Megan's Curse of the Crimson Throne needs replacement characters.


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Hi everyone. We've lost a few players in the past few weeks, so I think we're looking to hire on some extra help, so to speak.

We are 5th level now, and here are the creation guidelines:

-20 point stat buy
-Max hit points at 1st level.
-2 traits (non-overlapping) You can choose a background trait from the Player's Guide if you like, but it's not mandatory.
-Average starting gold according to class
-No evil alignments

I'm not exactly sure how Megan wants you to generate hitpoints for the other levels, but we've been rolling them during character level.

Our current characters are:

Myself, a CG crossbow weapon master/sniper rogue.
Asherick Whiteplume, a LG paladin of Iomedae.
(Mildly irritating if exposed to eyes or mouth. Do not eat! That burning sensation is paladiny goodness.)
and his less irritating sidekick Majenko, a pseudodragon (bound to serve for a year if I remember correctly).
Shakhan, a N savage barbarian.
(Keep your arms and legs away from the barbarian at all times. I won't be held responsible for lost or damaged items.)

We recently lost:

Hytogg, a NG human wizard (illusionist)/cleric of Nethys who was called away when an Ustalavian peer passed away and left him unusual instructions in his will.

Varrel, a NG half-elf magus. (Who I think has now devoted his full time to freeing slaves.)

Diggle Spindlewell, a CN gnome sorcerer who sometimes did rather strange things. (But that's CN for you.) (I'm not exactly certain what happened to him.)

So I think we're looking to boost back up our divine and arcane support.

Posting Times: Megan has a demanding position as a University professor, but so far we're all getting along with posting, just remembering to take that into account.

Roleplaying: In quite a few times so far in the campaign, we've managed to have volatile arguments (except for Shakhan, who just stayed out of it), due to alignment differences. (It can be fun if you don't internalize the argument too much, which I admit to being in danger of doing once or twice.) So, just be aware that, if you join, some of our characters already have developed... chemistry? animosity? Or course Una prickles against just about everything. Anyway, if our other players or DM want to say something I'll step out and see what's going on.

Or feel free to read for yourself. The Discussion Board and the Gameplay Board.

We just started the second book of the Campaign, and have discovered a deadly plague (the paladin can fill you in on the details) being transferred by cursed coins. We've finally found the girl who had discovered most of them, after a plague ship was sunk in the river, and we are discussing what to do next.

Would you like a goblin flanking buddy who is CN(g) and pretends to be a halfing?

I think preference will be given to full arcane and divine casters, but you're allowed to submit whatever you want. :)

How about a NG female Halfling 4th level cleric of Shelyn and 1st level bard? I'll work it up behind this alias.

Dark Archive

sounds awesome i will start work on a Chirurgeon Alchemist if that is cool :)

Dark Archive

What Races are allowed and any class/ archetype limitations?

I am thinking either a Cleric of Pharasma half-elf

Or a magus half-elf also who worships nethys

Dark Archive

Will this campaign require the character to be registered? its np if it is i just needed to know so i cold go ahead and have it registered :P

Registered? You mean as a Society character? No. Its not PFS, just a PBP. :P

Una Therlmagne wrote:
I think preference will be given to full arcane and divine casters, but you're allowed to submit whatever you want. :)

(MannyGoblin here) Well I do have an aspiring ice sorcerer who attempted to join a Second Darkness game. I will level him to 5.

As for races, classes, or archetypes, I'll let Megan answer that one. She's read quite a bit of 3PP material, so she might let you be just about anything.

Presenting Agatha Threepwood, human sorcerer. Details on profile.

May as well put my hand up - I am a man in his 30s, not a woman in her 50s, so this might be quite a challenge for me RP-wise...

Should we take average wealth for level 5?

Lots of enthusiastic response. I hope you like what you see of our game.

There is a Grand Temple to Shelyn in Korvosa. Yes the avergae for our level as per the Core Rules.

And the city has a Rich Varisian culture plus the Acadamae.. so s sorcerer would fit right in.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I'm working on submitting an Urban Druid, who's naturally worried about the plague coming to town and seeks out those who could help him stop it.

Dark Archive

I wonder as well how much gold you would like us to start with please :)

Edit, Buron isn't going to fit your needs.

I will submit Beor. A rather sturdy dwarven cleric.

