False factoids

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Scarab Sages

Pulg was responsible for inventing the asbestos-lined iron lung.

IHIYC provided the asbestos . . . from a surprising source!

Scarab Sages

It was KahnyaGnorc. She owns an asbestos mine in The Barrens of Kalimdor. Yes, that The Barrens of Kalimdor. Gold farmers have been pumping so much earthly money into World of Warcraft that World of Warcraft has finally become able - and quite willing - to start sending things the other direction, as long as it's toxic to people and the environment, because that's only fair.

IHIYC's jester's cap covers a surprising secret

GoatToucher has a jester's codpiece, and a cod's jester-piece.

Pulg fashioned both from just a tiny fragment of his armpit hair.

KahnyaGnorc performs an internal molting once a year. They find a remote spot where they can be safe from predators and spend several days defecating all of their internal organs. Unfortunately, they have not evolved an exceptionally pliant anus to accommodate larger organs like the liver, so the second day of the molt consists of up to twelve hours of prolonged shrieking, followed by several hours of weeping.

GoatToucher was once swallowed whole by a giant flytrap. Eight years later, that flytrap is still seeing a psychotherapist.

Scarab Sages

JTDV's internal mouthparts both look and function like a Rolodex.

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Do not ask "For whom the bells on IHIYC's hat toll," they toll for tea.

Scarab Sages

KahnyaGnorc will upon rare occasion make the journey to my place for tea - she and myself are the only ones we know who like to add motor oil (admittedly, I take mine strictly distilled)!

Sovereign Court

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Tvashtri Abdul-Khasis is actually an oil vampire, which is why he is not allowed near Dr Eggman or any of his robots.

The count is actually a ketchup bottle drinker.

Dr G House MD is the spokesperson for a hemorrhoid cream company ... "I am not just a spokesperson I am a client."

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The Golden God is actually a pyrite pirate.

KahnyaGnorc is actually a solo bassoon rendition of 'Stars Fell On Alabama'

Scarab Sages

Pulg is actually...The Nefarious Zoopwango Goldstein!

IHIYC is actually the Blessed Kluphooniding Goldstein, Zoopwango's saintly brother.

Pulg was once Princess of Mars, for a couple of hours. He got run out when he named the bassoon the planetary instrument of Barsoom (Yes, the Barsoom Bassoon) and IHIYC as the musician laureate.

EDIT: switched names to conform to the game.

KahnyaGnoc is figuratively filled with the flavor of rich, Colombian coffee. They are literally filled with organs and fluids.

GoatToucher only has one use for Colombian coffee.

Belphegor's subjects ran out of gold part way through construction, and most of his outfit is made from pyrite.

KahynaGnorc was running down the road trying to loosen his load. Prunes might help.

Pulg once took it easy. Then, he replayed it on Medium.

Life in the Fast Lane.

Schism... Well, let's just say that they put Milton Berle to shame.

GoatToucher is the Gracie Allen to his goat's George Burns.

KahnyaGnorc has developed a specialist ointment for George Burns.

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Pulg has a nasty case of piles, and bought a prescription strength suppository to soothe them, but he simply cannot find his anus.

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That's because GoatToucher has it, in a jar, on a shelf, in his basement.

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KahnyaGnorc has replaced his with a portable hole

"Portable hole" was Pulg's nickname in college.

He did not have a positive fraternity experience.

Or did he?

Sovereign Court

When GoatToucher and I were in college, he pranked me into joining the sorority group. Guess the joke was on him.

The Count dated the captain of the football team through junior and senior years. He taught the other sorority girls how to best use their [REDACTED] to please a man.

Scarab Sages

GoatToucher spend 2d5 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3 years as editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine. It was a period like none before or since for the publication, leaving a legacy of such scandalous and groundbreaking articles as:

"10 Tricks That Will Drive Oman Crazy"

"7 Surefire Ways to End Any Relationship With Oman"

"21 Secret Maneuvers That Will Leave Oman Begging for More"

"6 Warning Signs Oman Has Lost Interest"

"Getting the Most Mileage Out of Oman's Natural Juices"

"What Can Change the Nature of Oman?"

IHIYC was crowned as the Sacred King of 'Woman and Home' magazine. For seven years, he lived as a woman; for seven years, he pretended to be a house; for seven years, he ate porridge, and then he was sacrificed to the gods in order to ensure a rich harvest of Scandi Boho living room designs.

Pulg used to be a spokes(man) for the Hair for Men Club, until he decided to go au-natural.

When fried, Schism tastes like prosciutto wrapped chicken breast.

GoatToucher prefers half-baked Schism to fried, helps his ghoulish figure.

KahnyaGnorc made well over $32 million last year.

High G has earned a living for years in Catskill Mountains resorts as 'Parpo: the Human Tuba'

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Pulg is quite skilled at playing not just Human Tubas, but Halfling bassoons, dwarf flutes, elf saxophones, and orc triangles.

Sovereign Court

KahnyaGnorc was constantly throwing up in disgust whilst writing the previous post.

Count Heydrich was squealing with delight when he read it.

Scarab Sages

Pulg was quivering with antici...

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IHIYC has ransomed the pation to the highest bidder.

KahnyaGnorc has a Pation of Cure Medium Waunds for sale. He will be very embarrassed if you happen to ask him what either a 'pation' or a 'waund' is.

Sovereign Court

Pulg is completely illiterate, or at least, he can't distinguish A's from O's.

In Count Reiner Heydrich's view, there is no reason for more than a dozen letters.

Scarab Sages

In KahnyaGnorc's view, the original Phoenician was and is the only alphabet the world's ever needed! Hmph!

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