Amwyr Yuseifah

holymeatpuppet's page

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First Start with A Fighter Type. Do Not Pick a Magic User unless Your Comfortable With Learning Fast and Dirty and Living with the Consequences.
Fighting types such as fighter, barbarian, etc... cut down on muddling a new player with too many rules and is pretty straight forward strategy wise.

all the potential damage dice put up by everybody and only one person mentioned the magus Kensai archtype. 4 lvls. only missing out on one BAB and multiple Maximized outputs w/o needing to end rage and an Int. focus with synergy to AC and an added level or two of alchemist.

yeah kensai with the whole canny defense is sexy and if i had to give a recommendation, especially if you can crank up your AC to whacky proportions, it would be the full Panther Style tree and maybe some Snake Style. Nothing says hack & slash like Panther Style. ding.

are they inevitable as part of the archer build or useless flavor?

right. i knew that and that it wasn't as great as my giddy child like expectations was making it out to be. but now i know i can't get away with being a full attack whore and should throw something into a standard attack improvement. something like vital strike and devastating strike.

thanks. this helps me determine my feat progression.

when i asked earlier: do you use for a single attack or/and a full attack? if a full is okay then you can definitely roll this way for each attack in the full attack?, i should have clarified does one use of perfect strike count for one full attack, i.e. at 16th lvl. BAB +14/+14/+9/+9/+4/+4/–1; i roll d20 3 times 7 attacks off 1 use of perfect strike?

Perfect Strike (Ex): At 1st level, a zen archer gains
Perfect Strike as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet
the prerequisites. A zen archer can use Perfect Strike with
any bow. At 10th level, the monk can roll his attack roll
three times and take the highest result. If one of these
rolls is a critical threat, the monk must choose one of
his other two rolls to use as his confirmation roll. This
ability replaces Stunning Fist.

Perfect Strike (Combat)
When wielding a monk weapon, your attacks can be
extremely precise.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved
Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8.
Benefit: You must declare that you are using
this feat before you make your attack roll (thus a
failed attack roll ruins the attempt). You must use one of
the following weapons to make the attack: kama, nunchaku,
quarterstaff, sai, and siangham. You can roll your attack roll
twice and take the higher result. If one of these rolls is a
critical threat, the other roll is used as your confirmation
roll (your choice if they are both critical threats). You may
attempt a perfect attack once per day for every four levels
you have attained (but see Special), and no more than once
per round.
Special: A weapon master monk or zen archer monk
receives Perfect Strike as a bonus feat at 1st level, even if he
does not meet the prerequisites. A monk may attempt an perfect
strike attack a number of times per day equal to his
monk level, plus one more time per day for every four levels
he has in classes other than monk.

do you use for a single attack or/and a full attack? if a full is okay then you can definitely roll this way for each attack in the full attack?
Yes, this is for my zen archer. thanks.

You repeatedly strike the same location, causing increasing
amounts of damage.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: When you take a full-attack action, each
consecutive hit against the same opponent deals extra
damage equal to the number of previous consecutive
hits you have made against that opponent this turn. This
damage is multiplied on a critical hit.

???! - nope i don't think it uses blunt exclusively. and i think it would fit well with flurries ridiculous amount of attacks. but i was hoping for a couple opinions on its floatability. float.

how does hammer the gap work with flurry using 17th level for examples, is it +0,+1,+2....etc. or some different math? and if it's weak then what's a good way to tweak flurry?

i thought i saw a feat out there that will improve your fly manueverability by one step. does anyone know where to find it?

oh and one more question: i thought i saw a feat somewhere(i know there are spells) that will allow you to improve your fly speed by one step. can anyone tell me the name and where to find it? thanks again.

Can you combine sylphs racial feat wings of air with monks fast movement, and clerics travel domain fast movement; and if so do you get double that on a descent? thank you

holy crap why not... canny defense, perfect strike, and iaijutsu focus and then zen archery offers a different perfect strike and zen archery gives a fall back attack stat if dex gets damaged. but if you make int climb it effects ac and damage x4 (focused shot, kirin strike, and maybe iaijutsu focus not to mention i was staring at arcane archer. thats some sexy.

not argueing but i reread unarmed fighter and it only replaces the first bonus feat you have to take that lvl of fighter at lvl nine to get kirin style and strike in one fell swoop which i intend to do. but maybe i'm reading it wrong...

wow no three lvls of zen archer monk one lvl unarmed fight and the rest magus kensai is sick thanks bbtroll for pointing out unarmed fighter i didn't relize

2nd lvl monk garners both the kirin style and kirin strike. which is hella good to begin with. and unarmed fighter can only give you one bonus feet. then there is the ac bonus of dex, int and wis. not to mention save bonus and evasion. mix the int. bonus from kirin strike with maximized damage from magus arcane.

focused shot(feat from players) says as a standard attack you can add your int. mod to damage
its key that it says standard
because kirin strike(feat from ultcom) says as a swift action after the attack is confirmed add twice your int. mod
can they be combined?
if so i was thinking of taking 2 lvls monk of many styles and the rest
magus kensai.
what do you think?

thanks i think i just needed to be talked off the ledge, nothins set in stone so i'm not gonna go that route.

i'm going with a samsaran so after racial adjust my stats look like
str 10 dex 16 con 10 int 18 wis 17 cha 11
i was playing around with how much magus and monk in the beginning so thats what im sort of after also any advice or something i missed?
you decide.
ultimately 3 lvls of cleric and 10 lvls in mystic theurge(MT) is a set thing with abadar as deity under protection and travel domains.
but as a spell caster i want a decent ac for my caster.
the monk will be master of many styles and my magus will be kensai.
So i'm looking at dex, int, and wisdom all thrown into the ac mix.
which brings it back to should i just take one l,2,or 3 lvls monk and the rest magus before going MT?
AND the other part that influences that is, well with a master of many styles(MoMS)which style is most beneficial? monkey seems like a foregone conclusion but dragon has me laughing at watching my guy haul ass over some ruins to get away from whatever. but then again snake or tiger add piercing or slashing damage and marid style adds 5ft reach. so sort of an overload of flavor there.
...Also i'm taking alternate racial trait mystic past life which should garner me some spells i dont normally get...if that opens some avenues like permancy or magic fang down the road.
Either way whats your opinion? Thanks for the help.