Demon Hunter

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You said 15 15th level paldins. It sounds to me like your set to face off with demons right there. Smite chain!

The Shaman wrote:
Well, Rome wasn´t built in a day. I reckon it may be a long plan, just like her conversion of him (or does she simply not care about "converting" as long as she´s having fun)?

At this point neither has activly tried converting the other. Both have just seemed to enjoy having the other around. Theres some things they agree upon and some they dont, but conversion or combat have neither started yet. He has infromed the party if combat does ensue with her it will be him and her one on one they arent to get involved.

I'm running a campaign in which my players are about to enter a massive tomb fill with undead. The ACL of the group is 12-13 what are some good undead to throw at them in masses that wont be a simple wipe for them, but so tough that the mook mosters will destory them. Also if any you has a favorite undead cr 10-13 let me know as I'll need to sprinkle some tougher battles in to.

Yeah after a little research I'm between the musket master, and a pistolero that use a pistol and buckler.

Wow, I guess it does. It had been awhile since I read it. I don't remember it being written that clearly.

Does anyone have a suggestion as what archetype is best? Is there any must have feats besides the big 4: Rapid reload, rapid fire, precise shot, and deadly aim ?

Thanks, and yeah I have consider an archetype just wasn't sure any of them were better then plan slinger. Since you play a musket master I have a couple questions that vexed me. Musket take longer to load, but you get rapid reload free, so if you take rapid shot can you get both attacks off? Also pistolero works while because there are advanced firearms that are pistols, since there are no advanced firearms that are muskets has that presented any problems?

I'm building my first gunslinger I was wondering are there any good guides out there worth looking at?

Title says it all any tips.

Bobthedestoryer wrote:

Wow, that's pretty much a straight a-hole thing to do if you ask me.

Just plain bad gming.

I have played through Age of Worms we had a hoot with the doppelganger section. It provided a chance for so unique roleplaying chances, and the element of mistrust in the party was fun. Then they all come together and are stronger for it. Sounds like your Gm just wanted to use them to rip apart your party or eliminate a character they were having difficultly with, or didn't like.

Personally I wouldn't play under someone like that. He is the Gm what he says goes, but he can't tell you have to play. I'd remind him of that he is Gm by choice, not his choice but the groups, and stunts like that could make it change quickly.

I'll try to bring that point up, should I talk to the rest of the group I game with and see where they stand. Cause when the doppelganger version of me died it was went under water and they never saw the transformation. To the best of their knowledge it was my actual character.

Quantum Steve wrote:

He just killed your character? How is that fun for anybody? I'm all for realism, (NPCs doing thing because that's what they would do, not because it's better for the game) but the gangers could just of easily held your PC hostage or something.

Actually, if it was me, and I'm not one to give out plot immunity, but your ganger would totally have had it. The way that story is written to unfold is just too cool to have it wrecked by a bad die roll.

And then he kills your PC on to[ of it. Sheesh.

Really not that fun, and like I said before its also like I got further penalized by having to make a new character by the standard. That put me behind the party by 3/4 level and about half the equipment I had. I feel what he did was basically the same as sitting down and being like ok John your character had a heart attack in their sleep roll a new one.

Matthew Downie wrote:
Touc wrote:
Through no decision, fault, or die roll, a character you created was removed from the game, and that's unfair.

I think from the GM's viewpoint, you were controlling an exact copy of your player character and you got it killed. If you'd been controlling the original character you'd presumably have got it killed in the same way and you wouldn't have got it back, so in a sense it's 'fair'. [/QUOTE

I was running late to the session on which my doppleganger died.
I walked in on the second round of a four on one beat down by invisible stalkers that was pretty much games rr for the doppleganger me. I don't feel I could have stopped and since he chose to attack the me so maliciously kinda his fault it died.

I plan to talk to him about this today. Hopefully he can see what he did was a little unfair.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

D&d another classic the beholder !

If anyone else would like to comment please do. I might show him this thread as kinda a way to see from the outside in how it looks.

FallofCamelot wrote:


That's... harsh.

Not cool at all. If you die by your own action then that's fine but death by GM fiat? Not good.

