False factoids

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KenderKin is ovulating right now.

Which is to say that the eggs the Space Wasp laid in his abdomen are ready to hatch.

GoatToucher will be broodmother to new colony of fire antzes

TPOZ secretly prefers pot pourri and cupcakes to fire and pickles.

Sovereign Court

Pulg has a twin brother named Glup who rules over a city of zombies in a disclosed location.

Gorilla Grodd is a Jim Henson muppet.

Krevon secretly wishes he was a claymation character from the 'PJ's'.

MD is voiced by Charlie Murphy.

GoatGroper is voiced by Tim Curry

TPOZ is voiced by Brian Blessed in a blender. That is to say, Blian Bressed in a Brenda. That is to say, Cyndi Lauper.

Sovereign Court

And Pulg is voiced by Adam West!

Scarab Sages

Gorilla Grodd is voiced by Patrick Stewart!

IHIYC is voiced by Sylvester Stallone.

krevon is voiced by Zoey Deschanel.

GT wanted to start a rock band but misunderstood and started a roc band instead.

Costs are low though because he pays them in chicken feed.

Molten Dragon secretly idolizes Barney the purple dinosaur

TFF can't decide which Teletubby he wants to make his personal love slave. But why does he have to choose just one?!

Sovereign Court

Pulg once tried to clean his neighbour's toilet and got the plunger stuck on his head.

Gorilla Grodd once tied to use his neighbors toilet and it all got stuck in his fur.

Krevon made that expression (the one in his avatar) too much as a child, and now it is stuck like that.

KG once killed a man and ate him in order to survive.

Strangely, this took place in a Denny's.

GoatToucher, as a part of Phineas Foxtrot and his Charleston Chappies, was one of the performers on the 1932 smash hit, 'Painting the Brown Things Brown'

"Once I was peevish and down in the mouth,
My face wore a permanent frown
Now I'm as cheery as a chest full of chimps,

Yes, Pulg will do the fandango.

but Molten Dragon will not let him go.

KahnyaGnorc be cousin of Kenderkin, both no have picture.

Poog is really Squee Goblin Nabob

krevon is actually a cat. A Maine Coon to be precise.

Rashly5 wants us to believe he is an anthropomorphic red panda, but he is actually a super intelligent mouse in a mechanical suit.

Scarab Sages

GoatToucher's face is like that because the race of tiny people who live on his feet think it's the moon and sent a rocket there.

In his non-jester hours, IHIYC is a kindergarten teacher.

Scarab Sages

GoatToucher sits in his van outside kindergarten playgrounds, offering free Bhagavad Gitas.

Sovereign Court

IHIYC spends most of his time raiding his sister's make up kit and jewellery box.

Gorilla Grodd is jealous of his cousin Donkey Kong and his escapades with Princess Peach.

KahnyaGnorc's real name is

Gahk Nyan Orc, a rainbow-farting, pufftart bodied orc with an annoying tune.

The 'Y' in Wylliam Harrison's name stands for Yoghurt.

Pulg is the original man from Nantucket in all those dirty limericks.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Molten Dragon is actually just a semi-solid . . . like Jell-O with teeth.

KahnyaGnorc is skilled in the Darkest Art of Bureaucracy and is one of the few in charge of the 9th Circle of Paperwork.

Rashly5 just ate something bitter, hence the expression.

Scarab Sages

KahnyaGnorc (a hint-hint anagram for "ran a yoga hack") taught themselves qigong powers by having them downloaded straight into their brain a la The Matrix.

Sovereign Court

IHIYC is colour blind, hence why his clothing is a multiple patchwork of different colours.

Grodd-Ape no have canines. Those are fake.

Poog has no teeth. Poog has no mouth and cannot scream. Poog has only cheap cardboard cut-out which is what you see.

rashly5 used to live in Pandora

krevon's toilet is an unwholesome portal to another dimension, and his avatar picture depicts one of his daily battles for urination.

Sovereign Court

GoatToucher speaks the truth! The way he is looking shows how he was able to know Krevon's bathroom habits.

And indeed does Gorilla Grodd's very visage a testament to the extradimensional struggle of bowel movements.

rashly's pseudonym is fluffy-panda 16

Scarab Sages

The Fiend Fantastic ghostwrote Screwtape's famous letters.

IHIYC is very cross, because firstly, his 3-volume rant on how much he despises lions (Pride and Prejudice) got its title ripped off by Jane Austen, and secondly (to add insult to injury, or vice versa) when he went around to her house to have it out with her, she knocked him out cold with one blow of her parasol and stole his wallet.

Pulg's given name is Denise.

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