Bodhizen's Guide to the Optimal Inquisitor


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I'm sure it has been asked before, but if I take outflank as an inquisitor, do I get the "you get an AOO if the other guy crits" side of the equation, or if I crit does the other guy get an AOO?

I'm glad I found this guide.

I'm creating a dwarf inquisitor for a Wrath of the Righteous that just begun. We already have a cleric, 2 paladins (one archer build), a zen archer and a wizard. There will be some interesting synergies going around. Current gods worshiped are Sarenrae and Iomedae. I'll be taking the marshal mythic path as all other paths are already accounted for.

Since our DM is giving us a very high stat base (18, 16, 16, 14, 14, 12) and always maximum hit points, it's going to be very hard core (*no* punches pulled), and no promises that boss monsters will be "only" as written.

See the Avatar.
10th level char. Devastator type inquisitor.
Wanting feedback. Point of the build was a stealthy and perceptive 2 handed Devastator Inquisitor for COT.
Has a knife master rogue buddy.
The idea is to back him up (via Stealth Synergy teamwork feat)
and be the heavy hitter.
AC is 25 (31 with Judgement and Shield of Faith) which is decent for a 2 hander.
Saves vs spells are pretty high. 11/6/12 16/11/17 vs magic and poison, +2 to fort/will when raging, +1 per adjacent ally,+3 vs targeted spells he id's

Attack when raging is +17/+12 with +1 Furious Bastardsword
Add +4 if prebuffed with Divine Favor (Fortune's Favor trait)
And another +4 for Justice Judgement
And +2 for bane.
So +27/+22 if going NOVA will all the damage bonuses.
Can add all kinds of damage, Destructive Smite, gtr bane etc.
High Perception, Stealth.
Main trick is hitting things hard, Gtr tripping and flanking with the rogue (at +4 for Outflank)

(Current feat load out is
1-Steel Soul
3-Power Attack
5-Combat Expertise
7-Improved Trip
9-Gtr Trip

Teamwork feats are Outflank and Paired Opportunists.

The idea being to smack the crap out of a foe or Gtr trip them, which grants every threatening ally an AOO when he falls.
The AOO is at +4 bonus.

Duncan has some out of combat uses with acute senses spell has nice Perception and Sense Motive bonuses. His main goal is smiting the crap out of things.

In combat he has a few Debuffs with Brow Gasher and Instrument of Agony.
Plenty of good buff spells

Flying foes is a slight issue but dropping bane on his bow makes him an ok archer. He is built for a party though so usually expecting a fly spell off the wizard.

Terrain is not an issue (featherstep Slippers) and his CMB is good vs trip, Bullrush and with burst bonds can get out of grapples and pins.

Opinions are welcome.


Litany of Sloth is pretty awesome.
Besides the obvious use of letting you and allies do stuff that provokes AOO's like moving inside of reach,
It allows you to try CM's you have 0 training in.

Duncan has some pretty high buffs and is a sweet tripper but with this spell would be a decent chance at bull rushing or something when nova'ing

Adding comments as I read the guide (have not read discussion here)

Human race advice for the archer inquisitor is odd - "+2 to any ability score? Pop that into your Intelligence for more skill ranks per level." Earlier you advocated Intelligence as the only true dump stat, and humans already have a racial bonus to skill points. Did this paragraph really belong in the skill monkey build? Since the virtuoso build has the same text, that seems to be the case.

Just a sweet combo I am trying right now.

See the avatar for the in game build.

2 levels of Wild Rager barbarian.
The rest are Witchunter Inquisitor levels.
Worship a diety with feather domain and play a half orc, with Sacred Tattoo racial trait

Traits- one must be fortunes favored.

Dump Cha to 7.

This means your save vs confusion in a rage is 10. And it stays 10 forever.

Inquisitor has strong will progression.
14 Wis+ Sacred tattoo means you only fail on a 1 at Level 4.
By DELIBERATE failing your save when their is only enemies around means you auto attack the last foe to Attack you. Massively extending your rage rounds.

Now the reason you go half orc with the feather domain is it allows you to select a badger companion at Level 6 (get Boon Companion at 7)
at level 6 select your bonus teamwork feat as TEAMWORK RAGE!!

This means you get an effective +8 morale to str/con when raging near your buddy. Solo Tactics means it works and the feat description says a RAGING ALLY not raging half-orc. So the companion works.

You just got a kick ass rage and animal companion and wild fighting with only a 5% Chance of attacking an ally.

