Tuesday Update

Website Feedback

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Hey Paizo guys. First I want to say that I really appreciate your efforts to continue to improve this website and all of the features it offers.

With today’s update to the site I have noticed two glitches that have crept in.
1. When following a thread there is a great thing after the thread name that says if there are new posts to view. I love this functionality but now it displays a new post if I was the one to make the post. This did not happen before.
2. There used to be tabs at the top of the Online Campaign pages that allowed you to easily navigate between the different threads associated with the campaign. They were supper useful and are no longer there, making it a pain to switch between campaign threads. Please bring the tabs back!

Oh hey, the tabs are back! That was quick!

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

We've just rolled a major rewrite of the messageboards code, but there is some data cleanup we're still doing which will take several more hours.

Until that's completed, the following things may be wonky: campaign tabs, campaign threads, x new, dots, product discussion threads, blog discussion threads, alias display, avatar title display, Pathfinder Society forums GM/VC/VL display. Searching the messageboards will be wonky for a day or two as we reindex everything.

Edit: Add to the list: "threads created" tab on profile pages.

Edit: Add to the list: RSS feeds.

Smurfing good news, Gary!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Formatting, especially spacing seems a bit off. Granted that I'm using Firefox Aurora 18, but it looks very similar in Chrome.

Here's a screenshot.

Is that one of the things that is going to sort itself out?

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

There's some tweaking that will happen, but that's about what it should look like.

Grand Lodge

Seems slower and crashy... its failed to post after hitting the submit button on two different threads now...

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Gary Teter wrote:
There's some tweaking that will happen, but that's about what it should look like.

It looks to me as if the spacing between the name, the line below that and the avatar is a bit too tight.

My list (via wishlist feature) of threads that I was tracking is empty; all that's left is the recent PFS blog post. Will those come back, or do I need to cobble it back together?

Edit: Also I just noticed that the "list this thread" option is not present on this thread. So I'm guessing that's probably part of the same thing. Which kind of indicates the answer to my question, maybe?

I may have lost ~10 some entries from one of my lists too, although I'm not 100% on that...

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

That may be a bug, do you have a link for a list that mostly consists of threads? Cheapy, your list is mostly posts so it's less useful for tracking down problems. (It's also several hundred items long, which is awesome, but also harder to see problems.)

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

The missing "List this Thread" link is most likely a bug that we will take a look at tomorrow.

Definitely lost 2 posts in a private list, I lost most of one of my lists (homebrew), and the "edit lists" button is missing. So I'm guessing I lost those 10+ posts mentioned in the above posts.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I can get to my "My Downloads" page, and also check the status of my latest order, but "My Account" and "My Subscriptions" aren't working.

ThorGN wrote:

Hey Paizo guys. First I want to say that I really appreciate your efforts to continue to improve this website and all of the features it offers.

With today’s update to the site I have noticed two glitches that have crept in.
1. When following a thread there is a great thing after the thread name that says if there are new posts to view. I love this functionality but now it displays a new post if I was the one to make the post. This did not happen before.
2. There used to be tabs at the top of the Online Campaign pages that allowed you to easily navigate between the different threads associated with the campaign. They were supper useful and are no longer there, making it a pain to switch between campaign threads. Please bring the tabs back!

These problems seem to have been resolved for ThorGN but I'm experiencing the same problems now...

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The bolding of 3pp names in thread titles under Product Discussion is kind of making it hard for me to read/notice the actual paizo product threads.

Gary Teter wrote:
That may be a bug, do you have a link for a list that mostly consists of threads? Cheapy, your list is mostly posts so it's less useful for tracking down problems. (It's also several hundred items long, which is awesome, but also harder to see problems.)

http://paizo.com/people/pathar/wishlists/v5748l939kpla is the list. It's private, but I imagine you can view it; if not I'll make it public. (It's not like the information is secret.)

Presently it's showing the threads again, but not the avatars of their creators. That's not a complaint, just updating you on the software functioning. :)

mordion wrote:
The bolding of 3pp names in thread titles under Product Discussion is kind of making it hard for me to read/notice the actual paizo product threads.

So look for the non bolded ones! :D


This page should list the threads Drejk has started, but it lists...other...things.

Which sucks since I'm 80% certain one of the threads in my Homebrew list was a specific thread of his.

edit: Ah hah! This one.

Not sure if that helps, but it might.

Damnit gary, stop fixing bugs before I can properly post them.

