount equal to 5 + his Intelligence modifier.

Master Sigil of Evasion – The arcanex permanently gains Evasion and Improved Evasion. While this sigil is charged, the arcanex gains a +2 insight bonus to all reflex saves. This sigil can be discharged as an immediate action to automatically succeed any one reflex save and grant Evasion and Improved Evasion to all allies within 30’ until the end of the round.

Master Sigil of Teleportation – The arcanex permanently gains the Shift power, as from the Wizard Teleportation subschool. His arcanex levels count as wizard levels for this power. While this sigil is charged, the arcanex can cast dimension door or teleport as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + his Intelligence modifier. His caster level is his arcanex level for this ability. If the sigil is fully charged, he can discharge it as a full-round action to cast greater teleport or plane shift. If the arcanex has Dimensional Agility or any of its follow-on feats, he can apply their effects to any of the movement granted by this sigil.

Master Sigil of Speed – The arcanex gains a permanent 30 foot bonus to his land speed. While the sigil is charged, he is under the effects of haste. The arcanex can discharge this sigil to cast Time Stop as a spell-like ability.

Warp – Constant: -2 to all caster level checks in 30’ radius. Active: Additional -2. Discharge: Ranged touch attacks inflict -6 penalty on all caster level checks to up to 3 enemies for one round.

Shield – Constant: +2 deflection bonus. Active: Additional +6 shield bonus that stacks with constant bonus. Discharge: Can discharge bonus one plus at a time to deflect force effects.

Spellbane (Ex)

At 3rd level, the Arcanex learns how to physically disrupt magic. His successful melee and ranged attacks and combat maneuvers each inflict a cumulative +1 penalty to the target’s concentration and caster level checks. In addition, he can make a special melee touch attack as a standard action inflicts +1 of these penalties per 2 arcanex levels. He can make this attack a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Intelligence modifier. These penalties last until the beginning of the arcanex’s next turn.

At 4th level, an arcanex becomes so familiar with arcane magic that he can learn and cast a limited number of spells. An arcanex casts arcane spells drawn from the arcanex spell list. An arcanex must prepare his spells in advance. To learn or cast a spell, an arcanex must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against an arcanex’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the arcanex’s Intelligence modifier.

Like other spellcasters, an arcanex can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: Arcanex. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Intelligence score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells). When Table: Arcanex indicates that the arcanex gets 0 spells per day of a given spell level, he gains only the bonus spells he would be entitled to based on his Intelligence score for that spell level.

The arcanex’s selection of spells is extremely limited. At 4th level, an arcanex learns a single 1st-level spell of the arcanex’s choice. At each new arcanex level, he gains one or more new spells, as indicated on Table: Arcanex Spells Known. (Unlike spells per day, the number of spells an arcanex knows is not affected by his Intelligence score (See Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells).

Upon reaching 7th level, and at every third arcanex level after that (10th, 13th, and so on), an arcanex can choose to learn a new spell in place of one he already knows. In effect, the arcanex “loses” the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell’s level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must be at least one level lower than the highest-level arcanex spell the arcanex can cast. An arcanex may swap only a single spell at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time that he gains new spells known for the level.

An arcanex must prepare his spells in advance. Through 3rd level, an arcanex has no caster level. At 4th level and higher, her caster level is equal to his arcanex level – 3.

1 – Protection from Chaos/Law/Good/Evil
Mage Armor
Detect Charm
Detect Secret Doors
Detect Undead
See Alignment
True Strike
Lock Gaze
Memory Lapse
Disguise Self
Magic Aura
Illusion of Calm
Vocal Alteration
Charm Person

2 - Dispel Magic
Arcane Lock
Resist Energy
Detect Thoughts
Locate Object
See Invisibility
Share Language
Share Memory
Tactical Acumen
Touch of Idiocy
Steal Voice
Whispering Wind
Mirror Image

3 - Explosive Runes
Protection from Energy
Ablative Barrier
Arcane Sight
Locate Weakness
Seek Thoughts
Reckless Infatuation
Unadulterated Loathing
Draconic Reservoir
Illusory Script
Gentle Repose
Marionette Possession
Countless Eyes
Enter Image
Gaseous Form
Hostile Levitation
Keen Edge
Magic Weapon, Greater
Secret Page
Versatile Weapon

4 - Dispel Magic, Greater
Curse of Magic Negation
Dimensional Anchor
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser
Remove Curse
True Form
Dimension Door
Arcane Eye
Detect Scrying
Locate Creature
Symbol of Revelation
Crushing Despair
Geas, Lesser
Malicious Spite
Overwhelming Grief
Terrible Remorse
Resilient Sphere
Telekinetic Charge
Invisibility, Greater
Shocking Image
Shadow Projection
Calcific Touch
Darkvision, Greater
Symbol of Slowing

Dispel Magic (Sp)

At 5th level, the arcanex can cast dispel magic as a spell-like ability once per day for every two arcanex levels he possesses. If he uses a readied action to counterspell with dispel magic, he gains a +2 bonus to his caster level check. This bonus increases to +4 at 11th level and +6 at 17th level.

Liberty's Edge

Marc Radle wrote:

I did a very well received class in an issue of Wayfinder called the Battle Scion (edited by Mr. Deigle himself if memory serves) that is pretty much EXACTLY what the OP decribes. I was actually very pleased with the way that class turned out and it was great fun during playtests.

You know, maybe I should dust the Battle Scion class off, expand it and do something cool with it ...

And here it is! The The Expanded Battle Scion is now available

New Paths 4: The Expanded Battle Scion

I think folks in this thread might find this class worth a look :)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Curse you Marc and your temptations!

