Level 12 Character list

Pathfinder Society

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Grand Lodge 4/5 * Venture-Agent, Texas—Houston

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Allow me to congratulate Houston's seekers on finishing 'Eyes of the Ten' at Space City Con:

Venture Captain Brenkyn (The Drinkin') - Rogue 13
Venture Captain Kammie - Cleric 13
Venture Captain Rassiel Fallsmeyer - Magus 13
(Still the World's Worst Rogue) Venture Captain Cormac O'Bron - Rogue 4/Fighter 9
Venture Captain Rothgar Darkblade - Barbarian 3/Sorcerer 2/Dragon Disciple 8


Most useless and abject worm, slave of the Lord Asmodeus and servant to his herald at the Ruby Phoenix Tournament:

Nbarg the Wise

Chelish Monk 12

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/55/5

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A surprisingly young man in armor made from summer leaves shuffles out of the doors to sky reach, pausing to sit in the shade of the statue of Durvin Gest. He wipes his brow of sweat and addresses the armored velociraptor walking ahead of him.

"Well, that debriefing was worse than fighting Krune"

The raptor turns to Give him a glare.

"Ok, almost as bad. What I remember of it anyway.

He uses a thumb to trace the green glowing rune on his left palm.

"Now what Conan? They said they wouldn't be needing our services for a while. I mean, where do you go from fighting a legend? What would Durvin Gest do..." he pauses to look up at the statue, hmmming at the outstretched hand for a moment before laughing.

"Its as good a direction as any" in mere moments he has a collection of maps, charts, and surveying equipment out, running a thin cord from the statue to the end of the yard. He looks down the string a few times, makes some notes and minor adjustments, and dumps everything back into its too small sack. His already small form shrinks down, soft layers of lush fur breaking out along his body while a thin membrane grows out between his arms and legs. In the blink of an eye a brown bat hovers where the man stood, flapping its wings to maneuver on top of the raptors head and give him two quick taps.


A the raptor's response is to flick his head and snatch the druid out of the air in his maw... and walk in the direction he was pointed, ignoring the druids promises of a nice vacation in the mawangi expanse.

Silver Crusade 3/5

Morgrym Anvilstrike wrote:
His Holiness Morgrym Anvilstrike the Silver Crusader has joined the Seeker ranks. (Fighter 1, Cleric of Torag 11).

His Holiness Morgrym Anvilstrike, Silver Crusader and Favored of the Ten, after having found the favor of the Decemvirate wanting, and having defeated the giant wizard Machmurian and his evil horde, has attained even greater connection to the mighty Forgemaster, Torag (Fighter 1, Cleric of Torag 13).

4/5 5/5

Since no one from the group that plays these characters appears to bother with posting on here, I figured I could get away with posting our second group of level 12 characters here in Finland.

Arna Barkstress, Fighter 1/Ranger 11
Cadwynn Ablamar, Inquisitor of Asmodeus 12
Sanflen "Sandflea" Poulis, Barbarian 2/Rogue 7/Halfling Opportunist 3
Karim Izanor, Sword of the Grand Lodge, Barbarian 12
Kresentius Chartagnian, Wizard 12

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Silh E. Flaxseed, reached level 12 Friday night @ Gencon where he helped defend the Diamond city from waves of demons.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Talan - Druid of the Air

Druid 8/Monk 2/Barbarian 2 - Usually found flying around in Air elemental form channeling the a Calm Breeze until unleashing the Fury of the Storm.

Poor Krune fell to the fury of his attacks during Paizocon.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Alera Litewarden, Female Human Paladin of Erastil 12 (Grand Lodge).
May her bow be ever ready to strike down evil.

Grand Lodge

Maximillian joined the ranks of the level 12 characters this past weekend. He was Shadow Lodge up until his next to last module when he converted to Grand Lodge (DM credit for Rivalry's End).

Max is Barbarian 2 / Oracle of Battle 6 / Rage Prophet 4 (I haven't actually leveled him to 12, but that is what I expect to do).

Sovereign Court 5/5 ***

"Sir Edwyn" DeGalt, Alchemist 12 (Taldor)

Grand Lodge 1/5

Don't forget me!

