Player Kingdom :: The Empyrean Order

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Goblin Squad Member

The RPG Print Pack includes a hardcover print edition of the Emerald Spire Superdungeon, featuring an exclusive cover available only to Kickstarter backers; a print edition of the Emerald Spire Dungeons Flip-Mat Multi-Pack; a print edition of the Pathfinder Tales novel The Crusader Road; and an Emerald Spire Campaign Cards game accessory.

Goblin Squad Member

Azouth wrote:
The RPG Print Pack includes a hardcover print edition of the Emerald Spire Superdungeon, featuring an exclusive cover available only to Kickstarter backers; a print edition of the Emerald Spire Dungeons Flip-Mat Multi-Pack; a print edition of the Pathfinder Tales novel The Crusader Road; and an Emerald Spire Campaign Cards game accessory.

Ah, yes, I forgot the cards.

Goblin Squad Member

How will you guys handle settlements? Will there be one, or multiple?

I would personally like to be part of a larger group that's willing to help each other out, but my friends that are also joining want to try their hand at building a settlement.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

We will be focusing on 1 to start and expanding when we think we have a good feel for settlement building. This will also be determined by how large a group we become. There is a lot to be determined with the systems so things can change but, from my current understanding you will probably need more than a handful of guys to make/run a settlement. We want to reach the kingdom level eventually so we will need multiple settlements or a strong alliance.

I've joined the forums under this name.

Character names that I usually go with:

Aedrik Firebeard (dwarf)

Eldon Leagallow (human or halfling)

Dimble (gnome)

Makoa (Half-Orc)

I will not be sure who or what I go with until I see the game, but if I played in a PBP or table top, these are also my go to names.

Goblin Squad Member

Welcome to all our new members! Please be sure to vote for us on the land-rush leaderboard. While we currently have a very significant lead, it doesn't hurt to widen it. ☺

Goblin Squad Member

CJ Solo wrote:

How will you guys handle settlements? Will there be one, or multiple?

I would personally like to be part of a larger group that's willing to help each other out, but my friends that are also joining want to try their hand at building a settlement.

We are recruiting chartered companies as well as settlements. If you guys are dead set on building your own settlement, you can do so within TEO. Either as direct TEO members or your own settlement that belongs to our kingdom.

Jak is right though. Establishing our capitol will be our highest priority when the game starts. But if you settle somewhere within the direct vicinity of our capitol we should still be able to provide you with a lot of protection and possibly some building assistance once our capitol is fairly well developed.

Goblin Squad Member

I was wondering how will those of us who are focusing on mastering the art of moving large objects great distances be treated in your group? Are we looked at as important skilled members of the band or just "the baggage handlers?"

Goblin Squad Member

By that I'm assuming you mean siege engineers?

I would personally love a (I assume a dwarven) siege engineer among us. While we will probably see most of our action defending our allies, we will be taking out the trash on a pretty frequent basis as well I am guessing. I mean you can see our size, we should have enough soldiers to do a lot of cool things.

So your trade is sure to see employ, if not destroying enemy siege engines in defensive actions then surely in our campaigns against evil.

As far as baggage handlers or valued members, The Empyrean Order values the contribution of all it's members. We love our foot soldiers but they'll all look pretty foolish if we come up against a thick wall and we don't have some siege engines, manned by some skilled engineers to knock it down.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Very important. Every skill is valuable to The Empyrean Order. Harvesters gather stuff, caravaners move the stuff, crafters make the stuff, and guards protect the stuff. Without one of those four types, everything screeches to a halt.

Goblin Squad Member

If you guys are still accepting add one more ranger to the list and the guild rush vote looking towards fighting and scouting. I plegded at the $175 level with a freind

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Yosarrian - make sure to apply on our boards - linked on the first post of this thread. Nice to see your interest -- we love Rangers!

Goblin Squad Member

Jack, Andius... Thanks for the prompt response. :)

I'm not so much dead set on a settlement, though it does pose a number of challenges that would interest me in solving. Also, like stated, not even sure how the game is going to come out.

I'm interested in joining up with you guys and contributing to the process.

Goblin Squad Member


I was thinking more teamster but it leads into Siege engineers too doesn't it? (Can't move those parts without me) :)

Goblin Squad Member

After reading a number of Andius' posts elsewhere and this entire thread, I have posted an application on your forum...if my muddying the waters in Andius' leadership skills thread didn't put him off from reading it. :)

Goblin Squad Member

GozerTC wrote:


I was thinking more teamster but it leads into Siege engineers too doesn't it? (Can't move those parts without me) :)

Ohhhhh..... I was thinking boulders being flung for miles....

