The big hit build


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I have to say I love that cav build that pirate posted since it is easily playable at all levels.

I would prefer a wolf with a collar of reduce animal but that is custom item. Also that stats are just two extreme. How much would it hurt to go 16 str and cha?

Feather step deals with difficult terrain and is easy to get so you do not need to worry about style feats.

With trick riding and mounted skirmisher you could full attack with this build easily enough but it will already make your DM cry.

A question for all builds in this thread.

What can we do about miss chance and other non-AC related defenses against melee attacks? Blink and displacement and mirror image are not that uncommon.

strayshift wrote:
Magda Luckbender wrote:

I'm curious why few of these builds have featured hitting hard with a two handed reach weapon. If you're going for a "hit hard once" build, then using a reach weapon (and Combat Reflexes) will let you "hit hard once" at anything that tries to get close. That gives you multiple iterative "hit hard once" attacks.

For example, an optimized Two Hand Weapon Fighter using a polearm can hit pretty hard. Dip one level of Cleric to get the Growth domain for Quickened Enlarge Person, so you can be Large whenever you need to be. You won't do as much damage in one hit as the more exotic options (like the Druid wildshaped to Crystal Ooze form), but you will get AoOs at anything that tries to approach within 25+ feet. Versus multiple foes your damage output will be very high, and you will also be able to protect your allies.

A great sword does slightly more damage than, say, a bardiche, but the loss of AoOs does not seem worth it.

The character I am currently playing is precisely this - a 2h fighter with a Lucerne Hammer (d12) and whilst he is just 2nd level (Armoured Hulk Barbarian) he will hurt things with reach, lunge and enlarge. However it is the AC that takes the hit from this approach (-2 each from enlarge and lunge, and in my case also rage). But in a few levels time he will be capable of 100+ damage/round, and will be getting the vital strike chain also.

lunge at second level?

WILL get Lunge, slight grammatical error on my part if you re-read the sentence I am sure you will realise it as such - currently have reach and rely on Englarge for a 15' reach - but 3d6+12 damage stops/dents most things at 2nd level and that level of reach makes the threat of an A.o.O. quite potent and our party 'scout' much more effective due to flanking.

I was contemplating using a familiar to deliver Lead Blades; that whole you share spells with your familiar concept when it dawned on me.

Familiar's probably don't share spells with you.

Share Spells:
The wizard may cast a spell with a target of “You” on his familiar (as a touch spell) instead of on himself. A wizard may cast spells on his familiar even if the spells do not normally affect creatures of the familiar's type (magical beast).

Otherwise a familiar could UMD a wand of Lead Blades on his owner. Shame.


1. Weapon Focus: Lance, Mounted Combat, Combat Casting
3. Power Attack, Magus Arcana: Arcane Accuracy,
4. Perfect Strike
5. Ride-By Attack, Spirited Charge
6. Magus Arcana: Empowered Magic
7. Weapon Specialization
9. Vital Strike, Magus Arcana: Enduring Blade
11. Death And Glory, Combat Reflexes
12. Magus Arcana: Maximized Magic

I like this for a strong one hit.

Maximized Lance Damage x3, Maximized Empowered Vampiric Touch, +4 Attack and Damage from Death and Glory, +2 Weapon Special, Power Attack, Weapon Enhancements from Spell Pool

Druide 8, Barb 5

Improved Vital Strike, Giant Hippo Form+Strong Jaw = 38d8 +STR a round.

Grand Lodge

BiosTheo wrote:

Druide 8, Barb 5

Improved Vital Strike, Giant Hippo Form+Strong Jaw = 38d8 +STR a round.

Do you have a full build?

By my calculations:

4d8 (behemoth hippo) -> 8d8 (Strong Jaw) -> 24d8 (Improved Vital Strike).

38d8 seems a bit high...


Oops so I forgot Improved Natural Attack and thats a pretty key part. Heres a full build BUT WARNING!!!! This doesn't come into effect until around level 13 but you can do plenty of things as a brawly druid before this. Also, this is for a Level 14 build that I built to fight my min-maxing PCs and I don't feel like truncating it down from the 25 point buy in that it started at.

