Chartered Company: Keepers of the Circle

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Goblin Squad Member

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NAME: Keepers of the Circle

ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good Role: Maximize freedom of choice while respecting the Non Aggression Principle; Foster advances in all areas and grow a community of people.

ACCEPTED ROLES: Combat, non-combat, educational, adventuring - everything is open, except griefing (obviously banned).


The Circle itself is a representation of Life; as such, those who are Keepers of the Circle support that which advances life. The Circle of life is made up of Rings, each of which cover a different aspect of life. Every member of the Circle is known as a Keeper - each Keeper may belong to no Rings, one Ring, or several Rings, but may only hold elected rank in a single Ring at a time.

Ring of Steel: The militant arm of the Circle, the Ring of Steel has the purview of Conflict; Conflict is an integral part of life, and the Keepers of Steel are those members dedicated to the martial aspects of war. Keepers of Steel are called upon in times of war to protect the other Rings as well as to honor martial contracts on behalf of the Circle (guard duty, aid in war, etc).

Ring of Light: The Healing arm of the Circle, the Ring of Light has the Purview of Aid; Aiding those who need it is a principle that advances life. HOWEVER, this does not incur a mandate for Keepers of the Light to help anyone at any time; they retain their right to choose who and how to aid. Keepers of the Light are called on to heal in times of conflict, to provide advice and succor to both Keepers and outsiders.

Ring of Shadow: As aid and conflict are a part of the Circle, so are stealth, surprise, and the use of less than lawful means to achieve ends. The Purview of the Ring of Shadow is Stealth; Keepers of Shadow act as the equivalent of covert operations for The Circle. Keepers of Shadow are called upon to enact retribution against single targets, to disrupt supply lines of forces hostile to Life, and to reclaim objects that have been taken from their rightful owners amongst other things.

Ring of Wood: The world is not fully cultivated, and much of it remains untamed. Keepers of the Wood have purview over the Wild, the uncontrolled (by civilization) forces and locations of nature. keepers of the Wood are called upon to hunt for food, to see off monsters and hostile creatures, to scout for the Circle, and to guide travelers and Keepers into and through the Wilds safely.

Ring of Crystal: Magic is a powerful force in this world, and in many cases draws this power from life and by the living. The purview of the Keepers of Crystal is arcane magic and its use, research, and advancement. Keepers of the Crystal are called upon by the Circle to lend magic- muscle in times of war, to enchant items, to protect Keepers and others from darker magics and the use of magic to destroy life. Keepers of the Crystal, like all Keepers, operate with a great deal of freedom - but their abilities can be the critical difference in a time of crisis and they are addled with the responsibility of wielding the forces of creation.

Ring of Earth: For life to thrive, there must be a solid foundation. The purview of the Keepers of Earth is construction and farming. Keepers of the Earth form the solid basis upon which the life of all Keepers resides, providing food, shelter, and and sundry other mundane - but no less necessary - services. Keepers of Earth are well respected for the infrastructure and power that they retain, forming the structure upon which other Keepers rely. Keepers of the Earth are called upon by the circle for the raising of buildings and walls, for the construction of roads, for their crops, herbs, minerals, and obtaining of metals.

Ring of Gold: Sacred to the Keepers of the Circle are the individual rights of all sentient beings. Fundamentally, contracts show respect for those rights. Keepers of Gold are those who engage in mercantile transactions on behalf of the Keepers as well as those who represent the diplomatic arm of the Circle. Keepers of Gold are known for strictly adhering to their contracts, for providing information to the Circle and for maintaining relations with other groups and nations.

Ring of Iron: It is with the advent of tools that sentient races were able to rise from primitivism into an age of advancement and prosperity. Keepers of Iron have the purview of crafting- weapons, plows, pots, lanterns, shields, all things - Keepers of Iron wield their tools in a war to make something greater than the sum of its parts. They are called upon by the Circle to provide equipment, tools, and advanced items in conjunction with the other Rings, and to maintain the Circle's inventory and logistics.

