wvpolarbear's page
Organized Play Member. 171 posts (172 including aliases). 4 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 22 Organized Play characters.
During the RSVP mails, we will be asking for players and GM's to submit their preferences.
Hey guys, wanted a post a heads up of where we can use both players and GM's. Also, if you have a non pfs game of any tabletop system you want to submit, please mail me directly at arthur@pathfindersocietyonline.com
Friday, 8 PM EDT
6 Player spots for 4-12 Refuge of Time, Core
7 Play spots for Ruins of Bonekeep 1
Saturday, 8 AM EDT
10 Player spots for Ruins of Bonekeep 1, Core
Saturday, 2 PM EDT
22 Player spots for S2 Special Year of the Shadow Lodge, Core and Regular
Saturday, 8 PM EDT
5 Player spots for 6-13 Of Kirin and Kraken
1 GM Spot for 6-21 Tapestry's Toil
Sunday, 8 PM EDT
4 Player spots for Emerald Spire I, Core
1 GM spot for 6-17 Fires of Karamoss
2 GM spots for 6-23 The Darkest Abduction
If these sessions catch your eye, or you want to submit your own, head on over to https://warhorn.net/events/ap-con-2015/schedule/2015/06/26 to sign up!
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Hello all,
Signups for both players and GM's for the APCon 2015 event are now open!
When is APCon? It will take place during between June 26 - June 28.
Where is APCon? It is fully online, using various virtual tabletop programs and voice/video chat.
Where do I sign up? Signups will be handled through the APCon 2015 Warhorn
Can I submit a game to GM? Of course! Information about how to submit a game request to us can be found at the following web form . As is usual for online events, we will be offering multiple VTT programs and multiple language (English/French/German) games based on availability of Gamemasters. Time slots for game submission are open 24 hours a day!
How can I participate? Sign up! During the event, we will have a chat going where HQ Staff can help connect players to games that have open spots. The chat will also be used to coordinate tables during the multitable specials. Last year during the Conline and Aethercon events, the players had a lot of fun working together and encouraging each other!
What kind of events can I expect at Conline? While we are hosting Open GM submissions, the staff is running a number of tables from end of season 6, and the latest specials from Paizocon! There will also be Non-PFS play from both Pathfinder and Other systems
Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–20: Returned to the Sky
Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–21: Tapestry's Toil
Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–22: Out of Anarchy
Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–23: The Darkest Abduction
First time trying to play online? Check out our online play guide at the PFS Online VO Blog
We encourage any new players to try out an online PFS game before the convention; you can find signups for such games at the Grand Lodge Online Play
Participants will have a chance to earn spots in raffles for PFS Player Boons, and Prizes from Paizo.
APCon 2015 is being hosted by APGamingREAL , a Gaming/Roleplaying media livestream/actual play for the Pathfinder system, Pathfinder Society, and other Tabletop RPG’s. You can find our past campaigns at Youtube
or catch us live evenings at Twitch.tv
If you have any questions please submit to arthur@pathfindersocietyonline.com
Headset/voice required.
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 5th level characters (Tiers: 1–2, 4–5).
Pathfinder Lugizar Trantos recently returned from the Mwangi Expanse with haunted eyes and a pack full of strange idols. Absalom's famed Blakros Museum purchased his pieces and Lugizar vanished. The strange monkey idols he pulled from the misty jungles of Mwangi carry with them a fell curse, and now their power has laid claim to the museum. Can the Pathfinder Society uncover the source of the curse in time, or will the Blackros Museum be forever lost to the mists of Mwangi?
Written by Nicolas Logue
Hello again, APGamingREAL Crew bringing you more quality Pathfinder actual plays!
You can catch our shows live on Twitch
Tuesday, 8 PM EDT, Jade Regent Book 1, Pathfinder, Adventure Path Campaign, Week 7
Having saved the psychic snails and fended off the fiendish fronts of the Yamabushi tengu, the party seeks to reunite with their superiors and family back at the caravan… a caravan rapidly being surrounded by a hobgoblin battalion
Thursday, 8 PM EDT, Mummys Mask Book 1, Pathfinder, Adventure Path Campaign, Week 2
Meet the party as they begin their incredible journey… right back to the inn! Adventure, excitement, undead, traps, darkness, and the mysterious sands of the egyptian gods follow this party into the dark tomb of Akhentepi!