Also, this only gets better as you take Greater Vital Strike.

Druid 8/ Barbaian 6

AC – 42 (+14 armor, +1 Dex, +4 deflection, +1 insight, +5 natural, +7 shield); +2 dodge bonus vs. traps
HP – 210 (238 When Raged)
FORT – 24 (26 When Raged); REF – 13; WILL – 17 (19 When Raged); +4 vs. fey/plant magic, +2 vs. traps
Defensive Abilities: improved uncanny dodge, resist nature’s lure, trap sense +2

Speed 20 ft. (4 squares); run ×3

Melee mwk flail +20/+13/+10 (1d8+8) or

mwk heavy shield +20/+13/+10 (1d4+8)

Ranged by weapon +20/+13/+10

Special Attacks pounce (1/day), rage (22 rounds/day), rage powers (greater guarded life 14, moment of clarity), Wild shape 4/day

Druid Spells Prepared (CL 8th; Concentration +10)
4th-level (3/day) – aspect of the stag, strong jaw (2)
3rd-level (4/day) – blood scent, communal resist energy, haste, ward of the season
2nd-level (5/day) – animal messenger, chameleon stride, eagle eye, lesser restoration, tree shape
1st-level (6/day) – ant haul, commune with birds, detect animals or plants, mount, speak with animals, stone shield
0-level (at will) – create water, detect magic, guidance, light
Domain Plains

STR – (23 + 6) 29; DEX – 16; CON – (20 + 6) 26; INT – 14; WIS – 16; CHA – 14
BAB +12/+7/+2; CMB - +21 CMD – 40

Feats – Power Attack, Craft Wondrous Item, Endurance, Furious Finish, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Vital Strike, Natural Spell, Vital Strike, Wild Speech

Climb +27, Knowledge (arcana) +20, Knowledge (nature) +20, Perception +20, Spellcraft +20, Survival +22, Swim +25, Fly +20; Armor Check Penalty –6

SQ - fast movement, migrating herd, nature bond (plains domain), nature sense, sacred tattoo, shaman’s apprentice, skilled, trackless step, weapon familiarity, wild empathy +6, woodland stride

Combat Gear potion sponges of fly (4); Other Gear+5wild dragonhide plate, +5wild heavy dragonhide shield, amulet of natural armor+5, belt of physical perfection+6, boots of the cat, druid’s vestments, dusty rose prism ioun stone, gloves of swimming and climbing, holly and mistletoe, masterwork heavy flail, polymorphic pouch, ring of protection +5, Ring of Force Fang, Cloak of Resistance +5, spell component pouch, tender (570gp)

Behemoth Hippopotamus Form

Languages: Common, Druidic, Orc, Fey, Elven, Undercommon

AC – 50, touch 16, flat-footed 47 (+14 armor, +3 Dex, +4 deflection, +1 insight, +13 natural, +7 shield, –2 size); +2 dodge bonus vs. traps
HP – 210 (238 When Raged)
FORT – 24 (26 When Raged); REF – 13; WILL – 17 (19 When Raged); +4 vs. fey/plant magic, +2 vs. traps
Defensive Abilities: improved uncanny dodge, resist nature’s lure, trap sense +2

Speed 60 ft. (12 squares)

Melee bite +25 (12d8+19 plus grab) with Improved Vital Strike, or
bite +29 (12d8+26 plus grab) with Improved Vital Strike and rage, or
bite +29 (36d8+26 plus grab) with Improved Vital Strike, rage, and strong jaw or
bite +26 (36d8+32 plus grab) with Improved Vital Strike, rage, power attack, and strong jaw
Ranged by weapon +14
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks as above plus trample (2d6+16 or 4d6+16 with strong jaw, DC 17)

