[Fire Mountain Games] Throne of Night

Product Discussion

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Sovereign Court

Mattia Giardini wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Make sure to check your Junk folder thats where I found my email

Yeah, That is what I thought as well...but no mail..not even in the junk... :( I soo much want to get my copy...maybe I should calm down I little bit, as apparently also many other did not get the email..but I was freaking out...

Yeah, I checked my Spam too. Nothing so far.

mikeawmids wrote:
...which is a bit of a slap in the face when you think that the module is already available on sites like RPGNOW.COM for anyone to download, while some of the people who actually kickstarted it are still waiting on a link from FMG. :(


Shadow Lodge

I noticed a major error concerning a Major NPC in Throne of Night. I will put it in Spoiler Mode as it could give some stuff away to players.

NPC Spoiler:
The Baroness does not have Light Armor Proficiency (Kensai do not get this) and should suffer penalties for that as well as arcane casting failure potential.

I know this is a third party product, but for the dwarf explorers , I wonder where in Golarion on the surface would be a good place to start?

Under the Verduran Forest? The AP says the fungal jungle is situated beneath a huge forest and that would place the entrance to Azathyr somewhere on the border of the Five Kings Mountain.

EDIT: Still no link from FMG. :(

you're right, that does sound good.

Grand Lodge

The Black Shadow wrote:

I noticed a major error concerning a Major NPC in Throne of Night. I will put it in Spoiler Mode as it could give some stuff away to players.

** spoiler omitted **

It's mithral. There are no penalties. However, I agree about the spell failure. That's easy to get around though.

Grand Lodge

kevin_video wrote:
The Black Shadow wrote:

I noticed a major error concerning a Major NPC in Throne of Night. I will put it in Spoiler Mode as it could give some stuff away to players.

** spoiler omitted **

It's mithral. There are no penalties. However, I agree about the spell failure. That's easy to get around though.

I added a level of aristocrat, which makes sense considering what the NPC is. NPC class so no CR increase, proficient with armor, and gains 1 HD feat for Arcane Armor Training.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ridge wrote:
I know this is a third party product, but for the dwarf explorers , I wonder where in Golarion on the surface would be a good place to start?

Sorry for the delay but wanted to finish reading the adventure and do some research from "Into the Darklands".

My thought was that the best place to start ToN was from Cheliax's Whisperwood. You've got the known entrances into the Darklands from the Scar Thicket there plus giant insects and vegepygmies for some low level encounters on the surface before jumping into the AP if you want. (ItD pg 6)

Then below the Whisperwood and Scar Thicket you have the Midnight Jungle. This looks to be pretty darn close to the Fungal Jungle in the ToN AP. You could either rename the Fungal Jungle to the Midnight Jungle or have the Fungal Jungle caverns be an off-shoot of the main Midnight Jungle caverns. (ItD pg 29)

Plus not too far from the Midnight Jungle you have the Endless Gulf. The Great Jumping Off Point could easily be a fissure off the main Endless Gulf (since the true Endless Gulf is miles across and drops all the way down to the Midnight Mountains in Orv. I'm guessing the PCs aren't going quite THAT far down next book...). This also allows some inclusion of interesting encounters with the Court of Ether between ToN books 1 & 2 if ya wanted. (ItD pg 25)

All of this is of course largely dependent on where it looks like Dammerhall fits in in later books and where the drow city of Taaryssia can be placed (or replaced with a similar Golarion equivalent.)

Hope that helps some!

It helps a great deal, thank you, Jenner. I appreciate you doing the homework as it were :)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Thought I's share my patron goddess for my PbP here. The players voted on Secrets Under the Mountain, Dwarven Steel, and Elemental Earth as their patron traits.

The Steel Sister
Goddess of Dwarven Steel, Elemental Earth, and Secrets Under the Mountains


Alignment LN
Domains Community (subdomains available: Cooperation, Family), Earth (subdomains available: Caves, Metal), Knowledge (subdomain available: Memory), Law (subdomain available: Loyalty), Travel (subdomain available: Exploration)
Favored Weapon heavy pick
Symbol Violet mushroom, with silver tiger stripes which can only be seen with darkvision

In the time before the world was fully formed, Drychos, The Molder, Dwarven God of Craft and Toil, felt a longing for companionship in his daily work. Having six brothers, none of whom particularly got along, Drychos decided he needed a sister. Travelling to the elemental plane of earth to find the purest iron in existence, he began forging a sister for himself.