Dark Archive

May i present Ebonnard Raloon, my human Chirurgeon(heals through the use of potions) Alchemist :)

All the info is on my profile

Ps: I ended up having a lot of gold left over due to the large amount you start with, i just bought what was necessary and stopped there. I didnt know how you guys wanted to handle the rest of the gold. I didnt want to go buy a bunch of masterwork weapons and armor or magical equipment without talking to you guys first :P

Here is Kryas Sitora Half-Elf Cleric of Pharasma I am still working finishing up a few things and need a Guide for Equipment and starting gold.

Silver Crusade

I can upgrade Parneth to 5th level.. he was designed to be in CoTCT games. Another cleric of Pharesma for consideration. Although I've recently been building a Dhampir Cleric of Sarenrae, should you fancy something a little different.

Dark Archive

flykiller wrote:
I'm working on submitting an Urban Druid, who's naturally worried about the plague coming to town and seeks out those who could help him stop it.

I would like to see an urban druid :P. i have thought about playing one in the past. If its well made i would love to see it

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I'm not sure how well-made he is going to be... Never played one before.

The key points are that at this level he's got neither animal companion, nor wild shape. So the only option is going caster. At the same time, he's got a few extra skills that druids normally don't have, so they are going to be his secondary focus.
He will try to avoid summons which are out of place in a city, so that we don't have a rhino rampaging on the streets of Korvosa. His summoning will be mostly confined to elementals and swarms.
He is going to help in removing the negative conditions, but the actual HP healing will be limited and mostly provided by wands.
As the character joins after Lamm has been dealt with, I didn't take any campaign traits for him.

I've made a draft of a profile here. Haven't finished writing the background yet. Tomorrow I'm going to a gig after work, so I wouldn't be able to finish him until Tuesday night.

Dark Archive

flykiller wrote:

I'm not sure how well-made he is going to be... Never played one before.

The key points are that at this level he's got neither animal companion, nor wild shape. So the only option is going caster. At the same time, he's got a few extra skills that druids normally don't have, so they are going to be his secondary focus.
He will try to avoid summons which are out of place in a city, so that we don't have a rhino rampaging on the streets of Korvosa. His summoning will be mostly confined to elementals and swarms.
He is going to help in removing the negative conditions, but the actual HP healing will be limited and mostly provided by wands.
As the character joins after Lamm has been dealt with, I didn't take any campaign traits for him.

I've made a draft of a profile here. Haven't finished writing the background yet. Tomorrow I'm going to a gig after work, so I wouldn't be able to finish him until Tuesday night.

It will be interesting to see finished, espcially in gameplay :)

Ranvar, wealth is average for 5th level characters, as per the rules for character advancement.

Dark Archive

Una Therlmagne wrote:
Ranvar, wealth is average for 5th level characters, as per the rules for character advancement.

Yes i know :) thank you. I know these questions must be aggrivating and im sorry to keep asking... But as for available equipment to buy??.. because a character of 5th level will receive 10,500 gp and well i have no idea how to spend all of that without buying high end armor/weapons or magical equipment. I know some gm's are very restrictive on what you can and cannot buy and i just wanted to know what is available for us to purchase :). sorry for the inconvenient annoying questions... :P

You can buy anything you want with that, I'm pretty sure. If you think there is something you want that is overpowering, or imbalancing for the party dynamic, you can always ask the DM. I'm sure Megan will be glad to tell you if something is not appropriate.

Edit: Probably no artifacts, unless you have a good reason for having it.

Dark Archive

Una Therlmagne wrote:

You can buy anything you want with that, I'm pretty sure. If you think there is something you want that is overpowering, or imbalancing for the party dynamic, you can always ask the DM. I'm sure Megan will be glad to tell you if something is not appropriate.

Edit: Probably no artifacts, unless you have a good reason for having it.

Ok, thank you :). btw i am Ebonnard and ravnar. :P i will post as Ebonnard though to save from confusion.

Just rolling HP for the 3 extra sorc levels for Icabhod
hp: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
hp: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
hp: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Ok let me try this again, Here is Kyras as Inquisitor Vampire Hunter of Pharasma. Just need to gear both of them up.

