best undead


I have a juju oracle who is 7th lvl and can command 180 HD of undead, what undead would you sugest, I'd rather medium or less so they can fit through halls thanks


Probably a JuJu zombie of something that was a good class.

Maybe a JuJu Sorcerer or Barbarian (Hey, that +4 Str and Dex ain't too shabby, especially with Rage).

thanks, but sadly can't cast that spell only zombies and skeletons currently.

Gah. Forgot you don't get the Create Undead (JuJu only) spell until 10th. Sorry.

it's ok, but suggestions anyone?

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

anything with racial hit-dice. Zombies and skellies drop class levels but keep racial HDs. Young Dragons are medium.

Also, skeletons retain weapon and armor proficiencies. Next time you drop a boss, leave him equipped and raise him.

After a quick search, the Garuda, a native outsider, has 10 HD and 7 natural attacks. At CR 9, killing one should be quite possible for a well-oiled APL 7 party. Good luck finding one, tho.

I liked the Umber Hulk zombie for it's burrowing ability in 3.5 and because it was a relatively standard monster, but I don't know a good equivalent in Pathfinder.

Liberty's Edge

How is it that many hit dice at that low of a level?

7th lvl juju oracle spirit vessel 6hd instead of 4, varisan tatto(necromancy)+1cl, undead mastery+4cl, spell specialization +2 gifted adept +1 15(6) for 90hd add in creating them in a desecrated space for double effect and I get a total of 180hd of beautiful undead.

Descrate doubles the "create" limit ... it does nothing for the control limit.

Pinky's Brain wrote:
Descrate doubles the "create" limit ... it does nothing for the control limit.

Your right ):

Well 90 HD is plenty ... any way, I'd take one large critter with a magical fly speed, one large critter which can burrow through stone if you can find one (they are a bit rare, at least ones which don't simply glide through). For the rest just animate every large critter you come across as a fast zombie, it's more fun that way :)

Silver Crusade

180 HD of undead at 7th level? Holy cow man, lol, i thought my wizard necromancer had it good.

Pinky's Brain wrote:
Well 90 HD is plenty ... any way, I'd take one large critter with a magical fly speed, one large critter which can burrow through stone if you can find one (they are a bit rare, at least ones which don't simply glide through). For the rest just animate every large critter you come across as a fast zombie, it's more fun that way :)

I think I decided upon a squadron of bloody skeleton advanced trolls each cr 4 but a 23ac +71d8+7 bite, and 2 claws 1d8+7(25str) longbow for ranged attacks 46 hp and deathless, a small band but not bad 23 of them, later I'll look at getting grave-knight barbarian's since they have a bad will save should I have only medium so they can fit into most places? Perhaps young template?

71d8? please tell me thats an error

Weables wrote:
71d8? please tell me thats an error

yes +7 for attack and 1d8dmg

so would you say the trolls are a good idea, should I add young to make them medium the one major worry is if we go into small places where it's hard to manuver.

So, what context do you find yourself in that you can just raise an army of monsters of your own choosing? Do you just pop on down to Ye Olde Mons'tre Graveyard and start digging up corpses?

this character is found in the underdark where lots of creatures are dead I'd assume since it's a violent place from what I have gathered.

It's also a place without any light, so the whole ecosystem has to basically run on corpses. I'd expect any corpse left lying around would be completely stripped and the bones shredded by the viciously carnivorous wildlife. Either that or quickly converted into compost by the variety of fungal creatures.

That's just my take, though.

The Exchange

Rynjin wrote:

Probably a JuJu zombie of something that was a good class.

Maybe a JuJu Sorcerer or Barbarian (Hey, that +4 Str and Dex ain't too shabby, especially with Rage).

Undead are immune to morale effects such as barbarian rage. Really, they should just be immune to fear, because intelligent undead seem to get angry all the time.

Can't cast create juju zombie only create undead lesser so zombies/skeletons including templates.

MacGurcules wrote:

It's also a place without any light, so the whole ecosystem has to basically run on corpses. I'd expect any corpse left lying around would be completely stripped and the bones shredded by the viciously carnivorous wildlife. Either that or quickly converted into compost by the variety of fungal creatures.

That's just my take, though.

Bones take a while to decay, skeletons are made of bone.

Run, Just Run wrote:
MacGurcules wrote:

It's also a place without any light, so the whole ecosystem has to basically run on corpses. I'd expect any corpse left lying around would be completely stripped and the bones shredded by the viciously carnivorous wildlife. Either that or quickly converted into compost by the variety of fungal creatures.

That's just my take, though.

Bones take a while to decay, skeletons are made of bone.

There's also a lot of good meat in there that plenty of critters would crack open bones to get to. A complete skeleton is a rare thing in places where there are predators and scavengers in the regular world. I'd expect them to be less likely in a subterranean environment like the Underdark where there's basically nothing but predators and scavengers.

prehaps but their would be some.