Keepers of the Circle may be elected by a unanimous vote into the Wardens of the Circle - the "officers" of the organization, Wardens have the power of direct votes in the top-level decisions of the Circle. Wardens are further elligible to hold specific offices. Each Ring has a Guardian, an administrative and leadership position for the Ring. The Guardians are voted in by all members of the Ring to which they belong, but may be overturned by a 2/3 vote of all Wardens. Wardens are also elligible for being elected to become the Lord/Lady Sentinel of the Circle - the overall leader/head administrator of the Circle. The second place candidate will be appointed as the Watcher of the Circle, the Lady/Lord Sentinel's deputy. No member may hold more than one elected office at a time.

Collectively, the Guardians of each Ring, the Lady/Lord Sentinel, and the Watcher of the Circle are referred to as The Inner Circle. If there is ever a mechanic for this, they will hold a greater proportion of votes (1.5 for Guardians and Watcher, 2 for Lord/Lady Sentinel). If not, then they will simply represent the members with the most weight of authority within The Circle.

Each Ring of the circle is interlocked with the others, with the Circle itself weaving through them. The symbol of the Keepers is a band of silver woven through eight interlocking rings. The Keepers of the Circle are a society of individuals who seek to improve life for all while maintaining individual rights and life as the highest values.

The Keepers of the Circle have one single adamant law: Thou Shallt Not Aggress. No member of the Keepers of the Circle is warranted to aggress against an individual (aggression defined here as the initiation of force, the threat of force, and fraud). Please note that self defense, defense of another, and defense of property are NOT acts of aggression and are permitted/encouraged by many Keepers.

LOOKING FOR: Individuals who are interested in forming and advancing a society, of interacting and building a place to grow a long term story. People who want to stand shoulder to shoulder in a phalanx, who want to heal weary travelers, who want to craft ALL THE THINGS, who want to run caravans and businesses - there are no specific roles we're looking for, everything (except murder/theft) essentially falls under our overall goals. We hold nothing against casual players who just want a place to stand with others and enjoy some of the protections/benefits of being in The Circle, nor do we discriminate against those who are not as willing to RP. Many of our founding members (and thus, the current direction of the guild) are greatly interested in high-RP and the chance to move forward into Golarion as a group to build a society - whatever the scale ends up being.

STRUCTURE: A formal charter will be drawn up sometime in the near future for the Keepers of the Circle, as will sub-charters that will act as living documents for governing each Ring. Membership in The Circle is entirely voluntary, a player may leave at any time for any reason. Joining the Circle will require either A] Approval of 3+ Wardens or B]Specific petition for joining. This will slow our growth a bit, but in the interests of longevity, it seems appropriate. This is subject to change in the future, pending Warden votes.

A post will follow with the founding members (Wardens all). The first 25 members (total) will all be wardens. After that, new members will be Keepers with the ability to become Wardens (with sponsorship/merit being what gets you there). We'll be getting a proper website/team chat server/etc online ASAP.

I look forward to seeing all of you in the River Kingdoms, and may your journey through the Circle be peaceful and wondrous.

-Dictated by Hroderich Gottfrei, Warden of Steel to Gromovoi Malchikh, Keeper of Crystal.

Goblin Squad Member

Note: Though this is a chartered company, based on the type of organization it could easily end up holding land and forming a small nation in the future. It's intended as a social group to leverage more power than a group of builders or magic users or what have you can alone.

Goblin Squad Member


I've added this announcement to the Guild Recruitment & Helpful Links list.

The Seventh Veil has a Diplomatic Outreach program you may find useful.

Goblin Squad Member


I looked into The Seventh Veil before I posted this, as well as your Outreach program. Consider the Keepers of the Circle very, very interested. Our goals seem very much in alignment. I will be following through with your program once I get off work (so sometime this evening!).

We appreciate the gesture greatly.

Goblin Squad Member

Great! Looking forward to it :)

Goblin Squad Member

Welcome to Golarion. I am Andius, Grand Master of The Empyrean Order. As your organization is not evil, I hope we can work together in the future.

