OberonViking |
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I'd take a one-level-dip into Cleric because as a Theologian Archetype with the Liberation Domain I'd get three rounds/day of Freedom of Movement ("This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies."), a +2 Will save and enough casting and Channelling to keep myself healed, as well as a few Orisons. It also gives me Medium armour and Shield proficiency.
The only drawback is the +0 BAB.
Ideal for any class. I'd take it with a Fighter, Rogue, Magus or dedicated spellcaster (or any class really).

Quandary |
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Monk. For anybody wanting Imp Grapple, get it in one level along with good Saves, better UAS damage, 'ETC'.
2 level dip optional, likewise with Archetypes (which can change the benefits, but still often very useful)
starting with Monk at 1st level removes potential Alignment issues if you don't take Martial Artist which removes Alignment issues anyways (or other options to change Alignment restrictions)
(you've already strayed from Monk and can't progress, but retain all abilities)
lose 1 BAB, which is regained if you Flurry (only UAS/Monk Weapons, only in no armor), d8 HD (hurts a bit more at 1st level)

ashern |
I'd take a one level dip in urban barbarian for any finesse character, especially a scimitar/dervish build. The extra dex from rage gives you +2 to hit/damage/reflex/initiative. It also has full BAB and extra HP. The only downside is not progressing other class features.
I would take a 1-2 level dip in Oracle, specifically a lame metal oracle. A barbarian who can heal himself without umd, and who can cast enlarge person and lead blades? All of a sudden your greatsword is doing 4d6 damage at level 3. The only downside is that you give up 1 BAB and delay pouncing/CAGM for two levels.

Bearded Ben |

I'd take a one-level-dip in alchemist because +4 dex and +2 natural armor for 10 min is always nice, as is casting shield and true strike and using healing wands; the only drawback is 1 BAB lost, -1 Will save while mutagened, d8 HD. Ideal for any finesse character, especially those with a free hand to drink extracts with.

John-Andre |

Alchemist is a good 2-level dip for almost any character with a decent Intelligence score. Especially in PFS games, where you get Extra Bombs feat instead of Brew Potion. Why? BOMBS. With an Int of 14, you get something like six bombs per day, each doing 1d6+Int mod damage in a direct attack, and Int Mod + 1 splash damage. Six free uses of Alchemist's Fire? Awesome for swarms. And your 2nd level discovery, take Frost bombs, Acid bombs, Concussive bombs... what, they have resistance to fire? Do they have resistance to sonic?
Alchemist is a great 2-level dip for Gunslingers, especially Pistoleros. Take for your first Discovery, Tentacle. Now you have a limb free for reloading, allowing you to use two one-handed firearms. Plus hey, bombs.

AndIMustMask |

i'd take a 1-level dip in paladin because smite and detect evil, d10 hd, full bab, all armors and shields (sans tower). and the only drawback i can see is one level less in whatever class you were previously (duh), an alignment restriction, the 2+int skill points kinda hurts it, as does the low reflex.
though personally it seems more 2- or 3-level dippy, for channel, divine health, and LoH.
ideal for melee attackers, since smite can help bypass DR, and LoH (with a bigger dip) can alleviate some need for healing/statuses.
much of the same can be said for cavailer/samurai as well, but with 2 more skill points, less will, and a free mount and teamwork feat that you can share, without the alignment restriction

StreamOfTheSky |

Cleric gets you 2 domain powers and cleric spell item use.
Crossblooded Sorc gives you two bloodline powers and stuff.
Dawnflower Dervish Bard gives Dervish Dance (and since it gives dex to hit, saves you a feat on weapon finesse, effectively). And a battle dance for +2 attack/damage. And bard spell item use. And lots of class skills.
Divine Hunter Paladin gives you free Precise Shot, Paladin spell item use, and a 1/day smite to ignore a foe's DR.
Freebooter Trapper Ranger gives you an at will move action to give all allies +1 attack/damage on a designated foe, trapfinding, and disable device as class skill. Or do w/o trapper, remove the trapfinding/DD bit and replace w/ Ranger spell item use.
Oracle 1 can give various useful curses/revelations. Most notably Lame for a barbarian. Water Sight revelation lets a sneak attacker get a full attack ranged SA just by standing in obscuring mist and removes fog spells as a thorn in your side as well. Dual-Cursed lets you grab Misfortune, which can be used to mess up enemies AND help allies/self and is pretty awesome. Oh, and cleric spell item use.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

I like barbarian for the speed boost, bit-o-rage, and the weapon proficiencies and hit points, especially if you are going eldritch knight or fighty skill monkey or fighty divine caster.
I also think 2 to 4 levels of rogue are good for warrior types: Evasion and good Reflex, some sneak attack, uncanny dodge, lots of skills, some rogue talents, all for the loss of 1 point of BAB.
Some levels in divine casting can help a fighter type too.

