Weirdest thing to happen at your gaming table.

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Liberty's Edge

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This happened to me last week and I needed a place to tell it.

Playing at my friend's house, my PF core got ruined. My friend's pig (as in oink oink)...pleasured himself on it. I lost a book to cat piss, but this was way grosser and far more unusual. I had to share.

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Once while playing at a game store, my group was approached by three teenagers who "wanted to get into D&D" and asked if we would give them our books.

They were going to pawn them in to the store to play on the LAN, I'm certain, but they asked about four times-- twice before we got curt-- and then left disgusted that we wouldn't give them all of our fifty dollar books.

Nothing else that strange though. Why'd you leave a book on the floor in a house with a pig and expect that to turn out okay?

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This was more than 20 years ago, but I once had a player have a full-blown psychotic episode at the table.

The player in question was a townie, probably in her late 30s/ early 40s, and only came to the college gaming club two or yhree times a month. She had always bern more than a little weird, but that night she was hearing voices (and talking back to them), making completely nonsensical conversation, and generally behaving like she was on another planet. She ended up excusing herself to go to the bathroom, and never returned to the table. We assumed that she just went home. Three hours later, another female player told me that the person in question was still in the women's room, chain-smoking and mumbling nonsense to herself. I called campus security, gave a statement, and let them take it from there.

She never came back.

Grand Lodge

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Coridan wrote:

This happened to me last week and I needed a place to tell it.

Playing at my friend's house, my PF core got ruined. My friend's pig (as in oink oink)...pleasured himself on it.

That is all sorts of 'wrong'. 'Friend' is a subjective term there mate - I'd demand a new book an cease association with the creep.

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This ones more funny than weird..,

A few years ago, we were playing D&D 3.5 with a big battlemat and minis. The host's cat jumped on the table, grabbed the mini of the BBEG in her mouth, then jumped off the table.

Without batting an eye, the GM said, "OK. The wizard casts summon cosmic cat of doom, which eats Lord Deathface. Good job, guys! Game over!"

Ice Titan wrote:

Once while playing at a game store, my group was approached by three teenagers who "wanted to get into D&D" and asked if we would give them our books.

They were going to pawn them in to the store to play on the LAN, I'm certain, but they asked about four times-- twice before we got curt-- and then left disgusted that we wouldn't give them all of our fifty dollar books.

This is almost like the stories of "Black Eyed Children" who ask to be let in your house repeatedly, getting more and more agitated if you don't.

Coridan wrote:

This happened to me last week and I needed a place to tell it.

Playing at my friend's house, my PF core got ruined. My friend's pig (as in oink oink)...pleasured himself on it. I lost a book to cat piss, but this was way grosser and far more unusual. I had to share.

Your friend lives in a barn?


Coridan wrote:

This happened to me last week and I needed a place to tell it.

Playing at my friend's house, my PF core got ruined. My friend's pig (as in oink oink)...pleasured himself on it. I lost a book to cat piss, but this was way grosser and far more unusual. I had to share.

I guess the art was to his liking.

Liberty's Edge

Helaman wrote:
Coridan wrote:

This happened to me last week and I needed a place to tell it.

Playing at my friend's house, my PF core got ruined. My friend's pig (as in oink oink)...pleasured himself on it.

That is all sorts of 'wrong'. 'Friend' is a subjective term there mate - I'd demand a new book an cease association with the creep.

We live in the pine barrens, a pet pig isnt creepy. Also the dogs and pig were kept out of thr room by colosed door but someone went to the bathroom and left the door open and we didnt realize it.

Remember, being different to the norm is always wrong.

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Haladir wrote:

This ones more funny than weird..,

A few years ago, we were playing D&D 3.5 with a big battlemat and minis. The host's cat jumped on the table, grabbed the mini of the BBEG in her mouth, then jumped off the table.

Without batting an eye, the GM said, "OK. The wizard casts summon cosmic cat of doom, which eats Lord Deathface. Good job, guys! Game over!"

Ah, cats and gaming. A story I heard of another gaming group: The host had one of those Maine Coon type cats, and they used to play with lit candles on the table. Cats jumps on table going after the snacks, and proceeds to get her tail lit up. People panic and put out the (small) flame, at which the cat just looks annoyed, because of the unwanted attention and the weird smell. She didn't even notice that she was on fire.