Count Xander Xavier Xylon III of Taldor (level 15 Sorcerer)
Venture Captain Extraordinaire

*Insert the personality of a hyperactive 8 year old*
I was personally counted by Grand Prince Stavian III once, I can't remember if I was 29 or 30, but when he was done I was given this piece of paper with a title on it. Since then I have traveled many different people over the years. Having been a Pathfinder for many years has meant that I've met a lot of people and all of them have turned out to be my friends. Except those dead things out there. They are NOT my friends and I don't like them at all. Anyway it was nice to meet you all and I'm looking forward to making friends with all of you.

Scarab Sages

Just finished Eyes of the Ten.

Venture-Captain Osahar el-Grae the Constant, Elven Magus 13 (Osirion)

Grand Lodge 4/5 * Venture-Agent, Texas—Houston

Kelly Youngblood wrote:

Allow me to congratulate Houston's seekers on finishing 'Eyes of the Ten' at Space City Con:

Venture Captain Brenkyn (The Drinkin') - Rogue 13
Venture Captain Kammie - Cleric 13
Venture Captain Rassiel Fallsmeyer - Magus 13
(Still the World's Worst Rogue) Venture Captain Cormac O'Bron - Rogue 4/Fighter 9
Venture Captain Rothgar Darkblade - Barbarian 3/Sorcerer 2/Dragon Disciple 8

Brenkyn, Kammie, Cormac amd Rothgar have defeated the mad monk Rasputin, and are now 14th level.

Brenkyn and Rothgar also uncovered a former pathfinder's duplicity, and are now level 15.

Dark Archive 3/5

Jalij of Osirion, life oracle 12

Master Taicho formerly of Lantern Lodge, now Grand lodge, Gunslinger 8/Druid 4

Scarab Sages 5/5

The great and glorious Long Wang the Wayang magus has risen so high as to become a Seeker.

4/5 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

After The Waking Rune in hardmode, the following Finnish characters have become Seekers:

Herpus, Monk 12
Signifer Magnus Parnan, Wizard 12
Trinie Valrune, Sorcerer 12
Wilhelm Tuser, Inquisitor of Desna 12

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/55/5

Rei wrote:

After The Waking Rune in hardmode, the following Finnish characters have become Seekers:

Herpus, Monk 12
Signifer Magnus Parnan, Wizard 12
Trinie Valrune, Sorcerer 12
Wilhelm Tuser, Inquisitor of Desna 12

Congratulations, and welcome back to the world of the living.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Has anyone considered doing a google doc where we can go in and update our own characters anytime we want?

5/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Andrew Christian wrote:
Has anyone considered doing a google doc where we can go in and update our own characters anytime we want?

Ridiculous! You take your efficiency and get it the heck outta here!

Lucy Henderthane of Cheliax and Iorden of Longacre of the Shadow Lodge and Cheliax have both achieved the title of Seeker. Lucy has gone on to explore the Fortress of the Stone Giants and the Academy of Secrets, and as a result has attained the lofty heights of 14th level.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

chuckle... yeah, stupid efficiency

The Exchange 4/5

Madison has added 2 new level 12's to it's ranks.

Auglidal, the magus and my wizard, Taikuus

Dark Archive 4/5

I'm pretty sure Philly's reasonably extensive collection of seekers has somehow fully evaded this thread:

Celas: ranger 13 (Andoran)
Dal'ciel en Nott: wizard 13 (Osirion)
Gil Johnson: summoner 13 (Cheliax)
Gorgo Grumlock: paladin 12 (Cheliax)
Japeth Grachus: wizard 12 (Qadira)
Jawarai: druid/inquisitor 12 (Sczarni)
Kazmurk: monk 12 (Grand Lodge)
Kazmuk Surestone: cleric 12 (Silver Crusade)
Koft Meekonam: witch 13 (Cheliax)
Lord Arthur Higgenstrom, III: sorcerer 13 (or 14 maybe?) (Taldor)
Lushus Ahfemra: alchemist 13 (Sczarni)
Tobi Oboros: bard/oracle/paladin/monk 12 (Grand Lodge)
Venture Captain Bellum Race: oracle 13 (Osirion)
Venture Captain Nazguark: barbarian 13 (Andoran)
Venture Captain Tomasina (Tommy): rogue/wizard/arcane trickster 13 (Qadira)

And that's just off the top of my head... I think there are a few other local players with at least 12th level characters.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Rufalo of Nex. Priest of Razmir (Bard) and Agent Provocateur of the Sczarni.