Friday, 8 PM EdT, (Alternating) Pathfinder, Reign of Winter Adventure Path, Week 4
A new band of heros, Pathfinders chosen by Venture Captain Dennel Hamshanks, have been sent to investigate the deaths of the previous band. More snow, more lances, more paladins! It’s everything you love, with 100% more talking magical elk.
Saturday, 8 PM EDT, Emerald Spire Superdungeon, Pathfinder, Level 14, Week 19
The party finds themselves locked in a long and grueling combat against the foe they have been waiting to face for 10 levels. The lich emperor Nhur Athemon, ancient before the fall of nations, has planned the defense of his throneroom since before the birth of their grandparents…
Sunday, 8 PM EDT, Plunder and Peril, Pathfinder, Week 4
Our crew, having bowed down before the deep dragon, must force its way into the depths of a long dead wreck. Magpie Princess itself continues to be a harrowing ordeal as the party breaks rather than makes friendships…
You can catch up on our adventures on
Youtube, including books 4,5,6 of Rise of the Runelords & Books 1 and 2 of Skulls and Shackles!
Hello again, APGamingREAL Crew bringing you more quality Pathfinder actual plays!
You can catch our shows live on Twitch
Tuesday, 8 PM EST, Jade Regent Book 1, Pathfinder, Adventure Path Campaign, Week 4
After taking their caravan halfway across the country, the party finds themselves mired in the local politics of Riddleport, a self described hive of scum and villainy. Having indebted themselves to one crime family, angered another, and running with a cursed wand, where can they truely hide? And will they have enough food to get the caravan there and back again?
Friday, 8 PM EST, (Alternating) Reign of Winter, Pathfinder, Adventure Path Campaign, Week 1
This group of battle hardened mercenaries and luckless brigands travels deep into the frozen forest during the heat of the summer, lead by their paladin commander. What horrors await in this grimdark fairy tail retelling?
Sunday, 8 PM EST,Skulls and Shackles, Pathfinder, Plunder and Peril Week 2
The party has bravely fended off attacks by drakes, angry shopkeepers, and werecrocodiles. They also used their piratical charm to intimidate a godly priest into healing someone with lycanthropy… or else! What more can go wrong before they sail this port?
You can catch up on our adventures on
Youtube, including books 4,5,6 of Rise of the Runelords & Books 1 and 2 of Skulls and Shackles!
Hello again, APGamingREAL Crew bringing you more quality Pathfinder actual plays!
You can catch our shows live on Twitch
This week, after finishing book 2 of Skulls and Shackles, we are stepping sideways into Plunder and Peril. Maintaining the same campaign world, a new set of characters set forth into adventure!
Tuesday, 8 PM EST, Jade Regent Book 1, Pathfinder, Adventure Path Campaign, Week 2
Exploring the iconic Licktoad Village and destroying their way through walls, the party finds itself face to face with Chief Rendwattle Gutwad. Old enemies present themselves and fireworks fly as this village gets explosive.
Friday, 8 PM EST, (Alternating) Reign of Winter, Pathfinder, Adventure Path Campaign, Week 0
Watch our character creation session of Reign of Winter, the grimdark fairy tale fantasy campaign! The party already manages to be filled with betrayal before the session starts. Next, they are sent unprepared into a frosty forest, in the middle of a blazing hot desert, during the summer. What foul magics are the fey perpetrating?
Sunday, 8 PM EST,Skulls and Shackles, Pathfinder, Plunder and Peril Week 1
Character creation, adventure background, and a poker game in the town of Lilywhite. It’s Rum Punch Festival time as these pirates get hammered and smash things.
You can catch up on our adventures on
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The mystic brourge.
Bloodrager Primalist and dual cursed oracle with lame and legalistic curse ( or your choice ). Go into Rage Prophet. Now you can use arcane and divine spells, wands, scrolls. He is a scholar cursed by an ancient spirit of extreme bro rage that overtakes him in times of stress. Eventually he can call upon this spirit to directly aid him.