I also recently joined a different group where one of the host's cats is so psychotic that she likes to latch on to someone's finger and doesn't let go.

Speaking of psychotic: I hope that women got the help she obviously needed.

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A buddy of mine had his cat piss on some D&D books. Then, a day or two later, had someone walk into the store he works at, and proceed to buy said cat-peed on books for half price LOL

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My cat loves to grab the Ettin (and only the Ettin) Pathfinder mini and chew on it's spiky mace for some reason. Will actively hunt it down going so far as to steal it from my desk.

Oh cats and gaming could be a whole thread unto itself....

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

My cat likes to try and curl up in my dice tray. Then play with my dice. Not really weird, but funny.

Grand Lodge

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My stray adoptee, Ranger, literally sits in the chair like one of the players when they get up. One second the players there, the nexy its the cat staring at you with his huge sociopath eyes, waiting for his inititative turn.

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Coridan wrote:

This happened to me last week and I needed a place to tell it.

Playing at my friend's house, my PF core got ruined. My friend's pig (as in oink oink)...pleasured himself on it. I lost a book to cat piss, but this was way grosser and far more unusual. I had to share.

I have been laughing for the past 5 minutes after reading this.

Sorry for your book, though.

As for me, the wierdest had to be when one of my 3.5 books was blown away by the wind (it can get really windy where I live), never to be seen again.

Also, once I found a living spider (those with reeeeeally long legs) inside a friend's book, which jumped over my hand and quickly made its way to my head, where another friend killed it by slapping me so hard it left me sore for days. I'm not arachnophobic, but good Lord did I cringe.

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About 15 years ago, I found a first-edition printing of the controversial AD&D book Deities and Demigods from 1980 at a used book store. It was $2, so I snapped it up immediately-- It was the unlicensed version that included the Cthulhu and Elric stuff that TSR published without permission. At the time, a good-condition copy was selling for around $100 to collectors. This copy wasn't in great shape, but I thought it was worth more than $2.

Only after I brought it home did I notice that it was less valuable and much funnier than I had bargained for. The previous owner had written his name ("Chad D.") and phone number (without an area code) in a juvenile hand inside the front cover. The interior art was pretty standard for its time: black-and-white line drawings. Chad had colored all of the drawings of topless females with colored pencils. I was especially amused that he colored the naked Egyptian and Aztec goddesses to have very pale skin and blonde hair.

So, anyway, this book was on my shelf of gaming books one time when I was hosting a game. A relatively new player that I didn't know that well was perusing my library, and was kind of excited to see that book in my collection. He pulled the book off the shelf and opened it right to one of the pages of a colored-in naked goddess. He looked at the picture, then looked at me a couple of times, and said, "Dude! You need better porn!"

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This didn't happen to me, but my gaming group was present. At a fish fry/pool party hosted by one of the guys, he (the host) was thumbing through the brand new 3rd Edition DC Heroes player's guide from Mayfair Games. This particular book had been purchased by another of our gang and had a beautiful foil embossed cover. My friend, who just seems to have an uncanny ability to destroy anything within 10 yards of him dropped it in the pool.

Thinking quickly, he grabbed the book and ran into the house. The next thing you know he was yelling for help because he tossed it into the microwave oven to dry it out, not considering the metallic foil on the cover. The book caught fire and ruined the cover and the first few pages.

Good times.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Once, while I was gaming at a store in a mall, two police officers walked in, marched straight up to my table with their hands on their sidearms, and announced that one of the players there had just been spotted toting a handgun in the mall's food court.

It turns out the player in question did have a handgun in a tote bag, but he also had a concealed-carry permit for the firearm. Upon checking that his permit was valid, the cops left without incident and the game resumed.

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Another story from my college days...

I GMed an AD&D 2nd Edition game for the college gaming club. We played on Friday nights at an academic building, and used "conference room" style classrooms for gaming space. (It was a pretty nice setup, actually!)

It was a warm night, and the building wasn't air-conditioned. As we were getting started, one of our players walked in-- and he was filthy. He had hay strands in his clothing, his shirt was very soiled, his hands and face were streaked with dirt... and he STANK! It was a mix of body odor and barn odor-- mostly cow manure. He proceeded to sit down and pull out his gaming stuff.

