I'm making the final passes over my item. It's been a fun ride so far. Plenty of reworks, rewordings, and reevaluatings later, I think it's as good as it can get. I'm very happy with my item! Looking forward to writing up my archetpye for round 2. ;)
How was everyone's work process this year?
Work process? Hmm... I think I went through a good dozen or so concepts, two of which I had really started fleshing out before I ended up changing to what became my final submission. Lots of proofreading and tweaking done on that one too!
Still going through the concepting phase for archetypes.
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So far my main archetype concept is "One that'll get me to the Top 16 through innovation and some damn coolness." I suggest everyone start with that concept in mind.
In my case I knew exactly what I wanted to make, until I broke down the cost for all of the different abilities, and saw how unfeasible everything was. A few trips to the drawing board later, and I finally ended up with something that looked like it might end up in somebody's module.
I guess it just goes to show you, some ideas are great on paper, and others are great until you put them on paper....or a word processor....whichever the case may be, lol.
Week 1 involved trying to think of at least 1 idea each day, by going for long walks and taking a notepad with me. Week 2 was brainstorming ideas for each one and researching similar items to see if the concept already existed. Then, picking the one I really ´felt´ had the most potential, and drafting and redrafting it over and over for week 3.
I guess I´ll be approaching the archetype round in the same way.
I'm glad I did some research before submitting my item. I started working on something that hit just about every no-no: a Spell in a Can Swiss Army Knife item that was a hip flask dedicated to Cayden Calian that dispensed various low-level powers associated with different types of booze. It also acted as a Handy Haversack for nonmagical liquids you poured into it. The booze container had showed up several times in previous rounds, and was dinged for being unoriginal the last time it showed up. Glad I didn't submit that.
After that I went on to something else that worked out well, I thought. I did about eight iterations of the item before I got to the one I submitted.
I have a half-dozen or so archetype ideas wandering around in my head and in Evernote; I'm not working on anything too much until I hear what the rules for the next round are. I always have a couple of things percolating that I'm working on, though, so that's not too unusual.
I didn't spend as much time as I should have on my Wondrous Item, the Archetype is getting more work for sure. I'm going with a theme based on my Wondrous Item for round 1 and 2, maybe 3.
Just submitted mine. The concept came pretty quickly this year, so most of the time was spent working out the details and cutting it down to 300 words. I'm a little worried, though, since I found out that judges tend to be biased against certain elements of my design. However, I'm hoping that the work as a whole will take it over the top. I think I added a nice twist to it that they'll find interesting.
It was a disaster. I had been working on four or five different items and getting feedback from friends. I had decided on a certain item, but was worried that there might be something similar out there. I checked the Superstar top 32 from each year, and they were clear. I don't own the Ultimate Equipment Guide, but just yesterday I discovered that it was on the d20pfsrd.com. And low and behold there were two items that I found in only a few minutes that had some similarities to my item. So I thought maybe I would use my second choice item instead. Looking again, there was a item that had a similarity to that one too. DAMN!
Well, I just posted my first choice anyway, and I hope it is different enough, and flavored well enough to stand out. It certainly has fewer abuse issues than the somewhat simular item in the UEG. I'm not feeling confident, but oh well. I'll just keep throwing something at this contest every year until something sticks.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ahh... Looking at mine again, I realized I left out two key parts: one for rules and one for formatting. It's making me really mad, because my item was really cool.
This is my first entry. I am pretty humbled by how difficult it is to come up with something original that follows all (or even most) of the criteria Sean suggests... Crazy. Perhaps Archetypes will be easier as there aren't nearly as many of those in existence already, but I really doubt it! Good luck everyone!
So... is it closed now? Are the great halls shut? Can we relax?
KestlerGunner wrote: So... is it closed now? Are the great halls shut? Can we relax? Aaaaaand.....here we go. Now take a minute to breathe and relax - then start hitting F5 to see if the round 2 rules have been posted.
Congratulations to all who entered.
Welcome Closetgamer!
Practice must have helped, because I only needed three rewrites!
I ended up missing the deadline last year so I've spent the last year refining mine.
Jacob Trier wrote: KestlerGunner wrote: So... is it closed now? Are the great halls shut? Can we relax? Aaaaaand.....here we go. Now take a minute to breathe and relax - then start hitting F5 to see if the round 2 rules have been posted. I think SKR said the round 2 rules would be posted on the 20th. Can't find the post...yet.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
This will be my first entry this year and boy what a fun ride the last 2 weeks have been. Good luck all and hope everyone successfully made their item crafting check!
Welcome Liquidsabre!
Good luck!
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Congrats to all who submitted, and good luck! :)
This is my first time entering the contest as well. I think I came up with the idea on Friday and started writing it down on Sunday. So it came together pretty quickly.
Welcome Lumiapina! good luck :)
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