Well I expect trade to be a vital part of this game. Here we have an entire sub-guild dedicated to crafting and trade called The Golden Scales. Also there is a plan (proposed and backed by me) to make our area toll free and sales tax free to generate more trade there; and generate our money through kingdom events, renting out structures in our territory, and member donations.

Needless to say, the largest organization in the game, with a well-organized good aligned military, and pro-trade attitude I expect that for a teamster there may be no better place to live than our settlements, and no better organization to belong to than The Empyrean Order.

Goblin Squad Member

Although I tend to play on the darker side of the spectrum, I'm no griefer or ganker. I intend to be a thief of some sort and hope to create a settlement of like-minded scum, including thieves, smugglers, assassins, mercenaries, black marketeers, spies, lawyers and politicians.

How will the Empyrean Order respond to the existence of such a settlement? Would we be at war, right from the start?

Secondly, what will you do when the Goons arrive? You should know that they will, and they will be your exact opposite. I personally hope that Goblinworks has a plan for them. One of GW's Devs is from EVE Online, so He should know how Goonswarm can dominate the community and even the game's developers (with their 9000 + subscription base).

Anyway, I wish you luck. You sound like a good bunch. I hope that we will find a way to coexist as peacefully as possible.

Yosarrian - do you post on ESPN at all? If not there is someone there using your name with an added s in it.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

I think the plan for the goons is to have settlements with large numbers of very chaotic residents be prohibitively expensive to maintain; imagine if Goon POS cost extra every month every time a Goon ganks someone in hisec.

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:

Although I tend to play on the darker side of the spectrum, I'm no griefer or ganker. I intend to be a thief of some sort and hope to create a settlement of like-minded scum, including thieves, smugglers, assassins, mercenaries, black marketeers, spies, lawyers and politicians.

How will the Empyrean Order respond to the existence of such a settlement? Would we be at war, right from the start?

Secondly, what will you do when the Goons arrive? You should know that they will, and they will be your exact opposite. I personally hope that Goblinworks has a plan for them. One of GW's Devs is from EVE Online, so He should know how Goonswarm can dominate the community and even the game's developers (with their 9000 + subscription base).

Anyway, I wish you luck. You sound like a good bunch. I hope that we will find a way to coexist as peacefully as possible.

What you just described sounds chaotic but I would need to know more about it before I determine whether or not it's evil. The Empyrean Order does not care about your chaotic actions at all. Having spies, smugglers, thieves etc. does not mean we are your enemies or even that we can't be your allies. What we care about is how you use them. We will assess how we feel about you based on the impact you have on the community.

((So if you are RP evil then we are RP your enemies and will fight you to the extent our RP demands / it is fun both of us. If you make excessive use of RPKing and/or we feel you have a negative impact on the community meta-game wise we will be your meta-game enemies as well which will be FAR more serious for you.))

I do not personally know Goon-Swarm but there is an ex-BoB fleet commander working with The Empyrean. I have absolute faith in his honesty and he tells me Goon-Swarm is a cancer on any community they join. That they are griefers in the truest sense of the word and abusers of the meta-game.

I'm not going to lay all my cards on the table but I do have plans I will enact in the case of a large scale griefer invasion which is what Goon-Swarm taking serious interest in this game would be. If you have any information on Goon Swarm or other large griefer organizations I would appreciate if you passed it on.

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:

Although I tend to play on the darker side of the spectrum, I'm no griefer or ganker. I intend to be a thief of some sort and hope to create a settlement of like-minded scum, including thieves, smugglers, assassins, mercenaries, black marketeers, spies, lawyers and politicians.

How will the Empyrean Order respond to the existence of such a settlement? Would we be at war, right from the start?

Secondly, what will you do when the Goons arrive? You should know that they will, and they will be your exact opposite. I personally hope that Goblinworks has a plan for them. One of GW's Devs is from EVE Online, so He should know how Goonswarm can dominate the community and even the game's developers (with their 9000 + subscription base).

Anyway, I wish you luck. You sound like a good bunch. I hope that we will find a way to coexist as peacefully as possible.

Heh sounds loke we need to implement a Disk World style thieves guild.

Goblin Squad Member

I will look into Dusk World, thanks for the heads up. I also sent a pm out with a concept for the two of you that responded to my post.

Goblin Squad Member

Banecrow wrote:
Heh sounds loke we need to implement a Disk World style thieves guild.
Bluddwolf wrote:
I will look into Dusk World, thanks for the heads up. I also sent a pm out with a concept for the two of you that responded to my post.