Trying to be polite, I said, "Hey, Bart. I know you're majoring in Animal Science-- Did you just come from the cattle barn?"


"Um, you know, it has been a really hot day, and I'm sure you'd be a lot more comfortable if you had been able to take a shower before coming over here."

"Oh, no problem. Hey! Want to order a pizza?"

"Um... really, if you want to head back to the dorm and take a quick shower and change, it's fine with us. We'll wait. Right?" Everyone nodded.

"Oh, no, I'm fine. Let's play. Anyone want to go in on a pizza with me?"

"No, really, we're fine waiting for you to take a shower and clean up. We can order a pizza when you get back. We can play Lost Worlds while we wait."

Bart was starting to get annoyed. "Guys, I'm fine. Let's just play."

Everyone else at the table looked at me, pleadingly.

I sighed. "Okay, Bart, I was trying to be polite here, but you weren't getting it. You kind of reek. I mean, you don't just kind of reek-- you totally stink of horsesh*t and B.O., and we don't want to play with you until you take a shower and change your clothes."

"Oh, come on! It's not THAT bad!"

Everyone else, on cue, said, "YES, IT IS!"

He said, "Fine!" and left.

We played a few rounds of Lost Worlds, and he came back in about half and hour, and we stared the game. We even ordered pizza.

Liberty's Edge

Putting something in the microwave to "dry it out" is so absurdly counter-productive lol.

Not sure if it's wierd, but:

In our Shadowrun game, we kind of got side tracked thanks to a elf child we rescued. We found out the child was older than the troll, other human, me, and maybe someone else. Then our elf technomancer kind of got a bit insulting towards my human sniper, which I started throwing insults back. So I eventually called her a fairy (racist term for elves.). The GM was like "Oooooh" (burn). Needless to say, the conversation ended there, and I bet some day: I will have technology ruined for my sniper (thank goodness she doesn't have cybernetic limbs.)

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Cat story: One of my cats LOVES shoes. If shoes are off, he sits in/on them. My friends sometimes take their shoes off at the table. Said cat always makes a beeline for the shoes and immediately sticks his head in them. All I can think is "Mmm stinky."

Another story: Late one night, one of my other friends was loaded up on those sugary circus peanuts. He must have gotten a sugar high because he leaps up and starts doing a chicken walk across my living room into a bedroom. Just weird.

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Cats seem to be popular with the gaming community don't they?

My story to relate does indeed involve my cat Grim (A very large black Maine Coon cross.) He has a habit of sitting at our gaming table and watching when people roll dice. One night while he is watching, one player puts his dice aside in a dice bag and got up to get a drink or something. Grim takes his place at the table grabs the dice bag in is teeth and takes off with it. I guess he wanted some of his own to play with.

Silver Crusade

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:

This didn't happen to me, but my gaming group was present. At a fish fry/pool party hosted by one of the guys, he (the host) was thumbing through the brand new 3rd Edition DC Heroes player's guide from Mayfair Games. This particular book had been purchased by another of our gang and had a beautiful foil embossed cover. My friend, who just seems to have an uncanny ability to destroy anything within 10 yards of him dropped it in the pool.

Thinking quickly, he grabbed the book and ran into the house. The next thing you know he was yelling for help because he tossed it into the microwave oven to dry it out, not considering the metallic foil on the cover. The book caught fire and ruined the cover and the first few pages.

Good times.

I lent a set of dice to a newbie player in a game a number of years back. At one point, he reached for the d20 and couldn't find it. We figured it was probably just under a book or something, so we had him roll someone else's and moved on.

Later, he got up to go to the bathroom and the d20 rolled out of the sleeve of his sweatshirt and fell in the toilet.

I let him keep it.

Shadow Lodge

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I have three cats, and could probably tell gamer related stories about all three. the best is Twilight (orange, and not named after the movies), he enjoys occupying open chairs,swatting dice and trying to kill my friend's dice bag that is made out of rabbit fur.

Read and set up the adventure at the table before the adventure ever starts for 4 hours while PC's sit and wait lol.

Sovereign Court

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We were playing in the back room of a gaming store. A woman we'd never seen before slipped behind us, and dropped this note in front of one of the players:


They (underlined) know that the weird one already fell down so quite (crossed out) quit while your (sic) ahead. No more whispering in its ear!

