Boon Trading Thread

Pathfinder Society

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Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Boy, suddenly everyone's unloading ifrits. Wonder why?

5/5 5/55/55/5

Jiggy wrote:
Boy, suddenly everyone's unloading ifrits. Wonder why?

Columbus day weekend cons.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

And what, nobody likes ifrits?

3/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Jiggy wrote:
And what, nobody likes ifrits?

Anyone who wants +2 Dex and Cha can already play a Halfling, Aasimar, Tiefling, and probably Kitsune (the Society is lousy with them at ths point). There's not much interesting stuff you can do with them that you couldn't do with other races.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

RainyDayNinja wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
And what, nobody likes ifrits?
Anyone who wants +2 Dex and Cha can already play a Halfling, Aasimar, Tiefling, and probably Kitsune (the Society is lousy with them at ths point). There's not much interesting stuff you can do with them that you couldn't do with other races.

I can think of several ideas right off the top of my head. I just have nothing to offer in trade that I think people would take. Ah well. Maybe I will look through my boons when I get home from work and see.

I also don't have a burning, no pun intended, need to play one right now so I have been leaving the offers to people who want one right now.

But yeah, if I were to get one of these I so disagree. I think there are all sorts of interesting directions one could take one of these.

1/5 Venture-Captain, Germany–Hannover

I think they make good (fire) sorcerers, ninjas and perhaps oracles of flame, but i didn´t really see the point of those yet.

Silver Crusade 5/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

It's okay, if I can't trade mine for something else, I'm totally making an Ifrit winter witch...

Grand Lodge 1/5

If someone wants to trade their Ifrit for my custom order, I would make that trade.

I'm sure I could come up with something interesting to do with one of those.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

What's custom order?

Grand Lodge 1/5

Jiggy wrote:
What's custom order?

I posted more details as the second-to-last on the last page, but basically it lets you buy a magic ammunition of your choice in sets of 10 instead of 50. (I just don't want to repost the same thing, not sure how the rules are about that on these boards)

Edit : I should also note that it is re-usable.

Grand Lodge 4/5


Wayang Race Boon (Megacon 2013)

Custom Order
Ifrit Race boon
The Shadow Lodge Contacts boon (forgot what it's called)

PM me if interested.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Thomas Graham wrote:


Wayang Race Boon (Megacon 2013)

Custom Order
Ifrit Race boon
The Shadow Lodge Contacts boon (forgot what it's called)

PM me if interested.

Sent a message.

Is there a master list of boons available, with a description of each?

Do we have any idea what upcoming boons might be?



2 x Shoanti Quah Friend

1 x Missing Mentor

Make me an offer! I don't know all what's out there, and there may be something there that I like.

Grand Lodge 1/5

I haven't had anyone confirm a trade yet, but what is the "standard" procedure for boon trading (if there is one)? Do you just exchange addresses and mail them to each other, or do you scan/take a picture first to prove it exists? Do you scan/email it to make it "arrive" earlier?

If there is a standard, I'd like to know what it is, to make the process smoother.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I got an Ifreet boon sheet and "Debt to Society" on my first game I GM'd at our first mini-con.

Too bad I don't know if I'll ever get around to using it. ):

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 ****

Eric the Alesmith wrote:

I haven't had anyone confirm a trade yet, but what is the "standard" procedure for boon trading (if there is one)? Do you just exchange addresses and mail them to each other, or do you scan/take a picture first to prove it exists? Do you scan/email it to make it "arrive" earlier?

If there is a standard, I'd like to know what it is, to make the process smoother.

Well, this is just my opinion, but having been burned on at least one boon trade in the past, I prefer to arrange to scan (with the recipient's details written onto the hardcopy) it in and e-mail it (thus proving ownership), whilst waiting for it to arrive.

Dark Archive 5/5

i have traded many times....

never been scammed. but most of the times. I will send a pic from my tablet if asked.

then exchanged address and shipped

Grand Lodge 4/5

wellsmv wrote:

i have traded many times....

never been scammed. but most of the times. I will send a pic from my tablet if asked.

then exchanged address and shipped

I would assume the event code would have to check out?

