A new guide! "Magic in the Blood: A guide to Sorcerer Bloodlines"


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I checked out Nanite Bloodline in the guide -- looks OK, except that the title is not a link (unlike all the other Bloodlines that I have checked this on in there, including Ghoul), and Nanite is still in the ToDo list.

cartmanbeck wrote:

I've added the Ghoul bloodline from the Monster Codex to the guide!

Bloodline Guide

I just came across this and figured I would check it, out I did find a slight error with one of your assessments of the Abyssal bloodline and Eldritch heritage. You state that the minimum level to get Strength of the Abyss is 15, but that is not true you only have to be level 11 to take Improved Eldritch Heritage, which allows you to take the 3 or 9th level power you don't have to take them in order. So you can get it at 11. If your in mythic game you don't even have to take improved Eldritch, because Mythic Eldritch Heritage feat will actual give you all of the powers.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

@UnArcaneElection: Fixed and fixed!
@KainPen: Good call! I've updated that and given it a green rating for EH.

Just had a thought: I wonder if it would be worth putting in separate VMC notes for the case in which your primary class is Sorcerer and you VMC something else that synergizes with it, such as Magus.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Hmm... might be. I'll consider it, but it'll definitely depend on the time I have available to me. If you have suggestions on specific main-bloodlines that would have really good synergy with other class VMCs, please post them here and I'll see what I can do. :)

Well, to start with, if you're crazy enough to go melee, you're already set up to make good use of Spellstrike (VMC Magus level 11) because you are setting up for being a melee Sorcerer (although as a 1/2 BAB character you are going to need some additional work to make this come out well). So just using the quick-and-dirty method if seeing what you listed as being Blue or Green for melee, this would be good with Abyssal (or better yet Aberrant/Abyssal Crossbooded), Boreal/Rime-Blooded, Draconic/Linnorm, Efreeti, Sylvan(*), Ghoul, Pit-Touched(*), Nanite, Oni, Orc (or better yet Aberrant/Orc Crossblooded), Pestilence, and Serpentine.

(*)caution: Rules As Written, no Crossblooding on Wildblooded Bloodlines.

Using a similar method to what I did above, but for blasting, VMC Wizard (Evoker:Admixturer) would be good for Arcane/Sage (not listed as for blasting, but good for everything), Djinni, Draconic/Linnorm, Efreeti, Elemental/Primal (especially Primal if you aren't Crossblooding), Ghoul, Orc, Starsoul, and Stormborn.

Just a note, that alot of the commentary re: "obseleted by PC WBL", "age effects not standard PC fare" etc, should really properly be recast as "great for NPCs". I see Guides like this as MOST useful for GMs designing NPCs, they have alot more characters to design, and the rest of the game to prepare, and most people can't be "experts" on EVERY class out there (yet want to have a wide variety of NPC classes), so having a quick "go to" guide is great for designing interesting/impressive NPCs without having to worry about major number crunching, it makes it easier to achieve a baseline of power without the time investment that optimizing PCs put into it. But most commentary you see on this boards, for "rules options" that PCs "could" take, tends to 100% focus on PC characters, even though more NPCs than PCs end up being created, given # of NPCs in a game. Just a thought.

^Of course, if something is good for an NPC but "obsoleted by PC WBL", it might also be good for a PC who CAN'T GET WBL . . . .

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

@Quandary: While I certainly agree that some of these things could be useful for NPCs, I really wrote the guide from the perspective of a player trying to optimize their PC, so I don't think it'd be a good use of my time to go back and add NPC percpectives to each one. I might add a quick blurb toward the top about this though.

So is this guide gonna get an update for the newly released Ectoplasm and Psychic bloodlines?

Scarab Sages

Just a note on the Ghoul bloodline: It is PFS Legal, so you can remove that from the final thought.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Imbicatus wrote:
Just a note on the Ghoul bloodline: It is PFS Legal, so you can remove that from the final thought.

Interesting... is that a recent addition? I feel like there's a reason I would have said it's not useful for PFS, given how much PFS I play...

To answer the other question, yes I definitely plan to update for the Ectoplasm and Psychic bloodlines and any others that have come out recently. I'm hoping I can find some time to do so in the next week or so. If any of you have suggestions on what these bloodlines would be good/bad at to help me along with the guide, i'd be glad to take your suggestions to heart!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Speaking of those other bloodlines... wow I hadn't seen the Psychic one until now... there might be no better way to play an armored sorcerer than that. All your spells count as Psychic instead of Arcane?? WOWZA! The only real negative is that your bonus Eschew Materials feat is wasted.

