The Manyfaced One

GozerTC's page

Goblin Squad Member. 34 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

I like what I'm seeing as it means I'll be moving supplies around with my oxen on a regular basis. :)

Goblin Squad Member

So I've taken the plunge and applied to the Kingdom of Aeternum.

Besides being a family friendly environment they have support for lots of other games that I happen to play so they seem like a good fit.

I'm looking forward to setting up my teamster in the Kingdom to provide much needed transportation for all of the Kingdom's residents and allies.

Goblin Squad Member

Thank you for the kind replies. I might just have to take you guys up on this. *Goes to read the webpage*

Goblin Squad Member

Hmm... sounds like a good group. A few little questions (Which were probably answered elsewhere but I didn't read all 500 messages. :p)

1. How well do you deal with parents? I.e. I have a 4 year old and a 3 month old child who can interrupt me at the most random times. Do you guys understand how RL cuts out my game time?

2. Am I going to be forced to join FUTURE (I understand my current alliances don't hurt) groups of PAX in games I play? I.e. when say Destiny launches and say they allow guilds to form do I HAVE to join you guys in the new game too? For instance in Planetside 2 (Which you listed having future plans for) I lone wolf because I don't want to be tied down as I can't stay online long enough to contribute regularly. Or my wife will drag me into some other group like in Guild Wars 2 where we moved servers because of where her friends are.

3. If/When I get my wife in does she have to apply separately or does she just get an auto "wife membership?"

4. I'm pretty sure you do but just to make sure, I don't want to fight pretty much at all. Is that okay? (Mainly because of the fore mentioned interruptions)

Goblin Squad Member

Is it bad the first thing I thought of when seeing this post was driving my wagon through a dark forest with a low ground fog with only the lights on my wagon cutting through the darkness? The leafless trees skeletal hands clawing at the moonless night...

Goblin Squad Member

My concern in all of these is what happens if the leader of a settlement goes offline for some reason forever/long lengths of time. Since they're not around they can't manage it and it just falls apart? Sounds like something that needs to be warned about.

Goblin Squad Member

OOC: Well played sir I salute you. Honestly I like this kind of thing and what makes PFO a good place to do it IS because people who don't like it can try and shut you up. You're not doing it without the threat of repercussions and you can honestly start up an all elf enclave if you want since you can form your own areas. Well done. :)



Elf coin spends as well as any other. I don't mind any elf towns unless they don't want my business. Then I have some issues.

Goblin Squad Member

I've got two but they're probably much later down the road:

1. "Body Builders only?" I understand we're all in a more "rugged" time line and the art direction it's all based on is pretty "athletic" folks but I'd like to know how "Cookie Cutter" we're going to be? I mean will my non-combat transport guy look like an adventurer in civilian clothes or can I really just look like a normal guy or a pudgy successful merchant? Can I get fatter as I get more wealthy? :)

2. "Oxen R Us" So I want to move large heavy objects from point A to point B and/or move large hordes of Dragon's loot from the horde to the hideout. How is this system working? Right now I know folks won't be able to carry a lot on their person as they want transports to matter but I kind of would like to see how this works. Again this is a much latter post as it would probably require UI to show how I can move large amounts of things or how large things are "slotted" or what have you. How encumbrance/size is shown and such. (I'm guessing a lot like EVE)

Goblin Squad Member

Hobs the Short wrote:
I would love to see a fantasy version of SWG's bio-engineer so that we could breed pets with select traits.

Oh definitely! Animal Husbandry or Breeding depending on what the devs would want to call it. Why not allow me to "craft" my Oxen to pull more and eat less? :)

Goblin Squad Member

Proxima Sin wrote:

"Based on Wayne Reynold's art style" is lots of layers, accessories, flowing fabrics and such.

You can still put all that on a portly dude or athletic non-mannequin lady. Or a woman who being slender has an A cup that doesn't strain your 3d rendering or a pale scrawny male caster type. If enough of us want it for long enough time they might put a little more development into it.

The main thing is getting over cleavage, bare thighs, and boob plates in standard female armor ( chill out it can still be in your special elective stuff). Men's armor is already fine.

Exactly my point. All the cool armor be it cheese/beefcake or not depends on what's underneath as well. By and large I figured we'd all be physically awesome but one can hope for the portly dude or flat chested lady now and then. :\

Goblin Squad Member

Yep all my Teamster skills, but some ones that are "color" more than utility:

1. "Trick Riding." Sometimes you just want to show off what you can do on a horse. :)
2. "Bronco Busting." Horses don't come tame. Someone's gotta make them suitable for riding. (Could be an interesting "animal tamer system but probably not a right away kind of thing)
3. Cattle Herding/roping/rustling. If there's food crafting then domesticated food animals could be a big part of the that profession.

Goblin Squad Member

I have to ask, will we all be toned and buff gods of physicality?

For instance I want to be a short, portly, and rotund dwarf. Lots of curves with little tone. I'm also not planning on wearing armor sticking mostly to clothes but when I occasionally put it on I find it hilarious that my guy might want to go shirtless.

So yeah put the cheese and beef options in there, but I also want to know how much control over our body shapes we'll have? Because the wrapper is only part of the package. :)

Goblin Squad Member

I want to see large formations of troops with varying sizes of polearms and spears. That sea of spikes should be quite the sight! Let alone if they're essentially hoplights with the shields and all. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Thanks guys. :)

Goblin Squad Member

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Hey gang!