Shadow Lodge 3/5


GM Reward (Fall 2013):
--- Elemental Ancestry: Basically Ifrit (Ifreet?) Boon
--- Paragon of the Society: +4 Luck bonus on d20 before roll is made or +2 after roll is made. 3x times
--- Choose one and cross the other off

Ascendance Day:
--- Actor of the Elven Acts: Make Perform check instead of Will save against spell, spell-like ability, or effect that has the evil or fear descriptor. Can use act, dance or oratory. 1x time
--- Ascendance Day Cloak: One scenario while wearing or prominently displaying cloak get +2 on all saves made to resist compulsion spells, spell-like abilities and effects.
--- Choose one and cross the other off (must be assigned (not used) by Oct 23rd)

3 Gen Con Tokens: I believe 2 tokens = 1 boon of your choice?

Day Job (Maybe)
Expedition Manager
Something cool

Dark Archive 5/5

you cant trade a Ascendance Day: boon ...

Grand Lodge 4/5

Well, you CAN, but it would be silly since everyone gets one for free and can't have another.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Well, you CAN, but it would be silly since everyone gets one for free and can't have another.

I haven't heard about this. Where/how do I get mine?

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

karossii wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Well, you CAN, but it would be silly since everyone gets one for free and can't have another.
I haven't heard about this. Where/how do I get mine?

This blog post explains Ascendance Day and provides a link to download the boon.

The Exchange 1/5

HAVE: Gencon 2013 Boon #8 [Mendevian Weapon Training]

WANT: Gencon 2013 Boon #6 [It's a spell caster boon... Forgot the name at the moment...]

Send e-mails to


Dark Archive 5/5

Luke Parry wrote:
Eric the Alesmith wrote:

I haven't had anyone confirm a trade yet, but what is the "standard" procedure for boon trading (if there is one)? Do you just exchange addresses and mail them to each other, or do you scan/take a picture first to prove it exists? Do you scan/email it to make it "arrive" earlier?

If there is a standard, I'd like to know what it is, to make the process smoother.

Well, this is just my opinion, but having been burned on at least one boon trade in the past, I prefer to arrange to scan (with the recipient's details written onto the hardcopy) it in and e-mail it (thus proving ownership), whilst waiting for it to arrive.

I for one would love to see a change to the boon system... perhaps you win an event code.. you could then login to your account and choose a boon and assign it to a character...

it would also help if there were no copies of boon allowed (gen con 2012)
though i understand they ran out... i dont think i saw any copies given out this year at gen con on Sunday... so perhaps this was fixed.

Dark Archive 5/5


no longer have custom order or 2012 triple race boon... thanks guys

still have a

dhampir race boon (grave blooded)

gen con (long distance support)

gen con ( mounted tradition)

may have a kitsune and ifrit boon on the way.. awaiting trade....

looking for another grippli or goblin boon ( it worth a shot)

Lantern Lodge 1/5

I have an Ifrit boon that I haven't been able to get excited about. I'd like to see if I could get a different race boon for it.

PM me if you're interested.


Mmn. I've asked before and I know this is more for trades; but I've not been lucky enough to get any boons of my own.

I would absolutely love it if someone would be kind enough to donate a new race boon; I'm not too picky, though I'm really hoping for kitsune, catfolk or ratlings above anything else. Overall, I just like being able to play more 'exotic' characters.

Shoot me a message if you can help, thanks!

Silver Crusade 5/5

Hey guys, I've got a friend that would like to make a Wayang. All I've got to offer is an Ifrit boon, the Erratic Luck boon, and Gencon 2013 boon #12 On-the-Job Training.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Draven Torakhan wrote:
I'm not too picky, though I'm really hoping for kitsune, catfolk or ratlings above anything else.

FYI, there are no ratfolk boons of which I am aware, and only one catfolk boon (it was in the silent auction at GenCon 2013 and sold for $400).

Michael Eshleman wrote:
Draven Torakhan wrote:
I'm not too picky, though I'm really hoping for kitsune, catfolk or ratlings above anything else.
FYI, there are no ratfolk boons of which I am aware, and only one catfolk boon (it was in the silent auction at GenCon 2013 and sold for $400).

$400? Oh My. I am a leophile (crazy about lions, not about people born as a Leo), and would do a lot to get a catfolk boon... but that seems rather excessive.

Did a portion go to a charity or something? That just seems crazy!

Dark Archive 5/5

all of it went to charity


Hm. If it were for charity, and I ever had that sort of money to burn through, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Of course, if I had that sort of money I could -go- to GenCon and perhaps get a boon of my own anyway. Bleh.


That being said, kitsune would be awesome too. What can I say, I like my anthromorphic animals. :B

I'm seeing a lot of buzz about a lot of ifrit boons floating around, too; wouldn't mind that either. Like I said, I'm not picky; the ones I listed are just 'cream of the crop' sort of things.