Kryas Sitora Inquisitor:

Male Half-Elf Inquisitor (Vampire Hunter) 5
NN Medium Humanoid (elf, human)
Init +6; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception +13
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 38 (5d8+5); Judgement of Sacred Healing 2
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +7; +2 vs. enchantments
Defensive Abilities Judgement of Sacred Protection +2; DR Judgement of Sacred Resiliency 2: Magic; Immune sleep; Resist Elven Immunities, Judgement of Sacred Purity +2, Judgement of Sacred Resistance 4 (Fire)
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks Bane (+2 / 2d6) (5 rounds/day), Judgement of Sacred Destruction +2, Judgement of Sacred Justice +2, Judgement of Sacred Piercing +2, Judgement of Sacred Smiting (Magic)
Spell-Like Abilities Discern Lies (5 rounds/day)
Inquisitor (Vampire Hunter) Spells Known (CL 5, +6 melee touch, +4 ranged touch):
2 (3/day) Restoration, Lesser (DC 15), Cure Moderate Wounds (DC 15), Flames of the Faithful (DC 15)
1 (5/day) Sanctify Corpse, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith (DC 14), Cure Light Wounds (DC 14)
0 (at will) Resistance (DC 13), Disrupt Undead, Acid Splash, Bleed (DC 13), Stabilize, Guidance
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 17
Feats Favored Judgment (Undead), Precise Strike, Shield Focus, Weapon Focus (Bastard sword)
Traits Corpse Hunter, Elven Reflexes
Skills Appraise +2, Bluff +5, Climb +7, Craft (weapons) +5, Diplomacy +4, Heal +7, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (nature) +6, Knowledge (planes) +6, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +13, Ride +5, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +6, Survival +8 (+10 to track) Modifiers Monster Lore
Languages Common, Elven, Varisian
SQ Detect Undead, Elf Blood, Inquisitor (Vampire Hunter) Domain: Healing, Judgement (2/day), Rebuke Death (6/day), Silversmith +2, Solo Tactics, Sun Strike +1d6, Teamwork Feat (change 3/day), Track +2

Special Abilities
Bane (+2 / 2d6) (5 rounds/day) (Su) Make the weapon you are holding a bane (undead) weapon.
Corpse Hunter You have dedicated yourself to the destruction of undead, and receive a +1 trait bonus on all attacks made against undead.
Detect Undead (Su) This ability works like the standard paladin ability to detect evil, except as detect undead instead of detect evil. This ability replaces detect evil.
Discern Lies (5 rounds/day) (Sp) Discern Lies at will
Elf Blood You are counted as both elven and human for any effect relating to race.
Elven Immunities +2 save bonus vs Enchantments.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Favored Judgment (Undead) Judgments gain +1 to bonuses for attacks to from foe chosen (on ranger's favored enemy list).
Inquisitor (Vampire Hunter) Domain: Healing Granted Powers: Your touch staves off pain and death, and your healing magic is particularly vital and potent.
Judgement (2/day) (Su) Variable bonuses increase as the combat continues.
Judgement of Sacred Destruction +2 (Su) Weapon Damage bonus.
Judgement of Sacred Healing 2 (Su) Fast Healing
Judgement of Sacred Justice +2 (Su) Attack bonus
Judgement of Sacred Piercing +2 (Su) Concentration and vs. SR bonus
Judgement of Sacred Protection +2 (Su) AC bonus
Judgement of Sacred Purity +2 (Su) Save bonus
Judgement of Sacred Resiliency 2: Magic (Su) DR/magic
Judgement of Sacred Resistance 4 (Fire) (Su) Energy Resistances
Judgement of Sacred Smiting (Magic) (Su) DR bypass
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Monster Lore +3 (Ex) +3 to Knowledge checks when identifying the weaknessess of creatures.
Precise Strike +1d6 precision damage for melee attacks if you and an ally with this feat flank the same target.
Rebuke Death (6/day) (Sp) Heal 1d4+2 damage to creatures at negative HP
Shield Focus +1 Shield AC
Silversmith +2 Gain +2 bonus on Craft or Spellcraft checks to create a silver item that bypasses DR/silver
Solo Tactics (Ex) Count Teamwork feats as if your allies had the same ones.
Sun Strike +1d6 (Su) As a swift action, infuse weapon with light of the sun, dealing +1d6 damage to creatures vulnerable to sunlight.
Teamwork Feat (change 3/day) Swap your most recent Teamwork feat for another
Track +2 +2 to survival checks to track.


I give you Beor for consideration.

A powerfully built agile looking dwarf glares at you. His eyes are bright and leveled his beard in a thin tight braid, while scalp gleams. There is a foreboding of anger and judgment in his stare. A wide length of serpentine chain runs across his back and chest connecting to his belt, exposing tan skin some of which is covered in blue religious tattoos. His legs adorned by purple and gold striped pantaloons, with heavy steal toed boots.

Apparently you just pasted the test. Hello he says with a scratchy deep bass voice.