Starfox wrote:

Adding comments as I read the guide (have not read discussion here)

Human race advice for the archer inquisitor is odd - "+2 to any ability score? Pop that into your Intelligence for more skill ranks per level." Earlier you advocated Intelligence as the only true dump stat, and humans already have a racial bonus to skill points. Did this paragraph really belong in the skill monkey build? Since the virtuoso build has the same text, that seems to be the case.

It was an error and has been corrected. Thank you for catching it.

Fourth level spells are up, for those of you who are still interested.

Thank you for your support of the guide.

Fifth level spells are up, for those of you who are still interested.

Thank you, once again, for your support of the guide.

This guide is helping me build an inquisitor in a gestalt game, so thank you!

You're welcome. Sixth level spells are up now as well.

I can see you typing.

Little creepy huh?

Edit: For security purposes you might want to type everything up and then copy/paste it over all at once.

When you're modifying the document in real time, we can see you do it. The problem is, we can also see your full name when you're modifying it.

I'm not sure if there are any security options you can fiddle with, but I wouldn't trust just any ol' person from this site with my full name.

Eh, I'm not too terribly worried about it. Normally, I do type things up in a separate document. As for real names, I'm a published RPG author, so I'm not too sensitive about it.

Thanks for the notice, though. Best wishes!

Thanks for the updates chief! I love this class, works so damn well with the other angry PC's I play with.

If taking a 2 level dip in inquisitor, with a ranged build, what would be the better domain/inquisition and spells to pick? As for an archetype I think is best to leave it as a core inquisitor.

Grand Lodge

I chose to learn the Travel domain that my patron, Abadar, granted me. The ability to ignore difficult terrain is a great boon for a Gunslinger such as myself, and the extra ten feet of movement per round is just icing on the cake.

For spells in my first few levels as an inquisitor, I chose utility spells to make me better. I believe Longshot was one of my best choices. Protection vs Evil has saved my life more than once (not to mention the lives of those I adventure with). My third spell enabled me to track better, and at full speed.

I never saw no need to take them flashy spells wot cause others to suck, nor does a nan with my skill need any boostin' in combat efficiency. I chose to how the oath of a Lawman if Abadar because Vera* and I were already purdy damned effective already. Ain't nothin' that don't soil their pants when Vera starts a barkin', be it a demon, a harpy, or what have you.

Your mileage may very. It worked for me, and now that my levels are MM5 Inq6, Vera and me are goin' to go chase down this so-called Runelord that some cultists are trying to wake up, or some such thing. Vera and me believe we'll be a good foil for such a man, but time will tell.

Now, fer sure, were The Lord of Balance to offer me the learnin' of that spell, Abundant Ammunition, I'd be jumping up and down like a raccoon on a fryin' pan.

* Vera is my constant companion, my conscience, my gun. She tells me when I am in the right and when the bad guy I am starin' down ain't so "in the right".

So I just came across this guide, and I am working on a guy based off The Operative from the Serenity movie (but with more magic effects). Anyway, I figured it would be interesting to see an Inquisitor with a 2 level dip into Monk Master of Many Styles so he can use Crane and Snake Style while getting all the sweet Inquisitor abilities.

Anyway, I'm going through your domains, and I noticed you gave the Rune domain a 'green' rating. I'd almost wager it should be a blue rating, for the Spell Rune ability if nothing else.

A guy in a game I was observing was using a Cleric with the Rune Domain and he was having a blast (literally) with the ability. The reason? No where does it say that it has to be a Clerical spell.

He was UMD'ing Wands of Magic Missile, and then using things like Obscuring Mist and forcing enemies into his trapped squares. He was also placing multiple runes in a square, so an enemy would wander into the square *BOOM* *BOOOM* *BOOM* and get hit by 3 Runes, each with a 9th level Magic Missile attached to it.

It may be situational (the Cleric was forcing fights on his own terms) but when used right, Spell Rune can be extremely powerful. For instance, you could attach Enervations to the Rune, they are being blasted and level drained at the same time, or Bestow Curse, or any number of spells.

Tels wrote:

Anyway, I'm going through your domains, and I noticed you gave the Rune domain a 'green' rating. I'd almost wager it should be a blue rating, for the Spell Rune ability if nothing else.

A guy in a game I was observing was using a Cleric with the Rune Domain and he was having a blast (literally) with the ability. The reason? No where does it say that it has to be a Clerical spell.


Thank you for your feedback!

Spell Rune wrote:
At 8th level, you can attach another spell that you cast to one of your blast runes...