You know you can add more than one template to a skeleton. You could have a bloody and (I belive it is exploding dont have book with me currently) at the same time.

yes, I do but with bloody the only way they die is if their killed in a hollowed area or sprinkled with holy water so I feel it's not worth it, but perhaps a second template is worth it.

Run, Just Run wrote:
yes, I do but with bloody the only way they die is if their killed in a hollowed area or sprinkled with holy water so I feel it's not worth it, but perhaps a second template is worth it.

True they cannot die but if you add that other template that makes them blow up they still explode when they reach 0 hp.

Our group had a tactical discussion about combining those 2 templates then using a catapult to loft them into a town. They blow up when they hit and an hour later they are up destroying more stuff in the town. They die and blow up and later they are up again. Pure chaos in the town. As you can guess this game involved us not playing the nicest of people.

I would assume you would have to find the skeleton to raise it?

So basically it's going to be up to the GM to provide you with things to raise, outside of whatever you kill in combat.

The Exchange

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The best skeletons are bloody, burning kitten (young cat familiars) skeletons. They move at a speed of 40. They are diminutive, so you can fit a bunch of them in a single square. They never have to hit anything, they just have to move next to a creature, and, when it's turn starts, it take 1d6 points of fire damage per kitten. If it attacks and gets killed, it explodes for another d6 fire damage, but that's no big deal because it's also bloody and will come back to unlife in an hour.

For regular animate dead, they cost four 25gp onyx gems to make, but only have 1 hit die each, so you can control 4 times your level worth of them. So a level 5 cleric can spend 2,000gp on a pride of 20 bloody, burning kitten skeletons and command them to stand next to a creature and do 20d6 fire damage with no save every round.

Waffle_Neutral wrote:

The best skeletons are bloody, burning kitten (young cat familiars) skeletons. They move at a speed of 40. They are diminutive, so you can fit a bunch of them in a single square. They never have to hit anything, they just have to move next to a creature, and, when it's turn starts, it take 1d6 points of fire damage per kitten. If it attacks and gets killed, it explodes for another d6 fire damage, but that's no big deal because it's also bloody and will come back to unlife in an hour.

For regular animate dead, they cost four 25gp onyx gems to make, but only have 1 hit die each, so you can control 4 times your level worth of them. So a level 5 cleric can spend 2,000gp on a pride of 20 bloody, burning kitten skeletons and command them to stand next to a creature and do 20d6 fire damage with no save every round.

Thank you, oh thank you so very much. My players are going to hate you though!!

This made me giggle, my players hate it when I find something that makes me laugh.

Silver Crusade

Banecrow wrote:
Waffle_Neutral wrote:

The best skeletons are bloody, burning kitten (young cat familiars) skeletons. They move at a speed of 40. They are diminutive, so you can fit a bunch of them in a single square. They never have to hit anything, they just have to move next to a creature, and, when it's turn starts, it take 1d6 points of fire damage per kitten. If it attacks and gets killed, it explodes for another d6 fire damage, but that's no big deal because it's also bloody and will come back to unlife in an hour.

For regular animate dead, they cost four 25gp onyx gems to make, but only have 1 hit die each, so you can control 4 times your level worth of them. So a level 5 cleric can spend 2,000gp on a pride of 20 bloody, burning kitten skeletons and command them to stand next to a creature and do 20d6 fire damage with no save every round.

Thank you, oh thank you so very much. My players are going to hate you though!!

This made me giggle, my players hate it when I find something that makes me laugh.

Lol, complete with a tortured mewling from the kitten skeletons.

Death by something inherently grotesque and cute, love it.

Though to be honest 5pts of fire resist will almost completely negate this attack. And 10pts does stop all damage. Each kitten is a seperate source of damage so with 5pts of resist only on a roll of a 6 do you even take 1pt of damage.

The Exchange

That's true, but it's relatively cheap and is great against everything that doesn't have fire resist.

use puppy's instaed!
kittens are just grotesque.

I like the kitten idea, but prehaps bats so they can fly near walls and blow them up. Just imagine a siege. "They don't have any siege weapons sir we can take them, oh my god run everyone run theirs a breech in the walls."

the non-stinky kind are the best.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

By any chance, was your character inspired by my Araonna Chorster build?

At a glance, she can control a total of 196 HD worth of undead via animate dead, though she can control much more with her Command Undead feat. All of her undead minions were created in a desecrated area with an alter, which currently resides on another plane of existence (created vis lesser create demiplane) that resides within her purple worm zombie's maw (which she treats as an aircraft carrier of sorts). In general, she has her purple worm come up in the midst of her foes, spewing forth undead giants and wreaking havoc while she and her cyclops lieutenant fly over head raining down spells and boulders from their undead roc steeds.

If more numbers are needed, she will create a host of uncontrolled undead, leave them in her demiplane, and set them loose upon her enemies when and where appropriate.

The only way I can see having a larger undead army is to either have a higher level character and/or a mystic theurge.

yes it was inspired by her thanks for mistic theurge but I won't be able to become a mystic theurge until 13th lvl and she is a companion so that would take to long unless my current character were to die.

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