JiCi wrote:
Wyrmholez wrote:
Why are there not any classes that have Full Base Attack and 4th levels Arcane spells? Divine gets the Ranger and Paladin but no love for Arcane!

There's a general consensus that Arcane spells are much stronger than Divine spells, even if Divines spell can be devastating, like Harm.

The only way I could balanced it out is if you would get up to 4th-level arcane spells taken from the Sorcerer/Wizard list, but at a caster level equal to half your level. To compensate, you would get much more spells per day in exchange for a lower caster level.

On a sidenote, I'm disappointed with the Magus's spell list, because it's not as spread out as the Bard. A Bard has a few 7th and 8th-level spells as 6th-level spells, but the Magus doesn't. They didn't spread and compressed the spells from a 9-level list to a 6-level list.

I actually think the spell list of the magus is done right, having spells at different levels causes some complications in the system and I do not really see a need. Magus is perfectly functional.

AnnoyingOrange wrote:
JiCi wrote:
Wyrmholez wrote:
Why are there not any classes that have Full Base Attack and 4th levels Arcane spells? Divine gets the Ranger and Paladin but no love for Arcane!

There's a general consensus that Arcane spells are much stronger than Divine spells, even if Divines spell can be devastating, like Harm.

The only way I could balanced it out is if you would get up to 4th-level arcane spells taken from the Sorcerer/Wizard list, but at a caster level equal to half your level. To compensate, you would get much more spells per day in exchange for a lower caster level.

On a sidenote, I'm disappointed with the Magus's spell list, because it's not as spread out as the Bard. A Bard has a few 7th and 8th-level spells as 6th-level spells, but the Magus doesn't. They didn't spread and compressed the spells from a 9-level list to a 6-level list.

I actually think the spell list of the magus is done right, having spells at different levels causes some complications in the system and I do not really see a need. Magus is perfectly functional.

Would have loved Polar Ray as a 6-th-level Magus spell though...

It would be cool if Dragon Disciple has +11 BAB at level 10 and in exchange for the dragon bite. Not much change would change since you still only get 7 caster level. However, spell caster have a better chance to hit with their touch attack. For people who took the class for dragon sake, they will get the BAB they lost in their caster level.

Well a thought comes to mind. Because arcane in general has lower BaB then divine? Since full divine casters have 3/4 then half casters have full. Full arcane casters have 1/2 BaB so half casters(or partial since nether bard nor magus are really half casters.) get 3/4 BaB.

Not saying I would not want such a class or think its a bad idea. Just saying the logic of it makes sense.

Stome wrote:

Well a thought comes to mind. Because arcane in general has lower BaB then divine? Since full divine casters have 3/4 then half casters have full. Full arcane casters have 1/2 BaB so half casters(or partial since nether bard nor magus are really half casters.) get 3/4 BaB.

Not saying I would not want such a class or think its a bad idea. Just saying the logic of it makes sense.

No, I understand, it makes sense and reasonable. But how Dragon Disciple looking now is more for caster who trade their spell caster levels for AC and melee. For fighters who born with dragon blood and have their power awaken, it forcing them to either get weaker with their attack or they will have to be unarmed fighter so they can get the benefit that Dragon Disciple gives. But must dragon warriors fight unarmed? Must a dragon fight with their body and breath weapon? Can't they just swing tree on enemies from above? That's what I think in term of this topic. If one of those Arcane Fighter with full BAB should exist, maybe that should had been Dragon Disciple.

Liberty's Edge

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Curse you Marc and your temptations!

Thank you sir!

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Then you should also ask "Why is there not a divine primary caster with little-to-no armor or weapons and just 1/2 BaB?"

Kydeem de'Morcaine wrote:
Then you should also ask "Why is there not a divine primary caster with little-to-no armor or weapons and just 1/2 BaB?"

I have a friend who did this, it's basically a cloistered cleric who gets a base of 9 spells a day of every level up to 7 (8 for 8th level, 7 for 9th level). He said it makes up for the lack of power divine spells have when compared to Arcane spells. It WAS originally intended for 3.5 though . . .

Kydeem de'Morcaine wrote:
Then you should also ask "Why is there not a divine primary caster with little-to-no armor or weapons and just 1/2 BaB?"

Good question. A deeper dedication to a holy power should yield even greater benefits. Perhaps something on the order of Monk wisdom to AC combined with Paladin Grace to saves to indicate an outlook of "faith shall be my armor." Add increased uses or potency of of channel, perhaps wis+cha+3?. Maybe a third domain? Is there anything like this out there already?

Grand Lodge

For me personally the magus was a little disappointing, we already had the bard, summoner, and alchemist (if you consider it arcane). The magus feels way to similar to those classes in its basic chassis. That being said the magus is a very different creature in actual class abilities and party role. I grew to like it for that reason alone.

For a wile now I've been working on a class called the vanquisher (neat name) It's a full bab class that gets extracts and bombs from the alchemist, but it only goes up to 4th level alchemist spells (if you can call them that) just like a paladin and ranger. Why alchemy? Well simple no asf, so I can give these guys access to all armor and shields (of course except tower shields). Instead of mutagens, which I wanted to remain a alchemist only thing, I gave them sigils which where alchemy symbols and charms that could be used to counter magic and increase there combat abilities. Think of them as an anit-magic warrior, since that was the design goal.

Anyway the problem is I'm bad at class design, I rely upon paizos when it comes to creating new compelling classes/archetypes, still maybe I'll post it on the message boards in the homebrew forum and see what others think. I couldn't hurt.

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