Druid Spells as above

STR – 33; DEX – 16; CON – 26; INT – 14; WIS – 16; CHA – 14
BAB +12/+7/+2; CMB - +21 CMD – 44 (48 vs. overrun and trip)

Feats – Power Attack, Craft Wondrous Item, Endurance, Furious Finish, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Vital Strike, Natural Spell, Vital Strike, Wild Speech

Climb +27, Knowledge (arcana) +20, Knowledge (nature) +20, Perception +20, Spellcraft +20, Survival +22, Swim +25, Fly +20; Armor Check Penalty –6

SQ as above, plusfast movement

Combat Gear potion sponges of fly (4); Other Gear amulet of natural armor+5 (doubles as a +1 furiousamulet of mighty fists), dusty rose prism ioun stone, polymorphic pouch, tender (570gp)
Encumbrance light 12,456 lb., medium 24,912 lb., heavy 37,440 lb.; Weight Carried 1 lb. 2 oz. (excluding tender)

Hmmm just remembered this wasn't a 25 point buy it was more or less a bit more buffed to help deal with my players (they did comparable damage if you ever get the chance and want to run a campaign for min-maxers I highly recommend it you can come up with the absolute most ridiculous encounters).

Grand Lodge

I usually assume 20 point buy, as it is easy to adjust to a 15, or 25 point buy, if needed.


Mathius wrote:

... How much would it hurt to go 16 str and cha?


What can we do about miss chance and other non-AC related defenses against melee attacks? Blink and displacement and mirror image are not that uncommon.

It doesn't hurt too much. The "build" I posted (in quotations because it has a lot of freedom/flexibility in that you don't need all your feats to accomplish what it does) is based on a RL character I started for the APG beta playtest and continued playing after it's official release into epic levels. He originally only had a 14 Str (base) and was still doing ungodly damage. I put the extreme stats here simply because the request was for "biggest" damage possible, and for this purpose, Str and Cha need to be the highest. Strength does have to be at least 13 though (for Power Attack and Furious Focus).

For miss chance, the feat Blind Fight gives you a reroll vs miss chances (two tries is better than only one).

The incredibly expensive Truesight Goggles are king, if you can afford them. These goggles actually negate any benefits one has from Blur, Displacement, Mirror Image, Invisibility, and more, as it grants continual True Seeing. "The subject sees through normal and magical darkness, notices secret doors hidden by magic, sees the exact locations of creatures or objects under blur or displacement effects, sees invisible creatures or objects normally, sees through illusions, and sees the true form of polymorphed, changed, or transmuted things. Further, the subject can focus its vision to see into the Ethereal Plane (but not into extradimensional spaces). The range of true seeing conferred is 120 feet."


The Vital-Strike-Hippo can be pushed to new heights with a more spell-dependant build.
The idea needs a natural Behemoth Hippotamus, who we can cast animal growth and strong jaw on.
Jumping into the tank via Magic Jar, and we are good to go.

The damage die at level 19 (Samsamaran Druid 9/Barb 10) is:
Hippo: 4d8
Improved natural attack(bite): 6d8
Animal growth: 12d6
Strong jaw: 24d6
Greater Vital Striking: 96d6
Furious Finish (without damage modifiers): 576.

That is more than enough to one shot the Tarrasque, Infernal Duke, Balor Lord, or Solar.

all the potential damage dice put up by everybody and only one person mentioned the magus Kensai archtype. 4 lvls. only missing out on one BAB and multiple Maximized outputs w/o needing to end rage and an Int. focus with synergy to AC and an added level or two of alchemist.

Grand Lodge

holymeatpuppet wrote:
all the potential damage dice put up by everybody and only one person mentioned the magus Kensai archtype. 4 lvls. only missing out on one BAB and multiple Maximized outputs w/o needing to end rage and an Int. focus with synergy to AC and an added level or two of alchemist.

Well, you should post the build.

I'm not sure I agree with all the examples stacking Strong Jaw with Improved Natural attack.