As a good aligned organization I would like to extend an invitation with you. I've read over your materials a bit and see that you may look to expand into a settlement or player nation in the future. I wish you the best of luck in these goals but should you find yourselves as a company or a settlement, or even multiple settlements wanting to belong to a larger whole, I would invite you to consider joining with The Empyrean Order. We would be glad to meet with you and discuss this if it's something you are interested in. Either way though I would invite you to register as an ambassador on our forums.

Goblin Squad Member

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I never take the extra effort to make sure all the embers are out in my campfire before I move on. Just saying.

Goblin Squad Member

That's okay Blaeringr, a Keeper of the Wood will probably come by and do it for you. Maybe he will give you snacks, maybe she will douse you in water too. Who knows?

Andius: We look forward to working with you in the future for sure. Anything more than mutually beneficial trading and working together will require votes from the rest of the Keepers. I'm not quite able to make them part and parcel of my wheeling and dealing... yet... ;)

Goblin Squad Member

Sometimes I build my campfire in a circle around the base of the biggest, driest tree I can find. And sometimes I roast marshmallows and halflings.

Goblin Squad Member

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Sometimes the most recalcitrant beings just want to be loved. With an axe. <3

Hroderich Gottfrei wrote:
Sometimes the most recalcitrant beings just want to be loved. With an axe. <3

Hail brother! I can't wait to get this whole thing started. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Ah, Leo! You made it! :D

Goblin Squad Member

@ Hroderich Gottfrei: I'm interested in joining the Keepers of the Circle as a druid type character in the Ring of Wood. I'm not trying to muscle into a Warden spot, starting as a Keeper is fine, probably preffered by me.

My character will probably focus on resource gathering, but may have some combat ability. It depends on how druids are structured. In any case feel free to ask if you have any questions.

Goblin Squad Member


You're one of the first 25 and since things are still in the formative and developmental stages, that means you come right in as a Warden. You'll have equal say to any member on how things continue to develop, and we happily welcome you to The Ring of Wood specifically, and The Keepers of the Circle generally. We're in the process of setting up an interim forum while we hammer out details for an actual website, so there's not much here (yet) but a lot of planning has been flying around in PMs.


Feel free to make an account there, and I'll PM you to get things rolling even faster. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask them here, on the guild boards, or in PM. I am always accessible.

~Dictated by Hroderich Gottfrei, Warden of Steel and Gold, to Keeper of Crystal Gromovoii Malchikh

Goblin Squad Member

I am also quite interested in joining the Keepers of the Circle. I'm still toying a bit with a character concept, but I am heavily leaning toward Rogue with a focus on informational gathering, stealth, and things of the like. I read the Ring of Shadow and thought that it would be a fun concept.

Goblin Squad Member


You're welcome within our ranks. If you haven't already, please take the time to register on our boards and check your PM stack here for a message from me.

We're glad to have you and look forward to getting to know you!

~Dictated by Hroderich Gottfrei, Warden of Steel and Gold, to Keeper of Crystal Gromovoii Malchikh

Goblin Squad Member

Welcome aboard wxcougar!

Shadow Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Hey, I just registered for your forums, but I thought I'd drop a line here too. I'd be interested in joining a group like this. Haven't quite settled all the details of my first character, but he'll be an arcanist of some sort, so I was eyeing the Ring of Crystal.

Goblin Squad Member


Welcome to the Keepers of the Circle! Everything is still in the preliminary stages, so it's entirely understandable that your character concept isn't finalized! I only know that I plan on playing Hroderich first, probably with 2-3 characters coming along after. We look forward to hearing more from you!

