Cyberpunk 2077 from CDprojekt red

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Cat petting! Game of the year!

Sovereign Court

Ugh, I downloaded an update and it totally borked my game. A single shot or blow from any enemy is instant death. I can hide and kill enemies, but they continue to shout and fire at me. Very disappointing.

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If I do get this game, I am going the Witcher 3:GoTY route and waiting for a compiled game and a marked down PS5.

Is it completely first person aside from driving?

Freehold DM wrote:
Is it completely first person aside from driving?

Apart from driving, photo mode and the upcoming multiplayer.

I know modders have been fiddling around with the files and think a third-person mod might be possible but there's some problems with level design that would make using it problematic. 3rd person games usually have larger interior clearance areas (for the camera) and CP77 doesn't have that so you'd get a lot of clipping issues.

The game does have very detailed FOV slider options to negate the nausea some people experience in FP games.

Silver Crusade

Werthead wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
I’ve seen minor visual glitches, including one dick-slip, but the only real bug I’ve encountered has been the one where the game doesn’t switch to 3rd person when you’re driving. So far I’m enjoying it.

You have to manually do that (it's default Q on PC). Unless you mean it won't remember to "stay" in that mode every time you get on a vehicle?

The game also forces the camera to stay in the car during certain journeys, effectively acting as cut scenes.

Yes, it seems to work fine now. I think the one time it occurred that would not respond, but it has worked every time since.

Yeah, people are reporting so many bugs, especially on xbox, so I'm definitely waiting.

One of the problems having a game that's been in development for eight years does lead to jokes that are extremely outdated.

Not only are there multiple Portal references that don't land as fresh in 2020 as they would have in 2014 or even 2016, but there's a bit of a catty comment about the non-appearance of another Half-Life game which would be more entertaining if Valve hadn't planned, made and released a Half-Life game in a third of a time it took CP77 to percolate.

The game's still mostly great, but there are a few things like that which make you think someone should have gone through the game and pulled out things that no longer really work, especially since they clearly added some stuff very late in the day.

Like Hideo Kojima's cameo and later on the Death Stranding baby.

Sovereign Court

I managed to get through my bugs and can play again. I wouldnt say this game is "mostly great" at all. It's average at best. Not as good a city sim as GTA nor is it as good about body augs as Deus Ex. CP2077 doesnt have a story half as good as either of them.

Fun, but worth the wait on bug fixes, and definitely purchased at a discounted price.

Silver Crusade

There are such divergent views of this game that I had trouble reconciling them. One comment I read might have hit the nail on the head though. People approach games like this differently.

I tend to follow the quest lines (including side quests) pretty closely. I feel that in most games, that is where the developers spent the most time, and I get a lot of enjoyment out of playing through them as intended.

Most of the buggiest reports (and video clips) come from people testing the limits of the game’s extremely limited (okay, almost nonexistent) AI capabilities, and it looks like it comes off the rails pretty significantly in some of those scenarios. I’ve seen some doozies captured during actual gameplay.

I have found very few bugs that actually affect gameplay given my play style. But people were promised an open world RPG and are encountering some pretty significant issues when they step off the beaten path. It sounds like CDPR has their work cut out for them fixing some of those issues.

The game's not really interested in being a city sim (though neither is GTA; it's as much a veneer of being a working city as CP77 is, though both are light-years ahead of say, Watch Dogs). That aspect is more of a backdrop to being an RPG with a very strong central storyline, tons of great side-quests (and a few inane ones) and a lot of reasonable gigs and activities. It's less wanting to be a deep-seated simulation of a futuristic city (which is beyond anyone's capabilities at the moment) and more of a Witcher 3 with a car or bike instead of a horse.

The one thing that I would strongly disagree is about it not being as good as Deus Ex. I'm a big fan of both Deus Ex games released last decade, but they were very small in scale, relatively short (both sub-30 hours) and offered freedom in how you approached each mission within certain contrived parameters, such as blatantly huge air vents located everywhere, yet no-one ever thinking to put security measures on them, or look inside them when people start disappearing. CP77 is more enjoyable in the sense that you can also stealth almost every mission in the game, but they don't make it as easy for you, or paint obvious routes or dodges. Sometimes you infiltrate a building and you find there is no way to ghost through it, simply because of the placement of the cameras and enemies, so you have to think way more outside the box in how you approach each objective. That side of the game is more organic and interesting than Deus Ex's approach, and the absolute mountain of hacking options for each objective dwarf those of Deus Ex or Watch Dogs.

Silver Crusade

Unfortunately, when I find a building that cannot be stealthed or hacked through, it becomes, “Well, looks like I’m gonna have to kill all these people...” A lot of my quests wind up devolving into bloodbaths.

Sovereign Court


Ok, city crime sim might not have been the correct term, but I think folks will understand what im getting at. There are times driving around and doing jobs I think to myself, "this is like GTA, im not jacked into the cyberpunk theme right now. Is this better than GTA? No, not really". Same with Deus Ex, "this feels a lot like Deus Ex right now, which does seem cyberpunk, but is it better than Deus Ex? No, not really."

The scope might be much grander for CP2077 than Deus Ex, but I feel the theme is often lost. CP2077 just feels in the shadow of other games and maybe pulling back on the scope would have produced a better game; like Deus Ex or GTAV.

Also, I do agree that the parameters of stealthing missions are expansive in CP2077, but I find that makes it even easier to accomplish my goals than it was in Deus Ex. So far, stealth has been no challenge at all.