I think the 'K' (and space) was the mistake, not the 'I'.

Dusk World

Goblin Squad Member

Keovar wrote:
Banecrow wrote:
Heh sounds loke we need to implement a Disk World style thieves guild.
Bluddwolf wrote:
I will look into Dusk World, thanks for the heads up. I also sent a pm out with a concept for the two of you that responded to my post.

I think the 'K' (and space) was the mistake, not the 'I'.

Dusk World

You are right I did mean Discworld.

Goblin Squad Member

In Discworld's city of Ankh Morpork, there is a thieves guild which is practically sponsored by the government. They participate in all sorts of thievery, from stealing coppers to crown jewels. And they do not allow anyone else to do thieving. Anyone caught stealing without express thieves guild permission is dealt with - and they have eyes and ears everywhere.

This is allowed by the government, because it actually keeps crime down, and makes sure the crime is evenly spread. Also they don't do killings - that's left to the assassins guild, which does no thievery.

Perfect little system.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Inspire This wrote:

In Discworld's city of Ankh Morpork, there is a thieves guild which is practically sponsored by the government. They participate in all sorts of thievery, from stealing coppers to crown jewels. And they do not allow anyone else to do thieving. Anyone caught stealing without express thieves guild permission is dealt with - and they have eyes and ears everywhere.

This is allowed by the government, because it actually keeps crime down, and makes sure the crime is evenly spread. Also they don't do killings - that's left to the assassins guild, which does no thievery.

Perfect little system.

That's the one. :)

Similar, but more serious, would be the criminal empire of 'Gentleman' Johnny Marcone from The Dresden Files, an urban fantasy/detective noir series by Jim Butcher.
Marcone deals harshly with random crime in his territory, since it's "bad for business". He makes his money from vices that people consent to be involved with: gambling, drugs, prostitution, and shady business like smuggling. He has no qualms about using violence to resolve a situation, but he doesn't tolerate it being random and careless. Basically, he's lawful evil (though one might say 'orderly evil', since he regularly breaks laws).

I could definitely see something like that working for a LN or LE town (probably allied with the Hellknights), but The Empyrean Order is set to be NG, and those are both more than one step away from our target company and settlement alignment.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

holy crap, all of my favorite book series are being referenced.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

True, but keep in mind, Dresden could work with Marcone. When the cards are on the table, we'll see where people stand. A company that is LE but backs us in the goal of keeping griefers an endangered species might get more consideration that one that encourages it.

Goblin Squad Member

I don't think we will be making any formal in-character alliances with evil organizations. Being evil an aligned anti-griefer organization certainly allows us to work together in the meta-game sense though. We have our fun confrontations and make no real effort to defeat your organization or oust you from your territories/hideouts.

It's kind of a complex relationship but we don't actually want to harm organizations that don't hurt the community. Just have some RP fun together.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Thod's friends - PFS UK just send a message to Andius.

We hope to build a small settlement of our own and it looks like our goals are pretty much in line with the Empyrean Order. So I hope we will see each other as friends online once the game starts.

Goblin Squad Member

Welcome Thod! I definitely look forward to discussing our goals together sometime. Seems like an alliance of some sort is a strong possibility.

Goblin Squad Member

The concept of "unofficial" but clandestinely recognized and supported Thieves Guild is not uncommon. Logicaly it provides governments with a tool/resource to do things that they would want done but could never get away with doing or reckognizing on thier own....

"Oh no Mr Merchant, we don't know anything about all your caravans going to Ratatui being robbed, but now lets sit down and discuss that trade agreement, shall we?"

Goblin Squad Member

In well functioning RPed communities, there will always be two kinds of interaction: in-character and out-of-character. Back in UO, most RPers had everyone else's ICQ number (an early out-of-game messaging system we used) so as to organize activities OOC (e.g. rules of engagement, plot line details, etc.). In-character, we might have been mortal enemies, but as players, we wanted to make certain everyone was enjoying the shared RP interaction and limit potential issues. After all, without RPed enemies (the very best kind to have), we're all left fighting NPCs.

Now, would leaders of good aligned groups/governments have agents that are able to do what they themselves could not without hurting their reputations and possible game-tracked alignments...certainly. It's one of the reasons that the head that wears the crown is so heavy. ;)

Goblin Squad Member

I think the biggest issue from Bluddwolf's proposal for our organization would be the inclusion of assassins, which are typically evil by nature (murder with personal profit or entertainment being the primary goal). I could see some rationale to non-evil assassins, but I suspect that those that would qualify (only assassinating evil characters) would be pretty rare.

