Hero Lab - Mythic Playtest addon....

Mythic Adventures Playtest General Discussion

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For those that are play testing Mythic Adventures and use Hero Lab I have a working mythic data set now available. Its 100% free and only requires you have the CORE data package for Hero Lab.

This adds in almost everything from the playtest document into HL. For full details please see THIS post over on the Hero Lab forums.

Basically their is a new class called "Mythic Tier" and then each "Path" is done as an "Archetype" of the "Mythic Tier" class. This was the best way to get it in and working.

Hopefully people find this useful as I know my players can't play without Hero Lab anymore. ;)

Paizo Employee

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Very cool, thanks!


That will be a massive boon, thank you!

Thank you Shadowchemosh!

Great Job ShadowChemosh.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Awesome work so far, ShadowChemosh - just to note, though, I'm experiencing some odd interactions of skill ranks at high levels (specifically 20th with 1 Mythic tier) and Intelligence-boosting items.

I'll do some more testing to be sure, since the item in question is user-designed and might not be working correctly.

Chemlak wrote:

Awesome work so far, ShadowChemosh - just to note, though, I'm experiencing some odd interactions of skill ranks at high levels (specifically 20th with 1 Mythic tier) and Intelligence-boosting items.

I'll do some more testing to be sure, since the item in question is user-designed and might not be working correctly.

Hmm I had to do some very careful timing when adjusting the levels so that the Mythic Tiers didn't add into the hero levels. So it's possible something needs to be adjusted.

Let me know what you find and I will see if I can duplicate with some of the normal int boosting items.

Thanks and glad everyone is having fun with the data set. =)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The dual path/selecting a second path seems to be adding hit point bonuses from both paths.

Reckless wrote:
The dual path/selecting a second path seems to be adding hit point bonuses from both paths.

Thanks I have this listed as a known issue already as I can't find a good way around it yet.

The current work around is to put in adjustment to offset the HP bonus of one of the paths.

I may just have to have people pick which bonus HP they should be getting as its not really possible for me to figure out in a script which Path is primary. =(

Another FYI I did some testing with CORE Intelligence-boosting items past level 20+ and everything calculated correctly.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


I did a check with a new hero, elf, fighter, 1st level, dropped a headband of mental superiority +6 on him, added mythic tier, and it wiped out 4 skill points as soon as the mythic tier was added.

Looks like I need to test more.

Might have to roll with a new portfolio, see if it's replicable there. Can't today, but I'll get back as soon as I can.

Silver Crusade

SHadow Chemosh, The Aemor Master ability for the Champion does not seem to be working. I made made a champion that has a +1 dex mod and mithril full plate and am getting a -2 Armor check penalty with 3 levels of armor master. It seems that the standard ACP penalty is working fine but I am not getting the ACP reduction for Armor Master.

Chemlak wrote:
I did a check with a new hero, elf, fighter, 1st level, dropped a headband of mental superiority +6 on him, added mythic tier, and it wiped out 4 skill points as soon as the mythic tier was added.

Hmm I had the mythic tier then added the magic item. Will try this way instead and see if I get a different result.

Lou Diamond wrote:
SHadow Chemosh, The Aemor Master ability for the Champion does not seem to be working. I made made a champion that has a +1 dex mod and mithril full plate and am getting a -2 Armor check penalty with 3 levels of armor master. It seems that the standard ACP penalty is working fine but I am not getting the ACP reduction for Armor Master.

The "Armor Master" path ability is not yet scripted. I should have all the Path Abilities scripted in the next release. Sorry I should have put a note in the abilities that are not scripted yet.

v1.3 released! November 27, 2012

-Finished scripting all Path abilities (Including "Armor Master"). This includes even just some helper text when the bonus is a situational modifier.
-Added a note for the couple abilities I can't actually script. Currently this includes removing the -5 iterative penalty for "Precision".

Still need to find a solution for the bonus HP when you take Dual Path.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I followed the instructions and see the Mythic Playtest update available. I've downloaded and imported it, restarted herolab. it's showingup as a third party source but I can't access any of the features.

LazarX wrote:
I followed the instructions and see the Mythic Playtest update available. I've downloaded and imported it, restarted herolab. it's showingup as a third party source but I can't access any of the features.

So after you re-started HL on the "Configure Hero Window" you see the new source/option "Mythic Playtest: Playtest 1"? So you check mark that and press OK.

Then on the "Classes" tab is a new class called "Mythic Tier" which you add after you have taken a normal base class. Then to pick your Mythic Path you click on the "Add New Archetype" and under "Mythic Tier" is the new Paths.

If the above is not working do you get any error messages at all when you restart HL? If you get any error messages HL goes into safe mode and does not load any custom content.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I got it working at last, but it required me doing nothing than just reading your post. Didn't have to do any other steps, just reading your post made it magically work.