From this iron, he created the finest dwarven steel ever crafted, and shaped it into Bryggya, the Steel Sister. Bryggya was the purest thing ever crafted by Drychos, and he breathed within her the fires of life, imparting her with some of his divine power. Drychos wished for an obedient sister, unlike his continually bickering brothers, and he forged her without a mouth, reasoning if she couldn’t talk she’d never disagree with him.

Once she was thus brought into being, Drychos grew fearful. What if his brothers saw this perfect being and demanded sisters of their own? That would never do; Bryggya was Drychos’ and Drychos’ alone. He brought her to one of his hidden forges, in the heart of a volcanic mountain chain. Sharing his sister with no one, he taught her all the secrets of his crafts, often depending on her when the Father’s demands were great. Together, they forged the continents and gave shape to the world.

For Bryggya, these times were filled with learning and wonder. She was created to accompany her brother’s works, and it was in this companionship she found satisfaction. Yet, as time wore on, Drychos spent less and less time in the mountain forge, seeking rarer materials on the elemental planes with which to work his crafts. Bryggya began to yearn for the company of others, to feel the mountain passages beneath her feet, and to learn. She began to explore the range, learning its secrets, shaping new pathways, and becoming known to the Dwarves living there.

Drychos’ absences became longer and more frequent, causing Bryggya to wander farther on these expeditions to find new things. During one of her explorations, she delved deeper than she ever had before, entering the underworld and happened upon the lair of Arrydagia, the Drow Goddess of Fleshcrafting. Bryggya was captured, chained with adamantine, and subjected to horrific experiments by the Drow Goddess. Yet, try as she might, Arrydagia could neither bend nor break Bryggya to her desires, for dwarven steel is stronger than any flesh, and Bryggya’s will was also steel. Indeed after time, Bryggya escaped her captivity, taking with her all the knowledge of Arrydagia’s ways. Later, some would say that Bryggya had arranged for her imprisonment all along as a means of securing this knowledge from the Drow Goddess.

Bryggya use this knowledge and what she had learned from her brother to craft wondrous dwarven steel limbs, enabling her to do more work and travel farther and faster than she ever had before. She used Arrydagia’s knowledge of spidersilk to fashion vast webs of iron beneath the mountains of the world, and taught the Dwarves the means to harvest the iron web and craft it into fine steel. It is said that Bryggya still roams under the mountains of the world, learning their secrets and passing this knowledge down to her followers.

Priests, Temples, and the Church

Bryggya’s priesthood consist primarily of clerics and oracles, although it also boasts a fair number of inquisitors, monks, and paladins Rarer are druid or diviner priests. Priests of Bryggya are responsible for exploring hidden knowledge under the mountains of the world and spreading this knowledge among the worthy, as well as guarding it from the unworthy. They are the stewards of dwarven crafting techniques and are charged with keeping the memory of such techniques alive in the dwarven community- and out of the hands of outsiders.

A typical temple of Bryggya is set in a smithy, inside an inactive volcano, or in a cavern deep below the earth. Services are usually structured affairs, practicing a specific craft or creation, and are usually performed in complete silence except for the sounds of tools being worked.

Bryggya’s churches tend to be clan- or familial- based, with a few outsiders who have proven their trustworthiness included. Typically the priest is a learned craftsman and spends much of his time visiting his congregation, teaching the young ones skills and learning from the elders anything she can. At least once every few decades, the mantle of priesthood is handed to another as the old priest begins a deep journey, a spiritual quest for hidden knowledge in the bowels of the world. These deep journeys can last years, and end only when the priest feels she has accumulated worthy knowledge to share with her church. She returns, sharing her findings with her successor, who, in turn, spreads them to the congregation.