I am not sure that would result in war with the organization though, only with the evil individuals within. Unless the organization decided to declare war upon us to protect said individuals.

Though I am just one member of no real power spouting out opinions.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member


Howdy to another PFS type! Don't forget, settlements can work together to form a larger Kingdom, which is a goal of TEO. And having players on from different time zones to cover the gaps of the other seems like a sound military strategy. Food for thought!

Goblin Squad Member

Ah ICQ. Takes me back to the days of Yahoo Chat.

Sczarni Goblin Squad Member

Hey you reader types: check out Ready Player One

Very cool, weird book.

Goblin Squad Member

Andius wrote:

I don't think we will be making any formal in-character alliances with evil organizations. Being evil an aligned anti-griefer organization certainly allows us to work together in the meta-game sense though. We have our fun confrontations and make no real effort to defeat your organization or oust you from your territories/hideouts.

It's kind of a complex relationship but we don't actually want to harm organizations that don't hurt the community. Just have some RP fun together.

A LE Hellknight-like group could be a very useful 'frienemy' to deal with any griefers or other random PKs that manage to remain 'blue' by manipulating the system somehow. If we know a 'good' character is really the alt receiving the ill-gotten proceeds of someone who primarily plays a bandit, it would be difficult for us to deal with that alt, but we could pass the information on to those who can more freely deal with the situation.

Drakhan Valane wrote:
Ah ICQ. Takes me back to the days of Yahoo Chat.

I don't know why I still remember my ICQ number, despite not having really used it for over a decade. I'm usually terrible at memorizing numbers.

Goblin Squad Member

psionichamster wrote:

Hey you reader types: check out Ready Player One

Very cool, weird book.

I just read the synopsis... sounds weird indeed!


Sczarni Goblin Squad Member

Valinar wrote:
psionichamster wrote:

Hey you reader types: check out Ready Player One

Very cool, weird book.

I just read the synopsis... sounds weird indeed!



Think "The Matrix" meets "Scott Pilgrim"

A great read, and really showcases what a persistent, worldwide, player-driven MMO can do.

Goblin Squad Member

Welcome to all the new players that have been joining as of late! Looking forward to gaming with you all!

Goblin Squad Member

Ready Player One is an AMAZING book! I'd defiantly recommend it. But I'd say its more like willywanka meets the matrix. Or maybe sword at online. (great anime)

On the subject of RP enimies, or frienemies, i was thinking of making an evil alt for others to fight for some good safe pvp. Like a league of honorable evil alts. Doing things like, say for example, a party of evil ALTs calls out a challenge to a good party and wins the fight. The evil ALTs might make a few RP insults and claims of villainous grandeur, but they WILL hang around and corpse sit for the losing party and not corpse camp or loot.
I might make another cleric, just evil this time, or maybe an anti pali, it depends. With the new add on to train two toons at once this is actually a plauseable idea now.
Anyone else have interest, thoughts or condemnations on doing something like this?
(my intention is to help add some pvp content to the game without the risk of instigating any kind of war or ongoing hostilities).


Goblin Squad Member

Aleron wrote:
Welcome to all the new players that have been joining as of late! Looking forward to gaming with you all!

There are 85 members on our forums! I can see that one is the admin account, and a few are ambassadors from other groups, but still, there must be 10-15 who haven't voted in the land rush yet. I know the 6 in the crowdforger guild which forms the base is already counted and not supposed to vote, but I think everyone else is allowed to, even if they pledged at a guild level (but didn't register as a separate guild).

Goblin Squad Member

I can't post on the thread for tonight's meeting on our official forums, blocked here at work for some reason (even though the rest of the forums are accessible).

But just wanted to say I will be there tonight, I'm assuming it's at 7 p.m. PST again?

Goblin Squad Member


Edit: I posted for you in the meeting announcement thread.

Goblin Squad Member

Ok, thank you. :)

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Sorry, i will miss this meeting... work keeps getting in the way.

Goblin Squad Member


The nice thing about creating an opposite aligned alt is that your friends know they can trust the person they're fighting. The downside, as always, is time. The more time you spend providing a role-played enemy for your guild to combat, the less time you're playing your main.

Goblin Squad Member

Kazz Signsoul wrote:
Ready Player One is an AMAZING book! I'd defiantly recommend it. But I'd say its more like willywanka meets the matrix. Or maybe sword at online. (great anime)

I would suggest the Sword Art Online books before the anime. Not that the anime is bad (it's great) but I do find it lacking after episode 13 vs books 3&4.

Goblin Squad Member

ICQ ... that was a long long time ago.

andius. I shake my fist at your forum captia. >.> I can't see it to register.

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