Beor is an acolyte of a small faction belonging to Angradd. The order dictates that in war often times the best offense is a good defense and so they dedicate themselves to keeping the warriors fighting. To prove their bravery they only adorn themselves with tattoos until they have proven themselves. At that point they are given a set of magical armor that looks nothing more than a bandolier of serpentine chain. With a command this chain will unfold revealing that it is Scalemail. They wade right into the middle of combat healing their allies, shrugging off even the most savage blows.

Beor was raised like any other dwarf, but battle always called to him. He was decorated on the field for his skills as a medic. From there he was inducted into the holy order and has since sot adventure where he can find it. Horror struck when he lost a true friend while battling bat riding goblins. Beor has since traveled from one place to the next, the loss always spoiling what peace he can find

The tattoos creeping up the dwarf’s arms are the story of his life and the teachings and battles of Angradd. The body art appears as swirls or geometric shapes revealing small pictographs up close. They are magical in nature as per the trait Birthmark.

Beor Kal
Dwarf Cleric (Separatist) 5
LN Medium Humanoid (dwarf)
Init +3; Senses darkvision; Perception +3
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +2 Dex, +1 natural, +1 deflection)
hp 29 (5d8+5)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +6; +2 trait bonus vs. charm and compulson, +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities
Defensive Abilities defensive training; Resist stubborn
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Masterwork Greataxe +7 (1d12+4/x3)
Special Attacks relentless
Spell-Like Abilities Touch of Good (5/day)
Cleric (Separatist) Spells Prepared (CL 5):
3 (1/day) Prayer, Cure Serious Wounds
2 (3/day) Delay Poison, Spiritual Weapon, Bull's Strength, Align Weapon
1 (4/day) Divine Favor, Bless, Protection from Evil, Detect Evil, Burning Disarm (DC 13)
0 (at will) Detect Poison, Mending, Create Water, Guidance
Str 16, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 8
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 19
Feats Combat Casting, Power Attack -1/+2, Warrior Priest
Traits Birthmark, Focused Mind
Skills Acrobatics -1 (-5 jump), Appraise +1 (+3 to determine the price of nonmagic items with precious metals or gemstones), Climb +0, Craft (tattoo) +7, Escape Artist -1, Fly -1, Heal +10, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (history) +6 (+8 on checks that pertain to dwarves or their enemies), Knowledge (nobility) +6, Knowledge (planes) +6, Knowledge (religion) +6, Perception +3, Ride -1, Sense Motive +6, Stealth -1, Swim +0 Modifiers lorekeeper
Languages Celestial, Common, Dwarven
SQ aura, cleric channel positive energy 3d6 (2/day) (dc 11), domains (good), forbidden rites (healing), glamered, hatred, rebuke death (5/day), slow and steady, spontaneous casting, stonecunning +2
Combat Gear Blue priest, Potion of barkskin +3; Other Gear +1 Glamered Scale mail, Masterwork Greataxe, Amulet of natural armor +1, Ring of protection +1, Backpack, masterwork (empty), Belt pouch (empty), Belt pouch (empty), Blanket, Cooking kit, Masterwork toolCraft (tattoo), 77 GP, 5 SP

Beor seeks to redeem himself. He seeks to put the ghost of his friend to rest through the redemption of battle, but he doesn’t know it yet. Beor is a friendly fellow if you get to know him. Thought that may take a bit, though it depends on the actions of the person. Beor is like a dog with a bone whatever the task. Strong willed is putting it mildly.

I just took average HP, I can roll them if you like.

Edit: When Beor heard of an outbreak of disease he heeded the personal call at once. There are many ways to battle evil. Sometimes its with an ax sometimes its with your skill.

Edit. All the important bits done. Grungy, ugly ice sorcerer Icabhod ready for service!

Here's a rough outline of my submission thus far.

Name: Arduino the Lesser
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer (Sylvan)
Alignment: Lazy Good (Neutral Good)
Role: Arcane caster (Enchantment specialist)
Background: Arduino was born as the new scion of the line of Poggle, a great family of Druids. Members of this family took on the responsibility of becoming a warden of nature, a Druid, and were uniquely suited for this task; due to an age-old dalliance with the fey, Poggle blood ran thick with the magic of the forest. Arduino grew into one of the finest heroes of the forest, defending it even against the onslaught of the Worldwound and its demons, widely known as a great and wise man.
Sadly, his son would not inherit those same qualities.
Arduino the Lesser grew into a callow youth, rich with laziness and fickle will and poor in quickness of mind and connection with nature. Knowing his son was not ready, Arduino the Greater delayed his time of Druidic trial. After years of little improvement, the father finally gave up and sent his son out into the world, telling him to return with a connection to nature or not at all.
It has been three years since he left. Meeting other humans and being thrust into the fascinating new environments of Korvosa and other human settlements has done wonders for Arduino, though he still emits an outward image of laziness; whether that is his true personality or whether that is becoming simply a mask he wears requires further observation.
Personality: Lazy, idle, seems stupid but that is more due to bored ignorance than to any mental disability. On the other hand, due to his childhood he does have a good heart, and knows right and wrong, and someone too-greatly acting out the latter does disturb him from his haze of 'i-don't-give-a-crap'. He also has an emerging curiosity and fascination with the world.
Traits: Magical Lineage, Drug Addict (Personal)