~Dictated by Hroderich Gottfrei, Warden of Steel and Gold, to Keeper of Crystal Gromovoii Malchikh

Goblin Squad Member

Leo managed to write up an excellent document for the Ring of Light. Follows is the Ring of Light's Doctrine:

The Holy Ring of Light

Light, as seen by all living beings on this planet, does more than simply provide life; it illuminates the darkness. All those who would seek the shadows and find shelter in the depths of evil stand no chance against the Ring of Light, for these men and women dedicate their lives to the noble and holy arts of healing, protection, and spiritual purity. Some amongst us champion the more peaceful aspects of Light whereas others strive for the absolute cleansing of all things evil. With such diversity readily apparent, the Holy Ring of Light must have two sub-rings which make up its entirety: the Philosophy of Peace and the Philosophy of War.

The Philosophy of Peace

Patron Deity: Tamara (The Silver Dragon of Healing, Faith, and Aid)

Paladins, Clerics, and any other classes more interested in helping the community and assisting those in need through the distribution of medicinal aid would benefit most from joining the Philosophy of Peace. These individuals set about on missions to aid, protect, and heal those in need, whether this be through running individuals through dangerous areas, providing much-needed healing support to an allied Guild, or simply donating supplies or gold to upstart communities looking to better those around them. The Oracle of Peace is responsible for organizing these "missions," though anything involving contact with another Guild must be approved by the Guardian of the Light.

The Philosophy of War

Patron Deity: Bahamut (The Platinum Dragon of Law, Justice, and the Righteous Spirit)

Inhabited by War Clerics, Lawful Good Fighters, Monks, and Paladins, the Philosophy of War actively seeks out evil in order to end its reign of terror. Working closely with the Ring of Steel, the Philosophy of War sets out to aid other fledgling and allied communities in their fight against overly aggressive and negatively-aligned factions who would seek to stifle positive outreach and beneficial communication. Not to be mistaken with uncaring zealots, the Philosophy of War still pursues the Non-Aggression principle to the fullest extent of the Guild's laws and will seek peace whenever the situation allows it. More of defenders rather than aggressors, the Philosophy of War only enters into full scale combat upon the approval of the Guardian of the Light, the Guardian of Steel, and the Sentinel. The Guardian of Steel may requisition members from the Philosophy of War with the approval of the Oracle of War and the Guardian of the Light, as many of the members of the Philosophy of War can provide unique and invaluable anti-chaos/anti-evil spells/buffs/de-buffs which could turn the tide of any battle.

The Guardian of the Light rules over these two Philosophies as their Champion, a man or woman capable of understanding both the warm glow and searing grace light can provide. He or she, however, receives ample aid from two officers selected by majority vote from the entire Ring of Light. These officers, titled the "Oracles of Peace and War," assist the Guardian in the administration of the Philosophies and act as seconds in command should the Guardian become indisposed. A vote of no-confidence, which may be enacted by any member of the Ring of Light or any Warden from any Ring, requires a simple majority for its proposition and a 2/3rds majority in order to remove one of the Oracles.

New Oracles, though elected by majority vote, must be approved by the Guardian of the Light, though should the members of the Holy Ring of Light feel the Guardian is mistaken in his or her veto of the Ring's vote, then a 2/3rds majority will overrule the Guardian's veto. The Guardian may, once again, veto this majority vote, but must provide an adequate reason as to why he or she made such a decision. Should this not satiate the desires of the Holy Ring of Light, the members may bring their grievances to the Sentinel and he or she MUST address the situation through a meeting of the Inner Circle, whereby the Guardian of the Light and a representative of the Keepers of the Light in support of the vetoed candidate make their cases before the Inner Circle and a final decision is reached through a simple majority.

Goblin Squad Member

It's great that your joinging the Keepers of the Circle Dario.

Goblin Squad Member

Thank you for a warm welcome!

Goblin Squad Member

We're glad to have you!

Goblin Squad Member

I've also posted on your board but posting here to keep everything above board :)

I'm interested in joining you guys, you look like the kind of place I'd fit in so let's get to know each other a bit better.


Goblin Squad Member

Rufus UK wrote:

I've also posted on your board but posting here to keep everything above board :)

I'm interested in joining you guys, you look like the kind of place I'd fit in so let's get to know each other a bit better.


