GM Shared Prep

GM Discussion

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Grand Lodge 4/5

Great resource! Added Advanced Dogs for The Cyphermage Dilemma (it's not much, but might save someone a couple of minutes).

Voice in the Void: Added maps sized for A4 (nice fit for the rooms) and

map tile for the archives room without the sinkhole.

2/5 *

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

OK, I've uploaded all the Combat Manager files I have, though a couple are apparently lacking here and there. I'll try to update them where possible, and going forward when I prep scenarios, if there's no CM files for them on the drive, I'll upload them as I create them.

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've added a Google spreadsheet scenario tracker ("PFS Scenario Tracker") that I've been using to track played/GM'd scenarios for regulars in an online group. It is in the Helpful Resources section and contains all scenarios through 4-26.

I also added some of my notes for #24 Decline of Glory.

Shadow Lodge

Tivilio wrote:
I'll try to update them where possible, and going forward when I prep scenarios, if there's no CM files for them on the drive, I'll upload them as I create them.

Ditto; in fact, just uploaded the files for the session I'm running on Friday... :P

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Does anyone know of a good map to use for the first encounter in #0-3 The Silken Caravan. It's set in a small desert house with a large living room and at least another room for a bedroom. The folder for this one is empty. Running it soon any help would be great. Thanks

Grand Lodge 1/5

Tank you for this, gréât idea !

Liberty's Edge 2/5 *

Warpath: I think I ran this one back in Jan. Ill comb back through my notes from the scenario and see what I did. I think from memory I had the main living room as 30 x 30 and then the bedroom as 15x 15. There were a lot of baddies and it got very congested (as I also had 5 players).

Id love to get a paper mache version of that large idol later on in the scenario. I found it very difficult to run the vertical and the horizontal of that encounter.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Warpath42 wrote:
Does anyone know of a good map to use for the first encounter in #0-3 The Silken Caravan. It's set in a small desert house with a large living room and at least another room for a bedroom. The folder for this one is empty. Running it soon any help would be great. Thanks

I thought of using parts of this:

Halawa House,
probably just the living area visible in the first interior shot.

The Exchange 1/5

Hi Purple, thanks for initiating this. Makes life much easier for newbie GMs like me. I've uploaded some printable maps of the Miregold Manor for #1-47 The Darkest Vengeance (scaled to 25mm miniature bases)

Hope to see this grow into something awesome!

Grand Lodge 1/5

I have added the Facebook event banner I use in 4-01 folder. If you like it I can add others like it.

Dark Archive 4/5

Added Veteran's Vault: all creature stats, images and handouts

Grand Lodge 4/5



Just used the first set of shared combat manager files in my school club. I had a crazy week, and it was great to have nearly zero prep for that adventure!

Thanks Tivilio!


Shadow Lodge 4/5

Posted 4-17 tower of the ironwood watch

Liberty's Edge 5/5 Venture-Captain, Alabama—Birmingham

Added Russell Akred's awesome handout to #2-18 The Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Koor from the product discussion thread.


Added custom maps for 4-13: The Fortress of the Nail. There are two versions - letter size which can be taped together, or poster size if you have access to a plotter.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Added a Fly Skill/Check sheet handout for players for Drow of the Darkland Pyramids.

4/5 *

Added a two page PDF "Skill Summary" reference. I print it out single-sided to keep on the inside of my GM screen, and double-sided to keep in my character folder. I also hand them out at my GM 101 sessions.

Also added a PDF of the six-to-a-page initiative cards I use as well as the original MSFT Publisher file so people can customize. I printed those out, cut them, then had them laminated so I can use wet-erase markers to fill out the card, and dry-erase for temporary notes during the scenario. I have also started making custom versions for NPCs and other special initiative items like spreading fires or

Golemworks Incident spoiler:
uncontrolled machines firing mind-control goo.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Just uploaded a Character level tracker. Sometimes as a GM you have too many characters and you haven't planned which one can take your credit. This will help in that decision. This is a creation of Chris Hays and I am posting it with his permission.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I just padded out the folder for the module No Response from Deepmar.


I'm creating Portfolios in Hero Labs for all creatures in the scenarios I'm running these days. Is there any reason I can't or shouldn't add these to the repository?

4/5 *

Yes please, Redward... unless there is a Herolab reason not to.

Grand Lodge 5/5

I have already started to add them to the scenarios :)

Though I do have all the add-ons. so hopefully no one is getting any errors because of that?

Dark Archive 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber
Deanoth wrote:

I have already started to add them to the scenarios :)

Though I do have all the add-ons. so hopefully no one is getting any errors because of that?

ISTR there is an option to scan for and turn off all unneeded addons from a portfolio. I'd recommend you use that and save the portfolio before copying it up to the Google repository.

The Exchange 5/5

Just uploaded a few items for #03-08 Among the Dead.

.por file with Harvestmaster Quint at high and low tier. It uses ShadowChemosh's concentration skill and adjustments.

resized, ready-to-print maps for all three mapped areas.


Grand Lodge 4/5 * Venture-Agent, Texas—Houston

Added a GM's cheat-sheet for tracking the details of 4-EX.

Shadow Lodge

Uploaded Combat Manager files for We Be Goblins!

