Lost Legions's page
72 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.
Pan wrote: Dragon78 wrote: Nintendo will be releasing more units on December 5th. It will be better to wait for that. Though I do find it interesting that this item will not be available for black Friday.
I am really surprised myself. My company told the distributer that the demand was there and the supply was "stupid low". They sold out instantly and I expect the exact same in a few weeks which will be your last shot before x-mas. In fact, Target's ad ran Sunday 11/13 and had the Nintendo Classic in the ad even though supplies had been depleted immediately on Friday 11/11.... Par for the course for Nintendo. They always have tiny production for their consoles at first, despite having a huge number of early adopters. It seems like a marketing move to me, artificially increasing demand, but I'm ignorant enough of the actual logistics that I couldn't say it with confidence.
I bought it, am enjoying it, but I'm having loading issues that make it near unplayable. Gonna put it on a shelf until they come out with a patch to address the issue.
Dragon78 wrote: I hope they will do a mini SNES one day as well. Now THIS I would buy. I loved the SNES so much.
Sundakan wrote: Turin the Mad wrote: Ghandi seems to always have an overwhelming fondness for nukes if/when he gets them. Make sure you have spies in-situ on the defense. Excellent. Just the confirmation I needed that this is a true Civ game.
For those curious, this isn't a bug, it's a feature based on a bug from the original Civilization. Basically Gandhi starts with minimum aggression, but a bug moving into the modern era made his aggression drop even further usually. Negative aggression = MAXIMUM OVER-AGGRESSION.
While he is unlikely to declare war in the newer games, if you manage to piss him off (by being a warmonger, for example) he will denounce and then nuke THE S!*@ out of you and everyone allied with you because he's set to produce all the nukes as fast as the nukes can possibly be manufactured once India learns how to build them.
Some of the games have kept this bug as a feature. It is always hilarious. To be more specific, Ghandi almost always adopted Democracy for his government, which gave AI Civs a -2 to their Aggression rating. Aggression rating was from 1-10. Ghandi starts the game with a 1, but with the -2, reverted to -1. The value was not set for -1, making for an underflow. This underflow was set at the highest integer for the time, which would be set as Ghandi's Aggression. That Integer?
255 out of 10 for Aggression.
Ghandi was one angry person once the Modern era rolled around.
Ohhh where's Kobold Cleaver to quote the actual law at this guy? It's so fun to watch someone more knowledgeable simply destroy an argument don't you think?
Yeah, I think Mistborn 1 could definitely stand alone depending on how they put it together. I'd love to see what a good special effects crew (not to mention good actors) could do with some of the metal burning stuff. As for Stormlight... I'd really prefer to see that get forward a bit more in books before we see movies of it. Maybe if they break the books up a bit they would work better, but that would be pretty tough with their tendency to be really slow.
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Caineach wrote: Drahliana Moonrunner wrote: Caineach wrote: Drahliana Moonrunner wrote: Pillbug Toenibbler wrote: CrusaderWolf wrote: NPC Dave wrote: I was then informed that gays are under threat from “gay conservative therapy”. Again, I said that was nonsense. I pointed out it was nonsense because if that were really true, all gays would be against it (or at least all gays who want to be gay). Um...so your argument is "I can find a handful who agree with me, therefore the vast majority that doesn't is invalidated?" It might be better for you to use an argument that doesn't rely on pointing to an extreme minority of gay men for your support, because I bet that I can find a whole lot more than you who loathe gay conversion therapy. Again, the term for what you're doing is "tokenism". Also would be interested in your source for "20% of gays support Trump". So, other than the cherry-picked trio, does the rest of the actual LGBTQ Republicans' say count? The Log Cabin Republicans took out an ad rightfully complaining that the 2016 RNC Platform was "the most anti-LGBT platform in the party’s 162-year history."
And if you're curious, the LCR later refused to endorse Trump/Pence 2016. About bloody time they stood up for themselves.. Only took about a quarter century. Of course right after voting to not endorse Trump they praised him as being the most LBGTQ friendly candidate in history. No idea how they manage to parse that cognitive dissonance. Actually, compared to the other Republicans in the Primary Clown Car, with the exception of Munchies Kaisch, he is. The party itself, remains downright hostile They were including Democrats. Then they are blatantly wrong.
I mean...
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Chris Lambertz wrote: Removed a post. Ethnic slurs aren't appropriate for use in this thread or paizo.com in general. Or really just life overall.
