Shows that should not have been cancelled after 1 season.


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Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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PsychoticWarrior wrote:
Magic Square wrote:

The Dresden Files

Ugh - only if they promised to recast/rewrite every single character on it including Dresden (the guy had the look but Dresden was never a whiny emo in the books). And Susan/Karin were completely miscast to the point where one should have been playing the others role.

I liked Paul Blackthorn in that role. Though I do understand why they recast the Blue Beetle. You're in the black about the Susan/Karin thing.

And I still 'hear' Bob as Terrance Mann when I read the books.

(aside, I want to see Captain Lance beat someone with a Hockey Stick in Arrow, just because.)

Ellery Queen

Detect Magic wrote:
Definitely "The Dresden Files." Very much enjoyed it, even if it varied from the novels (in fact, I'm glad it was different; had it remained the same it would have bored me to death).

I have no problem with new and different stories being told in the Dresden universe. I just wanted them to use the actual characters from the novels is all.

The TV series and the books were similar in name only. Did you not see the pilot where Dresden is *literally* blubbering into his beer about some BS to do with his dad? It just got worse from there.

Grand Magus wrote:
Star Trek Revenge

??Linky please? Google isn't finding it.

Pirates of dark water, 21 episodes but it still qualifies i think. If it doesnt, oh well bunch of jerks cancelling my favorite cartoon *grumble grumble*

No Ordinary Family

It was kinda cornball but I really enjoyed watching it, and the cliffhanger at the end contained the makings of a REALLY freakin' good second season.

But that 2-3 episode stretch in the middle where nothin' much happened pretty much killed its viewership, so down it went.

I don't think there are any Brit shows that qualify as having two seasons other than Eastenders and Dr. Who. 6 episodes is not a 'season'. [/hyperbole]

Jim Groves wrote:
Flash Forward - What? I liked it. Couldn't follow it? Not my problem, I could.

I tried this show and got really bored. It wasn't that I couldn't follow it, it was that there was nothing to follow. I'll watch a bad show sometimes, but I won't watch a boring show.

The Adventures of Brisco County Jr
- One of the cleverest (and most entertaining) tv series ever.

The Adventures of Nero Wolfe (two short seasons)
- From back when A&E put more than crap on television. It's even better than Granada's Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes series (and I know Holmes..)

Irontruth wrote:

I don't think there are any Brit shows that qualify as having two seasons other than Eastenders and Dr. Who. 6 episodes is not a 'season'. [/hyperbole]

That's why they are called "series".

Liberty's Edge

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
Grand Magus wrote:
Star Trek Revenge
??Linky please? Google isn't finding it.

I'm a HUGE Star Trek fan and I've never heard of this either. I'm guessing it might be one of those unofficial, fan produced online shows or something ...

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

The Black Donnellys

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The Good Guys

{Seriously-- that show was WAY more fun than it had any right to be!)

Haladir wrote:

The Good Guys

{Seriously-- that show was WAY more fun than it had any right to be!)

Yes, I completely forgot about that one.

I don't even know WHY that one didn't pull in more viewers.

HolmesandWatson wrote:

The Adventures of Brisco County Jr

- One of the cleverest (and most entertaining) tv series ever.

I miss Jack of All Trades myself.

Benoc wrote:

Pirates of dark water, 21 episodes but it still qualifies i think. If it doesnt, oh well bunch of jerks cancelling my favorite cartoon *grumble grumble*

That was a good show. If you liked less serious animation, there was Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys as an amusing science-fiction spoof.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Dead Last

Dark Archive

Irontruth wrote:
I don't think there are any Brit shows that qualify as having two seasons other than Eastenders and Dr. Who. 6 episodes is not a 'season'. [/hyperbole]

Umm, 'Spooks'? 10 series, 83 episodes and a spin-off.

drayen wrote:
Irontruth wrote:
I don't think there are any Brit shows that qualify as having two seasons other than Eastenders and Dr. Who. 6 episodes is not a 'season'. [/hyperbole]
Umm, 'Spooks'? 10 series, 83 episodes and a spin-off.

I was hoping to try to head off a complete listing of all British tv shows with more than 24 episodes with the inclusion of "[/hyperbole]".


Nowhere Man


Babylon 5: Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Grey Lensman wrote:
HolmesandWatson wrote:

The Adventures of Brisco County Jr

- One of the cleverest (and most entertaining) tv series ever.
I miss Jack of All Trades myself.

I have Jack on DVD, but it's a little high on the cheesy side. LOVE the theme song though.