Shuriken Nekogami |
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monk 1. +2 to 3 saves, improved unarmed strike, stunning fist, increased unarmed damage, a free feat you can ignore the prerequisites upon, and a bunch of useful class skills (perception, sense motive, acrobatics, climb, swim, and religious knowledge) a level sacrificed for a hit die that grants 7 feats.
cleric 1. 2 domain powers, a free martial or exotic weapon proficiency, cleric item use, a religious title that can help in legal scenarios, a few free healing potions per day, channel, orisons. +2 to fortitude and will saves.

JasonKain |

Lore Warden Fighter. Feat, 1 point of BAB, 4 Skill points, and all Int-based skills as class skills. Hard to go wrong for any martial character who'd like a bit more variance to his skill pool.
Ninja. A bunch of exotic weapons, 8 skill points, and a bunch of the best skills as class skills, just in case you didn't have them already.

Viktyr Gehrig |

One level in Witch gives you a hex. One hex allows you to take more hexes as feats. Good hexes that don't depend on your Witch level:
- Feral Speech
- Flight (feather fall at-will)
- Water Lung
One level in Witch and one feat and you're immune to falling and drowning.
I'm fond of Monk 1 for any high-Wisdom character. It's especially tasty on Soulknives. Monk 3 gives you Evasion and a speed boost.
Soulbolt 2 is good for anyone that fights, especially Rogues. Take Mind Daggers as your bladeskill and Snap Shot as a Rogue Talent.
A more serious combatant, especially an archer, can benefit from Soulbolt 3/Soul Archer 1. The Soulbolt archetype makes the Soul Archer prerequisites freebies-- and most Rangers have good Wisdom scores. Even if they have a magic bow to use, the mind arrow makes an effective (and surprising) backup.

Mysterious Stranger |

When Playing a Ranger I could see taking a 1 level dip into rogue for sneak attack, trap finding and class skills. This is all I need from the rogue class so further levels don't really matter. The only drawback is the loss of +1 BAB. I could maybe see taking 1 more level to get access to rogue talents but that would be it.

Viktyr Gehrig |

When Playing a Ranger I could see taking a 1 level dip into rogue for sneak attack, trap finding and class skills. This is all I need from the rogue class so further levels don't really matter. The only drawback is the loss of +1 BAB. I could maybe see taking 1 more level to get access to rogue talents but that would be it.
Take one, you might as well take three. You've already given up your capstone and you only lose one point of BAB for four levels.

Gobo Horde |
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2 level dip in horizon walker
gets exhaustion immunity (via desert favorite terrain)
Ideal for barbarian classes taking roused anger
An easy way to ragecycle, immunity to exhaustion, psudo immunity to fatigue (or perma fatigue if you look at it that way)
Works great with furious finish allowing you do do large single target damage and great with raging leaper.
1 lvl Mammoth rider
grants huge mount! bonus stats for mount.
great for some mounted classes (mounted fury comes to mind)
size can be limiting, can be really limiting...

sunbeam |
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Alchemist is a good 2-level dip for almost any character with a decent Intelligence score. Especially in PFS games, where you get Extra Bombs feat instead of Brew Potion. Why? BOMBS. With an Int of 14, you get something like six bombs per day, each doing 1d6+Int mod damage in a direct attack, and Int Mod + 1 splash damage. Six free uses of Alchemist's Fire? Awesome for swarms. And your 2nd level discovery, take Frost bombs, Acid bombs, Concussive bombs... what, they have resistance to fire? Do they have resistance to sonic?
Alchemist is a great 2-level dip for Gunslingers, especially Pistoleros. Take for your first Discovery, Tentacle. Now you have a limb free for reloading, allowing you to use two one-handed firearms. Plus hey, bombs.
That is a DISTURBING mental image. Some Clint Eastwood "Man with No Name" type, cigar in his mouth, and an... appendage.
With gun.

Orthos |

John-Andre wrote:Alchemist is a good 2-level dip for almost any character with a decent Intelligence score. Especially in PFS games, where you get Extra Bombs feat instead of Brew Potion. Why? BOMBS. With an Int of 14, you get something like six bombs per day, each doing 1d6+Int mod damage in a direct attack, and Int Mod + 1 splash damage. Six free uses of Alchemist's Fire? Awesome for swarms. And your 2nd level discovery, take Frost bombs, Acid bombs, Concussive bombs... what, they have resistance to fire? Do they have resistance to sonic?
Alchemist is a great 2-level dip for Gunslingers, especially Pistoleros. Take for your first Discovery, Tentacle. Now you have a limb free for reloading, allowing you to use two one-handed firearms. Plus hey, bombs.
That is a DISTURBING mental image. Some Clint Eastwood "Man with No Name" type, cigar in his mouth, and an... appendage.
With gun.
Children have begun being born strange ever since the world has Moved On.

Krigare |

Can someone help me out with something... If you want to multi class Paladin and Cleric is it better to go mostly Cleric with a Paladin dip or vice versa? And what about splitting them evenly, how does that work out?
I've done a 3 level paladin dip for a log cleric before. Wasn't to bad, but honestly, 2 levels probably would have been just as good.
I'd imagine it depends on what your trying to do.