I couldn't find anything about it, but I'm curious if vanilla wizard's subschools and elemental schools of magic would work w the legendary wizard? I assume remove any 6th/8th level ability.
after reading your awesome handbook, and seeing that it is being updated recently, i had a couple questions...
- were you planning on adding Naga Shape I-III to it?
- i noticed that a couple basic polymorph spells, like Baleful Polymorph and Polymorph Any Object, weren't listed near the end. were you planning on adding those?
check out Flesh to Ooze, basically the ooze version of Baleful Polymorph
- maybe add Elemental Attunement to the list of feats?
here's the rest of those 3.5 Chronicles Campaign Setting (including the cleric from above)...
Chronicles Campaign pg 5 wrote:
After races, the rest of this chapter takes a look at the 11
common 20-level standard classes and how they f it into
Golarion. Each description details the most common places
where members of the class come from or can be found,
and who among the teeming masses most often takes up
that particular profession. Every one also provides a variant
class feature unique to Golarion.
Barbarian wrote:
Cold Resistance (Ex): At 3rd level, a barbarian gains cold
resistance 2. This resistance increases by 2 for every 3
additional levels the barbarian attains, for a total of cold
resistance 12 at 18th level.
Class Abilities: Barbarians in the cold climates of the Lands of
the Linnorm Kings, the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, and the
Worldwound sometimes have the above ability, which replaces the
trap sense ability.
Bard wrote:
Specialized Training (Ex): At 1st level, a bard must choose
a single category of the Perform skill. Whenever the bard
performs bardic music using the chosen category of the
Perform skill, he is treated as being 2 levels higher when
determining the effect and save DC. In addition, a bard with
specialized training can make use of his bardic music one
additional time per day, assuming that the additional usage
uses his chosen category of the Perform skill.
Class Abilities: Bards trained at one of the great schools of
the Inner Sea tend to favor one performance type above all
others, focusing their training. Such bards have the above
ability, which replaces bardic knowledge.
Cleric wrote:
Holy Warrior (Ex): A cleric with this ability is proficient with
her deity’s favored weapon. In addition, her base attack
bonus as a cleric equals her cleric level, and her cleric Hit Die
becomes a d10.
Class Abilities: Some clerics think of themselves more
as holy warriors than proselytizers or shepherds. For these
clerics, the ability to fight trumps all
other concerns. Taking the above ability
requires a cleric to give up both of
her domains, including her domain powers.
Druid wrote:
Mountain Stride (Ex): A druid with this ability can move
through rocky terrain at her normal speed and without
taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Magically
manipulated terrain, such as spike stones, affects her normally.
Class Abilities: Due to the constant spread of civilization
during the Age of Enthronement, many druids took to the
mountains for solace. These druids adapted to the rocky
terrain and have gained the above ability. This ability replaces
woodland stride.
Fighter wrote:
Class Skills: A fighter trained at a famous war college or
fighting school gains the following class skills (in addition
to the normal fighter class skills): Diplomacy (Cha), Gather
Information (Cha), Knowledge (architecture and engineering)
(Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (nobility
and royalty) (Int), Sense Motive (Wis).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) × 4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Abilities: Numerous martial academies around the
Inner Sea region teach weapon skill, tactics, diplomacy, and
other tools useful for war. Fighters who attend these schools
may choose the above option, which replaces the bonus feat
gained upon taking the first level of fighter.
Monk wrote:
Bonus Feats: 1st level—Improved Grapple or Point
Blank Shot.
2nd level—Stunning Fist or Deflect Arrows.
6th level—Improved Trip or Rapid Fire.
Class Abilities: The monks on the Isle of Jalmeray are of
mostly Vudrani descent and hold to different traditions than
the monks of the west. These monks have the above choices
when selecting bonus feats.
Paladin wrote:
Light of Purity (Su): Starting at 6th level, a paladin with this
ability can emit a radiance of blinding light once per week.
This light acts like a daylight spell, save that it only lasts for 1
round per level of the paladin. In addition, any undead within
30 feet of the paladin emitting this light takes 1d6 points
of damage per round for every two levels the paladin has
attained. A Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the paladin’s level +
the paladin’s Cha modifier) halves this damage. A paladin may
use the light of purity one additional time per week for every
three additional levels he has attained, to a maximum of five
times at 18th level.