I've also run this bit of Age of Worms, it's made clear that the whole point is for some fun roleplaying and the player should not be punished for saying yes to this.

Protest to your GM. (S)He is being unreasonable.

I didn't get an option of saying yes or not, but since he said I was taken and wouldn't be penialized I was ok could be fun rp. I was apperantly wrong.

Any ideas on how to approach it?

Vamptastic wrote:
Does your DM usually do stuff like this?

No he is pretty cut throat, but this is the first something like these has gone down.

So we are playing age of worms ( spoilers ahead), and we have reach the part after the marsh where the dopplegangers come into play. My gm informed that I had been captured and was now a doppleganger. There was no dice rolling or anything, but I'm all for a good story so I was ok that sounds kewl. He told me to go ahead and keep tracking exp and everything as I normally would as not to penalize my character. Well a little bit further in the path me as a doppleganger got killed in combat, so I rolled a new character to tag along assuming they would find my original character still, and when we reroll the start a half level behind lowest party member so that made my new gut about 3/4 behind where my original was and short about 5,000 gp in equipment. At this point I still didn't mind as I thought we would recover my normal character so finally, outside of the game I asked him about it. He said after the doppleganger died they change there tactics I wasn't needed so they killed me. No dice were ever rolled and no rp done for her he just kinda said they caught you and now they kill you. I just wanted to vent a bit and see what other people thought of this cause I kinda feel like I got punished somehow for trying to help him make a better story.

Ok how do I move it

Lol that might work.

So we ate ply age of worms ( spoilers ahead), and we have reach the part after the marsh where the dopplegangers come into play. My gm informed that I had been captured and was now a doppleganger. There was no dice rolling or anything, but I'm all for a good story so I was ok that sounds kewl. He told me to go ahead and keep tracking exp and everything as I normally would as not to penalize my character. Well a little bit further in the path me as a doppleganger got killed in combat, so I rolled a new character to tag along assuming they would find my original character still, and when we Reroll the start a half level behind lowest party member so that made my new gut about 3/4 behind where my original was and short about 5,000 gp in equipment. At this point I still didn't mon as I thought we would recover my normal character, so finally outside of the game I asked him about it. He said after the doppleganger died they change there Tatics I wasn't needed so they killed me. No dice were ever rolled and no rp done for her he just kinda said they caught you and now they kill you. I just wanted to vent a bit and see what other people thought of this cause I kinda feel like I got punished somehow for trying to help him make a better story.

Lord Pendragon wrote:
Calybos1 wrote:

Why would he, when his actions weren't 'betrayal' at all? Unless you consider turning in your neighbor for kidnapping 'betrayal' too....

It's a bit more serious than that. The players burned down an empty house so it couldn't be used again by evil. They didn't kidnap someone. And they were the paladin's boon companions--similar to fellow soldiers in the same company during wartime--not just neighbors.

My point, though, was that loyalty is a big part of honor and being a paladin. I find it odd that this paladin thought nothing of turning on his party over something minor. And even if the crime had been serious--the kidnapping you mentioned or torture or something--I can't imagine turning on your brothers-in-arms as something that wouldn't cause the paladin some grief.

Or at least my paladin, as always with paladin threads, YMMV. ;) [/QUOTE)

Honor is doing what's right even when it's hard ie turning in friends.
The building set in the middle of a part of town. So 1. It's illegal to burn builds 2. It's no close to possible innocent people 3. A building can't be evil in itself. But as we all know gazzebos can be :)

No he didnt because he felt he was completely in the right course of action considering what they did.

I feel that any paladin code question is strictly between gm and player. If they cant work together than instil a no paladin rule at the table.

I Play a paladin often my dm would never require me to commit suicide to keep my paladinhood but with that being said my paladins have been know to self sacrice for the greater good or to protect innocents if he feels it will do that.