Emphasis mine. You must cast the spell. If you're using a wand of magic missiles, you're not casting any spells. Sure, you could use Magic Missile, but you'd have to have levels as an arcane caster. Plus, your rune can be dispelled as a 1st level spell, so if anyone can see it (or detect it magically) and cast dispel magic, your ability is wasted. The Blast Rune ability only gets you 1d6+10 maximum damage (11 to 16 damage). I'm confident that the green rating was justified.

Thank you for your comments! Best wishes!

Hey all about to play in pathfinder society tomorrow and been really stuck between a inq with a bow or a falchion. Since the groups will be fluid I'm trying to figure out what would be the most useful. Fate's favored is a definite on either build. For the 2 hander thinking half orc with the sacred tattoo (+2 luck to all my saves.) and the rage domain. With the archer I'm thinking human with the feather domain. First round in a big fight I plan to cast divine favor (+2 luck to hit and damage.) I'm pretty inexperienced with the society so let me know what you guys think/recommend.

Think I would switch to Tactic domain instead of rage. But now I saw the dwarf resistance might be pretty good. Anyone have a thought about which way is better or does it matter? (Not sure if in society most people bring melee or ranged) have about 2 hours to go =/

I'd like to stir up the hornet nest a bit...

How does reach weapons (particularly with bonus CM bonuses) and weapon proficiency stuff tie in according to you, if you have a melee heavy party?

Looking specifically at Fauchard, Lucerne Hammer, Guisarme, etc. Given that you have Solo Tactics, it helps open up things like:
Paired Opportunists
Swap Places
Tandem Trip
One idea is to be lining up behind a meat shield, reaching over their shoulder with a reach and trip weapon and having Tandem Trip or Coordinated Manoeuvers, or perhaps disarming using a Bill... And still being able to hack away with iterative attacks whenever you like.
As long as you have Combat Reflexes to power AoO you can also be in a position to chop away at anything attempting to get into a flanking position.
The Dwarven Dorn-Duergar would be awesome but the Darting Viper feat tax might be a deal-breaker.

Has anyone investigated the usefulness of this stuff here?

Also, two further questions...

For those that use Hero Lab: What are the "Secondary Spells" in the Inquisitor tab? Can't find any reference to it?

For Bodhizen: What do you view as valid dipping classes for your Inquisitors?
Fighter is an obvious choice for Proficiencies, +1 BAB and a feat.
Rogue for Evasion, +1d6 on a flank and a rogue talent if you spend two levels here.
Barbarian can give Uncanny dodge and +10ft/round speed increase with the added kicker of Rage, at the cost of two levels.
Paladin gives proficiencies, +1 BAB and a shot at Smite Evil once a day
Ranger likewise gives proficiencies, +1BAB and a favoured enemy bonus (for RP value more than anything)
Monk - can't see much benefit here myself, unless you like wearing nothing but pajamas.

Man, those are some good points on weapons.

McTaff wrote:

I'd like to stir up the hornet nest a bit...

How does reach weapons (particularly with bonus CM bonuses) and weapon proficiency stuff tie in according to you, if you have a melee heavy party?

Looking specifically at Fauchard, Lucerne Hammer, Guisarme, etc. Given that you have Solo Tactics, it helps open up things like:
Paired Opportunists
Swap Places
Tandem Trip
One idea is to be lining up behind a meat shield, reaching over their shoulder with a reach and trip weapon and having Tandem Trip or Coordinated Manoeuvers, or perhaps disarming using a Bill... And still being able to hack away with iterative attacks whenever you like.
As long as you have Combat Reflexes to power AoO you can also be in a position to chop away at anything attempting to get into a flanking position.
The Dwarven Dorn-Duergar would be awesome but the Darting Viper feat tax might be a deal-breaker.

Has anyone investigated the usefulness of this stuff here?

Just don't forget about the cover rules...

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McTaff wrote:

Also, two further questions...

For those that use Hero Lab: What are the "Secondary Spells" in the Inquisitor tab? Can't find any reference to it?

For Bodhizen: What do you view as valid dipping classes for your Inquisitors?
Fighter is an obvious choice for Proficiencies, +1 BAB and a feat.
Rogue for Evasion, +1d6 on a flank and a rogue talent if you spend two levels here.
Barbarian can give Uncanny dodge and +10ft/round speed increase with the added kicker of Rage, at the cost of two levels.
Paladin gives proficiencies, +1 BAB and a shot at Smite Evil once a day
Ranger likewise gives proficiencies, +1BAB and a favoured enemy bonus (for RP value more than anything)
Monk - can't see much benefit here myself, unless you like wearing nothing but pajamas.

