Lord Savage |
Hi.. new campaign. Stats are AFTER "angelic blood" bonuses.
My ROLLS were AWESOME for once! Rolled 2 natural 18's plus other decent #'s in front of GM and another player witness. Usually I roll cannon fodder under the "luck system".
We are starting at 1st level but the campaign will last 10 levels+. For my OWN enjoyment/amusement, I want to stick with "Angelic Blood" as listed in the Pathfinder Player Companion issue "Blood of Angels". I also want to stick with using a Greatsword. Other than that... I'm open minded to your build suggestions. The last time I played, there was just the 3.0 rules so I need help.
GM is ONLY allowing 3.5 and 3rd Party 3.5 materials as well as the Pathfinder related materials of course. A build to 10th level would be great. A build to 15 or higher if you have the energy. I still have time to switch my stats around before we start playing... thanks.
If we use any materials outside of the pathfinder main manuals he's requiring us to purchase that item so he can be shown "proof"... otherwise... we are forced to use Core Pathfinder rules. With the luck I had with this character, I dont have any problems buying a few manuals.
Because of my High Charisma... the group wants to make me the "Main Leader" to talk and negotiate for the group.
STR: 20
DEX: 12
CON: 16
INT: 12
WIS: 14
CHA: 20

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I'd switch the stats to get 14 CON, 16 INT, and 12 WIS, because you'll need more skill points if you want to be the face of the party. Or at least 14 INT, if you still want all that CON. Your saves will still be through the roof, and you're immune to a bunch of stuff, so those aren't quite as important anyway.

Rycaut |
Given your CHA score I'd give some consideration to putting your 14 or even your 16 into INT instead of WIS (or CON - putting the 14 in CON) since your saves will be pretty amazing from having a 20 CHA once you get Divine Grace - the extra skill points (and languages) would help you take more CHA focused skills to be the party "face"
Your once-a-day Alter Self will allow you to gain a +2 STR plus some nice bonus senses for a few minutes every day - Scent or a Swim speed could be really handy at times. (or +2 Dex if you take a small form) . However remember that being Angel Blooded means you don't get the nice party face bonuses of a more typical Aasimar (i.e. you get +2 to Heal and Knowledge (Planes) instead of Diplomacy and Perception (which are two of the most used skills in the game).
If you were a standard Aasimar you could have an 18 STR, 20 CHA and 14, 16, or 18 WIS with great stats for everything else...
You might also want to consider the Scion of Humanity alternative racial trait - giving up Celestial to count as Human as well as Outsider (native) - meaning you can be targeted by Enlarge Person among other spells. Being of type Outsider (Native) comes with a bunch of negative and positives - lots of spells and some abilities you can't be the target of - some are probably helpful - but others like Enlarge Person might be things you would want to be able to be targeted by.
The other trait I would consider if you were to be the party face is Truespeaker. This gives up your "skilled" racial trait (for Angel blooded this is the +2 to Heal and Know (Planes) ) to get +2 on Linguistics and Sense Motive and get TWO languages for each rank in Linguistics. Personally I think that's the better set of skills and features than heal and know (planes).
In terms of build one fun option - though it is costly in terms of feats is to take Angelic Blood then at level 10 take Angel Wings - for flight (later you can take Metallic Winds if you want a secondary Wing attack) - for a Paladin however since you don't have a lot of feats this might be pretty costly.
(some of these options are from the Advanced Race Guide, some are from Blood of Angels)

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And Lord Savage will be a powerful jedi indeed...
He'll get two bonus lvl 1 spells at level 4 instead of the 1 that most paladins get and assuming you buff Charisma (you'd be insane not to) by level 8, you will see also 2 bonus lvl 2 spells. He will actually be a decent caster where most Paladins are weak.

Lord Savage |
Given your CHA score I'd give some consideration to putting your 14...
Awesome... THANKS !!! Cant WAIT to play my new re-incarnation of "Lord Savage".
FYI... I started playing just before the old school "Advanced Dungeons & Dragons" came out in the early 80's.. fascinating how it has evolved.

solarius |
if you dip lore oracle for the sidestep secret, you can also take noble scion: scion of war as it is a common combo.
This makes you use cha for Initiative and 2 rank of knowledge(noble). That makes you dump your dex almost completely, because it acts like "Improved Initiative" (20 cha gives +5 init instead of +1 from 12 dex) plus 2 skill rank at lvl one. When you level up you are likely to stack up on cha (bet you will, almost everything depend on cha for this build), you init keeps improving to ridiculously high when your are at higher lvl.

solarius |
oh, and take Dangerously Curious as one of your traits, makes UMD your class skill + 1 extra rank, so that's rank 10 umd at lvl one for you.
and celestial resistance isn't that good, as energy resistance doesn't stack and he doesn't resist fire. can exchange it to Deathless Spirit.
"They gain resistance 5 against negative energy damage. They do not lose hit points when they gain a negative level, and they gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against death effects, energy drain, negative energy, and spells or spell-like abilities of the necromancy school"
heck, in this combo, 2 points of cha gives you:
1 point of dodge ac
2 points of reflex and 1 point of fort and will(buy a ring of evasion and make rouge cry...)
1 point of dc for oracle and paladin spells
more oracle and paladin spell slots
1 point of initiative
1 point of cha based skills (like diplomacy/umd)
1 point of attack and deflect ac against the target when you smite evil
1 charge of lay on hand