Have you read Bruce's autobiography, If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Actor? It is just about the best autobio I've read. He is beyond hilarious. If you're a borderline Bruce fan when you read it, you'll walk away all in.

Guy is a great asset to Burn Notice. Longest lasting tv show he's been on.

Did we stop Counting?
24. Crusade
And the reverse of all of this SG:U.....scratch that it made it to 2 seasons.

Truly, Firefly should not have been cancelled after the first season.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Truly, Firefly should not have been cancelled after the first season.

Ok, who hijacked Freehold's account.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am surprised no one has mentioned -

The Tick - Live action not the cartoon.

Matthew Morris wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Truly, Firefly should not have been cancelled after the first season.
Ok, who hijacked Freehold's account.

What? It's true, I Freehold Dungeon Master, truly do not think the show Firefly should have been cancelled after the first season. In fact, I don't think it should ever have been cancelled at all!

Shadow Lodge

It really is a new era.

Scarab Sages

Wait for it...

Freehold DM wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Truly, Firefly should not have been cancelled after the first season.
Ok, who hijacked Freehold's account.
What? It's true, I Freehold Dungeon Master, truly do not think the show Firefly should have been cancelled after the first season. In fact, I don't think it should ever have been cancelled at all!

That way Whedon would be stuck making those shows and you'd know exactly how to avoid him at all times?

Liberty's Edge

Anyone remember The Kindred? That was a cool show that should have gotten moe than one seaon!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Marc Radle wrote:
Anyone remember The Kindred? That was a cool show that should have gotten moe than one seaon!

It suffered Actor existance failure. Though it also introduced the beautiful Brigid Brannagh to my viewing pleasure.

25 Quark

26 Fantastic Journey

27 Man From Atlantis

28 The Time Tunnel

29 UFO (Gerry Anderson)

Gerry Anderson has said that UFO season 2 was initially going to be more focused on Moonbase--it eventually evolved into Space:1999.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

30. Wonderfalls.

31. The Loop (technically, it had a season 2, but it was totally changed).

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Here's an odd duck. Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future.

Matthew Morris wrote:
Here's an odd duck. Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future.


One of my favorite shows. LOVED it. Going to look for it on netflix/hulu now.

Irontruth wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Truly, Firefly should not have been cancelled after the first season.
Ok, who hijacked Freehold's account.
What? It's true, I Freehold Dungeon Master, truly do not think the show Firefly should have been cancelled after the first season. In fact, I don't think it should ever have been cancelled at all!
That way Whedon would be stuck making those shows and you'd know exactly how to avoid him at all times?

There IS that yes...I like that idea.

However, it's hard to cancel something that never aired in the first place.


[Throws things at FHDM]

Scarab Sages

Tadaaaa.... (That was exactly what I meant with 'wait for it')

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Freehold DM wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
Here's an odd duck. Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future.


One of my favorite shows. LOVED it. Going to look for it on netflix/hulu now.

They have it on DVD.

Aside, I'm watching it and going "Biologial Warfare. PTSD. Genocide. How did I miss all this as a kid?" *sees Jessica Steen in armoured spandex* "Ah, that's how."

Now if only I knew how to rip wavs from the DVDs. I could have my phone say "Power level, 10% of maximum. Warning possible system disruption! Recharge Immediately!" when the battery gets low. :P

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Holy crap, nobody has mentioned Rubicon yet.





RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Pan Am. It was cheesy and soap opera-y to the nines but I enjoyed it and it had a lot of potential--enough that should have warranted it getting more time to flesh itself out. Even if it had been renewed for spring (it only got its inaugural 13 episodes) I think it would have had a chance to become something pretty interesting. The spy stories were fun, however over the top (I actually liked them the more over the top they were) and I liked some of the romance subplots, as well as the subplot of the girl trying to escape being expected to marry. I didn't like the political plot with the one stewardess whose actress's well known name is escaping me, but I don't think they had a good handle on that character as well as the others. But I think they also could have fixed that with time.

Firefly. Firefly. Firefly. 1000 X firefly.

Sovereign Court

Gotta say Firefly, though Pirates of Dark Water was awfully good.

I did like the pirates.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Firefly. Firefly. Firefly. 1000 X firefly.

Joss would love to bring it back.

A highly regarded expert wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Firefly. Firefly. Firefly. 1000 X firefly.
Joss would love to bring it back.