A 2-level dip into Monk Master of Many Styles nets you Stunning Fist, +1 BAB, +2 to all saves, Improved Unarmed Strike, and you can take 2 Style Feats and ignore most of the pre-reqs on them, plus you can maintain 2 style feats at the same time.

For instance, you could, at any odd level, take Snake Style as your feat, and MoMS as your level up, which then allows you to take Snake Sidewind as your feat. Then, the level after, you can take MoMS again, to gain Snake Fang. Combine that with Crane Style feats on your own time, and you can get some real AC bonus going.

Snake Style is great for inquisitors because Inquisitors get half their level on Sense Motive checks, so the Sense Motive check to deflect an attack becomes almost automatic. Sidewind lets the Inquisitor use a high threat weapon, and if you threaten with a low iterative, you can confirm it with your Sense Motive (again, almost automatic).

What this ends up giving you, is two chances to deflect attacks that would otherwise be hit (Crane Wing, Snake Style), a counter attack (Crane Riposte), confirm a crit with Sense Motive (Snake Sidewind), and counter-attack missed but not deflected, attacks (Snake Fang).

Xykal wrote:
McTaff wrote:

How does reach weapons (particularly with bonus CM bonuses) and weapon proficiency stuff tie in according to you, if you have a melee heavy party?

Looking specifically at Fauchard, Lucerne Hammer, Guisarme, etc.... {snip}

Just don't forget about the cover rules...

What I mean is to reach over the shoulder - standing at one diagonal. You're still adjacent, and you still threaten (as you threaten two diagonals as the special rule here)

Good point though, can't play that card if you're in a 5-foot corridor.

Silver Crusade

Paladin also grants aura of good. For a class with pursuit righteousness on the spell list but no aura of good that could be a big deal. Too bad inquisitors don't really have room for charisma in their builds or two levels for the save boost might be nice.

Tels wrote:
McTaff wrote:

Monk - can't see much benefit here myself, unless you like wearing nothing but pajamas.

A 2-level dip into Monk Master of Many Styles nets you Stunning Fist, +1 BAB, +2 to all saves, Improved Unarmed Strike, and you can take 2 Style Feats and ignore most of the pre-reqs on them, plus you can maintain 2 style feats at the same time.

For instance, you could, at any odd level, take Snake Style as your feat, and MoMS as your level up, which then allows you to take Snake Sidewind as your feat. Then, the level after, you can take MoMS again, to gain Snake Fang. Combine that with Crane Style feats on your own time, and you can get some real AC bonus going.

Snake Style is great for inquisitors because Inquisitors get half their level on Sense Motive checks, so the Sense Motive check to deflect an attack becomes almost automatic. Sidewind lets the Inquisitor use a high threat weapon, and if you threaten with a low iterative, you can confirm it with your Sense Motive (again, almost automatic).

What this ends up giving you, is two chances to deflect attacks that would otherwise be hit (Crane Wing, Snake Style), a counter attack (Crane Riposte), confirm a crit with Sense Motive (Snake Sidewind), and counter-attack missed but not deflected, attacks (Snake Fang).


Those return attacks have to be unarmed, but that doesn't stop you from using a gauntlet or cestus and having it enchanted...

McTaff wrote:
Tels wrote:
McTaff wrote:

Monk - can't see much benefit here myself, unless you like wearing nothing but pajamas.

A 2-level dip into Monk Master of Many Styles nets you Stunning Fist, +1 BAB, +2 to all saves, Improved Unarmed Strike, and you can take 2 Style Feats and ignore most of the pre-reqs on them, plus you can maintain 2 style feats at the same time.

For instance, you could, at any odd level, take Snake Style as your feat, and MoMS as your level up, which then allows you to take Snake Sidewind as your feat. Then, the level after, you can take MoMS again, to gain Snake Fang. Combine that with Crane Style feats on your own time, and you can get some real AC bonus going.

Snake Style is great for inquisitors because Inquisitors get half their level on Sense Motive checks, so the Sense Motive check to deflect an attack becomes almost automatic. Sidewind lets the Inquisitor use a high threat weapon, and if you threaten with a low iterative, you can confirm it with your Sense Motive (again, almost automatic).

What this ends up giving you, is two chances to deflect attacks that would otherwise be hit (Crane Wing, Snake Style), a counter attack (Crane Riposte), confirm a crit with Sense Motive (Snake Sidewind), and counter-attack missed but not deflected, attacks (Snake Fang).