Dark Archive 4/5

Added floor plans and player quick reference for Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible

Added player quick reference for Perils of the Pirate Pact

(I often run in short slots so have player quick reference handouts to avoid repetition and speed things up)


For those who want to GM online with virtual tabletops:

I added my set of maps for MASTER OF THE FALLEN FORTRESS.
These maps are made by me and in complete compliance with the Community Use document.
Uploaded are:
Start page
Master of the fallen Fortress floors 1-5

All images are png with a resolution of 50 pixels/inch (not great for print but good enough for your comp screen)


Dotted. This is amazing. I will upload some stuff when I have the time. Dashing off to a PFS session as we speak.


I was told the link wasn't working correctly, re-posting a hopefully correct link.

The Exchange 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Added the excluded 3.5 stat blocks (updated to PRPG) for Tide of Morning and Decline of Glory. Also uploaded a table tent with environmental adjustments for Act 1 of Decline of Glory.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

For those who want to GM online with virtual tabletops:

I added my set of maps for DAWN OF THE SCARLET SUN.
These maps are made by me and in complete compliance with the Community Use document.
Uploaded are:
Start page
All 3 encounter maps

All images are png with a resolution of 70 pixels/inch (not great for print but good enough for your comp screen). If you play on these maps should align to the grid automatically.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I may of broken season 0 06 Black water

I opened them up to have a look and then they disappeared.

The Exchange 5/5

Looks fine when I open it, try rebooting :)


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Now they are their. Interesting bug but good to know it was only on my end. Thanks.

The Exchange 5/5

Added PRPG stat blocks for PFS#0-03 Murder on the Silken Caravan, including NPC stats from the Gamemastery Guide. Also added a table tent with the sandstorm effects.


Added paper minis for We Be Goblins.

Grand Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

Added stat blocks for Black Waters (both tiers). Will add more once I have five minutes.
Thanks PFCBG for starting this, saves me huge amounts of time.
Two stars here I come!!!

Silver Crusade 4/5

Can I ask for a favor from someone who has the pdf of Feast of Ravenmoor? I bought the hard copy, and now I wish I had the pdf, just so I could play with the maps easily to print them out instead of drawing them. If anyone here has that module in pdf, could you cut and paste the maps into jpg or other files, and post them to the shared prep? Thanks!


Fromper, technically that breaks both copyright law and the community use document. I would prefer people not do this as I don't want to see Paizo staff on this thread telling us to shut down the shared drive.

Silver Crusade 4/5

We're not allowed to modify the maps to make them easier to print on normal sized paper and share them here? That's all I'm asking for, except that I'm willing to do the modifications myself if someone provides me with the maps electronically. And as I said, I already bought the module, just not in pdf format, so I don't have it electronically.


For those who want to GM online with virtual tabletops:

I added my set of maps for WE BE GOBLINS.
These maps are made by me and in complete compliance with the Community Use document.
Uploaded are:
Start page
4 encounter maps [goblin camp, brinestump marsh, the old shipwreck, and a 3 level layout of the ship]

All images are png with a resolution of 70 pixels/inch (not great for print but good enough for your comp screen). If you play on these maps should align to the grid automatically.

Shadow Lodge

So, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone. I'm filling in last minute at my flgs PFS with about 48 hours prep time. I'm a busy person, and well... I'm also new to GMing so my ability to convert from 3.5 to PFS would be overwhelming on top of prepping up the scenario. Then I remembered this existed. Turns out someone did the work for me.

So thanks for all the hard work. I greatly appreciate it. I will certainly contribute anything that I can in the future.

Shadow Lodge

Uploaded Combat Manager files for S2-23: Shadow's Last Stand, Part One: At Shadow's Door.

EDIT: Also uploaded a copy of Steven Robert's notes about things that got left off of the original version of the map.

Silver Crusade

All right were kicking off the PFS here in Northern Utah in Kaysville Utah at HajeMoJa.

2 new GM's me and Dawn will be rolling out New sessions.

We got the books, mini's, Map Boards, and dice.

We've posted on the boards and game shops around here, can anyone else think of some thing else we may need?

Also what multi part session for 1-5 characters would you recommend. Dawn will be running Before the Dawn part 1 and 2. Then I will run.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Keith W Compton wrote:

All right were kicking off the PFS here in Northern Utah in Kaysville Utah at HajeMoJa.

2 new GM's me and Dawn will be rolling out New sessions.

We got the books, mini's, Map Boards, and dice.

We've posted on the boards and game shops around here, can anyone else think of some thing else we may need?

Also what multi part session for 1-5 characters would you recommend. Dawn will be running Before the Dawn part 1 and 2. Then I will run.

If you're starting a new group with players who haven't played PFS before, I'd recommend starting with the three free First Steps adventures. Besides being good intros to Society play, they also happen to be pretty good adventures.

Also, if you're doing public events, remember that you're going to have different people showing up on different days, so sticking to single session scenarios might be better than multi-parters.

Silver Crusade

Keith W Compton wrote:

All right were kicking off the PFS here in Northern Utah in Kaysville Utah at HajeMoJa.

2 new GM's me and Dawn will be rolling out New sessions.

We got the books, mini's, Map Boards, and dice.

We've posted on the boards and game shops around here, can anyone else think of some thing else we may need?

Also what multi part session for 1-5 characters would you recommend. Dawn will be running Before the Dawn part 1 and 2. Then I will run.

Well all in all it we well. We had 7 players and went through the scenario. Everyone seemd to enjoy themselves, and looks like a full crew for next week!


I'm super excited to have Keith and co. on board in Kaysville, and look forward not only to their future exploits, but also to working together on larger events that we plan to hold in Utah in the future. Awesome sauce!!

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