I'm warning you !! (double underlined)"


NO clue who this woman is. At all. Very very weird.


This just happened recently. I rolled my d20 and it landed nat 20 right on the
edge of the table. It momentarily hesitated and then fell over the side; thus I
had to re-roll. Immediately I re-rolled and rolled a nat 20 again!

Same game: I was in an "advantaged" situation, rolled two d20's and they came up
20 and 1. Later, I was in a "disadvantaged" situation, rolled two d20's and they
came up 19 and 20.

Very weird.


One time, the Combat Manager application randomly rolled the same initiative as 3 of the 4 pc's.

Also, a baby once barfed on our GM, the mother was holding her baby near him and kind of making her dance, I could totally see that coming.

Coridan wrote:
Putting something in the microwave to "dry it out" is so absurdly counter-productive lol.

He panicked.

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This happened recently.

My current group plays at my house. We have one remote player, so we use MapTool and Skype... which means that we have two laptops and a monitor on my dining room table, with a bunch of cables stretching across the floor.

Anyway, I'd sprung for pizza, and when the delivery guy arrived, I got up to answer the door... and tripped over the power cable, both pulling the monitor off the table and causing me to stagger forward with my arms flailing. I accidentally clocked one of my players in the side of the face, sending his glasses flying, just as the monitor slid right into his lap. My daughter happened to be walking by at the moment, too, and she caught the airborne glasses in midair! I managed to catch myself in a doorframe and didn't fall either.

Disaster avoided, and all of the flying objects were caught without incident-- flying monitor, flying glasses, and flying GM!

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Several years ago, with my old group, we played at my place. I had a rather mischievous cat that occasionally liked to pilfer dice when players weren't paying attention. One day we had to stop the fight for a few minutes because a player couldn't find his d20. We were looking under the couch and table and pulled the cushions off the couch. We were just lifting the couch up to get a better look under when we heard a distinct clatter of a die rolling across the hard floor in the kitchen. Then came her famous battle cry '...mew!' and the sound of the missing die rolling again.
Probably not that uncommon for cat owners out there but it had us laughing afterword.


Gaming by porn was my most weird gaming time.

We were at my friends house and was running WOD, so to get into the mood we had the lights off, problem was none of his other light sources worked and we did not want to use candles (tiny room, to many flammable objects). So we found an old mini TV/VCR combo. Put it on, but the channels did not work and the static was not bright enough. My friend says "press play there is a video in the VCR and that will brighten things up", well we did, and what came Not just normal porn, but like hard core bdsm stuff.

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Our recent Council of Thieves game had an interesting twist-

Slight Spoilers:
During the Sixfold-Trial, during the performance part of the module, our group scored 666 popularity points, a randomly assessed score that determined by how well players perform lines, how many survive the play, and a few other factors. This is made strange considering the overtones of the play itself, as most of it deals with a lowly tiefling accused of blasphemy against Asmodeus. The Infernal overtones weren't that weird until I announced the final score. Then it got real quiet for about 10 seconds, a rarity at our gaming table.

On cats, we've renamed one of our friends cats "Catagug, Destroyer of Worlds (destroyer of maps and miniatures)" as he will frequently jump in the center of the table and then lie on top of the maps and miniatures, where he sprawls out as if choosing that spot to take a nap.

Liberty's Edge

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My cat likes to lick plastic bags.

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We play online with roll20 and our GM has a cat.

Said cat just loves to jump up on his computer keyboard and track across it, so every now and then we'll hear "Dammit Patches get off my keyboard" and then something along the lines of "kjsbakhbskbfiajbka" pops up in the text chat area.

Silver Crusade

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Maccabee: one of our cats does that too! Once the GM got up to go to the restroom, saying he would roll a save if needed after he got back. The cat rolled a nat 20 for him...

Sovereign Court

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Wierdest thing? A friend popped his shoes off and put his feet on the table. Next thing you know, a pidgeon flies through the open window and lands on his feet. Looks at all of us, takes a dump on his foot and flies away. I think we were laughing for a good half hour.