Those return attacks have to be unarmed, but that doesn't stop you from using a gauntlet or cestus and having it enchanted...

Crane Style requires your off-hand be 'unarmed' as well, while wielding a gauntlet is an 'armed' unarmed attack.

But that's not the point, the point is that Snake Style lets you make additional attacks, attacks most other melee characters don't get to make.

I myself just got done making an Inquisitor 10/MoMS 2. While it doesn't do insane damage (static bonus of +17/+12 1d8+10) using unarmed strikes, it's AC of 35 and two deflections a round almost ensures it will withstand nearly any melee combatant thrown against him. Tossing on Justice, Destruction and Divine Power pumps him to a +24/+24/+19 1d8+18 for his attack, and if a character full-attacks him back, any misses provoke another +24 1d8+18 attack in return.

With 8 attacks of opportunity a round, he could potentially make 8 attacks at +24 1d8+18, and then take his full-attack. It's very likely he will do more damage between turns, than during his turn.

I built him to be a potential re-occurring villain. No plans to use him any time soon, but it was fun building him.

I'm thinking a gauntlet or cestus more for the utility of having the Negating or Nullifying properties on the offhand weapon, or perhaps Spellstoring or Spellstealing.

In any case, a flat damage bonus on it would be welcome, particularly if you're relying on it doing damage in the out-of-turn downtime.

Seeing as you're still unarmed, even though you drop a damage die or two (from 1d6 to 1d4/1d3) a +1 enhancement makes up for it immediately and then you have the extra sweet stuff to boot.

McTaff wrote:

Also, two further questions...

For those that use Hero Lab: What are the "Secondary Spells" in the Inquisitor tab? Can't find any reference to it?

For Bodhizen: What do you view as valid dipping classes for your Inquisitors?
Fighter is an obvious choice for Proficiencies, +1 BAB and a feat.
Rogue for Evasion, +1d6 on a flank and a rogue talent if you spend two levels here.
Barbarian can give Uncanny dodge and +10ft/round speed increase with the added kicker of Rage, at the cost of two levels.
Paladin gives proficiencies, +1 BAB and a shot at Smite Evil once a day
Ranger likewise gives proficiencies, +1BAB and a favoured enemy bonus (for RP value more than anything)
Monk - can't see much benefit here myself, unless you like wearing nothing but pajamas.

My apologies, McTaff, but I don't make recommendations for dipping along with Inquisitor when I talk about the Inquisitor Guide. It's not that there are not valid classes for dipping, or that I haven't done it myself, but because there are just so many permutations and elements to consider, I leave that up to individual players to figure that out for themselves, or to take the recommendations of others who have crafted builds that do that one thing very, very well.

You have named six classes here that all work, but there are others as well. You could dip sorcerer and make a very interesting build, or ninja, or really... Any other class. It's more a question of "What class might you recommend if I want to do this?" than "What classes do you view as valid for dipping along with Inquisitor?"

Sorry that I wasn't able to answer your question to satisfaction, McTaff.

Best wishes!

I've been using the guide the last few days and since yesterday it appears without the color codes and with the images in weird sizes or black backgrounds; it seems that text styles are missing. Is this something related to google docs config in my account or is an issue with the document?

It appears as though the document was hacked and Google Documents is having difficulties with recovering older revisions. I am attempting to address the issue now.

Bodhizen wrote:
It appears as though the document was hacked and Google Documents is having difficulties with recovering older revisions. I am attempting to address the issue now.

Thank you for your effort and for this great guide.

I believe I have managed to restore the Guide to its proper formatting.

Not sure if anyone noticed but according to Chronicles of the Righteous Ragathiel can now pick up the torture subdomain. I think that could make for a nice intimidate build...

Chronicles of the Righteous, p41 wrote:
If you use the subdomains presented in the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide, clerics of empyreal lords gain access to all subdomain options available to them from their empyreal lord’s domains, with the exception of the following subdomains (which are never granted by empyreal lords): Daemon, Decay, Deception, Demon, Devil, Inevitable, Murder, Nightmare, Protean, and Undead.

Anyone have any thoughts on the Cold Iron Warden archetype from Demon Hunter's Handbook?

If the Channel Energy Ability opens up Crusader's Flurry this might be quite the nice Archetype.But from the wording I don't think you get the Channel energy Class Feature...

the rest of the abilities seem too specific to outsiders to be of great use in a normal campaign.