Hail Razmir!

Silver Crusade 4/5

Benn Roe wrote:

I'm pretty sure Philly's reasonably extensive collection of seekers has somehow fully evaded this thread:

Good for them - they managed to avoid taking damage.


if anyone wants to continue beyond Eyes of the Ten i am recruiting for a PbP Academy of Secrets. PM me

Silver Crusade 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Benrislove wrote:
my wizard, Taikuus

I see what you did there. ;)

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Marcellus "Dragon Slayer" Druid 4/ Barbarian 8. Level 12
The killer of many BBEG.

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

I have achieved Seeker Status after a glorious battle with Krune, the Runelord of Sloth. Silver Crusader Jonas Vividsun Order of the Dragon Cavalier 1/ Evangelist Cleric of Gorum 11.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Rothgar Brewbeard Cleric of Cayden Cailean of the Grand Lodge

Reporting to the Seekers

Lantern Lodge 3/5

Xanatos Grey, Lvl 12 Magus of the Grand Lodge (former member of the now-defunct Lantern Lodge).

Xanatos was utilized as a double agent during the Season 4 War in order to infiltrate the Cult of Lissala and stop the rise of Krune. Leading a highly specialized team of Pathfinders, Xanatos did just that. Recognizing his exploits and loyal service to the Society, Xanatos Grey has been promoted to Seeker status.

Master Xanatos Grey - Dimensional Dervish, Shadowcaster, Bladebound, Revered Master, Dedicated Pathfinder

Grand Lodge 2/5

Benrislove wrote:

Madison has added 2 new level 12's to it's ranks.

Auglidal, the magus and my wizard, Taikuus

Auglidal: Bladebound Magus 10, Ninja 2 (Grand Lodge)

Shadow Lodge

Pasha Trade Prince, Not sully-ier of the name, saver of goblin babies many, friend to kolbolds, SMALL EARS NO DIE, and by proxy his faithful son Good Boy Not Food-No Die

Cavalier 6(honor guard/emmissary)
Bard 1 (savage skald)
Rogue 1 (thug)
Battle Herald 1 (prestige class)
Ranger 3 (freebooter)

Shadow lodge, until the trade prince made a very generous offer

Dark Archive 5/5 5/55/5 *

Baron Malcolm von Havok has recently joined the ranks of the Society's Seekers.

He's recently returned from the far vistas of Goka, where he managed to not only survive, but prevail in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament. Cayden only knows why the Ten opted for that dusty old tapestry...

Mal Havok
Half Orc
Magus 13 [BlackBlade]
Taldor faction

4/5 5/5

Forgot to add one Finnish Seeker to the previous post. The following characters also defeated Krune in Hard Mode:

Baron Shaemzai, Summoner 12 (and eidolon Sif)

And more recently, our Venture-Captain's own Seeker:

Absalom Dzhownz the Constant, Ranger 12


Ahem, as an update:

His High Holiness of the Forge, Morgrym Anvilstrike, Silver Crusader, has helped ferret out the secrets of the very well hidden Adella Family Tomb in Southern Taldor. In exchange for his service, Torag has seen fit to give Morgrym even greater connection to his divine power. (Fighter 1, Cleric 15)

Dark Archive 3/5

Chris Ballard wrote:

Jalij of Osirion, life oracle 12

Master Taicho formerly of Lantern Lodge, now Grand lodge, Gunslinger 8/Druid 4

Master Taicho has recently been promoted to venture captain and now has a level of fighter.

Silver Crusade 5/5 *

Silver Crusader Thorne Rellos wrote:

There are 6 new Seekers who just completed the Eyes of the Ten arc:

Silver Crusader Thorne Rellos, Human Paladin of Iomedae (Oath of Vengeance) (Silver Crusade)
Griff Hobolono, Human Oracle of Life (Grand Lodge)
Reilly the Deadeye, Elf Gunslinger (musketmaster)/Inquisitor (Silver Crusade)
Zachary Lee, Human Witch/Sohei Monk (Osirion)
Monaghan Mirenburg, Dwarven Fighter (Qadira)

Our group of adventurers plus guest star Estragon al'Godot (Barbarian 15) tackled the Siege of the Diamond City, and not having had enough, also dared to enter, challenge and come out victorious at the Tomb of the Iron Medusa, now making most of us level 16.