Paladins of Bryggya are charged with protecting the priests and the church, safeguarding both the knowledge and the congregation from outside hands. They often accompany the priest during the deep journey, and act as guardians to caravans bringing dwarven goods to outsiders. A Paladin of Bryggya is expected to be an emissary to the world; providing the benefits of knowledge without sharing secrets. They are expected to be loyal, forthright, and brave in the face of opposition. A Paladin of Bryggya will rarely speak of vows, choosing rather to act in the manner they have sworn. A Paladin of Bryggya is careful in her judgments, but unwavering and unyielding once that judgment has been rendered.

Inquisitors of Bryggya are relentless in their pursuit of those who have betrayed the secrets of the church, rooting out traitors and those who have benefited from the treachery as well, doing their best to contain or destroy any leaks of knowledge to outsiders. When not engaged in these activities, they pursue additional craft, skill, and knowledge for the church, bringing their findings to the priests for further adaptation and growth.

Monks of Bryggya seek enlightenment through the repetition and perfection of specific katas and crafts. They serve the church as guardians, instructors, and explorers. Appropriate monk vows are chains (representing Bryggya’s captivity at Arrydagia;s hands), fasting, silence, and truth.

Holy Days and Celebrations

The church of Bryggya does not generally celebrate mass holy days; rather, each individual member of the church has specific days that are holy days of worship. For example, the anniversary of a member’s first masterwork craft, the celebration of a unique discovery, the beginning or end of a deep journey. These holy days are usually celebrated by sharing the craft, discovery, or journey with one’s community or recreating the item or event.


Share knowledge, keep secrets. Just as Bryggya’s brother taught her his craft and she passed it down to the Dwarves, so should you teach those in your trust. However, she never shared their secrets with her jealous siblings nor any of the other races of the world, even when under the duress and torture.

Show your steel. When a dwarf’s heart and will are steel, she cannot be bent or broken.

Don’t tell, do. Doing something is better than talking about doing something.

Bryggya shows. Without a mouth, Bryggya’s communications are limited to actions, signs, visions, and portents. She doesn’t tell you what to do or how to do it, she shows you the way.

ESLA(Explore, Seek, Learn, Adapt.) Bryggya doesn’t just keep the secrets she knows, she looks for new ones and learns from them, then adapts them to what she already knows.

Bryggya as a Patron

Perhaps Bryggya has seen the dwindling population of dwarvenkind. Perhaps she has seen bits and pieces of knowledge once only held by her followers slowly drip into the hands of other races. Maybe she has seen the loss of too many secrets once held by her followers: true mithral, elder magics and enchantments, and even the fate of Dammerhall are now lost and forgotten.

There is a way into Dammerhall; not a way of the surface world, but rather an underground, hidden route. Bryggya shows. The way is long, and it will take more than luck to find it. It will take courage and persistence; it will take nerves of dwarven steel.

She has chosen seven keys to unlock this mystery. Some she has shown bits and pieces, some she has called in the only voice she has: hammer on steel. Some she has even saved from what fate would have chosen for them. Not all come eagerly, but all know that if Dammerhall is to be found, if the dwarven people are to ascend once more to greatness, if what is lost can be regained, having the Steel Sister reveal the secrets under the mountain will be an important part of that journey.

Reckless wrote:

Thought I's share my patron goddess for my PbP here. The players voted on Secrets Under the Mountain, Dwarven Steel, and Elemental Earth as their patron traits.

The Steel Sister
Goddess of Dwarven Steel, Elemental Earth, and Secrets Under the Mountains
** spoiler omitted **...

Yeah, it's work like that that makes me hope I get into your game :)

Dark Archive

Ridge wrote:
It helps a great deal, thank you, Jenner. I appreciate you doing the homework as it were :)

My pleasure!

And right now we have the drow city of Telderist not too far below/southwest from the Midnight Jungle and Endless Gulf. For the moment this looks like a good stand in for ToN's drow city of Taaryssia.

All we know (from Into the Darklands) is that Telderist is a city of drow corsairs that sail the waters of Sekamina's Dying Sea/Lake Nirthran. Seems plausible that they'd still need Darklands outpost to watch the northern "landward" approaches to the city... thus the exile outpost at Vothys.

Just more of my thoughts until ToN book 2 and beyond fleshes out some more locations nearby. We'll see...

Sovereign Court

Callous Jack wrote:
Mattia Giardini wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Make sure to check your Junk folder thats where I found my email

Yeah, That is what I thought as well...but no mail..not even in the junk... :( I soo much want to get my copy...maybe I should calm down I little bit, as apparently also many other did not get the email..but I was freaking out...

