Warpath42's page
Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 30 posts (31 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.
Situation was this. Ranger used his turn to move to an unconscious oracle, kneel down, and pull out CLW wand. End turn. The BBG hits Ranger with a spell that blinds him. Next round the Ranger gets a 50% miss chance to tap the Oracle. Succeeds that but fails his save and is still blinded. Oracle moves away. Next several rounds the Ranger spends trying to heal himself with the CLW wand. Being blind GM gave him the same miss chance to heal himself. It was the GMs call and I have no problem with that. It just got me thinking, you're holding the wand in your hand, you dont have to touch skin when healing someone else (As far as I know)just touch what they're wearing. Weirdo that does seem to answer it.
A situation came up yesterday that started me thinking about how wands work. If all this is posted somewhere please forgive the new post. Is it a magic wand or magic tip? Do you have to tap someone with the far end or can you hit with the shaft? DependingDepending on that answer, do you have to tap your self to heal or does just being in contact insure success?
I've been looking around the boards and the entire site, and I guess my search skills are floundering. I can't find the actual chronicle sheet for We Be Goblins. It's not in my PDF copy of the module itself. Any help, supposed to run it on short notice this afternoon.
Sorry for posting in wrong forum. How do I get it switched?
Serum, I'm just trying to understand this so thanks for the help. I got this from CRB. (Threatened Squares: You threaten all squares into which
you can make a melee attack, even when it is not your turn.
Reach Weapons: Most creatures of Medium or smaller
size have a reach of only 5 feet. However, Small and Medium creatures
wielding reach weapons threaten more squares than a
typical creature.
Shooting or Throwing into a Melee: If you shoot or
throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with a
friendly character, you take a –4 penalty on your attack roll.
Two characters are engaged in melee if they are enemies of
each other and either threatens the other.)
I'm don't understanding why the gnome riding on the back of the eidolon is not either close enough for melee or is is firing into melee. Thanks for the help.
Gnome Summoner riding his Eidolon, always in a serpent form.
1. Does this need a ride check.
2. Both get an attack.
3. If the Eidolon has reach and attacks, where is the gnome, if he fires a crossbow is gnome in melee or is he firing into melee or neither?
Any other thoughts or questions on this.
I didnt read Snigs answer right, but I see it now. Character level must be within actual tier level range. I was thinking sub tier with 3 between the two sub tiers. Now if I can just retain it. Thanks guys.
Ok thanks. One more question if you can. Can a level 3 play in the 1-5?
This week end my niece is wanting to play and will have a new level 1 character. We will be doing scenarios 43 Pallid Plague 1-7 (1-2, 3-4, 6-7) and 45 Deliriums Tangle 1-5 (1-2, 4-5). Which sub tiers can she play in with her own character? Thanks for any help in figuring this out.
Does anyone know of a good map to use for the first encounter in #0-3 The Silken Caravan. It's set in a small desert house with a large living room and at least another room for a bedroom. The folder for this one is empty. Running it soon any help would be great. Thanks
I was wondering if there is a blank scenario sign in sheet. Something to use for the early scenarios that dont have one. I know I've seen a blank chronicle for online games like Fantasy Grounds. I've looked around and can't find anything.
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Ok. Thanks for the quick response. Sounds like the best thing to do is loan out materials while in store or at event and distribute a take home info sheet with links to Paizo for Core assumption material and helpful items.
Had an instance of this tonight. NPC had taken a potion of Blur causing a 20% miss chance on attacks. Player used Magic Missle. So because MM has no attack roll and Blur does not give total concealment or cover, MM hits. Correct?

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I was wondering about the legality and possible repercusions of something. Our local PFS group meets at our LGS once a week. Sometimes we have unexpected players show up, which we love, but seating another table can be problematic on short notice. One solution we thought of was to print out a copy of the three First Step scenarios and keep them at the shop. Wondering if this is legal from Paizo's point of view. The way I understand it I can print out material for personal use.
1. Does that mean only I can GM my watermarked scenario?
2. Is it acceptable for me to play my watermarked scenario and let someone else GM?
3. Can I run or play another game and let someone else run my watermarked scenario?
4. Can someone run my watermarked scenario if I'm not attendance, home sick, or couldn't make it to event?
5. I noticed some items like Character Traits Web Enhancement doesn't have a watermark. Can I print these out and give to players?
6. What about free items like Pathfinder Society Organized Play
Quick Start Guide. They are watermarked but to me they seem designed to be passed out.
7. Would there be a difference in the Quick Start Guide and the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play.
8. We are currently trying to really grow PFS in our area, just want to make sure we do it the right way. I've heard that you can lose the ability to purchase any new material if copies of your watermark get out.

Leveling up my Cleric in a Jade Regent game from second to third level. I thought of something that I've had trouble understanding before and need help with.
Cleric has 17 wisdom and is going to third level so he gets the following. 4 level zero spells, 3 level one and 1 level one for domain, and 2 level two and 1 level two for domain. I may have some other fear or bonus but that's what comes up in hero lab and is not the focus of my post.
Most magic users need to spend time to learn spells for the day. So I first thought I had the entire spell list to chose from each day, but could only learn my set number of spells for the day.
I now believe that to be wrong. I must chose the number of spells my abilities and class say I can learn at that level and those are the only spells I know.
Is that right?