Alex Mack wrote:

If the Channel Energy Ability opens up Crusader's Flurry this might be quite the nice Archetype.But from the wording I don't think you get the Channel energy Class Feature...

the rest of the abilities seem too specific to outsiders to be of great use in a normal campaign.

I was more interested in the possibility of it opening up Holy Vindicator for Inquisitors.

This post seems to indicate it might.

Running an inquisitor in a campaign now; a couple of useful tricks I found that might be worth considering.

I went sword and shield, but use a longsword and quickdraw shield, with the quickdraw feat. This allows you to don/store your shield as a free action; which allows you to use your longsword with two hands while still enjoying the shield's defense bonus.

The shield bonus is fairly minimal, but can either be enhanced or just boosted with magic vestment, which will last all day by lvl 12.

Thoughts? Obviously not so much for aegis inquisitors as for devastators, but it does give you a nice boost to ac at the cost of a feat and possibly a 3rd lvl spell per day.

My apologies if this has been discussed before.

Hey there,

In going over this guide (which is very well done, BTW), I came across the Howling Agony spell. I wonder if it might warrant a higher rating than red. You're seeing it as, "screaming as a move action can dismiss all of the penalties this spell inflicts for the remainder of its turn." But there's another way to look at it; eat a debuff or be de facto staggered for a turn. Might it warrant an orange if you know you'll be facing things that can full attack you like you're their favorite chew toy?

later on,

The guide says:

Trickery Domain: Bluff, Disguise and Stealth become class skills,

However, those three are already inquisitor class skills, so they don't "become" class skills.

Perhaps I'm reading this incorrectly... But it appears that all characters gain an alignment aura at a certain level. Clerics auras are just more powerful and start at level 1, while most must wait til 5. So I'm thinking this opens good inquisitors to use litany of righteousness as a self buff.

Chromnos wrote:
Perhaps I'm reading this incorrectly... But it appears that all characters gain an alignment aura at a certain level. Clerics auras are just more powerful and start at level 1, while most must wait til 5. So I'm thinking this opens good inquisitors to use litany of righteousness as a self buff.

No, alignment cannot be detected until 5th level, but Clerics and Paladins, specifically, have stronger auras than normal. Technically, if you take 1 level of Cleric and then the rest in Inquisitor, you could make use of Litany of Righteousness.

Bodhizen, if you are still reading this thread, I am unable to access the document via Google Docs. Would you change the permissions to it? I really would like to read this.

Grand Moff Vixen wrote:
Bodhizen, if you are still reading this thread, I am unable to access the document via Google Docs. Would you change the permissions to it? I really would like to read this.

Ack! I totally meant this in the thread about the Paladin guide. I found the solution I needed anyway. :)

With the advent of the ACG, the Inquisitor got a new archetype, the Sacred Huntmaster I think it's called. Basically trades out Judgements for an animal companion and (at least some of) that Aspect business the Hunter gets. Thoughts on whether that's a worthwhile trade? I like the concept; easy enough to envision a character using that (esp. with the new Teamwork feat Improved Share Spell letting you split buffs between both of you).

Ghorrin Redblade

Prior you had access to Animal companions via the animal domain and Boon companion. So essentially you were trading your domain and your 5th level feat. With the archetype you trade judgement for an AC and something else.
Judgement is pretty awesome but also requires a lot of swift actions which could alternatively be used for say the growth domain which was kinda an iffy choice for inquistors due to swift action restraints.

Animal companions are definitely awesome for Inquisitors due to teamwork feats. Outflank in particularly sorta outweighs the loss of Judgement.

I'm keen on trying the archetype out on a half orc with amplified rage a badger buddy and rage via rage domain or the anger inquisition.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

"Exotic Weapon Proficiency (1st): You might want to consider a fauchard. However, you can not only find a way around requiring this feat by either choosing a race or god that grants you proficiency with a two-handed exotic weapon, but you could alternatively select the Heirloom Weapon Proficiency trait."

EWP had a +1bab rrequirement.

Furthermore EWP is not a very good feat for feat-starved classes like the inquisitor. It's much more effective to get your weapon proficiency from race.

For even more potent animal companions can be gained through Sacred Huntmaster archatype and the chivalry inquisition. This gets you a mount and an animal companion at you level. You can go higher then you level if you use the AC on something that is also a mount.

The beast rider feat grants access to much better mount animals.

Chivalry is great for an archer who wants a mount (flying even) that is not fragile.

This a comment that limits ACs to level +1 HD but no FAQ or errata. A level 20 AC at level 10 damage a game.

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