So I poked the Giantbomb wiki to add the Pathfinder Online page but now it needs filled up with stuff. Any suggestions on what to put on it?

Then again anyone else here can fill it out ahead of me so go ahead. :)

Goblin Squad Member

After getting the interview I started looking into the game and decided to jump in the get the daily reward. So while I'm only like $35 level it's enough to enjoy the game and become part of the community.

Goblin Squad Member

leperkhaun wrote:


I have a few questions about subs.

1) during early enrollment will it be possible to buy enough sub time to fully train two characters or will i need to have two accounts with subscriptions?

I think that question has to be asked here is, 'what do you mean by 'fully train?" I mean they're looking at 2 YEARS to get a Capstone (I.e. LVL 20) characters.

They will probably have 6 month subs so I guess that'd be plenty of time?

Goblin Squad Member

My dream is quite simple really.

I want to be the first guy people think of when they need stuff moved. When people think of moving house what's the first name they think of? Uhaul. I want to be Uhaul in PFO.

Did you just slay that dragon (or hear about someone else going to slay it. ;) ) and have a huge horde to move? Well who wants to make lots of trips when you can just call me! (I haven't decided on an in game name yet so *Shrugs*) Getting ready to do a big market event? Who better to get your stuff there than me?

Has your nation declared war and laid siege to the next nation over? Well how else you moving all that siege equipment than if you don't call me?

The key interesting bit will be how to haul all this stuff without getting killed. Knowing how to get things past customs. Getting to know the movers and shakers in every town so I can do business anywhere and everywhere. If it needs moved and you have the coin I want to be your guy. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Well it's good to see that folks like me aren't being looked down on by the groups shaping up. Haven't figured out who to throw my lot in yet but at least you're on the short list now. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Hopeful wrote:

I am personally hoping for everything creative players used to enjoy in Ultima Online and then some. Back when the MMO world was young, UO players like myself used to not only run our own businesses, but we actually ran caravans of goods from one town to another. We arranged for protection by friendly players while risking the danger of ambush from hi-lighted guilds or the occasional PKer, then set up a player run market upon reaching destination (if the stock arrived safely). Players who didn't wish to risk the trip could wait safely in the market city, coin in hand, and carry out their transactions upon the caravan's arrival. These were whole afternoon events arranged by the players themselves - no auction house or automated transactions - just us.

Sign me up! That's what I'd love to do as a draymaster/teamster. :)

Goblin Squad Member


I was thinking more teamster but it leads into Siege engineers too doesn't it? (Can't move those parts without me) :)

Goblin Squad Member

Thanks for the kind responses! I've been working on this whole "interviewing thing" for a while (as seen by the other Kickstarter interviews). I'm glad I didn't totally flub the questions. :)

Yeppers. Over in Las Cruces I work at the NASA site. I'm part of the local table top gaming group on Meetup.

Goblin Squad Member

Maybe you have to sign up at a holy site and start worshiping before you can even go down the path of a Cleric or Paladin? I.e. you can't even get to level 1 Cleric until you've gotten the Merit Badge "Joined [Insert Religion]."

Goblin Squad Member

Hey I'm all for this stuff. Sometimes I don't want to move goods through the wild but just between shops. Someone has got to move that Stuffed Dragon the Taxidermist sold. ;)

Goblin Squad Member

I was wondering how will those of us who are focusing on mastering the art of moving large objects great distances be treated in your group? Are we looked at as important skilled members of the band or just "the baggage handlers?"

Goblin Squad Member

As someone who enjoys the Law I welcome you Lictor to the field.

How will those of us who are focusing on mastering the art of moving large objects great distances be treated in your group? Are we looked at as important skilled members of the band or just "the baggage handlers?"

Goblin Squad Member

Greetings Darcnes.

How will those of us who are focusing on mastering the art of moving large objects great distances treated in your group? Are we looked at as important skilled members of the band or just "the baggage handlers?"

Goblin Squad Member

Anyone else here play Planetside 2?

They have a "Local Voice Chat" option in game, along with squad and large voice chats/officer chats all in game.

I agree lots of local chat going off at once (like after taking a base) just ends up a loud garble as there isn't any distance based volume control. Also I can't tell what direction the moron playing the music is so I can shoot him but by and large having the ability to quickly say "HEY MOVE" to a guy who's not in my squad or voice chat has saved lives. :)

So yeah, Doable, but still needs improvement.

Goblin Squad Member

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Just wanted to share an fun interview I had with Ryan that was posted up at Kickstarter Conversations. I have to admit it is one of my biggest interviews to date. Though probably not much new for those of you who are keyed in all the information. :)

Goblin Squad Member

I would also suggest checking out a new interview by Ryan at the Kickstarter Conversations blog.

Goblin Squad Member

Don't forget the fun part of hiring teamsters to move all your hard worked goods from your collection point to the settlement! Not just anyone can get these big beasties to cooperate and haul your junk. :)

Goblin Squad Member

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Oh me like this idea in so many ways! Evil Acquisitions Incorporated could be founded on just such an idea. :)

Honestly I agree Evil NPC players and factions should have great additions like this. Why not continue on down this line of thought by having Evil alliances so we can have our Settlements guarded by orcs/goblins and what not?

Goblin Squad Member

Don't forget the institutes of Higher learning idea also fits into the Soldier line of things!

Officer training anyone?

Drill practice areas and time "teaching/leading" would probably go toward your merit badges to command larger groups.