I dont dislike CP2077, im having fun, but im not really impressed either. A grand scope doesnt make up for that.

Looks like things are exploding/imploding. Complaints of bugs seems to have CDPR say 'Ask Sony for refunds' Sony yanks CP2077 from the PS store and other places are offering refunds.

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My review.

So, so much greatness but also quite a bit of jank they need fix in the coming months.

Silver Crusade

Great review, Werthead. I'm with you on just about everything.

my ending was really disappointing, that's what you get for trying to do good

and I was OK with Mass Effect 3 ending or Deus Ex, imagine if Deus Ex had all this time to develop

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I had a great time and am, honestly, quite furious with the reactionary backlash the game has gotten. Then again, I am not a console gamer and have a very good gaming rig (bought an RTX 3090 specifically because I wanted to experience the game at the best settings... also because I wanted to not worry about a new graphics card for 4-5 years). However, the endless negative videos some people are now churning out seems like just riding the hate wave for clicks to me.

Anyway, I got the best ending and had tons of fun. Some bugs were there, but not to the extent that it made the game unplayable at any turn.

Silver Crusade

magnuskn wrote:

I had a great time and am, honestly, quite furious with the reactionary backlash the game has gotten. Then again, I am not a console gamer and have a very good gaming rig (bought an RTX 3090 specifically because I wanted to experience the game at the best settings... also because I wanted to not worry about a new graphics card for 4-5 years). However, the endless negative videos some people are now churning out seems like just riding the hate wave for clicks to me.

Anyway, I got the best ending and had tons of fun. Some bugs were there, but not to the extent that it made the game unplayable at any turn.


Knoq Nixoy wrote:

my ending was really disappointing, that's what you get for trying to do good

and I was OK with Mass Effect 3 ending or Deus Ex, imagine if Deus Ex had all this time to develop

The game does have 7 endings, the best of which is reasonable. The worst of them is properly horrible though.

There's also the forthcoming DLC, which may offer a chance to change or expand on your fate.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Werthead wrote:
Knoq Nixoy wrote:

my ending was really disappointing, that's what you get for trying to do good

and I was OK with Mass Effect 3 ending or Deus Ex, imagine if Deus Ex had all this time to develop

The game does have 7 endings, the best of which is reasonable. The worst of them is properly horrible though.

There's also the forthcoming DLC, which may offer a chance to change or expand on your fate.

I would say the best ending is more than "reasonable", but rather hopeful and somewhat uplifting. :)

magnuskn wrote:
I would say the best ending is more than "reasonable", but rather hopeful and somewhat uplifting. :)

Kind of.

You're still going to die, but you have another six months and a lot can happen in six months.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Werthead wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
I would say the best ending is more than "reasonable", but rather hopeful and somewhat uplifting. :)

Kind of.

** spoiler omitted **

The ending is still presented as hopeful that you are going to find a solution and getting out of Night City to stay with the Aldecaldos, people who care about you, is presented as an unambiguously good thing and something V really needed. As for Johnny, well, him going with Alt into Cyberspace is kept ambiguous. He could have been just absorbed by her, but seemingly she wanted to keep him around as well.

I have to say I must be the luckiest last gen x-box one player on the planet.

I have played a few times up to Act 2 just messing around to get a feel for the game for about 50 hours and I am on a dedicated playthrough now and I am at 40 hours.

I have had exactly 3 CTD in that time. I get that per hour playing modded Skyrim.

I have had the occasional item that I can't pick up or guy playing guitar with no actual guitar, but nothing even remotely making it unplayable.

I believe the game will get even better as the patch and fix stuff.

I agree with Werthead's review.

I will also second it is far better driving around the map on a motorcycle than via auto.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

True enough, however getting the Type-66 Javelina and free Caliburn provides you with two very decent vehicles nonetheless.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Rysky wrote:
magnuskn wrote:

I had a great time and am, honestly, quite furious with the reactionary backlash the game has gotten. Then again, I am not a console gamer and have a very good gaming rig (bought an RTX 3090 specifically because I wanted to experience the game at the best settings... also because I wanted to not worry about a new graphics card for 4-5 years). However, the endless negative videos some people are now churning out seems like just riding the hate wave for clicks to me.

Anyway, I got the best ending and had tons of fun. Some bugs were there, but not to the extent that it made the game unplayable at any turn.

magnuskn wrote:
Then again, I am not a console gamer and have a very good gaming rig (I bought an RTX 3090 specifically because I wanted to experience the game at the best settings... also because I wanted to not worry about a new graphics card for 4-5 years).

Sovereign Court

I'm on PS4 Pro. I stopped driving all together, if I can help it. Not because driving controls suck (they do), but because I seem to suffer crashes during long drives. I have been using the fast travel kiosks instead.

Silver Crusade

Huh. I haven’t had any issues with instability when driving (PS4 Slim here).

But I echo the motorcycle sentiment. The traffic AI is rather weak, and being able to weave around the cars on the road is a huge win.

Celestial Healer wrote:

Huh. I haven’t had any issues with instability when driving (PS4 Slim here).

But I echo the motorcycle sentiment. The traffic AI is rather weak, and being able to weave around the cars on the road is a huge win.

Dont get me started. Sometimes the A.I. just stops in the middle of the interstate for some unknown reason.

I have noticed in some GTA style games, car spawning ramps up during chase missions(Challenge!) SO maybe some shenanigans are happening.

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