It's great to have another member Rufus UK, I'm glad you joined.

Goblin Squad Member

Glad to have you on board, Rufus - sorry for the slow response, I was way away from any keyboards yesterday.

Happy Holidays!

Goblin Squad Member

Greetings Friends.

On behalf of the other members of Peace Through Vigilance, I'd like to introduce us. We're planning on a LG martial settlement with a focus on smiting evil, both at the bandit/bounty level, but also hopefully at the nation level of fighting the servants of evil (really hoping there are some LE, Asmodeus/Rovagug/Lamashtu worshipping settlements to make worthy foes for us!).

We look forward to working with you productively in-game!

Goblin Squad Member


Leo and the Ring of Light will be most excited, I think, to work beside you - and if you can stomach a couple NG fighters, I'd be more than happy to throw down against the darkness beside you. The Ring of Steel has strict standards, but probably not nearly as strict as yours. We're definitely mostly above board though!

Hroderich Gottfrei wrote:


Leo and the Ring of Light will be most excited, I think, to work beside you - and if you can stomach a couple NG fighters, I'd be more than happy to throw down against the darkness beside you. The Ring of Steel has strict standards, but probably not nearly as strict as yours. We're definitely mostly above board though!

i'll be intouch with you for the details of alliance if Mbando does not beat me to it first lol.

Goblin Squad Member

Darsch wrote:
i'll be intouch with you for the details of alliance if Mbando does not beat me to it first lol.

:P That's how I feel about responding to anything not KoTC related, except Nihimon beats me to everything. ;)

On behalf of the settlement of Shadow Haven, allow me to extend the hand of friendship towards you. I am Kastarr Eunson, Councillor of Merchants and proprietor of The Tilted Scales Trading Company.

Members of your organisation will, of course, be more than welcome to stop by our bustling little town and take a load off.

Goblin Squad Member


You and yours will of course be welcome to set up shops within KoTC territory and to conduct voluntary transactions with any member at any time. We look forward to engaging you in fulfilling and profitable economic activity!

Dictated by Hroderich Gottfrei, Warden of Steel and Gold, to Gromovoii Malchikh, Keeper of Crystal.

Goblin Squad Member

I would like to join up with the Keepers of the Circle, though I am not currently backing at an Early Enrollment level.

Goblin Squad Member

I guess this looks like something I can get into. For now I'm going to join this group, so long as it stays active and growing I'll stay with it.

Goblin Squad Member

P.S. I would be interested in both the Ring of Wood and the Ring of Light (Peace)

Even if I am still one of the first 25 I would like to refrain from taking up one of the Warden positions as I am not in Early Enrollment.

Goblin Squad Member

It's always great news when more people join the Keepers of the Circle. I'll look forward to hearing more from you Hark and Nymerias. There's even more info about the Keepers of the circle at the site below.


@ Nymerias: I feel conident that your request can be accomidated.

Goblin Squad Member

Welcome aboard, Nymerias and Hark!

Nymerias, while if you wish not to take a Warden position that is perfectly fine, the main difference between Wardens and Keepers is that Wardens will have a direct vote in Circle matters and be able to stand for election. We value your input - and as the game itself is a year and a half from early enrollment, you retain as much right as anyone for voting and input.

Note: The first 25 Wardenships are automatic - after that, it will require the sponsorship of a standing Warden and a vote from the body of Wardens. In all likelihood, this will not be a terribly stringent process, at least for the near future, while our numbers remain relatively low.

Goblin Squad Member


Section I: Hierarchy

A: The Ring of Steel is Commanded by the Guardian of Steel, known within the Ring as the Master/Mistress of Steel. Beneath the Mistress/Master of Steel are the Captains of each Company, referred to colloquially as Warlords. The Master/Mistress of Steel is a first among equals, but his or her word carries the weight of law in a time of war.