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*Casts Raise from Depths*

This thread has been a great inspiration for me along in Pathfinder, since I've deviated from full attack concepts for many a character. I thought I would share some of my ideas with classes sometimes forgotten in this thread and generally in this One Hit thing.
And yes, BBT, no mounted builds. Damn mounts showing up everywhere. Thank you all for your great concepts!
Cleric full build, melee.
Inquisitor/Fighter or straight Inq, melee.
Alchemist/boltace/barb or straight Alq, ranged but works melee too.


The cleric, assumes level 9 (when others would use 2 attacks and we can pick up Vital Strike. Ridiculous BAB requirement for an unused feat.)


Cleric 9
Domains: Destruction(Rage) / Strength (Ferocity/Resolve)
Channel Negative energy. Variant Channel for debuffs in exchange for damage if you want some utility.
Feats: Channel Smite, Power Attack, Furious Focus
Interesting feats: Weapon Focus + Weapon of the Chosen feat line (reroll that one big hit EVERY TIME FOR FREE, not included in build, but look at Crusader+Human if you want it by level 8), Channel Force (aasimar), Improved Channel.
Stats: Str>Wis>Con>Dex>Int/Cha

1 Cleric Feat: Channel Smite
2 Cleric
3 Cleric Feat: PWAttack
4 Cleric
5 Cleric Feat: Furious Focus
6 Cleric
7 Cleric Feat: -
8 Cleric
9 Cleric Feat: Vital Strike

Premise: You buff with Hour/Level buffs at start of day. Combat starts, Move action position, Standard Action Vital Strike, Swift Channel Smite. Rinse, Repeat. Buff Righteous Might/Divine Favour/etc drink Enlarge/Shield if time allows.

Damage: Weapon (2d6) + Vital Strike (2d6) + Channel Smite Swift (4d6) + Destruction Domain (4) + Ferocity Domain (4) + Rage (2) + Strength (20+2rage, 6 modx1.5, 9) + PWA (9) + GMagicWep (2) = 8d6 + 30
DPR 38 - 72, AVG 55

Basic Items
Phylactery -ve channel (+2d6), Impact Weapon (3d6), Belt Str2 (+1)
12d6 + 31
DPR 43 - 103, AVG 73

Caveats: Channel DC is a Will safe.
Race: Aasimar Channel Force rocks, denies their full attacks. Half Elves get 1/3 level to channel damage.
Notes: Comes online earliest level 9, still useful until then. Weapon of the Chosen (improved, greater) allows you to REROLL single attacks - this is huge, not included in this build but easily reached with Human Race and Crusader. Additionaly this build is a full cleric build with full casting.
Consider short term cleric buffs: Righteous Might, Divine Favour, etc and these values rapidly increase. Also include False Life, GMagic Vestment and other defensive buffs for great survival compared to a straight martial.



Inquisitor 6 (Heretic)/ Fighter 3 (Two Handed) - level 9 to follow cleric example, also earliest medium BAB classes can pick up Vital Strike, though this build can pick it up at 8.
Race: Human
Domain: Destruction(Rage)
Stats: Str>Wis>Con>Dex>Int/Cha


1 Inq Feat: Wfocus, Human Feat: WeaponChosen
2 Inq
3 Inq Feat: PWattack
4 Inq
5 Inq Feat: Furious Focus
6 Inq
7 Fig Feat: ImpWeaponChosen
8 Fig BFeat: Vital Strike
9 Fig Feat: GrtWeaponChosen

Premise: Buff Hour/Level which are few at your CL. Combat Starts, activate Bane, Move action position, Standard Vital Strike. Rinse, Repeat as above.