I had the peculiar talent of making a joke just at the time that my friend , let's call him Kid Psycho, would be taking a drink, causing choking or at the worst a full blow spit-take. One night at a game this had happened enough times that Kid Psycho threatened he'd throw the cat at me, the cat being the gamehoster's. Inevitably, I do it again and without missing a beat, he grabs the cat and throws him at me. I step back and the cat flies past me and hits my friend John as he is walking off the backporch from the pool, shirt off. All four paws, claws fully extended latch into John's chest and for a beat the cat is hanging off his chest. John screams, the cat drops safely to the floor and bolts under the couch. While I do not endorse throwing housecats at people, at the time it was pretty funny.

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Devastation Bob wrote:
I had the peculiar talent of making a joke just at the time that my friend , let's call him Kid Psycho, would be taking a drink, causing choking or at the worst a full blow spit-take. One night at a game this had happened enough times that Kid Psycho threatened he'd throw the cat at me, the cat being the gamehoster's. Inevitably, I do it again and without missing a beat, he grabs the cat and throws him at me. I step back and the cat flies past me and hits my friend John as he is walking off the backporch from the pool, shirt off. All four paws, claws fully extended latch into John's chest and for a beat the cat is hanging off his chest. John screams, the cat drops safely to the floor and bolts under the couch. While I do not endorse throwing housecats at people, at the time it was pretty funny.

Speaking as the GM and host of an RPG group, and as the owner of two cats, if that incident occurred at my table, Kid Psycho would no longer be welcome at my house.

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This one time everyone in the gaming group showed up on time with their character sheets and all the necessary dice and we started the game on time.

It was so freaky that it's never happened since.

Silver Crusade

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mousestalker wrote:

This one time everyone in the gaming group showed up on time with their character sheets and all the necessary dice and we started the game on time.

It was so freaky that it's never happened since.

Yeah, right. Next thing you tell us there wasn't a single rule discussion.

Really, if you have to make something up let it at least SOUND believable.

Silver Crusade

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Once we were playing, a friend rolls his die and as it rolls it crumbles. Not crack or break, literally just crumbles as it rolls across the table leaving a trail of little die crumbs. Weird.

Scarab Sages

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I've had my sword get stuck in the ceiling. Been chased around the block by a player swinging a real mace. Had a player with narcolepsy face plant multiple times and had a girl that kept dosing her kid with Nyquil so he would sleep through the game.

This was all in one night.

My favorite is the story about gaming with the Brazilian Death Squad, but apparently took that thread down after it got big enough to crash their forums.

Silver Crusade

Actually...they just put it into their archives and chopped it into smaller pieces.
Here it is, though I think you have to register to read ist

After reading Artanthos' entry, I'm ever so glad to have been with the same group of people for almost 25 years, and despite their individual quirks, have never had to deal with such weirdness... :)

Scarab Sages

Blackbot wrote:

Actually...they just put it into their archives and chopped it into smaller pieces.

Here it is, though I think you have to register to read ist

Once you're registered, this should take you directly to the Brazilian Death Squad story.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Few years ago, my gaming session was interrupted by my neighbors, who had just been carjacked outside by someone with a sawed-off shotgun. They saw our lights on and barged in, didn't knock or anything (not that I blame them). At least no one was hurt, but man, what a night.

Grand Magus wrote:


This just happened recently. I rolled my d20 and it landed nat 20 right on the
edge of the table. It momentarily hesitated and then fell over the side; thus I
had to re-roll. Immediately I re-rolled and rolled a nat 20 again!

Same game: I was in an "advantaged" situation, rolled two d20's and they came up
20 and 1. Later, I was in a "disadvantaged" situation, rolled two d20's and they
came up 19 and 20.

Very weird.


Well there was one convention where me an a few others were playing the original Marvel Super Heroes rpg. It is a percentile die based game where you want to roll high. I had just baught this one set of dice. I rolled the dice a total of 7 times the entire weekend.

I KID you not!
1st roll: 100%
2nd roll: 86%
3rd roll: 100%
4th roll: 100%
5th roll: 100% (people got pissed so I rolled another set of dice)
6th roll (WITH A DIFFERENT SET OF DICE!): 100%!!!
7th roll (back to Original set, they gave up all hope now XD ): 1% on a save vs. DEATH! Thus why I only rolled 7 times that weekend... T_T

2 weeks go by and I hand these same dice to a friend to roll for a Rifts game (where you want to roll LOW on percentile dice; which I had somehow forgotten), and low and behold she rolled a 100% on the FIRST ROLL of the day....! IDK what to make of this.

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