Class Abilities: Paladins trained in the Holy Citadel of Light
focus specifically on the destruction of undead and are often
charged with cleansing the land around Gallowspire of its
necrotic taint. These paladins gain the above special ability,
which replaces the remove disease ability gained at 6th level
and all increases in that ability.
Ranger wrote:
Enhanced Companion (Ex): Upon gaining an animal companion
at 4th level, the ranger must choose a single type of animal. The
ranger cannot call a different animal companion. The ranger’s
effective druid level is equal to the ranger’s level –2 (instead of
the normal 1/2) for that type of animal. This animal must be on
the basic list of companions that can be chosen at 4th level and
cannot be changed.
Class Abilities: Rangers who join a military unit sometimes
focus their training on a single animal, to the
exclusion of all others, forming a tight bond.
This ability replaces the wild empathy ability.
Rogue wrote:
Poison Master (Ex): At 3rd level, the rogue can use poison
without any chance of poisoning himself. For every three
levels of rogue beyond 3rd, the DC for any poison coated on
the rogue’s weapons increases by +1 if the target is poisoned
as part of a sneak attack.
Class Abilities: Rogues trained in shadow-shrouded Nidal are
renowned for their use of poison and other vile toxins to weaken
and kill their foes. This ability replaces the trap sense ability.
Sorcerer wrote:
Hidden Reserve (Su): Starting at 1st level, a sorcerer with this
ability can call upon a hidden reserve of magical energy to cast
additional spells. This reserve can be used to cast any spell
the sorcerer could normally cast, but the sorcerer is fatigued
after the spell is completed. If this spell if of the highest
level that the sorcerer could normally cast, the sorcerer is
exhausted instead. This ability cannot be used while fatigued
or exhausted. It can be used a number of times per day equal
to the sorcerer’s Charisma bonus.
Class Abilities: Some sorcerers raised on the Isle
of Hermea do not call familiars like others from the mainland. They
instead focus their development on harnessing their inner reserve of
magic, for use in times of need. This ability replaces the summon
familiar ability.
Wizard wrote:
Arcane Duelist (Su): Wizards with this ability are specially
trained to push their spells when needed to gain the upper
hand. When pushing a spell, the wizard can choose one of
the three following effects: increase a spell’s DC by +1, add
+2 to the level check to overcome spell resistance, or add
a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls made with the spell. A
wizard can use this ability a number of times per day equal
to his Intelligence bonus. Using this ability is a swift action.
Class Abilities: Wizards who train at
the Arcanamirum spend much of their time studying
the practical applications of their spells, often
in the school’s dueling fields. As such, some of them
have learned the above special ability, which replaces
the Scribe Scroll feat gained at 1st level.
Steal Book was reprinted in the PFS Scenario 3-10, making it 1st party material. For whatever reason, it is not in Nethys, along with many other Scenario mechanics.
Steal Book
School divination; Level bard 3, inquisitor 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target one book touched
Duration permanent
Saving Throw Fortitude negates (object); Spell Resistance yes (object)
Often used by bards, spies, and arcane scholars to steal important texts without alerting their owners, steal book allows you to copy the contents of one book, folio, scroll, or other text to a blank one of sufficient size. In doing so, the original pages are wiped blank, though any covers or binding remain unchanged. Differences in size between the original and the blank folio don’t matter, though the blank folio that the information is being transferred to must have an equal or greater amount of space (in number of pages or inches of scroll), or else any text that overflows the document is lost forever.
This spell cannot transfer magical writing (such as a wizard’s spellbook or a magical scroll). At GM’s discretion, the spell can restore lost information, such as a page obscured by spill wine, text erased by magic or mundane means, or even pages lost to fire or another type of damage.
When steal book is cast from a scroll, the beginning of the stolen text appears on the steal book scroll until you select a target book for the text to appear in. The stolen text glitters and sparkles while it remains on the scroll.
the feat helps people tailor the prohibited schools to their own playing type. some people hate certain schools for a variety of reasons, and this lets them dump that school for another.
i assume not, but would you ever look at the Wayfinder material? it is 3rd party, but is on Paizo's website, so more like 2nd party.
Yeah, Eldritch Scoundrel is one of my favorite archetypes and I've used it quite a bit. I saw first-hand what it looks like at 1st and 2nd level play when one of my players took it. Really only started to feel "right" at 3rd and came into its own at 4th.