Damage: Weapon (2d6) + Vital Strike (2d6) + Bane swift (2d6+2) + Destruction Domain (3) + Rage (2) + Strength 22 (9) + Overhandchop (3) + PWA (9) = 6d6 + 28
DPR 34 - 64, AVG 49

Basic Items
Impact Weapon (3d6), Belt str 2 (+1)
8d6 + 29
DPR 37-77 , AVG 57

Notes: Less damage but more reliable since no Channel will safe. However Bane usable few times a day. Can add Judgement too. This build carries Weapon of the Chosen - amazing, as discussed.
The Catch: Herectic Archetype allows you as a Move to create a diversion and Stealth. This could potentially mean a pseudo Hide in Plain Sight, either in place or 5ft step. Table variation but huge.
Straight Inquisitor: Loses Weapon of the Chosen but doable too if you want full class perks. Domain hurts more, more judgement, faster Greater bane, but longer to get Weapon of the Chosen.


What comes next is a build I am very fond of. Very flexible. This is just a sketch of what you can do with these options. Working on a mini guide for the myriad of possibilities.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. Sun Tzu”

Alchemist X (Mindchemist/Internal Alchemist)/BoltAce 1/X* 2
Warning: Complex, many ways of building.
Race: Any. Feat heavy, perhaps Human.
Stats: Int>Dex>Others

Traits: Accelerated Drinker, Magical Knack
1 Alq Feat: Point Blank Shot Human Feat: Precise Shot
2 Alq Disc: ImpUnarmedStrike
3 Bolt Feat: Rapid Reload
4 Alq
5 Alq Feat: Rapid Shot Disc: Extend Potion
6 Alq
7 Alq Feat: Crossbow Mastery Disc: Enhance Potion
8 X* Bonus Feat: Kirin Style
9 X* Feat: Vital Strike Bonus feat: Kirin Strike

Feats that help: Combat Style Master, Potion Glutton, Quick Draw. Play around with the build to fit what you need.

*X being any classes that give Bonus Feats. Fighters, Monks, Rangers all work if you reorganise the levels. We go with fighter here.

Premise: Meant to be a ranged 1 hit - move build. Can do well melee. Focuses around consumables and action economy. Hits harder on consecutive rounds, as Kirin Strike comes online and you may guzzle potions like no tomorrow. Destroys Casters, endures any battle, Skill monkey and consumables to pass around.

Damage Round 1 Minimum: Xbow (1d10) + Vital Strike (1d10) + Conductive Bombs 3d6 + Bomb Intelligence 22 (6) + Weapon +1 conductive (1) = 2d10 + 3d6 + 7
DPR 12-45 , AVG 28,5

Damage Round 1 Buff Move T.B.Admix: Above + Targetted Bomb Admixture intelligence (6)
DPR 18 - 51 , AVG 34,5

Damage Round 2 Buff Move Gravity Bow: Xbow (2d8) + Vital Strike (2d8) + Conductive Bombs 3d6 + Bomb Intelligence 22 (6) + Weapon +1 conductive (1) Targetted Bomb Admixture intelligence (6) + Kirin Strike Intx2 (12) = 4d8 + 3d6 + 25
DPR 32 - 71 , AVG 51,5

If Mutagen was imbibed add + 8 to all calculations.
If you had a moment to buff (one round, Mutagen+Targetted+SwiftKirin ID):
2d10 + 3d6 + 32 + 1
DPR 38 - 61 , AVG 49,5


2 rounds buffing already Mutagen'd, carrying Named Bullet on left hand.
Round 1: Stnd Touch Self (Alch Allocation touch injection, TargettedBombAdm poisoner's), Move Draw out potion Grav Bow, Swift Kirin check.
Round 2: Stnd Drink (Named Bullet, cl 5, alch allocation spit out), Move Drink (Grav Bow), Swift Sipping Jacket (Any, not counted)(or Kirin style check if you dont have Combat Style Master)
Round 3: Spend move action (do any of the above if you didnt manage, get into position), Swift action Kirin.
Critical! x3!
xbow conductive (2d8)x3 + GMWeapon2 (2)x3 + vital strike (2d8) + bomb (3d6) + int26x2 (14) + kirin (14)x3 + Named Bullet CL (5) = 6d8 + 6 + 2d8 + 3d6 + 14 + 42 + 5 = 8d8 +3d6 + 67
DPR 78 - 155 , AVG 116,5

Can be increased purchasing high level Named Bullets, Greater Magic Weapon potion Cl 20.
Doesnt assume Headbands of Intelligence. You may do damage while you prepare this by skipping a buff, or so. This is just 2 rounds of buffing with 2 actions free (move, swift) where we didnt do anything. Perhaps cast True Strike. Perhaps True Seeing.
We walk around with Iron flasks ready if we sense danger. If you play with Masterwork Potion Belts or allow Quick Draw to work on potions this isnt a concern.