B: Each Warlord will be responsible for leading units of up to 25 Keepers/Wardens with two Lieutenants and two File Leaders. Together, a File Leader and a Lieutenant will be responsible for overseeing 10 Keepers/Wardens and delegating tasks (as given to them by their Warlord). Each Warlord will operate independently of the others and answer to the Master/Mistress of Steel.

C: One Warlord, designated by the Master/Mistress of Steel, will be responsible for raising and maintaining the Training Band - a band of 25 recruits with an experienced File Leader for every five recruits and two Lieutenants. These smaller groups will be trained and given a multitude of missions to strengthen their skills, knowledge, and comraderie within the Ring. Recruits will spend five (5) weeks in training, following their File Leader and growing into a unit. Upon graduation from training, the recruits will have the choice to join any established company, pending acceptance by that company (the methods of which may be left to each company).

D: Experienced Wardens of Steel may elect to found a new company of Keepers, but must obtain permission from the Master/Mistress of steel and the endorsement of 3/4 of the standing Warlords.

II: Other Rings

A: The Ring of Light will provide, at their own discretion, a number of healers and holy warriors to the Ring of Steel. These Keepers and Wardens alike will pass through the same five week training as members of the Ring of Steel and be passed on to a unit of their (or their Ring's) choice. Keepers of Light will be requested to follow advanced training relating to combat healing, abjuration, and countering specific threats within their purview.

B: The Ring of Crystal will provide battlemages at their own discretion for training within the ring of steel, following a five week training course and then being assigned to a unit at their own discretion. Like Keepers of Light, they will be requested to fulfill advanced training with Keepers of Steel to better hone the organization's efficacy across multiple Rings.

C: Other rings, at their discretion, may send Keepers to advance through the training regimen and become combat certified.

III: Missions

A: Peacekeeping - Keepers of Steel will often be issued writs of Adjudication, sending them to clear an area of hostile creatures and people as well as to fulfill the judgments of local courts and of the Circle when necessary.

B: Escorting - Keepers of Steel will be requested to escort emissaries, traders, foragers, and others - both within and without The Circle - for a time. These missions will often serve to grow The Circle's power or to establish positive relationships with outside groups. Many of these missions will be for-profit, with the money spread amongst the warband by each Warlord.

C: Raiding - Keepers of Steel may be called upon from time to time to raid enemy supply lines and strongholds to harry them and diminish their ability to effectively war against The Circle.

D: War - The main mission of the Keepers of Steel is to prepare for and against the inevitability of war with other factions. In times of war, Keepers of Steel answer directly to their Warlords and will be directed as such.

Read more: ction=display&thread=7#ixzz2GrTqtVgV

Goblin Squad Member

Training Unit: Greenshields
Warlord: Hroderich Gottfrei (Temporary)
Files: Eagle, Wolf, Bear, Boar, Lion
Lieutenants: Open
File Leaders: Open

Each file will be led by an experienced soldier who will take the time to train his five recruits in warfare, to help them with missions, and to direct their growth as warriors in the Ring of Steel. Each week will follow a different training regimen with goals set for each recruit by his File Leader. The files, separated by the badges their File Leader wears, will over time grow to represent different skillsets (though all will share the basics) - as each file leader is responsible and has a great deal of discretion for the training of his recruits, these will naturally produce different results.

Upon graduation from training, each recruit will be given the Ring of Steel, a crafted in-game item that will provide some small bonus and denote that they are a full-fledged member of the Ring and may join a full-time unit.

Experienced Wardens of Steel may petition to join the Greenshields as a File Leader. With the agreement of the Warlord of the Greenshields and the other File Leaders, it will be so.

Goblin Squad Member

NOTE: The Ring of Steel is focused more on unit warfare than skirmishing. We will have skirmish units, but the majority of the strength of the Ring of Steel lies in our ability to form disciplined units.

How each Ring will train their members is entirely up to them, from no training to intense structured training like the Ring of Steel.