Dark Archive

ok.. So after MUCH thought, i have decided to spend the rest of my gold on Mithral Scale Mail, an Mithral Rapier, a Ring of Sustenance and a Bag of Holding 1. Just thought i would make sure that is ok c: (you can never be too sure)

Dark Archive

I also added a reason for Ebonnard to be at this plague ridden place. The info is on my profile :)

Sheet made and in profile; let me know extra backstory I need to write to fit in with this campaign.

Any thoughts one when you guys will pick the winners? Or is this just open until you find the right two?

Reading through your game play and I like what I am seeing.

You mentioned a possibility of 3pp material and I want to see if that is actually valid. I have an Asterion Pugilist Grappler I've been wanting to play for awhile.

Pugilist is a different form of an unarmed fighter, that instead of supernatural abilities (like a monk), specialized into one style. Mine focuses on grappling, where I should be able to grapple just about anything at higher levels.

Asterion is kind of a weird race (I promise to make a good back story). Mainly I chose it because it's one of the few that gets +2 to strength and constitution (A pugilist really doesn't need anything else).

He is already built up to level 5, I'd just have to slap a background story on him if you think its ok.

Edit: Also, the build is assuming that his Iron Fist ability counts for Improved Unarmed Strike (the class doesn't specifically say that, but it seems redundant to me to have to take it)

The build I have him as is up: Minjaros Brightstar

Ross Hearne aka poisonbladed wrote:

Any thoughts one when you guys will pick the winners? Or is this just open until you find the right two?

Reading through your game play and I like what I am seeing.

I also liked your game so please let us know what the time limit is for submitting a character for consideration.

Also, have you given any thought as to how this new character (s) will be integrated to the current group?

Any hints would be appreciated to weave them into our backstory.


Dark Archive

Fabian Benavente wrote:
Ross Hearne aka poisonbladed wrote:

Any thoughts one when you guys will pick the winners? Or is this just open until you find the right two?

Reading through your game play and I like what I am seeing.

I also liked your game so please let us know what the time limit is for submitting a character for consideration.

Also, have you given any thought as to how this new character (s) will be integrated to the current group?

Any hints would be appreciated to weave them into our backstory.


I second that :P. I tried to build some what of a story that would work into it. But its not the greatest

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

These may be foolish questions.
Is the game using Pathfinder rules, or 3.5? How long is Recruitment open? There is a CotCT Campaign trait in 'Varisia, Birthplace of Legend' (Two actually, but I was thinking about the one that isn't associated with Gaedren Lamm), would that be an acceptable trait? I have a Goblin Reincarnated Druid that might be fun or possibly a Halfling vanilla Summoner. Are either of those likely to be problems?

I'm sure Megan will want to see the character submissions. So as soon as we all have had a chance to look at submissions and vote, we'll let you know what we've decided.

As for a time limit for submissions, our game is pretty much on hold until we get the new characters (I think), so I would say Wednesday is the last day to make a submission, and we should have our selections known by Thursday or Friday. Megan needs to input here though. But that would be my suggestion.

Dark Archive

Just like to throw out there that an alchemist medic is probably the coolest healer... I can give you guys potions at the beginning of the day and tell you to drink them when you need health.. i also am dealing 3d6 bomb damage that deal splash damage and on direct hit deals an additional 1d6 of fire damage... you know... js ;P

Without a sound the ear caressed the door. Inside there was shuffling and a mild groan.

What is that dwarf up to the boy wondered?

The lad could never know that a reoccurring nightmare plagued the warrior priest.

With a CRACK another goblin fell to the fists of the Halfling self styled prince. “Beor, are you going to start fighting or am I going to have to kill every one of these pests,” the monk asked? Beor couldn’t answer. He remembered that he had. What had he said? He didn’t matter Edmond was alive. He was punishing wicked goblins again. The battle, glorious!