I managed to sit down on my lunch break and finish up the wizard archetypes. I decided to add sin mage (Thassilonian specialist) as an archetype, since it basically is. I rated every specialization separately because they are not equal by any means. I'm sort of on the fence on giving Envy/Greed/Sloth neutral versatility ratings, but Evocation/Necromancy, Enchantment/Illusion, and Evocation/Illusion are pretty manageable opposition combos. Pride, Wrath, and Lust take a power drop since losing Transmutation and/or Conjuration just guts the wizard spell list. It's more than just a versatility drop from them, but an attack on the core competencies of the class. Thoughts on the ratings?
Envy (Abjuration) Power +1, Versatility 0
Gluttony (Necromancy) Power +2, Versatility -1
Greed (Transmutation) Power +2, Versatility 0
Lust (Enchantment) Power -1, Versatility -2
Pride (Illusion) Power -2, Versatility -2
Sloth (Conjuration): Power +2, Versatility 0
Wrath (Evocation): Power -1, Versatility -2
Pretty much by definition any Thassilonian Specialist is going to be at a minus in versatility, so the question becomes whether you get enough power to make up for it. Do note that in addition to the obvious loss of ability to cast spells from your Prohibited Schools, you can't pick a Subschool, at least according to James Jacobs. This makes sense in a depressing way, because Subschool modifies Arcane School, and Thassilonian Specialist also modifies Arcane School.
Would you want to mention New Thassilonian Magic as a way to change the power/versatility levels for most of the sins?
New Thassilonian Magic
Source Paths of the Righteous pg. 23
You use Thassilonian magic in a nontraditional way that preserves the ancient traditions while lifting some of its restrictions.
Prerequisites: Thassilonian specialization (Inner Sea Magic 17).
Benefit: You choose one of your two opposition schools. You also gain Thassilonian as a bonus language. If you already speak Thassilonian, you gain one of the following languages as a bonus language instead: Aklo, Azlanti, Giant, Shoanti, or Varisian.
Normal: A Thassilonian specialist cannot customize his choice for opposition schools.
Also, the original Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting has alternate class features for all of the core classes. They replace a variety of abilities, and feel a little like pseudo-archetypes (similar to the Thassilonian specialist does).
page 43 wrote:
Holy Warrior (Ex): A cleric with this ability is proficient with
her deity’s favored weapon. In addition, her base attack
bonus as a cleric equals her cleric level, and her cleric Hit Die
becomes a d10.
Class Abilities: Some clerics think of themselves more
as holy warriors than proselytizers or shepherds. For these
clerics, the ability to fight trumps all
other concerns. Taking the above ability
requires a cleric to give up both of
her domains, including her
domain powers.
Earlier tonight, we had a heated debate on how a Bard's countersong actually works. There seems to be 2 different stages, and the 2nd is fairly clear cut. It was the initial part that caused the discussion.
Core Rulebook v6 Lite wrote:
Countersong (Su): At 1st level, a bard learns to counter magic effects that depend on sound (but not spells that have verbal components). Each round of the countersong he makes a Perform (keyboard, percussion, wind, string, or sing) skill check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself ) that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack may use the bard’s Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the countersong is already under the effect of a noninstantaneous sonic or language-dependent magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it hears the countersong, but it must use the bard’s Perform skill check result for the save. Countersong does not work on effects that don’t allow saves. Countersong relies on audible components.
Person 1: Believes that the effect is similar to a reroll.
Where, you use the better roll, regardless of a natural 1 (on either die, since a natural 1 doesn't auto-fail a skill check). Referenced the Fortune Hex, despite not having the same language.
Person 2: Believes that the effect is not a reroll.
You roll the die and add your bonuses. Use the final result as your total or the Perform total. But the die roll does matter when it involves a natural 1, since that is an auto-fail regardless of the total. This is because the ability mentions using the result, not the Perform die roll.
What are your opinions on how it works, and why you think so.
I can't put up an actual review, but I figured that this was good enough.
We played this scenario yesterday and it was amazing! Despite needing better editing for time, it was well written for the most part. We had a lot of fun, and it is probably in my top 5 games, maybe even #1. Watch out though, it is very investigation-intense and requires more than average story book keeping.