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Majik Mouf wrote: Knight who says Meh wrote: "NPC Dave wrote:
Check his Twitter feed
So you support Trump because of his willingness to start a twitter war with the 1%? Seeing all you people jump all over that guy, slamming him left and right for nothing at all is making me want to vote for Trump just to spite you all.
This is why Paizo is (rightly) perceived as an liberal echo chamber. Also, gamers tend to be on the left because of several factors:
1: We tend to be college educated or pro-intellectual.
2: We tend to dislike pointless scare tactics due to the 'Satanic Panic' being so ridiculous.
3: We tend to be less religious, or take our religions as less dogma and more ideals.
4: We tend to be outcast socially on some level, leading to a feeling of connection with others who are outcast.
Combine all of that with a company who intentionally attempts to foster understanding and acceptance of alternate lifestyles, particularly LGBTQA lifestyles. Then add in one candidate who attempts to push away anyone who is not White Cishet Uneducated Male and yes. Yes we do not like him. What a shock...
Ah yes. You all hate him so much and so reasonably that I should definitely vote him into the highest office in the land.
A reasonable and valid position.
Really? I'm shocked that anyone disliked Shades. Everyone I've spoken to about it has agreed that he's one of the best parts of the show. A pragmatic and unflinching villain who is smart and sensible is a lot of fun. I also didn't like Diamondback much due to his insane randomness. I like villains who have motivations and act on them, not crazed psychopaths. Cottonmouth was fun while he lasted but I wish they'd have kept him up a bit longer.
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote: Lost Legions wrote: "Basket of Deplorables" is really just the nicest way to say "Bag of Dicks" you could manage on television. But it was a strategic mistake to frame things the way Clinton did. It fed into the perception of the Midwestern and rural areas that she's part of the Eastern elite who are out of touch with the moral center of the rest of the country.
Trump is supported by almost half of the country, and she pretty much wrote them off the same way that Sarah Palin had done "The Other America" before. Oh it wasn't a good move politically. But I will always love her for being that honest about it. She's damn right, though probably underestimating.
Knight who says Meh wrote: Yeah, it's a nice change to see someone attack Hillary for once. That's really never happened before in politics. God the snark levels are lethal. Everybody out of the thread, we need to fumigate.
More seriously: The biggest attempts I'm seeing to discredit Hillary come from the Wikileaks Emails, which are mostly being quoted out of context and when actually read don't really say anything incriminating; and from the new James O'Keefe videos which appear to feature Dems admitting to voter fraud, which do seem really damning until you remember that Mr. O'Keefe is not at all above editing videos in order to falsely push his Conservative agenda, as he was definitively caught doing with his last big leak regarding Planned Parenthood.
I'm unconvinced. If they had a curveball, they'd have thrown it by now.
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"Basket of Deplorables" is really just the nicest way to say "Bag of Dicks" you could manage on television.
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Drahliana Moonrunner wrote: CBDunkerson wrote:
Bush has publicly worried that he may be the last GOP president... and that was before Trump soiled the brand. That said, the only way there is NEVER another GOP president is if the party ceases to exist. Otherwise, they'll likely change enough to get back in after a decade or two.
Perhaps, but he probably won't be alive that long to see it. But anyone who thinks that Clinton has it sewn up forgets that we still have some time before Election Day and Wikkileak drops are a daily thing now... and presumably Julian Assange is saving the best for last. Assange's wikileaks drops are making everyone I've spoken to them about support Hillary more not less. So far they've been pretty full of things that make me think she'll be a great president.
I also do not understand the hate for changing positions in politics. Flip-flopping should mean changing your position based on who is listening or changing often, not changing your position once. Yes Hilary was anti-LGBT, then was pro-LGBT. So far that's one change, and one I support as I went through it myself growing up in the Deep South.
Also pretty onboard with Big Norse Wolf above. I don't really care what her private beliefs are if she fights for her campaign promises.
ShinHakkaider wrote: The other thing is I wonder if Luke Cage takes place AFTER the events in Civil War. Because the HammerTech (*STOP!! HAMMERTECH!!*) they were using to stop and one case actually go toe to toe with Luke made me wonder if we were seeing precursors to CapeKiller technology. I wonder if INFINITY WAR starts out with the government using modified Chitari technology to hunt down supers... Didn't see an answer on this, canonically, Luke Cage is set just slightly before Civil War chronologically. So these bullets certainly may be showing up more in later series/movies.