1/5 Venture-Captain, Germany–Hannover

Trading Ifriit versus Kitsune^^

I am looking for:
Ratfolk x2 (have an idea for a swarming team with the girlfriend)

Any Pathfinder book of your choice.
I also have a few random non-race boons from dragoncon a few years ago.

Dark Archive 5/5

For the final time....... there is no boon for ratfolk.....


Grand Lodge 4/5

Erratic Luck
GM Reward (Fall 2013) (Ifrit or luck bonus to rolls 3 times)
Custom Order

Spirit of the Shadow Lodge

Grand Lodge 4/5

Update: I no longer have the Ifrit boon nor want the Kitsune boon.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

PaizoCon 2013 Player Boon #1; Favored Monument

+2 bonus on
Knowledge(history) checks regarding Magnimar. Plus, choice of ONE of the following;
  • +1 bonus on melee attack rolls while in Magnimar or one of its vassal settlements.
  • +1 bonus on Reflex saving throws while in Magnimar or one of its vassal settlements.
  • +1 bonus on Fort saves while in Magnimar or one of its vassal settlements.
  • +1 bonus on weapon damage rolls against Aberrations, +2 while in Magnimar or one of its vassal settlements.
  • +1 bonus on Survival checks and a +1 bonus on Frot saves to avoid becoming sickened.
  • Once per scenario you can gain a +1 increase to the save DC of a spell with the fire descriptor that you cast.
  • +1 bonus on Diplomacy checks, +2 while in Magnimar or one of its vassal settlements.
  • +1 bonus on Concentration checks, +2 while in Magnimar or one of its vassal settlements.
  • +1 bonus on weapon damage rolls against Aquatic creatures, +2 while in Magnimar or one of its vassal settlements.
  • +1 bonus on Will saves while in Magnimar or one of its vassal settlements.
  • +2 bonus on Initiative checks while in Magnimar or one of its vassal settlements.
  • +1 bonus on Concentration checks when castinf Divine spells. While in Magnimar or one of its vassal settlements, you also gain a +1 bonus on all Caster Level checks with Divine spells.

PaizoCon 2013 Player Boon #5; Missing Mentor

Make 5 checks to 'find' your Mentor. Once you have succeeded 5 times choose ONE of the
  • +1 bonus on Will saves against Fear spells and effects, and the DC to Intimidate you is increased by 3.
  • +2 bonus on checks to stabilize when dying.
  • +2 bonus to CMD against bull rush, drag, and reposition maneuvers.

PaizoCon 2013 Player Boon #11; Shade-Blooded

Wayang; ARG 210, Dragon Empires Gazetteer 6

Mask of Goblin Seeming

Once as a standard action, turn into a Goblin for 5 minutes as per alter self(CL 5). Additionally, once during the duration, as a move action, conjure a lit torch into to his open hand.

GM Boon (Fall 2013)

Ifrit; ARG 126


A three time use luck bonus usable before (+4) or after (+2) a d20 roll, but before the result is known.

Want; (but probably willing to trade for other things...)
Graveblooded (Dhamphyr)
Undine race boon
Spirit of the Shadow Lodge

1/5 Venture-Captain, Germany–Hannover

I´m so searching for a Kitsune race boon.
Have the fall GM boon to offer and some other things.
If you are sitting on one please PM me, i´m sure we can work something out.

The Exchange

Have triple race nagaji/wayang/kitsune boon, want dhampir boon.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Have an ifrit boon, open to reasonable offers (preferably a race boon).


Jiggy wrote:
Have an ifrit boon, open to reasonable offers (preferably a race boon).

How about I trade you for a tiefling boon?

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Trade for a tiefling boon? You mean you want back the one you gave me?


Jiggy wrote:
Trade for a tiefling boon? You mean you want back the one you gave me?

No no no. Poor early morning grammar. Was trying to get something for a tiefling boon. But I already have an Ifrit. Bad joke gone poorly and all that.

I already have more boons that I know what to do with.

*goes back to considering a gunslinger/ninja*

/sneak, sneak, sneak, BOOM!, *runs away*


I'd offer up a hardback copy of the ARG, but that being said, at this point; even if I had someone to trade with, it'd be too late, as the con I'm going to is next weekend.

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Benjamin Falk wrote:

I´m so searching for a Kitsune race boon.

Have the fall GM boon to offer and some other things.
If you are sitting on one please PM me, i´m sure we can work something out.

I have a Kitsune I'd be willing to trade, PM me and let me know what you would be willing to offer. I'd REALLY like Dhampir, but I know that one is relatively rare.

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