Yeah, I checked my Spam too. Nothing so far.

mikeawmids wrote:
...which is a bit of a slap in the face when you think that the module is already available on sites like RPGNOW.COM for anyone to download, while some of the people who actually kickstarted it are still waiting on a link from FMG. :(

Anyone else still not get their email besides me...?

Wow, Jack! Still no e-mail? It has been three weeks.

Have you contacted them directly? Gary's and Mike's e-mail addresses are available from the Fire Mountain Games site.

Have you left them messages on the Kickstarter comments page?

I would suggest Facebook, but it has been silent as a tomb since June 6th.

If you have not already, then give those a try.

Best of Luck,

I still haven't got an email with the link either.

I sent Gary McBride a message on the Kickstarter page two weeks ago and have had no response.

Then again, he has not even updated the Kickstarter page with an update to show Book 1 has been released. :s

Ultimately I paid for the product on RPGNOW, but I intend to lessen the dissatisfaction of having to pay twice by leaving a really bad review, purely out of spite.

Shadow Lodge

I based my Throne of Night game in the Forgotten Realms and placed the Azathyr as the Underdark below the Spine of the World in Icewind Dale. It helps keep the setting isolated while at the same time incorporating the Dwarf God Pantheon into the setting.

Scarab Sages

Callous Jack wrote:
Anyone else still not get their email besides me...?

Yep, I still haven't gotten my link yet. It's be really nice if he'd come out and talk to people.

Sovereign Court

Weslocke wrote:

Wow, Jack! Still no e-mail? It has been three weeks.

Have you contacted them directly? Gary's and Mike's e-mail addresses are available from the Fire Mountain Games site.

Have you left them messages on the Kickstarter comments page?

I would suggest Facebook, but it has been silent as a tomb since June 6th.

If you have not already, then give those a try.

Best of Luck,

Yeah, I've tried contacting them through Facebook, Kickstarter and their home site multiple times and no response at all. I'm pretty fed up and disappointed with FMG at this point.

Callous Jack wrote:
Weslocke wrote:

Wow, Jack! Still no e-mail? It has been three weeks.

Have you contacted them directly? Gary's and Mike's e-mail addresses are available from the Fire Mountain Games site.

Have you left them messages on the Kickstarter comments page?

I would suggest Facebook, but it has been silent as a tomb since June 6th.

If you have not already, then give those a try.

Best of Luck,

Yeah, I've tried contacting them through Facebook, Kickstarter and their home site multiple times and no response at all. I'm pretty fed up and disappointed with FMG at this point.

Sorry you are having all the trouble. I think it is a waste of time to contact Gary. He just will not respond to anything. Some people have not even received the cards he sold and he will not even answer them. People who did not get the code he will not respond also. No response here to questions about his product. I don't think he cares anymore. You might have to just take the loss or contact your attorney general and file a complaint. It works. I have done it many times and have always won. Costs you nothing. You can probably get the forms online.

Callous Jack, Mikeawmids and Thrantor,

Pathfinderfan64's idea with the attorney general is probably your best bet at receiving what is owed within anything remotely resembling a reasonable amount of time. You all may have to repeat the process for modules 2-6 as well.

I am truly sorry to hear that you have all had to endure even more delays than the rest of us.

Best of Luck,

You know it's a darn shame there seems to be trouble for those who are by now, long over due their product because otherwise this is looking to be an amazing one.

Heck, for those NOT sick of 'the few good drow' (And I can't blame folks if they are) concepts, this would even be a chance to have escaped common drow (Maybe united by illegal worship of a celestial patron?) play the roles of good guys as they go from escapees/outcasts/untouchables to heroes

Sovereign Court

Weslocke wrote:

Pathfinderfan64's idea with the attorney general is probably your best bet at receiving what is owed within anything remotely resembling a reasonable amount of time. You all may have to repeat the process for modules 2-6 as well.

Yeah, I'll have to see how this plays out otherwise I will do that. And as for modules 2-6... geez, I hope not!

I still haven't received my Creature Cards, and as a result, I know I won't ever be buying anything from Fire Mountain Games.