Pan wrote: MeriDoc- wrote:
So when I hear those politicians telling me what I didn't do, my response is, "I paid for all those infrastructure projects, and then paid for all your double dealing time wasting favors, pork barrel projects, and slush funds (to your friends) on top of that. Don't tell me what I didn't build until you clean up your own messes." So you want to continue the tradition by paying for a wall? A wall that is shown to be financially unviable, will not accomplish it's objective, and will in fact cause more illegal immigrants to remain in the nation?
Seriously, most of our illegal immigrants are not sneaking across our border, they're flying in legally on work visas and staying after they expire. They usually go home after a certain amount of time with their money to help their families, but once they can't get back? They just stop bothering to go home and stay here.
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Quark Blast wrote: Ryuko wrote: Quark Blast wrote: BigNorseWolf wrote: Quark Blast wrote: .
In fact, if I couldn't write-in a candidate, I wouldn't be voting here in November.
So what IS dominick the christmas donkey going to do with the honor of coming in ahead of jill stein?
Please tell me you're not in a purple state. Not sure. Voting for Bernie. And not sure. Ah, throwing your vote away. Productive. Will you be wiping your nose with it as well? The largest number of eligible voters won't vote.
Then the next largest group will be the ones who voted for a loser. Since they all lose, they're all in the same group.
Then nearly the smallest block will be those who voted for the winner (a good portion of whom will do so holding their nose). Winning candidate will then fail to uphold well more than half of the campaign promises.
Then comes people like me. One's who voted for someone they actually want to as consolation to the fact that we didn't back a winner (and never will).
TL/DR - We're all throwing out vote away. Ah, so you're voting for who you want to and want nothing to do with the political process. If I'm putting my vote to people who aren't even running I might as well go all the way. How many people do you think I could get behind my Aragorn, Son of Aragorn protest vote?
Choosing not to take part in the process is completely meaningless. You're choosing to throw away the one chance you have to actually affect any change in our nation. If you don't like the way the voting works then perhaps throw in behind the candidate who has actually discussed the need for voting reform. Ah wait, that would be the candidate everyone hates for no reason. Silly me. *eye roll*
The amount of sarcasm in this thread is choking me.
Hmm... really wanted to like WL2, but really ended up disliking a ton of the systems in it. Maybe I'll like this one more. I'll keep an eye out for it.
Pillbug Toenibbler wrote: Turin the Mad wrote: Drahliana Moonrunner wrote: CrusaderWolf wrote: @Caineach I was aware that many types of single-payer (UK comes to mind) achieve their lower medical costs by inviting medical companies to compete for government contracts and I've advocated for this in the past, but I didn't know the US had laws explicitly preventing something similar. What a travesty. Lobbying companies like ALEC actually write many of the bills that are passed into law. It's quite conceivable that we actually have laws passed in this country that no one at either the Hill or the White House have ever fully read. By their own admissions, many have never fully read at least a few bills. ;)
"...when asked if members of Congress had read the bill before passing it, Rep. Jim Moran said, “Of course not. Are you kidding?”
Moran drew public scorn earlier this year for saying that members of Congress were underpaid and couldn’t live decently in Washington.
He went on to say that he would not read the bill because he trusted “the leadership.” When asked if leadership had read the bill, Moran replied, “I know their staff has.”
House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer also indirectly admitted that the bill hadn’t been read before it was passed. Hoyer reasoned that because the bill had been through committee and conference and because he had an outline of what was in it, he didn’t need to read the entire bill. "
Congressman John Conyers, Jr. "We don't read most of the bills. Do you really know what that would entail if we read every bill that we passed?" Congressman Conyers then answers his own rhetorical question, asserting that if they did it would "slow down the legislative process".
They don't have enough hours in the day to also read the legislation. Jesus I'd heard this happened but I had no idea it was this bad. We need some damn campaign finance reform already. Publicly funded elections work fine in most civilized countries, we need to get on board.
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Secret Service: Sir, you are not allowed in the oval office, get on the floor with your hands behind your head.
Me: There is a Zapdos in here! Do you know what that means to me?
Obama (Pulling out phone): Oh Shit, where?
Sundakan wrote: From what I've been told, the moves known DO have one effect: If you evolve an Eeevee, the moves determine what Eeveelution it randomly turns into. This has been disproven definitively both by experimentation and by the developers.