Pact Wizard (Haunted Heroes Handbook, not that crap from Familiar Folio)
Death Druid
Razmiran Priest Sorcerer
Thug Rogue
Sandown Bard
Top 5 from outside the 11+
Jinx Witch
Court Poet Skald
Bladebound Magus
Tome Eater Occultist
Twilight Sage Arcanist
*Serial Killer Vigilante (only because it functions as it should with its hidden strike)
Mutated Dark Fey (People of the Rivers)
Mutated Lifewater (Blood of the Elements)
Mutated Retribution (People of the Rivers)
Mutated Shahzada (Blood of the Elements)
Salamander (Elemental Master's Handbook)
Scorpion (Potions and Poisons)
Solar (Qadira, Jewel of the East)
When you get a chance, check out the archetypes in....
Antihero's Handbook (mentioned above)
Blood of the Sea (gillman)
People of the Wastes
Ultimate Wilderness
even though they are approved in the Additional Resources? I've noticed the same with several other APs.
here's the APs that have no chronicle sheets and their approved adventures.
- Council of Thieves (26, 27, 29)
- Kingmaker (31, 32, 34, 35)
- Hell's Vengeance (all 103-108)
- Strange Aeons (all 109-114)
- Ironfang Invasion (115-117)
Oh, I agree it makes sense to not work as crazily as that, I see both sides.
But each of those weapons are a separate weapon, and would have a separate use/rnd limit. You probably might not say the same if someone bought two +1 Fortuitous manufactured weapons, they'd be kind of pissed.
Conductive weapons do a very similar non-action 1/rnd.
In my examples, it was four separate AoOs triggering actions that the tiefling use one of each of his weapons (using Combat Reflexes, as mentioned in the first couple sentences). It was not all four weapons on one triggering AoO action.
Speed has a mechanical limitation written at the end. Whereas Fortuitous does not.
I was curious about how a +0 Fortuitous Amulet of Mighty Fists interacts (in PFS) when you have Combat Reflexes and multiple types of natural attacks? Each weapon is a separate weapon, like a pair of swords are.
Ex. Tengu Monk 1 has the amulet with unarmed strike, 2 claws, and bite.
Round 10, baddie 1 drinks a potion next to you... triggering an AoO unarmed strike and a second at -5.
As its standard action, baddie 1 tries to grab you, triggering an AoO with your claw and the second at -5.
Same round, baddie 2 provokes two separate AoOs (like stand up and cast a spell) for each of your claws to be used with the 2 Fortuitous follow-ups.
+1 bonus
SLOT none CL 8th WEIGHT —
AURA moderate transmutation
This special ability can be placed only on melee weapons.
A fortuitous weapon grants the wielder more attacks
of opportunity. Once per round, when the wielder of a
fortuitous weapon hits with an attack of opportunity, he
can make a second attack of opportunity with this weapon
against that foe at a –5 penalty.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, haste"
I was talking to some friends after a game tonight and Monstrous Graft came up. We talked about the mechanics and how vague they were in combination with other mechanics.
We were hoping for some rulings on the following questions...
1) what kind of limbs are replaceable? It only mentions gaining bonuses for arms and legs.
Ex. Tiefling can have extra limbs like wings or a tail.
2) what kind of limbs are the replacements limited to? Mechanically, it doesn't mention that the limb must be the same as the stump.
Ex. Tiefling swaps out his wings for a tail and a leg, or his tail with and arm.
3) obviously Tentacle and Vestigial Arm are limbs, does the grafted arm still have to abide by the 'no more attacks' clause?
Ex. Now 3 armed tiefling alchemist 4 gets full TWF attack of 'primary Longsword / secondary Short Sword / secondary Slam'
4) what happens to the grafted limb if Vestigial Arm/Tentacle was retrained to a different discovery? The grafted limb being used is no longer the actual nub.
"Monstrous Graft (Ex): The alchemist can replace up
to four of his own amputated limbs with those of a
monstrous beast of the same size category. If the grafted
limb is an arm, the alchemist gains either a climb
speed of 15 feet or a claw or slam natural attack that
deals 1d6 points of damage (1d4 for a Small alchemist).
If the grafted limb is a leg, the alchemist gains one of
the following benefits: a +5 bonus to land speed, a swim
speed of 15 feet, or a +5 bonus on Acrobatics checks when
jumping. For each limb the alchemist replaces in this
manner, he takes a –2 penalty to Wisdom as he loses his
sense of self. Derros are immune to this penalty."
-ISMC 23
"Discoveries: cytillesh bomb, monstrous graft, and precise poison are legal for play"
I was unable to find this on the paizo boards, but came across it on the Min/Max ones.
The basic concept? A Sensei Monk of the Healing Hand 20 can cause allies to explode into oblivion on your death.