Homebrew list is back up, and another one was restored as well.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cheapy wrote:
mordion wrote:
The bolding of 3pp names in thread titles under Product Discussion is kind of making it hard for me to read/notice the actual paizo product threads.
So look for the non bolded ones! :D

I'm trying, but my eyes naturally jump from one bolded title to the next. I'm sure I'll get used to it if that's the way it stays, it's just somewhat sub-optimal for me personally. :)

I agree with that; it's much more difficult to find a non-bolded thread in a sea of bolded threads than the opposite would have been.

I also find the subforums much harder on the eyes now that all the thread titles are bolded.

Edit: Note that I like that the publisher names are bolded on the main forum page; those work fine, since the rest of the line isn't bolded. The problem only exists within the subforums, where the entire line is bolded.

Also, it's rather odd that the "Product Discussion" subforum has the publisher names non-bolded, while the thread titles are bolded. It would be better if the bold/non-bold worked the same way there as it does on the main forum page.

mordion wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
mordion wrote:
The bolding of 3pp names in thread titles under Product Discussion is kind of making it hard for me to read/notice the actual paizo product threads.
So look for the non bolded ones! :D
I'm trying, but my eyes naturally jump from one bolded title to the next. I'm sure I'll get used to it if that's the way it stays, it's just somewhat sub-optimal for me personally. :)

I agree - I'd personally like it if there were a bolded Paizo publishing tag as well (redundant as that may seem) or perhaps if the various product lines could be bolded...

(I'm sure you're really glad to get requests one day after a major update. Sorry about that...)

Yeah, it doesn't really bother me, but it does look like there's something missing on the Paizo products' lines: like the page is waiting on something to load in that blank white space.

On the positive side, I've been in and out ever since the site came back up this afternoon and haven't lost my dots yet! These past several weeks, it was a given that it would happen at least once an hour. Haven't been kicked out of Focus view back to normal view, either.

One change I've noted: There's a couple of threads in otherwise-closed forums I'd been keeping up with (i.e., Ask JJ in the OTD subforum) that used to show up in my focus list even though I had the subforum closed. Now I have to go into the subforum itself to see them. I assume this is an intentional change?

I'm looking at my Campaigns tab, where there were (2 new) in the Discussion thread for Kingmaker of Korvosa, and (3 new) in the Gameplay thread for the Serpent's Skull. I view those threads, go back, and refresh the Campaigns tab... and nothing has changed. It still shows that many new in those threads, even though they're not. Not a complaint, I know you're working on it, just sayin' in case it helps.

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The "List this Thread" link should be back at the top of the page.

I'm not sure why Paizo Publishing isn't showing as bolded in the summary of recent threads in the Product Discussion forum, that's a bug.

Display of threads on lists should be mostly fixed now, though the cleanup process is still working on display of thread creators.

When the cleanup process is completed, hopefully in the next couple hours, that should also fix campaign tabs, campaign threads, product discussion threads, blog discussion threads and "threads created" tab on user profiles.

The forums will probably take a day or two before they're completely reindexed.

There is still an intermittent issue where you'll get "Sorry, there was a problem handling your request. The system administrator has been notified." I think this should get better over the next couple hours but it may take some time for us to completely stamp it out.

Campaigns seem to be darn near gone entirely, at least for me. Not sure what's up with that, but the page just loads the borders and blank space when I open any campaign thread. Hope it helps.

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

4 people marked this as a favorite.

So what does this major downtime and code revamp actually get us, anyway?

The biggest win is under the hood: The new code, once we shake the bugs out, is faster and uses less memory, which should mean paizo.com will get faster and more responsive. This is actually a side-effect of some design changes that we're putting into place so we can roll out Paizo Game Space. I'm not quite ready to talk about exactly what we've got planned, but it's no accident that we have some of the best support around for play-by-post campaigns in our messageboards code.

We took the opportunity to make some improvements to overall messageboard display and navigation while we were at it. For example:

No more forum archives. You can now sort all 25,000+ threads in the Pathfinder RPG Rules Questions forum by number of posts, date or subject.

The "flatten" link at the top of any forum page lets you display and sort all threads in that forum and any of its subforums. This link works on the main messageboards page, so you can also see every thread ever posted in our forums in a single list.

Improvements to dots and "x new", described in more detail here.

You can now search individual product discussion threads.

The search results page now remembers what you were searching for (e.g., a specific thread or a particular user's posts).

Product reviews are now sortable by rating and date, and paging through them is faster

Product discussions for each company are now gathered into a separate forum, which you can get to by clicking the company name next to the thread title. For example, here are all the threads for products by Kobold Press.

Edit: Dots are now clickable, and take you to your most recent post in the thread.