Yeah ShadowChemosh is that magical...sometimes just listening to him helps solve problems lol.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Still getting weirdness, though further testing reveals that it is not in any way linked to items: started a number of new characters, and all of them were seeing a reduction in skill points just for having mythic tier added.

Test a 1st level dwarf fighter, remember to change favoured class bonus to hp, straight 10s in stats, and do what is necessary to clear off all verification errors. Add mythic tier. I get an immediate skill point overspend. It gets worse for every mythic tier added.

Chemlak wrote:
Test a 1st level dwarf fighter, remember to change favored class bonus to hp, straight 10s in stats, and do what is necessary to clear off all verification errors. Add mythic tier. I get an immediate skill point overspend. It gets worse for every mythic tier added.

Hmm I hate to say it but I just did these exact steps and it shows correct 2 of 2 skills. Maybe you have an example .por that is showing this? Feel free to email me at my forum user ID (at)yahoo(dot)com. This way we can more easily share .por files and images.

I want to squash any bugs but if I can't duplicate its really hard. =(

mathpro18 wrote:
Yeah ShadowChemosh is that magical...sometimes just listening to him helps solve problems lol.

LOL its my "mythic" power!!!!! ;)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
ShadowChemosh wrote:
Chemlak wrote:
Test a 1st level dwarf fighter, remember to change favored class bonus to hp, straight 10s in stats, and do what is necessary to clear off all verification errors. Add mythic tier. I get an immediate skill point overspend. It gets worse for every mythic tier added.

Hmm I hate to say it but I just did these exact steps and it shows correct 2 of 2 skills. Maybe you have an example .por that is showing this? Feel free to email me at my forum user ID (at)yahoo(dot)com. This way we can more easily share .por files and images.

I want to squash any bugs but if I can't duplicate its really hard. =(

Heh. I'm well aware that replication is the most important part of bug fixing. .por files will be winging your way shortly.

Silver Crusade

I finally bought Hero Lab, and your stuff looks very good.

EDIt: Thank you for your hard work.

V1.5 - December 2, 2012
-Fixed skill points to correctly total in all cases including when using Int boosting items. In most cases after this update you will have "More" skill points to spend on the "Skills" tab. This is correct now.
-When you have more than one mythic path the "Bonus Hit Point" class ability will give a choice to Enable/Disable. This lets you turn off the extra HP's you want. This gives the control fully into the end-gamers hands and I think that works out the best.

Thanks Chemlak for the portfolios they really helped track down the issue.

This will come in handy this weekend :) Thanks ShadowChemosh!

Mine did not work.

Shalafi2412 wrote:
Mine did not work.

Sorry but need allot more info. What didn't work? The download, the install, starting HL, the skill point fix? I can't help if I don't know what didn't work.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

This was a great boon!

V1.6 - December 6, 2012

-Fixed skill points for humans that where still getting their racial bonus skill point for Mythic Tiers. Sorry this means humans with Mythic Tiers will have "overspent" skill points after you install this update.
-Known Issue - Found a strange issue I can't currently fix. If in the "Configure Your Hero" window for "HP Options" you have checked "Average HPs at New Levels" and then add a Mythic Tier you will gain an extra hit point. Current work around is to "un-check" this option then add your Mythic Tier and then you can turn it back on.


Thanks so much for this! Because of your work here I decided to finally go ahead and buy HeroLab.

Due to my inexperience with the system, this may be a stupid question, but...

Is ther any way to add abilities to weapons on the fly? (Paladin, magus ability, Mythic arcane strike)I cant seem to figure it out.


Silver Crusade

Pol Mordreth wrote:


Thanks so much for this! Because of your work here I decided to finally go ahead and buy HeroLab.

Due to my inexperience with the system, this may be a stupid question, but...

Is ther any way to add abilities to weapons on the fly? (Paladin, magus ability, Mythic arcane strike)I cant seem to figure it out.


You could create a weapon with the improvements and exchange it for the weapon without the improvement, whenever it is active.

Pol Mordreth wrote:
Is ther any way to add abilities to weapons on the fly? (Paladin, magus ability, Mythic arcane strike)I cant seem to figure it out.

First wanted to make sure you knew about the Hero Lab forums. Lots of questions asked and answered. Its a very active forum with help from the community and the developers.

In this case on "Weapons" tab I would setup my weapon under the "Magic, Custom & Masterwork Weapons" section. Even if non-magical. This way when you want to add those "magic" abilities you can click on the "edit" button next to the weapon and add those magical abilities.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I think you can also use the "In Play" adjustments.

You can also adapt a technique I use for my Eidolon.

I have it's base sheet. Then for when I use Augmented Summoning on it, I apply the Bull Strength and Cats Grace modifieers. Use the Custom Output to copy text into the buffer, revert the changes on the sheet and paste the text into notes and edit so I have sub statblock on the main sheet for it's altered stats., also for enlarge person and other variant buffs.

LazarX wrote:
I use Augmented Summoning on it, I apply the Bull Strength and Cats Grace modifiers.

