False factoids

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Scarab Sages

rashly5 does not think bow ties are cool.

IHIYC is (not so) obviously blind, hence his choice of clothes.

Liberty's Edge

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Quiche Lisp's Favored Enemy is fashion.

Lucky7 achieved an incredible ritual of banishment while in his Dark Tower of Tenebrous Obscurity.

The victim of his unholy ministrations was the concpet of "Too Much".

Quiche Lisp holds the current record for most crimes committed against royalty in a single day.

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Rashly5 is a fan of 14th century persian poetry featuring anthropomorphic animals - platypuses and donkeys, in particular - absorbed in jousts of wits and charms in the magnificent palatial gardens of that time.

He's in fact the foremost authority on the works of "Poon-Poon" Afsar-ud-Din, who was either an handsome self-conscious lad or a bashful virgin aardvark, and was celebrated in his time for his odes on the 50 virtues of the black tulip (or turnip) of Ardabil.

Scarab Sages

When Quiche Lisp was little, his mother told him to stop making silly faces or it would stick that way. He was so alarmed by this prospect that he resolved to remain as stony-faced as possible. And it stuck that way.

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IHIYC has always wanted to know the identity of the Alice constantly referred to in the German national anthem

Pulg is actually a polymorphed caterpillar.

Rashly5 is border guard confiscated live sample from an academic.

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Lightminder was recently in a nudist production of The Count of Monte Cristo and received rave reviews for his Danglars.

Pulg is an avid reader of the bodice-ripper genre.

The rash is contagious.

Scarab Sages

Belphegor is collaborating with Algor and Kristingor on a movie best described as a combination of "Captain Planet" and "Stargate."

I'm Hiding In Your Closet frequently sunbathes in the nude during cloudy days.

Rashly5 likes too breed puppies in the name of Jesus.

Quiche Lisp has a hot fog baked into his crust

Pulg keeps a warm still-beating heart under his bed.

Scarab Sages

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rashly5 is one of the High Lords of the TORG universe. His realm, The Great Race of Yiff, overlays Sri Lanka and comes from a cosm of furry hentai. His Darkness Device is named Rule 34, which, surprisingly, just looks like a 2'10'' imperial system ruler.

IHIYC has the full text for all the 1st Edition core books, plus 'Expedition to the Barrier Peaks', tattooed across his inner thighs. This proved handy (if slightly traumatic for the players) when he forgot to bring his books to his group's last gaming session.

Scarab Sages

Pulg had long ago dedicated his life to recovering the countless great works of antiquity lost when the Great Library of Alexandria burned down - this was why he was especially traumatized to discover that I have a perfect miniature replica of said Great Library where lesser beings merely have genitalia.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is made of 62% used fig.

Scarab Sages

rashly5 suffered a vargouille's kiss several years ago, and has had extraordinary difficulty finding a cure since then; his hat is intended as a protective measure against the final stage of the transformation.

I'm hiding in your closet is a huge fan of David Bowie and has been buying the same make-up ever since he saw the first video clip of his hero.

Scarab Sages

Philip Dhollander is using that avatar to ever-so-subtly lie about his age. He's actually a Scorpio.

IHIYC is afraid of the dark.

Despite his millenium long existence, Belphegor never saw a swan.

Quiche Lisp is one of the best-loved hero deities of the Ur-Flan.

Pulg can use his ears to glide gracefully through the air.

Quiche Lisp was part of an emo garage band named Guilty Dark Hearts.

Rashly5 was their biggest fan.

Ruick named himself after the rand of rar that Rooby Doo rove.

Scarab Sages

Have you ever seen a man eat his own head? Pulg has.

IHIYC lives on a strict regimen of Brussels sprout and Chernobyl tap water.

Quiche Lisp has a job writing cut-price reggae songs praising Slightly Selassie.

Pulg made breakfast but didn't share, that fiend.

Scarab Sages

rashly5 is LYING! Pulg made a portion for himself (?) and Quiche Lisp, but rashly5 broke in and STOLE Quiche Lisp's portion before he came downstairs and blamed Pulg - and you thought you could get away with it, didn't you? Well I was Hiding In Pulg's Dishwasher at the time, so I SAW IT ALL!

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is presently Hooting In Your Corsets

Pulg is banned for puting that image into my head.

He is also the in charge of P.I.P.H. (Puting Images into People's Heads).

Schism once brewed a potion to get rid of unruly morning hair. Obviously, that didn't work too well...

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QL used the same potion, and look what happened to him.

Scarab Sages

Schism desperately tried getting rid of the potion by pouring the remainder into Pulg's dishwasher...funny thing is, it worked great for me!

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is jealous of my natural locks.

Judging by rashly5's expression, he forgot to take the hedgehog out of his jockstrap this morning. Again.

Pulg[not consisting a challenge to its tradename] is[for a value of is="maybe/perhaps/I won't be held liable"] DC[not the alphabet letters!] Comics[R] Batman's[TM] biggest[no fatty jokes here, I swear!] fan[copyright].

Yeah... I spent this whole morning in... Lawyer World ! Can you tell ? My beloved/reviled homeland of Gormund Gnomish Ghast is less scary ;-)]

Quiche Lisp was barred from taking the bar exam.

Dr house had his medical lisense pulled for throwing the book out the window...literally

Scarab Sages

Ruick's college nickname was "Emperor Mengsk II."

I'm Hiding In Your Closet was part of a sorority in college.

rashly5 spend the off-season as a manequin.

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