The developers have confirmed they are intending the following features in future updates:
-New Pokemon from later games
-Trading and battling on a personal level
-Turn Based battling ala the original games
-Businesses having a subscription-based "Buy a Gym/Pokestop" option
Alex Martin wrote: I was going to say the same about the upcoming update: Reddit
Having also been on both sides of the Torb battles (and not just make Team Fortress comparisons), good coordination can win. But the problem is that a slip up and you can quickly wipe; the turret problem lays in that it is fairly unflinchable compared to other player classes damage spreads. As Jayson points out; the Torb combo with a healer or buffer and maybe a sniper is far worse because it will disrupt that planned attack very quickly. I've seen the swarm approach because the turret can't lock on to everyone at one time; but leaves your team vulnerable to a counterattack depending on your losses.
I'm not sure that the damage reduction was necessary - as Tels highlights - it really might have been better to:
a) reduce the turret range. It doesn't matter when you have even a Widowmaker or Hanzo at anything besides longer ranges because the turrets will find that player if they are in-sight. This problem lays in the fact that a smart application of the turret just around a corner or angled would cause a sniper to shift and they are wiped before they can refocus.
b)change the acquisition speed. One of the issues with the turret is that it becomes automated automatically and can pick-up any player instantaneously. Unless you know exactly where it is every time (maybe by liberal use of Hanzo's dragonsight), you can get caught off very quickly. This isn't a simple as map knowledge (there are enough places to hide a turret because it can be placed just about anywhere there's a flat surface) or getting ambushed or connection delays. This about an ability no other character has that places a human player at the mercy of the code/software - you aren't going to beat that as the game stands without support or multi-point attacks. Even a Bastion is still at the hands of a person and they can't know if someone is behind them automatically in...
Yeah I would really have felt better with option B, meaning that someone playing something fast enough could perhaps stay ahead of it by moving quickly or something. The damage nerf just feels like using a firehose on a campfire.
Well good news Norse, they're nerfing Torb turrets by 30% of their damage on consoles. I personally don't see it as necessary and will find it very annoying to be much shittier as Torbjorn, where I had no trouble keeping up with enemy Torbjorns, including the 6 Torb Dorf Fortress strategy, but it seems the community has spoken on how it feels. I expect to see Torb become a very low tier hero after the nerf.
If only I'd known that before I bought it for the PC and had to play a wrecked, buggy unoptimized POS I couldn't get a refund for.
Bumpty Bump! Hoping I get at least one more player on this one.
A note to anyone interested: I know FATE tends not to be the most loved system on this board and I know there are sometimes people who might be interested but don't really know the rules. Feel free to read over my Hack, it was originally written for newbies and therefore serves as a half decent primer to FATE rules as well as specific rules for this particular work.
Hello all!
I've been interested in running Scion as long as I remember. Only one problem. Scion rules are Gods-awful.
So... I do like FATE. So of course I spent way too long writing up a Scion FATE Hack. Anyone else interested in playing it?
Hack Found Here
Oh man I love Sherman's seeds n stems. Funny stuff ajd interesting. I don't think Neutral Ground (got my own personal idea there I'll post later) but as a location and a couple characters I love it.
That said, I think I'd like us to move on to the character connections more than the locations/groups. I'd like to get us kicked off if possible, amd we cam still continue creation into play.
*whistles as he strolls through*
Sure is quiet in here...
I imagine he means bounty hunters grabbing people like bail jumpers and such, not hunting down and killing people. It's technically a grey area in the US too, but certain people make good money on it anyhow.
I'm a fan, nice to hav a pure mortal around, plus sounds like some decent party antagonism when Nick shows some 'monstery' powers :D
So for a bit more emphasis. I'd like to have the Faerie be almost entirely absent as a power group (i.e. there are faeries around, but they're not Sidhe and aren't major court players), The White and Jade courts will both be present and important. I intend to have one or two black courts running around, but they're more insular and not so much a power base themselves. I intend Monoc to be the only "Norse" thing in the city (Loki put Nick here for a reason, you don't put things you want to hide where people are likely to look).
All this is subject to change of course, over the course of stories coming and going, but these are how I envision them starting, barring good arguments/impassioned pleas for a difference.
Nick Ragnarok wrote: Lost Legions wrote: @Nick: That sounds really awesome, just as long as it's in my hands I'm ok with it.
Not a problem! I figure you can play around with stuff as you like, but I'd like to start "looking" fairly mortal.
RE themes and threats
I'm a big fan of using the theme/threat aspects in play. Did you want to talk through aspects for them? The 'cultural diversity' implied by "A center of power" suggests a lot of smaller groups to me.
I imagine you'll stay looking normal unless you're using your powers. Whatever you are to Loki, he doesn't want you found.
Not sure what you mean about talking through them, I'm fine with you using them in play, making aspects on the fly is fine too, though that's up to you.