Reckless wrote:

Thought I's share my patron goddess for my PbP here. The players voted on Secrets Under the Mountain, Dwarven Steel, and Elemental Earth as their patron traits.

The Steel Sister
Goddess of Dwarven Steel, Elemental Earth, and Secrets Under the Mountains
** spoiler omitted **...

Excellent work there, Reckless. It was my intention to eventually run an Explorer campaign myself. Reading what you and your players have done with the Patron system makes me hopeful that it will function as well for my players and I. Of course, I am not going to run even a bit of this until I have the final module in print. Speaking of print copies...it has been three and a half weeks since the PDF's were released. I cannot imagine that the print copies could possibly be more than another 5 weeks away. That's a happy thought.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
SteelDraco wrote:
I still haven't received my Creature Cards, and as a result, I know I won't ever be buying anything from Fire Mountain Games.

That's a pity, although I myself intend to wait for the full path to be completed before purchasing anything.

SteelDraco wrote:
I still haven't received my Creature Cards, and as a result, I know I won't ever be buying anything from Fire Mountain Games.

You won't be the only one, I'm certain of that.

Scarab Sages

Does anybody have any idea when Book 2 is likely to be out or is it a matter of we'll know once it's out and not a second before?

Grand Lodge

minoritarian wrote:
Does anybody have any idea when Book 2 is likely to be out or is it a matter of we'll know once it's out and not a second before?

It's quite likely going to be the latter. No one's heard anything from anyone about anything regarding release dates.

I would recommend forgetting about it until the whole series is completed. Fire Mountain Games makes some great products, but they have terrible service because they are a small two man operation with horrendous communication skills. If you forget about trying to get information one day you will have some great adventures to play and won't have the resentment of banging your head against the wall of silence for months on end.

Grand Lodge

Kind of what I have been doing.

I am not commenting about FMG anymore. All I get is Frog God Games refusing to help me with something I should not even have to ask about and everyone else here blasting me for telling the truth.

Scarab Sages

Thrantor wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Anyone else still not get their email besides me...?
Yep, I still haven't gotten my link yet. It's be really nice if he'd come out and talk to people.

Finally got my link. Excellent book. Huzzah!

Grand Lodge

Thrantor wrote:
Thrantor wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Anyone else still not get their email besides me...?
Yep, I still haven't gotten my link yet. It's be really nice if he'd come out and talk to people.
Finally got my link. Excellent book. Huzzah!

That's really great news. Congrats.

BiggDawg wrote:
I would recommend forgetting about it until the whole series is completed. Fire Mountain Games makes some great products, but they have terrible service because they are a small two man operation with horrendous communication skills. If you forget about trying to get information one day you will have some great adventures to play and won't have the resentment of banging your head against the wall of silence for months on end.

so true ...

I remember the days when WotW went out. Gary was all over the place. Now ...

That bugs me even more as they are doing such great products that it's such a waste of potential. If the APs were so-so i would just screw it but they arn't
In a few years i hope too we'll only remember how great these APs are. Probably the bests of the decade or so.

I envy your selective memory, all I will remember is the fury. :p

That's one of the advantages of Alzheimer's disease. :D

Considering that Paizo just pushed this months subscriptions back to January now would be a really good time for FMG to release either Book 2 or the print version of book 1.

Throne of Night: Dark Descent has slipped off of Paizos list of "Top Downloads From Other Companies".

Interesting....I find out about this on the same day I get my Dwarf Kings/Drow Caverns from Fat Dragon. Fate seems to be suggesting I should build an extensive cavern network for a campaign.

I'm laughing as I type this, because I suspect I know the answer, but has anyone heard anything about the status of the second volume?

I have not heard anything, Gerald. We are all still waiting for word on either the second book or about print copies of the first one.

2013 is ending soon and what can Fire Mountain Games show?

One pdf of a book that was playtested back 2012 already. The first thing Gary did once the cash from Kickstarter went in was a long safari.After that a long row of excuses, lies and no comments the last months.

Fact is he worked faster and was more communicative last year during working at WotW.