On the adjust tab under "Conferred" ability adjustments is the "Feat: Augment Summoning". Which is only one adjustment instead of two.

Thanks again. I'll head over to the hero lab forums. (issue is with the Black Blade, so I cant add abilities... its blocked out. I may play around with user created conferred abilities for the classes that can add abilities to weapons and see if I can make a patch.


I might just be dumb, but I can't seem to find how to add the mythic abilities to a creature when making a "mythic creature." I found how to add the feats and ability point increases, but not the mythic abilities themselves.

Joseph Wilson wrote:
I might just be dumb, but I can't seem to find how to add the mythic abilities to a creature when making a "mythic creature." I found how to add the feats and ability point increases, but not the mythic abilities themselves.

Templates in HL are found on the Classes tab down past the PrCs.

If you don't see the templates then check in your "Configure Your Hero" window under options that you don't have check marked "Don't show templates".

PS not dumb at all. This question comes up allot actually.

Thanks for taking the time to respond! I'm actually all set with the templates though. I've already made some characters and templated creatures with it. Awesome work!

My issue is I am trying to make a CR 20/MR 10 Balor. So, I added the balor into the program, then I selected mythic from the template area and upped it to 10 ranks. After that, its hit points jumped up and I was able to add the correct amount of feats and ability increases, but I could not figure out how to add the actual mythic abilities (from the various paths) that also come wth making a mythic version of a creature. In this case, I nees to choose 11 for the balor (since it's MR + 1).

Joseph Wilson wrote:
but I could not figure out how to add the actual mythic abilities (from the various paths) that also come with making a mythic version of a creature. In this case, I need to choose 11 for the balor (since it's MR + 1).

So checked again in the rules and it says to use the path abilities as an example to use when making a mythic monster. So the way I read the rules it was not meant to pick the exact same path abilities but to use them as a base to make custom monster abilities. So that is how I designed it. Though I can see the benefit to just picking the same abilities for the monsters.

I looked into allowing the Template (ie race) to pick the "Class Abilities" and its not an easy change. Basically I would have to re-build all 107+ path abilities as "Racial Abilities" to allow it function in HL...... So I took a look at the RAW XML and working at that level I was able to move over all the path abilities. You guys are "so" demanding. ;)

So in the next release will be a new tab "Mythic Abilities" that will allow for selecting MR+1 abilities when you select the "Mythic" template. I will leave it up to the DM to figure out good abilities to pick as some don't make allot of sense for a Monster. =)

The next update will also have the Jason's 12/21/2012 changes in it also.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Looking forward to it, Shadow. Bug detection mode on. Hopefully any I find won't be as evil as the others have been.

V1.7 - December 24, 2012

-Added in Jason Bulmahn forum post of updated rules from 12/21/12. This is a new source that you have to turn on in the "Configure Your Hero" window. This way groups can decide to use these changes or not as they see fit.
--Redid the sources a little to add in the new "Update 12/21/2012" rule changes.
--To use these new rules on an existing character open your .por file. Then press "CTRL-K" and then click on "Mythic Playtest: Update 12/21/12".
-The "Mythic" template will now add a 2nd tab called "Mythic Abilities" that allows one to choose Mythic Path abilities. I am leaving it up to the DM to figure out the correct abilities to select as some path abilities don't make sense for Monsters.
--I have created a POST that shows how you can add your own Monster Abilities that are selectable from the "Mythic" template.
-Added a warning message and note for the "Dual Focus" feat that it should not be taken or swapped out if you are now using the 12/21/2012 rule updates.
-New "Mythic Power" adjustment added that lets you up/down the number of mythic power points per day your character has.


ShadowChemosh...you rock!

V1.8 - January 31, 2013
-Removed the "Source" on the Mythic Playtest Mechanic. This prevents the odd error on a character load about the mechanic not being live.
-Found a few strange cases where a Feat/Trait picked up the Mythic Tiers as levels still causing some totals to be off. These tags have been fixed to prevent the Tier from being seen as a class or Hit Dice. With this last change I am 99.9% sure I have this squashed so that HL will NOT pick up a Tier as a level. =)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks, as always, Shadow. I may need to send more portfolios your way, though - new bug on my 20th level mythic tier 2 characters. They're all registering 1 too many attribute increases.

Chemlak wrote:
Thanks, as always, Shadow. I may need to send more portfolios your way, though - new bug on my 20th level mythic tier 2 characters. They're all registering 1 too many attribute increases.

Ok no problem. Much easier to find with a .por file so send them on over. =)

V1.9 - February 13, 2013
-Fixed issue where the Attribute increase every 4 levels was sometimes giving an error message about having too many.

Special Thanks to Chemlak for once again providing a .por file with an example so I could see the issue. This SO speeds up the fixes.

Also sorry this took so long but my real world job got in the way. =(

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

No need for thanks! You're doing all the hard work. Me just findy errors.

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that said error is now gone, and my current game portfolio looks all nice and pretty again.

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