Scarab Sages

cartmanbeck wrote:
Speaking of those other bloodlines... wow I hadn't seen the Psychic one until now... there might be no better way to play an armored sorcerer than that. All your spells count as Psychic instead of Arcane?? WOWZA! The only real negative is that your bonus Eschew Materials feat is wasted.

So play a Seeker or Tattooed Sorcerer and trade it out.

Grand Lodge

Yeah, I was kind of looking at the psychic bloodline... It's really interesting and would totally change how to play a sorc.


Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Imbicatus wrote:
cartmanbeck wrote:
Speaking of those other bloodlines... wow I hadn't seen the Psychic one until now... there might be no better way to play an armored sorcerer than that. All your spells count as Psychic instead of Arcane?? WOWZA! The only real negative is that your bonus Eschew Materials feat is wasted.
So play a Seeker or Tattooed Sorcerer and trade it out.

Seeker is an option, but you definitely wouldn't want to do Tattooed Sorcerer... you'd miss out on the best bloodline power, the 9th level Undercasting Prodigy!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I've added the Psychic and Ectoplasm bloodlines to the guide! I'm not extremely familiar with the spells from Occult Adventures, so if you think I've rated one too high or not high enough, send me a quick PM with your reasoning and I'll get it changed. Thanks for reading, guys!

Cheers and thanks.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I haven't had time to do a real review of recent books, so I was wondering if there are any other new bloodlines out there that I don't have in my guide yet? I really appreciate new bloodlines being pointed out when I have other projects taking my attention. :)

Edit: after a quick perusal of d20pfsrd, the only one I could find that I haven't covered in the guide yet is the Possessed bloodline. I'll try to attack that one today. Any others would be appreciated.

Two things come to mind off the top of my head after skimming your guide:

The Expanded Draconic Bloodlines (From Legacy of Dragons) are variants on the Draconic bloodline with different energy types and bloodline arcana.

The Bloodline Mutations are "free" tradeouts for all bloodlines that switch bloodline powers for different abilities. They've really expanded the utility of bloodlines with previously anemic bloodline powers and I think they're worth considering when judging the value of all of the bloodlines you've already covered. Especially useful for blasters is the Blood Havoc mutation, since it allows people to get to +2 damage per dice without having to go Orc/Draconic crossblooded.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Cellion wrote:

Two things come to mind off the top of my head after skimming your guide:

The Expanded Draconic Bloodlines (From Legacy of Dragons) are variants on the Draconic bloodline with different energy types and bloodline arcana.

The Bloodline Mutations are "free" tradeouts for all bloodlines that switch bloodline powers for different abilities. They've really expanded the utility of bloodlines with previously anemic bloodline powers and I think they're worth considering when judging the value of all of the bloodlines you've already covered. Especially useful for blasters is the Blood Havoc mutation, since it allows people to get to +2 damage per dice without having to go Orc/Draconic crossblooded.

Wow, I had missed those completely! This is exactly the type of stuff I was looking for, thanks so much!

I'm going to add a little "To-Do List" at the top of the guide right now and put those things there, along with the Possessed bloodline. I'll work hard to get them incorporated ASAP.

EDIT: Apparently there's also a Naga Bloodline! That's going on the list as well!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

@Cellion: After reading the Bloodline Mutations, I'm going to have to go back and suggest replacements for several other less-exciting bloodline powers with these, cuz HOLY CRAP ARE THEY GOOD. Replacing claws (BLECH) with +1 damage per die with damaging spells?? Intensified Spell without the annoying 5 dice cap???? WOW!

There's also a shapechanger bloodline for the sorcerer in Legacy of the First World, though that probably isn't up yet.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Okay, so I added the Naga and Possessed bloodlines as well as the Expanded Draconic bloodlines. I also put a note at the end of my long intro about the Bloodline Mutations and peppered them throughout the guide as suggestions to replace low-rated powers, as well.

I'll attack the Shapechanger bloodline soon, as I happened to pick up a copy of Legacy of the First World at PaizoCon last week. :)

So, while you say on the guide that the Esoteric dragon alternate bloodline's Arcana allows you to cast spells as psychic spells.... it doesn't. That's that Psychic bloodline's attraction. Rather, Esoteric lets you select a few spells from the Psychic spell list and cast them as psychic spells. It's valuable because you can grab a few cross-class spells, but not that great altogether, as they still count for your spells known, and they can't be on the Sorcerer spell list originally.

Or at least, that's how I read it.