Lets face it Gary cant handle cash in advance situations, he is just slacking or doing other projects. He will never deliver all 6 parts until May next year hell if we are lucky he will have the second part finished as pdf until then. This will only change if he runs out of money, maybe second half of the next year. Then he will suddenly start communicating again here with lame excuses about his behaviour and maybe do a new kickstarter to get more money again.

I strongly suggest that if you want more of his work to not back up his kickstarter projects anymore! Let him earn the cash he needs like any normal guy does it. If he gets money from kickstarter again he will just continue the way he does now. Force him to deliver first and earn money later by only buying his books once they are out but dont pay in advance!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aream wrote:
The first thing Gary did once the cash from Kickstarter went in was a long safari.

How is that a fair comment? Does your work scrutinize what you do with your paycheck? Do you know if he used his personal $ savings or the kickstarter's $?

However, I do agree that if he has time to go on vacation, he certainly can take 5 minutes out of his day to put an update on his (or this) website...

I've looked at the kickstarter and there are no hard delivery dates (except the March 2014 final date).

Aream wrote:
I strongly suggest that if you want more of his work to not back up his kickstarter projects anymore!

What other kickstarters? Do you have any evidence that he is starting or planning on another kickstarter? Or are you just trolling?

The facts are:
- he puts out a gorgeous product (as evidenced by his Way of the Wicked series, and the first book in the Throne of Night).
- he is working on this kickstarter (Book 1 is out, and PaizoCon/GenCon participation).
- he has not missed any deadlines (because there are none, except self-imposed deadlines).
- he is horrible at updates (which were never promised as part of the kickstarter, but have become the 'standard' of this industry).

However Aream, I understand your frustration. You've waited 9 months for a product, and with only 3 months left, you expected to have more by now. Expressing frustration is one thing, but to start conjecture and speculation is another.

Banesfinger wrote:
What other kickstarters? Do you have any evidence that he is starting or planning on another kickstarter? Or are you just trolling?

He's done one other Kickstarter that I'm aware of, for the Creature Cards. I know that I have never received what I purchased from him there, and that's been quite some time (over a year). Some people did get their product, but I know I never have. I attempted to contact him about it, and have not received a reply for about four months now.

Very sad, the products he out were top qulaity, he seemed super customer friendly focused, it seems he lost his motivation.

Webstore Gninja Minion

A reminder post to be civil—unfounded speculation doesn't help the situation.

Aream wrote:

2013 is ending soon and what can Fire Mountain Games show?

One pdf of a book that was playtested back 2012 already. The first thing Gary did once the cash from Kickstarter went in was a long safari.After that a long row of excuses, lies and no comments the last months.

Fact is he worked faster and was more communicative last year during working at WotW.

Lets face it Gary cant handle cash in advance situations, he is just slacking or doing other projects. He will never deliver all 6 parts until May next year hell if we are lucky he will have the second part finished as pdf until then. This will only change if he runs out of money, maybe second half of the next year. Then he will suddenly start communicating again here with lame excuses about his behaviour and maybe do a new kickstarter to get more money again.

I strongly suggest that if you want more of his work to not back up his kickstarter projects anymore! Let him earn the cash he needs like any normal guy does it. If he gets money from kickstarter again he will just continue the way he does now. Force him to deliver first and earn money later by only buying his books once they are out but dont pay in advance!

You probably should not post anything negative about Gary here unless you want to end up like me. Most people here worship Gary and in their eyes he can do no wrong. Everybody jumps at negative comments to defend his behavior. Nobody here is allowed to give their opinion without others getting involved and then stalking you on this board. This is not a friendly place anymore unless you always support Fire Mountain Games/Gary and Frog God Games. FGG is a separate issue so ignore it.

Shadow Lodge

roysier wrote:
...it seems he lost his motivation.

I wonder why.

PathfinderFan64 wrote:
You probably should not post anything negative about Gary here unless you want to end up like me.

A fate worse than death!

TOZ wrote:
roysier wrote:
...it seems he lost his motivation.

I wonder why.

PathfinderFan64 wrote:
You probably should not post anything negative about Gary here unless you want to end up like me.
A fate worse than death!

That actually made me laugh. Thanks. I guess I should have added a little more to explain it but it doesn't matter.

Grand Lodge

PathfinderFan64 wrote:
That actually made me laugh.

Mission accomplished. :)

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