I always thought it odd that on the pregen Kyra she would chose to have a cure light wounds listed. Why not learn another spell since you can bring cure light wounds up if needed.
I leveled up and was chosing spells and started to chose cure moderate wounds and thought that would be a waste. Then I thought; if I don't choose the spell then I don't know it. Correct?
I can learn 2 level two spells not including the domain one. If I want to know CMW then I can learn 1 other spell. Then I can daily memorize the other spell twice if I want and then replace with CMW.
Is all that correct?
On a seperate note; kind of. Is there any way to learn and retain other ceric spells of apporiate level, from scrolls or such?
Thanks in advance.
Just wanting to make sure of something about pregens, Herolab and hand outs at games. I've gone in and built the iconic pregens from scratch, meaning I didn't use the pregens that come with Herolab, but started with a blank character sheet and the downloaded Paizo pregens for Society play, and filled in all info from that. I'm just wanting to be sure it's legal to hand out these to players at my table. I like and am more familiar with the Herolab layout, making it easier to help a newer player quickly find the info needed. "What do add for a fort Save?" "Where does it tell me what to add for attack and do I add that to my damage?" The layouts different enough I have to search helter skelter for the info on the official pregen sheet because I started out using Herolab from the get go. Wondering if doing so violates any of the "Personal use" clauses? Any thoughts?
Quick question. Just noticed on a chronicle sheet that tier 1-2 has items listed but tier 3-4 says no additional items. Looked in the guide book and it says cross off higher tier rewards. I thought you crossed any tier other than the one your group is playing in. The way I read it now is you get items from your tier and any lower tiers, if you find those items during adventure of course. As far as the gold amount though you only get your tier's listed amount. I'm running our second 3rd level /tier this weekend and want to get it right. Thanks for any help.
This is the first time I've had to deal with this and I'm getting myself more and mote confused. We have a regular group of players that are now third level. Tomorrow I'm planning on running Devil we know part 1. We will have two new players starting and one of the regulars wants to try out a new character he's been building. So three 3rd levels and three 1st levels equals 12. 12 divided 6 equals 2 plus 1 for 6 PCs is 3. Devil we know is tier 1-2 3-4 6-7. Guide to PFS organized play says no PC can play at a subtier more than 1 step away from her character level. Question is, is that subtier step or level step. My level ones can or can't play subtier 3-4. Hope I've stated clearly cause my head hurts just thinking about it.
I just GM'd Infernal Vault from season 1. Each Faction had 2 missions given to them. Did they need to complete both to get 1 prestige point, and then earn 1 prestige point for completeing the overall mission of the scenario. Or do they get a point for doing at least one of their faction missions, and then get 1 for completeing the overall mission? Thanks for any help.
I was wondering the same thing. I was also wondering about switching spells for Cure light wounds. Can you switch out your domain spell or is it just your normal spells. Does it matter if the spell is in both Domain and normal spells selection?
Okay so what about my domain spell. Is it always the same? Can i choose a new one each day or is it always the same spell?
Thanks. Now the level 0 spells how do they work can i cast the ones Ive memorized over and over through the day? So it would be a waste to memorize Cure light wounds. Does it take a long time in rounds to swap out wnat type of action is it.
Still kind of new to Pathfinder.I used Hero Lab to make a cleric. Usually stick to non-spell characters. My first question, of what could be many. First level Cleric I had to chose 3 Zero level, 1 domain and 2 first level cleric spells. Are these the only spells I know or are they the ones I have memorized.
Don't know what was going on. Tried it after getting your reply and it went through. Show registered character. Thanks for the help.
Trying to figure out how to register. I'm using HeroLab and have a PFS #. Here on Paizo site under PFS the right side Bar says register your character. Leads to a page that shows faction and says I have no registered characters. I filled out the form but it still says no characters. do I need to have each character registered on here or just show GM my PFS # 50246 and sub #-1 or -2 and so on.
Master of the Zero One wrote: Dream Daemon wrote: I haven't ran Fangs From the Past yet, but I bought it and I like it. There's supposed to be a sequel coming out in February, also Beginner Box-compatible. The next adventure is named Curse of the Sickled Hand, going in playtest in a couple of days.
It isn't exactly a sequel, but it shares the same starting location (the village of Gafolweed), which will be also detailed in an upcoming product.
People who played Fangs from the Past will find familiar NPCs and places in the next adventure. How's this going is it ready for release yet? Bought Fangs and I'm excited about Curse.
Sorry about that I mistyped address. Double checked this time. Can you resend? Thanks.
can you send me a copy please?
I wanted an exotic weapon for a NPC and found the Shotel in the AA book.
The shotel is a curved sword used to reach around shields. Its originally from Ethiopia. What is the equivalant land and cities in Pathfinder. Thanks in advance.
New to Pathfinder and this forum. I have the BB and first game is coming up saturday. My question is about skills. You have Class Skill/Ranks/Ability Mod/Misc Mod. I read the Skills section of the Hero's Handbook but am still not sure. It says "Put one rank into each skill you want..." Then later it says "If you put a rank in a skill, you should write... the linked Ability Modifier for that skill..". This sounds to me that you only get skills that you have a rank in.
But later it says in Trained only Skills "If you don't have any ranks in it, you can't make the check at all." That sounds like Trained Skills must have a rank but the others don't. Hope this question makes sense and isn't to stupid.