This much later I'm not sure it would work. It's become a cult favorite. They have to somehow reboot and use different characters, but keep the flavor. That's a bigger challenge than creating the original.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

2 people marked this as a favorite.
A highly regarded expert wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Firefly. Firefly. Firefly. 1000 X firefly.
Joss would love to bring it back.

Oh dear freaking lord. Now my friends will never shut up.

Firefly was a show where the fandom utterly ruined it for me. It wasn't a bad show in itself--I didn't find it anything spectacular, and in several ways a total ripoff of Outlaw Star*--but its characters were mostly likeable and it had some fun stories, and it was a clever take on a space opera (even if not original). For its own sake, I do wish its network had treated it better and it had the original airing it had deserved.

But OH MY GOD its fans DO NOT SHUT UP and never stop getting in your face about how awesome it is and how much I MUST LOVE IT OR DIE which just makes me want to punch them, Joss Whedon, and anyone ever involved in the show in the face. (Note: DeathQuaker has crazy levels of PMS today so will tend to threaten violence over the drop of a hat. Seriously, do not drop that f$##ing hat. Or it may at least cause her to be cranky and exaggerate a lot.)

Hyberbole aside, I find the fanaticism irritating and it makes it hard for me to enjoy it.

I settle for when people bring it up, talking about how my favorite scene in Serenity is when Wash died, how much I loved his shocked face and the little blood gurgle that followed when they realized he'd been impaled (which is in fact my favorite part of the movie. The emotional manipulativeness of that scene is gorgeous). That won't shut the fans up, but it's fun to watch them splutter. It's the one scene most Browncoats hate with a passion, and they don't know what to do when I'm praising Joss Whedon's amazing artistry but it's regarding a character they didn't want to see die. (And yet when I complain about Tara or Fred or Anya I'm told that's just what was supposed to happen, and I should shut up and put up with it. Did I say I hated Firefly fans? Whedon fans in general drive me up the wall. Even though I guess technically I am one since I like some of his stuff, but still.)

* Outlaw Star is about a space cowboy on the run from the authorities that be (in this case space pirates, but ones with a lot of political and military power) in a beat up old spaceship, and as he gathers a crew together of well intentioned and spunky misfits, he finds a naked chick in a box who turns out to be a secret experiment everybody wants. Its differences are that being an anime, it involves catgirls and badass samurai chicks, and there's more gratuitous nakedness.

True. The originals are all older now, and Nathan's put on a little weight. The wimmens are still hot, though.

They'd probably do it like Star Trek. If they brought back that universe in any shape or form, though, I'd watch it.

*Ninja'd by DQ's nattering nabobs of negativity. ;)

DeathQuaker wrote:
A highly regarded expert wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Firefly. Firefly. Firefly. 1000 X firefly.
Joss would love to bring it back.

Oh dear freaking lord. Now my friends will never shut up.

Firefly was a show where the fandom utterly ruined it for me. It wasn't a bad show in itself--I didn't find it anything spectacular, and in several ways a total ripoff of Outlaw Star*--but its characters were mostly likeable and it had some fun stories, and it was a clever take on a space opera (even if not original). For its own sake, I do wish its network had treated it better and it had the original airing it had deserved.

But OH MY GOD its fans DO NOT SHUT UP and never stop getting in your face about how awesome it is and how much I MUST LOVE IT OR DIE which just makes me want to punch them, Joss Whedon, and anyone ever involved in the show in the face. (Note: DeathQuaker has crazy levels of PMS today so will tend to threaten violence over the drop of a hat. Seriously, do not drop that f#&~ing hat. Or it may at least cause her to be cranky and exaggerate a lot.)

Hyberbole aside, I find the fanaticism irritating and it makes it hard for me to enjoy it.

I settle for when people bring it up, talking about how my favorite scene in Serenity is when Wash died, how much I loved his shocked face and the little blood gurgle that followed when they realized he'd been impaled (which is in fact my favorite part of the movie. The emotional manipulativeness of that scene is gorgeous). That won't shut the fans up, but it's fun to watch them splutter. It's the one scene most Browncoats hate with a passion, and they don't know what to do when I'm praising Joss Whedon's amazing artistry but it's regarding a character they didn't want to see die. (And yet when I complain about Tara or Fred or Anya I'm told that's just what was supposed to happen, and I should shut up and put up with it. Did I say I hated...

You're dead to me. :-)

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
You're dead to me. :-)

*slowly chases Tiny Coffee Golem, flesh dripping off* Braaaains... no, Coffeeeeeeee.....

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