Gignere |
Take Oath of Vengeance and you can have a crazy amount of smites. Also grab unsanctioned knowledge if you do bump up your int to 13+. I don't recommend the oracle dip.
Level 1: Fey Foundling or Noble Scion (Both can only be picked at level 1)
Level 3: Power Attack
Level 5: Unsanctioned Knowledge
Level 7: Cornugon Smash
Level 9: Big Game Hunter
Level 11: Dazing Assault

solarius |
maybe improved critical for the 9th level feat is better, cause using bound weapon to make weapon keen cost a standard action and has limited uses.
or exotic weapon profeciency: falcata for the 1d8 one handed 19-20/x3 threat range, makes a bigger difference than 1 point of attack and 2 points of damage vs larger enemy as lvl goes higher.
Agree completely with the other feat suggestions.

Bertious |

I would be tempted by a dip itno lore oracle but not for sidestep secret instead i'd take lore keeper to get charisma to knowledge skills.
I'd then assuming the 14 int use my 6 skill points to get 6 knowledge skills (arcana, dungeoneering, religion, local, nature and planes) netting a bonus of +9 in each of them (+1 rank +3 class skill +5 cha) +11 in planes because it's always nie for the party leader to know what he is talking about.
The fact you can then pick up other revalations as feats is just gravy.

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As you're allowed 3.5 I strongly recommend getting hold of Complete Champion. There's a lot of good stuff in it but really it will be worth it just for Battle Blessing for casting ALL paladin spells as a swift action.
You could also take an oracle dip as suggested, likely into Lore Oracle and take Sidestep and Extra Revelation: Lore Keeper and then take Knowledge Devotion also from Complete Champion. As you'd have high knowledge check modifiers you'll get great extra to hit and damage against creatures you identify.

Douglas Muir 406 |
If I were DMing, I would not allow Battle Blessing. All paladin spells as a swift action? Yes sir, I would like extra cheese with that!
Also, if you're not completely committed to a standard Paladin, consider the Champion of Irori -- a lawful good monk/paladin PrC from Paths of Prestige. It's normally quite hard to qualify for, because you need multiple good stats, but you could do it easy. You would need to arrive at 5th level as a Monk 3 / Pal 2 and then take the PrC starting at 6th. It's not a particularly overpowered PrC, but it could be thematically different and interesting.
Doug M.

Gignere |
maybe improved critical for the 9th level feat is better, cause using bound weapon to make weapon keen cost a standard action and has limited uses.
or exotic weapon profeciency: falcata for the 1d8 one handed 19-20/x3 threat range, makes a bigger difference than 1 point of attack and 2 points of damage vs larger enemy as lvl goes higher.
Agree completely with the other feat suggestions.
Get a scabbard of keen edges. It is 3 uses a day for 50 mins duration a pop, I think that is more than enough keen for most campaigns.
BGH is awesome because it applies to both range and melee. If you open the bestiary most CR 9+ critters are large or bigger.
This means you are getting both weapon focus and weapon specialization that applies to all your range and melee weapons.
This is definitely better than EWP: Falcata.

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Consider stoic sodden lands affinity - gives you your charisma bonus to fort saves.
You can also take the feat that gives charisma bonus to initiative.
More broken however - take a samsaran cleric and take the paladin spells with a full progression cleric build.
Another good build would be a heaven's display oracle.

Luna_Silvertear |

If we use any materials outside of the pathfinder main manuals he's requiring us to purchase that item so he can be shown "proof"... otherwise... we are forced to use Core Pathfinder rules.
What the heck is this? I understand that there are those occasional GMs that are uptight, but really? I don't understand people like this.

Lord Savage |
Lord Savage wrote:If we use any materials outside of the pathfinder main manuals he's requiring us to purchase that item so he can be shown "proof"... otherwise... we are forced to use Core Pathfinder rules.What the heck is this? I understand that there are those occasional GMs that are uptight, but really? I don't understand people like this.
I reckin but didnt TSR go broke for lack of Capitalism ;) LOL For rare stats like these, I dont mind. I will use (players too) these resources when I GM my campaign someday in the future. Wielding a Greatsword and charging into the fray with confidence is refreshing. Most of the players are a little below my stats.
Do Holy Swords still come in "GreatSword" size? If I recall they are Bastard Swords.

Aioran |

Apart from the already mentioned Battle Blessing (3.5 Complete Champion) and Unsanctioned Knowledge (PF Ultimate Magic), there's Sword of the Arcane Order (FR 3.5 Champions of Valor).
There's also DMM and the like but that way lies madness. (Significant investment in turn undead).
Does your DM not like DnDtools?
Bastard Swords and Greatswords are separate weapons.