Keepers of Steel are also responsible for a large portion of the smaller-scale combat as well - for hunting down bandits/assassins/griefers, for guarding caravans, etc. Our training will cover those missions as well - but I don't expect us to be the be-all end-all of training. There's a ton of information and techniques to be learned and we can hardly teach them all. I imagine if a unit were formed within the Ring of Steel that focused on countering bandit raids, they would go to the Ring of Wood for a scout, training, or other help.

TL;DR: If I made it sound like the Rings are very separate entities, I'm sorry. They're all interlocking and will have quite a bit of overlap. Ring of Steel will NOT be the sole purveyors of combat training, it will just be a core focus of what they do. Not being "Combat Certified" by the Keepers of Steel will not make you any less effective/worthwhile, it just means you haven't trained with us in unit/formation combat.

Goblin Squad Member

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I have been searching for a place to set up shop. I am known as Gintigael Gemweaver. You don't recognize the name? Well soon you shall. I am an Enchanter of some power and am looking for a place to create my baubles and protective items. This seems like a wonderful organization. If you would have me, I think I see an empty building that would suffice for my workroom.

Goblin Squad Member

Master Gemweaver,

We'd be glad to have you within our ranks. Welcome, Warden! (I've sent you a PM, and our forums are here - feel free to make an account and join in on the myriad conversations and chatboard!)

I look forward to hearing from you.

Very Respectfully,

Hroderich Gottfrei.

~Dictated by Hroderich Gottfrei, Warden of Steel and Gold, to Gromovoii Malchikh, Keeper of Crystal.

Gintigael Gemweaver wrote:
I have been searching for a place to set up shop. I am known as Gintigael Gemweaver. You don't recognize the name? Well soon you shall. I am an Enchanter of some power and am looking for a place to create my baubles and protective items. This seems like a wonderful organization. If you would have me, I think I see an empty building that would suffice for my workroom.

As a fellow crafter, Cooking and Metalworking, you would be very welcome in our settlement. I plan to devote a good amount of time to making sure crafters are welcome and have what they need to practice their respective crafts.

P.s. you might look into joining the Ring of Iron, that is the ring the crafters belong to.

Goblin Squad Member

Welcome Nymerias and Hark. Our little community is growing steadily - see you on the board.


Goblin Squad Member

I would be interested in joining your association as a member of the Ring of Crystal. Magic in essence is very fluidic until it solidifies or crystalizes into the spell. In adding to our numbers, I may at times focus on young wizards, Sorcerers, Summoners, and the like. This will grow the magical side of the Company.

Please advise me if I will be added. I am a joiner at the 100.00 tier.

Goblin Squad Member

Greetings Keepers, I am Lorhayden master of the sword and bow. Seeker of the hidden, hunter in the shadow. I have heard tell of your Company, its goals and ideals. I would join your Company if you would have me. (I'm also a backer at the CrowdForger level, would this put me in as a Keeper or Warden)

Goblin Squad Member

Welcome to the Keepers of the Circle Relkyn Luenyr and Lorhayden, glad you've joined us. =)

Goblin Squad Member

Glad to be welcomed. Though currently I have little magical power, I intend to strive hard to increase my abilities beyond the scope of mortal men. Not that I will be immortal, heh. Let's seal this kinship at the first tavern we see.


Relkyn Luenyr

Goblin Squad Member

Welcome aboard, Rlkyn, Lorhayden - we have great need for your skills, talents, and enthusiasm. We look forward to seeing you on the boards and elsewhere and hope to get you involved in all of our decision making immediately.

Also, as you're both still within the Founding 25 limit, yes: you are both Wardens.

Welcome, Wardens!

~Dictated by Hroderich Gottfrei, Warden of Steel and Gold, to Gromovoii Malchikh, Keeper of Crystal.

Shadow Lodge

Hey Hroderich, I'm definitely interested in joining the Keepers of the Circle. A friend of mine told me about you guys and after reading what you're about I'm convinced this is the place I want to be. I don't want to say which Ring I'll be a part of as of yet because at this moment I am unsure of what I want to do. What I am sure of, however, is that this is the kind of society I wish to be a part of and help grow into a strong and thriving community, if you'll have me.

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