Notes: This doesnt count any item except a Heavy Crossbow +1 Conductive. Most of your gold goes into potions.

Details on build. Long:

How does this build operate
Alchemist level to access Alchemical Allocation. Our best class to advance too.
Bombs + Conductive ranged weapon allows us to use bombs when we hit. This does our Intelligence as damage too (twice if we had time to buff).
BoltAce gets us touch AC for a grit point, amazing. Also dont provoke reloading if you have grit left. Wow.
Crossbow Mastery free action reload XBow, basic. Or use bows. *Shakes fist at designers*
Kirin Style, Kirin Strike, Combat Style Master, Mindchemist - Identify monster as Swift (x2 int to check!), then when you hit you add x2 int from Kirin Strike.
Accelerated Drinker allows us to drink as a move. If you play with the Masterwork Potion belt of 3.5 this works even better.

Why bother with this build?
- Grows stronger as battle goes on. Has a response for every scenario.
- Alchemical Allocation. Drink your expensive consumables and spit them out, gaining the benefits.
- Named Bullet. Almost automatic Crit + CL damage.
- Arrow Explosion. Kill someone, then cast this. Everyone that is in range is subject to this damage as AoE.
- Ricochet Shot.
- Access to any level 1-2-3 spells of any class that you pay once and drink and get to keep. Includes Elixirs. You are a walking problem solver.
- Ready Action to shoot anyone with the above combo, at a stupid distance. Good buy casters.
- Brew Potion decreases costs.
- Enhance/Extend discoveries yield more of your options.
- Action Economy. Self buff with Standards, Moves (Accelerated drinker) and Swifts (potion glutton eventually). Poisoner's Gloves+Touch Injection discovery.
- Can meele. Vital Strike+ImpactWeapon+MutagenAC+GMagicVestment+any buffs you care to drink in your move action. Vanish, shield, everything.

Sipping Jacket
Touch Injection Gloves
Boro Beads
Falcon Aim bracelets + Keen crossbow. Combine with Named Bullet, see things explode.
Poisoner's Gloves.

Build Variations
Variation 1: Barbarian 2 levels to grab Furious Finish, maxing your Vital Strike damage. Other fun power is Bestial Leaper.
Variation 2: Bolt Ace 5 for Dex to damage on ranged attacks.
Variation 3: Works with Gunslinger. This increases damage done by a lot, since guns pack a punch. Campaign/personal preference.
Variation 4: Bows. But that would be too easy. Less feat taxes, no need to multiclass to get damage out of it, though it'll be strength.
Variation 5: Zen Archer dip since they are front loaded with the dips you need if you will use a bow, or houseruled Xbows with it.
Variation 6: Master of Many Styles dip. IUStrike, Kirin style early no pre-reqs.
Variation 7: Hooded Champion 2 yields Rapid Reload. Xbow mastery at level 6.
Variation 8: One level Wizard (Divination: Foresight) allows you to roll a d20 in your turn, then use it when you want, 3 + Intelligence Times per Day.
Variation 9: 3 levels of Figher Archer gives us Maneuvres within 30 feet. 3 in Weapon Master gives us Weapon Training. Drow Cavern Sniper gives us utility.
Mythic: Two Fisted Drinker decreases action economy since you can draw/drink 2 potions in a round, needs Quick Draw.