@cartmanbeck Glad to have helped. I noticed though that you're recommending to replace Wildblooded powers (like Arcane Bolt for the Sage sorcerer) with the new bloodline mutations. Unfortunately, it looks like that isn't possible.

Bloodline Mutations wrote:
(...) a bloodrager or sorcerer cannot swap a bloodline power that she has altered or replaced with an archetype for a bloodline mutation.

Since Wildblooded is an archetype, its a no go.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ultimate Wilderness just came out with a feat called Exotic Heritage; it not only works as a replacement for skill focus as a pre-req for eldritch heritage, but it allows the user to pick wildblooded bloodline abilities!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I will have to look at that one! I think I noticed it on my first perusal of UW but didn't look closely at it.

Was "Animal Companion doesn't stack beyond your HD" ever made a general rule or can you get a crazy high stack with Slyvan+Animal Ally+Oracle?

cartmanbeck wrote:
I will have to look at that one! I think I noticed it on my first perusal of UW but didn't look closely at it.

I took a quick look and only a few stood out:

Bedrock 9th level power for DR 10/Adamantine as a swift action rounds/level per day.

Pit-touched 9th level power for +6 inherent Con bonus.

Sylvan for animal companion.

deuxhero wrote:
Was "Animal Companion doesn't stack beyond your HD" ever made a general rule or can you get a crazy high stack with Slyvan+Animal Ally+Oracle?

You forgot VMC Druid.

And for my answer: rules are not stating clearly what you can or cannot do on the matter.... but you have yet to find a single sane DM that would allow you to have an animal companion with 4 times your hit dice.

This feature is just not designed to be used, or worst, balanced if you do any form of stacking on it. That's not a matter of rules here, but just a matter of common sense.

I know some serious DMs that will just kick out a player from their table for asking this on a serious tone, on the behalf that this would be the proof the player is not suited for the kind of game their are running (but I'm certainly willing to ask this jockingly to a DM just to see his face)

The Shapechanger Bloodline is amazing on a Half-Elf Magus. This includes the greatly maligned 9th level Bloodline Power, whose text looks to me like you could use it as a pseudo-Whirlwind-Attack AoE Spellstrike with a multi-charge spell (and does a fair amount of damage in its own right, and works even if you are not a Half-Elf).

The 3rd level Shapechanger Bloodline Power is crazy good on anyone who can cast Paragon Surge -- eventually use the insanely extended Paragon Surge to get an essentially all day Combat Feat that you can change once per day, or use the same thing to get an Item Crafting feat that you can change once per day, or even some other feat that last essentially all day and you can change once per day. These benefits of the 3rd level power also work for anyone who can get their hands on them and who can cast Paragon Surge -- mostly Half-Elves, but Clerics with the Self-Realization Subdomain get it as a Domain spell without having to be Half-Elves.

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missing bloodlines...

Mutated Dark Fey (People of the Rivers)
Mutated Lifewater (Blood of the Elements)
Mutated Retribution (People of the Rivers)
Mutated Shahzada (Blood of the Elements)

Salamander (Elemental Master's Handbook)
Scorpion (Potions and Poisons)
Solar (Qadira, Jewel of the East)

Necromancy is actually not a bad thing here -- these days, it would be possible (and not hugely difficult for just Sorcerer, but more work for Bloodrager) to finish this thing out.


UnArcaneElection wrote:

Necromancy is actually not a bad thing here -- these days, it would be possible (and not hugely difficult for just Sorcerer, but more work for Bloodrager) to finish this thing out.

what’s left?

^See zook1shoe's post above my 2 posts. In addition, the guide itself lists some things remaining to be done, notably Bloodrager Bloodlines.

Cartmanbeck's apparently running something partly on the PbP boards here, you can probably get hold of them if you try a PM.

UnArcaneElection wrote:

^See zook1shoe's post above my 2 posts. In addition, the guide itself lists some things remaining to be done, notably Bloodrager Bloodlines.

is there a different guide other than in the OP that’s more updated? OP one is missing a lot, e.g. Naga Nanite Phoenix Possessed Psychic etc in the Ns/Ps

Lelomenia wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:

^See zook1shoe's post above my 2 posts. In addition, the guide itself lists some things remaining to be done, notably Bloodrager Bloodlines.

is there a different guide other than in the OP that’s more updated? OP one is missing a lot, e.g. Naga Nanite Phoenix Possessed Psychic etc in the Ns/Ps

The OP one says it's not being updated and links to another copy which is, here.

avr wrote:
Cartmanbeck's apparently running something partly on the PbP boards here, you can probably get hold of them if you try a PM.

Good point. Initiated.

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