As for the avatar, I'm indifferent, I'll likely have chars call you Nick most of the time, and Mr. Jones for those that are more formal. I'm ok either way.
I'd be interested depending on the rules system used.
That also means we have a few Who's Whos for this game. I'll list out those that I intend to have in, and take submissions for groups/characters who will have a major presence in Sydney.
Format: Name of Group/Character (How much they know/How much they want Status Quo) All currently subject to change with further discussion, Scales are between -10 and 10 with 0 being nuetral/uncaring.
Monoc Securities (5/7): Monoc has a new office in the region. While they don't know too much about Sydney's specifics, most of them have done their research. They also want the current conflict to last for a bit (the better to benefit from placing bodyguards and contacts as high as they can during the time of crisis) but would not like an all out war or a major reshuffling of power, and would like things to die down eventually.
Barega Darel and the Darel Corporation (3/8): Barega Darel, CEO and majority owner of the Darel Corporation, is an aboriginal native of Sydney gone global. Men want to be him and women want to be with him. In the supernatural side, he's known as a hell of a sorcerer with a penchant for making problems "disappear". Darel knows what he's doing, but cares little for the larger picture beyond what gets him more money and power. He certainly wants things to remain the way they are, after all, he's on top of the mundane tower, and heading towards the top of the supernatural one.
Damn, I had hoped these board issues would get sorted out and lead me to getting a few of these done when I was back... I suppose not.
Anyone want to chime in still interested here? I don't want this idea to die out.
@Nick: That sounds really awesome, just as long as it's in my hands I'm ok with it.
@Edmond: Awesome character and cool background, good job.
@Anne Raith: love the backstory, and it leaves me fertile ground for story possibilities.
@Astrid: Excellent ideas, interesting thought on Jade Court, may add them, though i think they'll come in later.
@All: I think I've settled on Themes and Threats, perhaps something along the lines of
A History of Darkness
As detailed above.
A Center of Power
Something about Sydney draws the supernatural players out. Perhaps they hope to control the Genus Loci Eora, perhaps it's the crossroads power or the history of blood and misery. For whatever reason, many, many people want a piece of Sydney.
Everything is Up For Grabs
An uneasy peace existed between the supernatural factions, each one uncertain whether a move should be made on each other when all the others could unite against them. Until the Red Court fell. Now the city is a powder keg, and the smallest spark could set out a full-on war in the streets of Sydney with the whole damn city on a plate for the winner.
Also, I'd like to invite Arknight into the game, since it seems Jack isn't joining us.
I'm a big fan of that style as well. Very interesting. As for city, it does seem that Sydney is something good to work with here. A good blend of old and new. Based on what the others have said I have a Theme or Threat I think.
A History of Darkness
Sydeney's not had the brightest of histories. Built on the bones of displaced Aboriginies with the work of sickened and underfed criminal workers in the penal colonies, and suffering from droughts, cultural tensions, plagues and other problems through it's long history. Things are brighter now, though.
My thought is that there is some kind of curse on Sydney, causing bad luck (particularly of the supernatural variety, which hasn't been seen so much by mundanes) as long as an aboriginal isn't in charge of the area. This leads me to a thought, an aboriginal (by blood, though quite modern) sorcerer, using his powers to make it in business/politics and thus rising in power recently, causing Sydney to become a better place.
Campaigns seem to be darn near gone entirely, at least for me. Not sure what's up with that, but the page just loads the borders and blank space when I open any campaign thread. Hope it helps.
Rogar Valertis wrote: Here's my character's Background:
** spoiler omitted **...
Pretty interesting. Good to have a full submission up. Anyone else care to take a shot at it?
I'll be submitting Aleksander, a human inquisitor of Gorum. Crunch to follow.
Rogar Valertis wrote: KK
I'll post my character soon: probably a scion of Ares... but with a twist.
EDIT: Question: what kind of campaign do you want to run? Lots of social interaction, investigation, mystery solving, action movie sequences or a mix?
I expect quite the mix, and I'm a fan of descriptive campaigns so the more descriptive you are the happier I am (as well as the more stunting bonii you'll get). There likely won't be much mystery, beyond the occasional "who/what are we dealing with and what/who does it want."
First thoughts, I definitely want to do a non-american city. With the discussion of Australia in the recruitment thread I'm really leaning that way. Having looked it up, seems the largest three cities in Australia are Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Looking deeper now, anyone feel free to chime in with Themes, Threats or ideas for city creation.
All right folks, here's the place for city creation, character discussion and out of character crosstalk, feel free to post whatever you like here.