World changing twist? Make sure that friend had the name of a deity that you didn't like, and... *poof* name erased from everything. No more name means no more worshippers, which means no more power.
Great choice for targets? Replaceable buddies, like animal companions or bought animals (toads, rats, etc.).
True Sacrifice (Su): At 20th level, in a final selfless act, a monk of the healing hand can draw in his entire ki, which then explodes outward in a 50-foot-radius emanation. All dead allies within the emanation are brought back to life, as if they were the subject of a true resurrection spell with a caster level equal to the monk’s level. When the monk does this, he is truly and utterly destroyed. A monk destroyed in this way can never come back to life, not even by way of a wish or miracle spell or by the power of a deity. Furthermore, the monk’s name can never be spoken or written down again. All written mentions of his name become nothing more than a blank space.
Mystic Wisdom (Su): At 6th level, a sensei may use his advice ability when spending points from his ki pool to activate a class ability (using the normal actions required for each) in order to have that ability affect one ally within 30 feet rather than the sensei himself.
At 10th level, a sensei may affect all allies within 30 feet rather than himself (spending points from his ki pool only once, not once for each target). At 10th level, a sensei may instead spend 1 point from his ki pool (as a swift action) while using advice to provide a single ally within 30 feet with evasion, fast movement, high jump, purity of body, or slow fall.
At 14th level, a sensei may spend 2 points to grant one of the abilities listed above to all allies within 30 feet, or diamond body, diamond soul, or improved evasion to a single ally within 30 feet. These abilities function at the sensei’s level and last 1 round.
Just curious, what were they thinking when they allowed Monstrous Graft to be a legal options? How is this an option, but Drow stuff is a no-no?
Inner Sea Monster Codex wrote:
Monstrous Graft (Ex): The alchemist can replace up
to four of his own amputated limbs with those of a
monstrous beast of the same size category. If the grafted
limb is an arm, the alchemist gains either a climb
speed of 15 feet or a claw or slam natural attack that
deals 1d6 points of damage (1d4 for a Small alchemist).
If the grafted limb is a leg, the alchemist gains one of
the following benefits: a +5 bonus to land speed, a swim
speed of 15 feet, or a +5 bonus on Acrobatics checks when
jumping. For each limb the alchemist replaces in this
manner, he takes a –2 penalty to Wisdom as he loses his
sense of self. Derros are immune to this penalty.
Love the guides! Holy crap that's a lot of sample builds, love the breakdown.
Here's a few things that I noticed...
Bred for War trait +1 CMB and Intimidate
Jingasa got hosed
Elf Treesinger wasn't among the archetypes, along with some others from the ARG. Check out the Fey speaker specifically, a great "specific" gnome/halfling archetype. But a nagaji can use it for a solid Wild shape tank build, despite the reduced bab.
Under animal companions, the deinonychus is identical to the velociraptor.
Have you had a chance to check out the Bestiary 5 ACs?
I like the spinosaurus having great stats, despite not special attacks.reduced maybe up to green? No purples, but maybe push the roc to that? They are insane.
Prepped to run this one, but not enough people. The Xacarba encounter seems like it'd be beyond brutal to all but the lucky. I'd guess more like a CR 10 for low tier.
It doesn't have to just tail slap on its turn, it's got a +37 grapple and effective CMD of 68! For a 3-7 game, that's terrifying!
Oh, and they gave it the wrong size space, it's 4x4 not 4x3.
Check out Iammars post for an amazing breakdown...
I like all of the legal stuff as options, the only ones I see that needs any look at is Shadowplay for elves and Drow Spirit. Otherwise, please leave them alone, they aren't hurting anyone.
It's not the character that is broken more often then not. It's the player and their mindset. Two people can play the exact same build, right down to weapon. Yet one might be considered a good team player, and the other is considered an overpowered min/maxer. Why? Because of how the two play. While one hogs as much of the glory as they can, maybe the other person plays the character more tactically and helps others instead of just steamrolling the encounters on his own.
I am definitely a min-maxer.... but not towards disrupting the game or making things unfun for people. Just for optimization, I've always been that way.
When it's more a player problem, talk to them outside of the game.
The other problem is... what are the guidelines going to be? Where is the line between O.P. and just plain optimized? You have to put guidelines in for basically everything and that'd be a pain in the a$$.
I think this would be a bad idea to implement this sort of things. As we usually do, just ban or restrict things/combos that are too O.P.