Playing a paladin has sometimes caused intresting situations to come up in party. For example in a recent game my pally and his mostly neutal aligned party cleared a bad guys keep, and the party wanted to burn it to the ground so that it may never be used for evil again ( they just wanted to set fire to something). I said no. It might not have been an issue but the building set in the middle of the lower districts in town.
They preceeded to set it on fire and run off to the next leg of the adventure. Well my paladin decided not to go with them and waited for the athorties, and when they arivved he took the to his party and fingered them for the fire. Just because they wanted to do something that was 1. against the law and 2. could but innocents in danger didn't mean he had to fight them to the death or just suck it up. He then told the group they had a job to finish and rejoin to fight the evil ahead, but they understood that he was for real in his morals and paladin isnt a shiny title you slap on to gain smite evil and great saves.

I have a question how did your character get enough by 8Th lvl to afford his equipment? By damage out put not broken by wealth to level stradards shattered.

What book is mammoth rider in?

I'm a switch hitter ranger with two levels of urban bar bar. We are playing rotrl anniversy ed. Thanks everyone for the good ideas and keep them coming if you got em.

We are fighting lots of gaints so room shouldnt be a problem, and 3 out of 5 party members can fly.

I'm playing my frist ranger and I have taken boon companion feat, also my dm has open up all animal companions to my access not just the smal list in ranger section. I'm level 9 since i have never played a class with an animal companion before i'm try to decide best route to go. I'm leaning toward a t-rex for massive damge over other companion, or a roc ok damage but a flying mount to ride. Was wondering what others thought, and if they prefer some other companion and why. Also would like to know if there are any must have feats or tricks for companion ie: like power attack for fighters. Thank you in advance.

I'm building a 9th level bar bar that focus all on damage. any suggestion on rage abilites, feats and equipment? All soruce books avilable.

I thank you all for the suggestions, but those are still replacing not stacking with. Maybe there isnt a way?

True my dm let us roll to see if get the 1/100 chance for two, but either way we get to pick.

Trade your spell like abilites for a bonus +2 to either str or cha, thats also in blood of angels. You turn out even more damage as the sword arm of your god then!

Right but it is also a triat theat replaces spell like abilites of the base class so hopefully they'd give you something for that. Its seems the vauge wordy of it makes it kinda hard to see what its meant to do.

Does magic vestment stack from armour and shield. I think I rember our dm say once before it did not.

Anybody else have one, I know there been more butts kicked then this in paizos aps.

For our group it seems that the eryines at the begining of book four of COT was just mean.

What would buy/make if you had a 11th lvl cleric/ 1st lvl pally, and around 150,000 gold plus the craft arms armor, rods, wonderous items feats.

So Dark y wouldn't you go middle age to give the extra +1 to primiry casting stat?

Thanks sounds like it is worth taking a look at. I had my resavations about it because ss went horrible for us, three sessions stuck on the island and my group voted thet hated the ap and wanted something new lol.

I have considered buying and runing this ap. I was wonder what people that have ran it or played in it have thought about it?

So we rolled stats (4d6 drop the lowest. I ended up having 17,16,15,15,13,& 8. I think I'm going elf wizard thessioloanin specialist necromancy(debuff style wizard). I'm going to splash some battlefeild control in when possible. Any suggesst on stat placement and build tree?

Thats a good list thank you. I looked at trentmonks wizard guide, but it hasn't been updated for apg, um, or uc. Didn't know if any of them had any must have low level spells, but it appears the stables haven't changed. Thanks for the help.

I looked at grease wouldn't hamper the party as well?

I'm going to be playing a battlefield control deuffing style wizard. I do not play casters often, and was wondering about evryone favorite or most used low level spells :ie spell levels 0-2.

Thank you thats some solid ideas.

Any suggestions on how to make a low level wizard viable in combat you know lvls 1-3 ish before the spells start to get good?

NobodysHome wrote:

Considering there is an entire thread dedicated as to whether or not this AP can be completed without a wizard in the party...

(The answer is, "Yes, but the wizard loot is so cool that you'll cry if you're not playing one...)

That makes a very convincing wizard arguement. Any suggested traits or skills i should have?

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Oni-Spawn Tiefling Titan Mauler Barbarian, with the over-sized limbs alternate racial trait, and the Superior Clutch Race trait.

Wield large sized weapons without penalty, which you will come across often. Wield them with fury.

Is all that in the advanced race guide?

Anything pathfinder is allowed.

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