Moonscar ahoy!

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5

Having bested the nefarious Stone Giant Mokmurian, Venture Captain/Eagle Knight Cormac O'Bron, The World's Worst Rogue [TM], is now a Weapon Master (Kukri) 11/Knife Master 4. He has taken to considering himself the first Paladin of Cayden Cailean and is overjoyed to announce his recent marriage to his Medusa fiance.

Lantern Lodge 3/5

Updates for the following characters:

Level 19.1 - Venture-Captain Master Solail, Monk 19, Qadira (formerly LL)
Level 19,1 - Venture-Captain Master Kuraoka-san, Gunslinger 19 (formerly LL)

Level 19 - Venture-Captain Velum Iacet, Oracle 19, Qadira
Level 19 - Venture-Captain Tural Heavenborne, Fighter 19, Andoran
Level 19 - Venture-Captain Paralya Bishop, Cleric 19, Silver Crusade
Level 19 - Saren Valason, Void Elementalist 6/Magaambyan Arcanist 10/Loremaster 3, Qadira
Level 19 - Visedeis Aques, Sorcerer 2/Cleric 3/Mystic Theurge 10/Hellknight Signifier 4, Qadira
Level 19 - Professor Dolby, Alchemist 19, Qadira
Level 19 - Varenal Heavenborne, Paladin 19, Qadira
Level 19 - Rather Dandy, Bard 9/Fighter 10, Qadira

Shadow Lodge 5/5

I had a suggestion for Keeping Track of this Thread ... open a Google Doc's file that has a Tab for each Faction

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Wraith235 wrote:
I had a suggestion for Keeping Track of this Thread ... open a Google Doc's file that has a Tab for each Faction

I am taking my own advice and Compiling it as we speak

Shadow Lodge 5/5

9 people marked this as a favorite.

ok list is Compiled .... in the process of Editing it

and here it is

Level 12 Character List

Feel Free to Edit / add etc to it ... just Try to keep it under the same Format for Neatness


I'm curious Wraith, how were you determining what class the character got into for the multi-class characters? Was it the uniqueness of the class, or whichever one had the most levels, or other?


Liberty's Edge 5/5

Level 13.2 Venture-Captain Xar'z Sorcerer 11 / Cyphermage 2
Level 13.2 Venture-Captain Lorick Bard 13
Level 13.2 Venture-Captain Mutt Barbarian 13
Level 13.2 Venture-Captain Roalin Witch 13
Level 13.2 Venture-Captain Thedrick Alchemist/Fighter/other crap
Level 13.2 Venture-Captain Sssstryxsss Druid (saurian shaman) 13.2

Level 14 Knight-Captain Bbauzh ap Aghauzh (Barbarian 2, Oracle (battle) 4, Rage Prophet 8)

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Nathan Hartshorn wrote:

I'm curious Wraith, how were you determining what class the character got into for the multi-class characters? Was it the uniqueness of the class, or whichever one had the most levels, or other?


Primarily at the beginning ... it was what had the most or Prestige classes

as I got to the end ... and had a hard time keeping my eyes open it was what fit ... I figured people could go in on their own and modify it if they wanted it to be somewhere else


Ah. Grazi.


Shadow Lodge 5/5

Main thing was to just get it done since the last time Myles updated / Replied to the list was in May


Thanks a bunch for making that Google Doc for us! The old one was getting sort of outdated.


Silver Crusade 5/5

Thank you for putting up the list on google docs. I am sorry that this one slipped through the cracks for me. I apologize to you all for dropping the ball.

I am going to see if you need my list....its pretty old now.



Myles Crocker

Shadow Lodge 4/5 ****

Wizard... Wizard... WIZARD!?!

How dare you. I am no mere wizard, I am the Most Powerful Mage in *All* Absalom!

See my previous post in this thread for more details.

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