Alright, I've decided on the final group being the following:
Jack/Martin (You'll need to decide which character to use)
I may take one more if I get another full sheet by the end of today, other than that, head over to the discussion tab for city creation and the last couple aspects and such.
All right, I've decided I'm definitely running this. I'd like to take 4-6 characters from varying gods and pantheons, each one having already had their Visitation (however far back you might choose) and a well written backstory. The game will begin in Las Vegas with none of the characters knowing one another, and Fate will take things from there.
Rogar Valertis wrote: Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote: As I don't have access to Scion at all, White Wolf is no longer supporting it on their website, I have more questions. I have played enough White Wolf I think I can handle game play, but I need to know things like:
What are the Abilities Lists?
What are the Birthrights?
What are the Boons?
Is Legend your 'Power' Trait?
What are the Virtues? Are they the same as the Exalted Virtues?
What are the Bonus XP costs for things? Are they the same as Exalted Costs for things?
Scion is pretty different from other White Wolf products even from Exalted, explaining it all isn't just possible here IMO.
Sadly I think you need the book in order to play. I'm afraid I'd have to agree, Scion is significantly different than other games and is pretty tough to explain in some cases.
Martin Fredricks wrote: Urgh marty is giving me trouble.
Here is my current ideas, Marty was a bodyguard/enforcer for a local red court big. Did alot of terrible things in his life, always had misgivings, was always just about to repent, never got around to it.
Had to kill a bunch of teenagers (minor talent people looking to save a friend of theirs), young kids who messed with his boss, it got to him, bad.
Shortly there after he got sick, doctors said terminal stomach cancer, was spreading quick, he only had a couple months to live...His boss showed up, dumped him right there.
Marty got angry, but more depressed really, his life was a waste, he had only ever hurt people, lieing to himself that he was just doing what he had to to survive. Now he was gona die. So he did something unlike himself, he prayed asking for a chance to repent.
An angel (at least he thinks it was an angel) appeared and granted him powers, to destroy some of the darkness he had created. Now marty is a super powered insano dude.
The catch for his powers is being bluntly reminded of the people he has hurt, pictures, magical images, ghosts. things like that make him immedietly revert to the state he was in before getting his powers, late term cancer and all, no powers just a sick aging man.
I like that in a concept sense but i cant wrap my mind around how that would work with the game mechanics,how many points back is that for a catch?
Also how does dual wielding pistols work? cant find anything in the rule book.
So I suppose the catch would be guilt? Well that's pretty easy for someone to pull off so I guess the decision would be how well known it is. If everyone knows about it, it's fairly useless, but extremely cheap (effectively free). If no one knows about it, or only one person knows, it has no cost reduction, making it full price. Or you could compromise and say that it's not well known, but it is findable with a little digging or research, meaning you would only pay 1 point for your recovery and 2 for your toughness, since you'd get a +2 for it being something anyone could produce (by simple berating you about your past) and a +1 for it being known only with special resources (like a wizard's library, powerful demons or angels... something like that). You don't get that extra +1 if it's something only you and close friends or enemies know, making your total on your toughness and recovery a 4 point power.
As for Dual Weilding, I'd say a stunt. Something like "A Gun in Each Hand" which gives you a +1 to Guns when you have 2 of them out.
Songdragon wrote: Still wanting to try have have runes, not sure yet how that'll work I'd imagine that unless you had something else in mind this would just be a form of sponsored magic, perhaps limited to only one or two fields?
Harakani wrote: I was going through so many ideas looking for something perfect, and I think I may have finally found it. Whichever PCs get picked we're going to have a LOT of old characters and a LOT of knowledgeable characters. That means they're going to need a "clueless newb" to contrast with. Ladies and gentlemen, I present that clueless newb.
High Concept: Last Scion of Loki
Trouble: One day I'll be important, but not today.
Background: Hidden Power
What shaped you: You can trust me!
Very summarised origin:
Created by Loki (and an unknown parent) in a similar manner to Vali, possibly as revenge, possibly as a bid for freedom (that will bring on Ragnarok) and shrouded by all the Trickster's remaining power from detection and prophecy. Grew up surprisingly normal (I was considering "child of the 21st century") with a drive to stay under the radar.
Very summarised what shaped you:
While he was very good at lying, an event showed him how hurtful betrayal was. He tries not to betray people's trust in him. Started studying law, with the goal of going into politics.
Oohhh... I love this idea. Especially Loki making a bid for freedom. That has a lot of room for me to work with as a DM. Good things.