I'm sure I've missed some new features here and there. And there are definitely bugs to be squashed in the new code. But we're committed to making the site better, faster and a better place to find, talk about, and play games.

The "Guide to the class guides" sticky in Advice has come unstuck and is falling down the page.

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

Lost Legions wrote:
Campaigns seem to be darn near gone entirely, at least for me. Not sure what's up with that, but the page just loads the borders and blank space when I open any campaign thread. Hope it helps.

I found the bug that was preventing your campaign from displaying, it should be fixed now.

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

Bearded Ben wrote:
The "Guide to the class guides" sticky in Advice has come unstuck and is falling down the page.

I think sticky threads got unstuck during the rewrite. That's a bug that will get fixed tomorrow I hope.

Searching for "mockup" in the UC product discussion thread doesn't return any results. That word is used in the first post, so I'm not sure what's up.

Probably the thread not being indexed yet, but may as well bring it to attention.

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

I wouldn't count on any searches in the messageboards working properly until the reindexing is done. Last I looked it was a multi-day process, so give it more time than you think it ought.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber


Can't navigate to GM/Coordinator and Sessions tabs.

Grand Lodge

Hoping for a Wednesday update... :)

I'm unsure if this is related to Tuesday's update, but I can't access the Pathfinder Society "GM/Event Coordinator" and "Sessions" tabs on the "My Pathfinder Society" page. When I click those links, it takes me to the correct page with the #tabs appended to the URL, but only the "Player" tab displays.

Using Firefox 16.0.1

== Shows Player tab, can't switch to Session

== Shows Player tab, can't switch to Event Coordinator

PBP Threads:

Player information, next to the player name/avatar, is missing on game threads. Information such as AC, Saves, HP use to be visible next to the player name. Retooling the site is a huge task and thanks for your work.

Silver Crusade

I don't know if it's just because I use a lousy browser at work (IE7), but some things look kind of wonky.

1. Faction symbols appear above a poster's tag, not next to it.

2. The "like" button appears on the left, above the avatar image, for users that do not have subscriptions. If they have subscriptions, it displays on the right.

Same as Celestial Healer but I'm on IE8.

The Online Campaign sections "X new" is still not updating/working right.

baldwin the merciful wrote:

PBP Threads:

Player information, next to the player name/avatar, is missing on game threads. Information such as AC, Saves, HP use to be visible next to the player name. Retooling the site is a huge task and thanks for your work.

Looks like this is fixed. Thanks

Focus works fine if I go to a subforum, like Advice, Curse of the Crimson Throne, but if I try it from the Messageboards page, it barely shows anything.

Tels, I believe Focus no longer gathers threads from subforums you have closed. So if you're used to keeping up with particular threads out of a subforum while keeping the main messageboard page "tidy" by closing subforums, you have to actually go into the closed subforum to see your focused threads.

Silver Crusade Assistant Software Developer

Celestial Healer wrote:

I don't know if it's just because I use a lousy browser at work (IE7), but some things look kind of wonky.

1. Faction symbols appear above a poster's tag, not next to it.

2. The "like" button appears on the left, above the avatar image, for users that do not have subscriptions. If they have subscriptions, it displays on the right.

IE7 might not like a few of the changes we did to appearance. I'll see if I can figure out some fixes today or tomorrow. IE just doesn't do certain things right and IE7 is especially terrible about it. That said, IE9 looks mostly right.

Azure_Zero wrote:
The Online Campaign sections "X new" is still not updating/working right.

And if you clear the (x new) by clicking to the first page of the thread from the messageboards, it doesn't come back when there are additional new posts. Everything in the Online Campaigns forum seems to just freeze as-is and not update. :P

Also, as reported here, reviews aren't visible. Just to consolidate everything in one thread.

EDIT: Example is this page. I can see the review from the reviewer's tab, but not on the page.

"Focused threads" = dotted threads ?

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

Focus is basically dotted threads, plus any threads that have "x new". Since the update, I think focus also includes all your campaign threads whether they have new posts or not. I don't have the code in front of me to double-check that.

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I should also say that the changes to the way threads are displayed are more like steps along a path than a final destination. We're making incremental tweaks rather than a complete revamp, partly to avoid jarring everybody's sensibilities, and partly to minimize the number of simultaneous changes.* In particular, I'd like our messageboards to display much better on phones.

*Number of simultaneous changes involved in yesterday's update: over 3,000

Dark Archive

Not sure if this is related but my (X new) thing dosent disapear when I go into a thread It just remains there.


Thanks for troubleshooting this, guys!

As for the sticky threads coming unstuck: use more Sovereign Glue next time! :)

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