Movement behind the Halfling caught dwarven eye. The warning shout caught in Beor’s throat as poisoned spear slid into ribs. A look of surprise on the Halfling’s face.

In a cold sweat Beor awoke screaming a name that no one but he remembered.

On the other side of the door the boy started.

Best find another mark the lad thought.

Beor could never sleep after the dream. Silently he began praying. Angradd give me death in battle or give me freedom. Torment me not with failures. Burn these feelings of guilt from my soul!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This is the Druid. I originally wrote her up for a Kingmaker game, there will obviously be some changes made to her backstory, but Mechanically she will be much the same.
Here is the Summoner. She was originally made up for a Shattered Star game. Her background will require less adjustment, her Parents settled in Korvosa rather than Magnimar & she found comfort among the Varisian sub-community there rather than among the monuments to be found in Magnimar.

I will make the Character Adjustments (Background mostly) tomorrow as it is quite late for me right now.

Dark Archive

Ross Hearne aka poisonbladed wrote:

Without a sound the ear caressed the door. Inside there was shuffling and a mild groan.

What is that dwarf up to the boy wondered?

The lad could never know that a reoccurring nightmare plagued the warrior priest.

With a CRACK another goblin fell to the fists of the Halfling self styled prince. “Beor, are you going to start fighting or am I going to have to kill every one of these pests,” the monk asked? Beor couldn’t answer. He remembered that he had. What had he said? He didn’t matter Edmond was alive. He was punishing wicked goblins again. The battle, glorious!

Movement behind the Halfling caught dwarven eye. The warning shout caught in Beor’s throat as poisoned spear slid into ribs. A look of surprise on the Halfling’s face.

In a cold sweat Beor awoke screaming a name that no one but he remembered.

On the other side of the door the boy started.

Best find another mark the lad thought.

Beor could never sleep after the dream. Silently he began praying. Angradd give me death in battle or give me freedom. Torment me not with failures. Burn these feelings of guilt from my soul!

I can see your going to be a problem -_- here drink this "health potion" to make you "feel better"... :P


@Ebonnard- You must be mad! There is plague among the folk. Heavy drink is not the will of Angradd when there is evil afoot. Aye win this battle and I will drink. Glorious will it be, almost as rightous as the victory itself. If you are looking for some cleansing Scion and I could aid you. Motioning to the ax strapped on his back.

Indeed the dwarf felt that Angradd had truly called him to this place. Disease is a wicked enemy after all, and the lord of fire has given me the power and the NEED to cleanse and to heal.

So, we have-

Kayla Adrianas- Halfling Cleric/Bard
Agatha Theepwood- Human Sorcerer (Arcane)
Ebonnard Raloon- Human Alchemist (Chirurgeon)
Kryas Sitora- Half-Elf Cleric (Pharasma)
Parneth Servias- Human Cleric (Pharasma)
Beor Kal- Dwarf Cleric (Separatist)
Ichabod- Human Sorcerer (Elemental)
Arduino the Lesser- Human Sorcerer (Fey)
Minjaraos Brightstar- Asterion Pugilist (3rd party)
Aka the Many-Lived- Goblin Druid
Yamyra Anafa- Halfling Summoner

Apologies if I missed anyone!

Dark Archive

Ross Hearne aka poisonbladed wrote:


@Ebonnard- You must be mad! There is plague among the folk. Heavy drink is not the will of Angradd when there is evil afoot. Aye win this battle and I will drink. Glorious will it be, almost as rightous as the victory itself. If you are looking for some cleansing Scion and I could aid you. Motioning to the ax strapped on his back.

Indeed the dwarf felt that Angradd had truly called him to this place. Disease is a wicked enemy after all, and the lord of fire has given me the power and the NEED to cleanse and to heal.

PFFFT!! i dont need some god to tell me to do good! My mere will and sense lead me here to cleanse this wretched place with science! FOR HONOR!

Aye the gods are cruel I give you. After all they have suffered me to talk with the likes of you. Sadly, you weren’t bred with any sense though. How could you have been? For if your sweet mother would have had any she would have saved her milk for the pig!

Having fun with this Ebonnard.

Gronk tells you, the end times are comming.
Gronk shows you, signs of the obliviation.
Gronk make you, believe all things die.
So says Groteus. So shall it be!

Half-orc, chaotic good, cleric of Groteus. End of the world, repent and be saved type of prophet.

Seems like he would go pretty well with the oddness you already have in the group. =)
If selected, will be very quick to uplevel, since the build is already decided.

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