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You'd have to ask your GM if you can trade out your spell-like ability for a +2 to strength or charisma though. Technically you're meant to roll a d100 and can come up with crap like "can ripen fruit with a touch" or "can tell if someone is pregnant by standing within 10' of them"
You call instant fruit-ripening "crap"? Do you know how much money you could make with that? The second your tree produces the beginnings of apples, you start fondling and have an off-season harvest, selling the fruit for higher than normal prices (after all, who's competing when you're the only one with ripe apples?) and start over. Find enough people with the same ability and run an orchard together. You'll be rich!

seto83 |

minoritarian wrote:You'd have to ask your GM if you can trade out your spell-like ability for a +2 to strength or charisma though. Technically you're meant to roll a d100 and can come up with crap like "can ripen fruit with a touch" or "can tell if someone is pregnant by standing within 10' of them"You call instant fruit-ripening "crap"? Do you know how much money you could make with that? The second your tree produces the beginnings of apples, you start fondling and have an off-season harvest, selling the fruit for higher than normal prices (after all, who's competing when you're the only one with ripe apples?) and start over. Find enough people with the same ability and run an orchard together. You'll be rich!
(slow clap) Well played sir.

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minoritarian wrote:You'd have to ask your GM if you can trade out your spell-like ability for a +2 to strength or charisma though. Technically you're meant to roll a d100 and can come up with crap like "can ripen fruit with a touch" or "can tell if someone is pregnant by standing within 10' of them"You call instant fruit-ripening "crap"? Do you know how much money you could make with that? The second your tree produces the beginnings of apples, you start fondling and have an off-season harvest, selling the fruit for higher than normal prices (after all, who's competing when you're the only one with ripe apples?) and start over. Find enough people with the same ability and run an orchard together. You'll be rich!
Heck if you ripen the fruit fast enough in the season and prune the tree right you may even be able to pull off 2-3 harvests a season...who knows!

Aldarionn |

You have the makings of a murder character. Critical feats might be a good way to go, and you will be doing excessive damage. That said, there's not a whole lot of variety for a base Paladin using a 2 hander in melee. You could play an ACF but they all pretty much involve aura replacements and adjust the class to use a different kind of weapon or a different style of fighting. If you want to swing a greatsword, take the feats that make sense for swinging a greatsword.
One possible thing to consider would be taking the angelic blood racial feats to get wings, because ultimately they give you wing attacks, which against your smite target will also gain your CHA to attack and your level to damage. It's one of the few genuinely awesome ways to use secondary natural attacks to your advantage.
Hope that helps.

master_marshmallow |

good start to a good build, do you have access to scion of humanity?
if so you have access to fast learner, which is pretty good
i recommend taking the trait extremely fashionable or 'prince' so you can get intimidate as a class skill and also get +1 to it and diplomacy, the 2 most important social stats
if 3.5 material is available look at battle blessing, and also ask about access to sword of the arcane order
i also recommend unsanctioned knowledge, and taking an oath, most likely vengeance because you as an aasimar have access to angel wings and can get a natural fly speed
build looks like:
traits) Extremely Fashionable (Intimidate), Other
lvl 1) Power Attack
lvl 3) Antagonize
lvl 5) Unsanctioned Knowledge
lvl 7) Battle Blessing
lvl 9) Angelic Blood
lvl 11) Angel Wings
lvl 13) Awesome Smite
do this and you will be the iconic aasimar paladin and i will link to this thread any time someone ever asks about playing a paladin ever again

master_marshmallow |

good start to a good build, do you have access to scion of humanity?
if so you have access to fast learner, which is pretty goodi recommend taking the trait extremely fashionable or 'prince' so you can get intimidate as a class skill and also get +1 to it and diplomacy, the 2 most important social stats
if 3.5 material is available look at battle blessing, and also ask about access to sword of the arcane order
i also recommend unsanctioned knowledge, and taking an oath, most likely vengeance because you as an aasimar have access to angel wings and can get a natural fly speed
build looks like:
traits) Extremely Fashionable (Intimidate), Other
lvl 1) Power Attack
lvl 3) Antagonize
lvl 5) Unsanctioned Knowledge
lvl 7) Battle Blessing
lvl 9) Angelic Blood
lvl 11) Angel Wings
lvl 13) Awesome Smitedo this and you will be the iconic aasimar paladin and i will link to this thread any time someone ever asks about playing a paladin ever again
also i would swap WIS and INT so you have the 14 for the prereq for unsanctioned, it is the best pathfinder feat for paladins

Sah |

I f*cking hate the term "cheese".
Why don't people just say what they really mean?
"I don't like it, so it should not exist, and people who like it are doody heads".
Sorry about the off topic post, but isn't that basically what the term cheese means (sans the doody head part...well sometimes)? It's a lot quicker way of saying it and I was under the impression that it is basically what the term meant.