Honourable mentions:
Potion Glutton feat - drink as a swift action.
Explosive Shot discovery - Attach bomb to shot. Uses a standard action, cant be used with Vital Strike. Damn.
Focused Shot - Standard action again, would add intelligence to shot when within 30 ft. Good idea, lackluster implementation.

Enlarge - Buy LARGE ammunition. Drop on the ground. Cast Enlarge. Pick your ammunition up which now fits in your Large Crossbow. Damage Dice bump! (Idea found in these forums, cant find thread atm)
Siege? I have a crossbow! - Cut some trees down into botl shape of appropiate size, cast Shrink Item so they are now Medium. Shoot, trigger word. That wizard suddenly has a gargantulossal siege ram coming at him. Good luck with the concentration check! (Idea found in these forums, cant find thread atm)
Minotaur Xbows: Double crossbows with huge damage that work better than normal Double Xbows. Consult with GM. (Idea found in these forums, cant find thread atm)
A million and one uses of Alchemical Allocation, Enhance and Extend potion.

All the above are calculated only to level 9. They all work before and after.

On Vital Strike, I wish they revisited how it works. It's very sub par, as it is clear from these threads competing with a full attack is hard. Same with Deadly Stroke - takes very long to pull off.

On the Alchemist build, if thinking about higher levels, fun things are:
Monk of the Four Winds 11 (3 standard actions ranged shot).
Deadly Stroke with those boni and Named Bullet.
Bestial Leaper Barbarian, do that combo while shooting on the run.

Warpriest casts raise dead post.

He's my take on the big hit build. This idea does focus around having a character that can only wield his massive weapon by divine power

the base is a Samsaran Warpriest of Ragathiel
traits: Giant blooded (take half penalty for using oversized weapons), fate's favoured (+1 to luck bonuses)
Samsaran: Mystic Past Life is important to pick up lead blades.
level 1 Warpriest: blessings: Good & destruction, feat: weapon of the chosen, weapon focus (bastard sword)
lvl2 1/1 bloodrager: celestial bloodline
lvl3 1/2: imp. weapon of the chosen
lvl4 1/3: greater weapon of the chosen
lvl5 1/4: power attack
lvl6 1/5: furious focus
lvl7 1/6: vital strike, furious finish
lvl9 1/8: channel smite
lvl10 1/9: greater weapon focus (bastard sword)
lvl11 1/10: guided hand
lvl13 1/12: imp. vital strike, devastating strike
lvl15 1/14: quicken blessing
lvl16 1/15: arcane strike
lvl17 1/16: blooded arcane strike
lvl19 1/18: greater vital strike, staggering blow

so you wield a huge sun blade with effort lace item. with giant-blooded with either make the size penalty -1 or 0 ((-4/2)-2=0 or (-4-2)/2=-1) not sure about that. Prebuff with lead blades and good/destruction blessings. round 1 buff with righteous might and divine power. round 2 walk up to target, blood rage with arcane strike, swift action to channel smite if undead, roll attack twice with greater weapon of chosen, and smash the target into the ground with vital strike.

to-hit: +15bab+10(30wis) +2(weapon focuses) +7(divine power + fate's favoured) +4(sun blade enhancement) =+38
damage: 24*8 weapon dice (colossal bastard sword+ GVS) +6(devastating strike) +6(Str)+7(divine power) +9(power attack) +4(sun blade enhancement) +9(destructive attacks) +20(blooded arcane strike)
+1d6(angelic attacks) +6d6(channel smite) +1d6(holy strike) =253+8d6
=281 avg damage (261-301) against evil and those damaged by negative energy

so +38 (8d6+253) and you're fatigued
-2 to attack and the target makes a dc 26 fort save or is staggered until the start of your next turn
I’d want to fit in alignment channel to open up the number of channel smite targets.
Also you can use Warpriest’s sacred weapon to add extra enhancement to the sun blade.
obviously this build does worse against non-evil & non-undead monsters.
also I just made this build for level 20 so it I was ever going to play this I'd around with feat order and probably turn it down a bit to get sure he's not a complete glass cannon and has not s@+~ty defences.

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