He is as useful off the field as he is on the field, where he can frontline damage brawl.
Hello again, APGamingREAL Crew bringing you more quality Pathfinder actual plays!
You can catch our shows live on Twitch
This week, after finishing book 2 of Skulls and Shackles, we are stepping sideways into Plunder and Peril. Maintaining the same campaign world, a new set of characters set forth into adventure!
Tuesday, 8 PM EST, Jade Regent Book 1, Pathfinder, Adventure Path Campaign, Week 2
Exploring the iconic Licktoad Village and destroying their way through walls, the party finds itself face to face with Chief Rendwattle Gutwad. Old enemies present themselves and fireworks fly as this village gets explosive.
Sunday, 8 PM EST,Skulls and Shackles, Pathfinder, Plunder and Peril Week 0
Character creation, adventure background, and a poker game in the town of Lilywhite. It’s Rum Punch Festival time as these pirates get hammered and smash things.
You can catch up on our adventures on Youtube
Hello again, APGamingREAL Crew bringing you more quality Pathfinder&more play.
You can catch our shows live on Twitch
Having just wrapped a two year long campaign of Rise of the Runelords, we are proud to announce our newest show, Jade Regent! You can catch all the adventures for Books 4-6 of ROTR on our youtube channel! Sunday the 22nd, we will also be moving from Skulls and Shackles Book 2 to Plunder and Peril!
Tuesday, 8 PM EST, Jade Regent Book 1, Pathfinder, Adventure Path Campaign, Week 0
Adventure introduction and character creation, with some familiar players returning! Seek treasures of the far east as we travel across the world to recover a kingdom!
Sunday, 8 PM EST,Skulls and Shackles Book 2, Pathfinder, Adventure Path Campaign, Week 20
The end of book 2, the party seeks the hidden treasure of Captain Wolfe. Using a pirate map tattooed to a dead foe, they dive deep only to find what happens when you look into the abyss.
You can catch up on our adventures on
Kobolds. Why did it have to be kobolds.
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Verily, I declare the following members of the Society to be raised to the rank of Venture Captains, of the late unpleasantness.
Venture Captain Long Wang, Formerly of the Lantern Lodge
Venture Captain Didi Watts The Incredibly Beautiful and Large
Venture Captain Simo " The White Death "
Venture Captain Hellknight Paladin Grant Kasimir, The Haunted.
Venture Captain Xello McJagger, The Untrustworthy
Venture Captain Eidras the Unpronounceable
Venture Captain Rhazghuul Nethershade, The Sleepy
Salutations and Congratulations.
Hello again, APGamingREAL Crew bringing you more quality Pathfinder play.
You can catch our shows live on Twitch:
Monday, 8 PM EDT,Rise of the Runelords Book 5, Pathfinder, Adventure Path Campaign, Week 6
This week, our brave adventurers delve into a seven sided dungeon of doom, packed full of ancient wizards with a grudge against each other.
Saturday, 8 PM EDT,Emerald Spire Superdungeon, Pathfinder Society, Super-Module Campaign, Part 5
The party narrowly escaped both drowning and being dragged onto the Plane of Water. What more surprises await them on The Drowned Level
Sunday, 8 PM EDT,Skulls and Shackles Book 1, Pathfinder, Adventure Path Campaign, Week 6
Tonight is looking to be interesting as theses salty sailors prepare to spring a trap upon their unsuspecting merciless masters. Is that mutiny beyond the waves?
You can catch up on our adventures on [https://www.youtube.com/user/wvpolarbear]Youtube![/url]!
Hey guys, APGamingREAL Crew bringing you more quality Pathfinder play. We have a focus on audience interaction, getting random encounter or sidequest ideas from our viewers!
You can catch our shows live on Twitch:
Monday, 8 PM EDT,Rise of the Runelords Book 5, Pathfinder, Adventure Path Campaign, Week 5
Saturday, 8 PM EDT,Emerald Spire Superdungeon, Pathfinder Society, Super-Module Campaign, Part 3, Week 3
Sunday, 8 PM EDT,Skulls and Shackles Book 1, Pathfinder, Adventure Path Campaign, Week 4
You can catch up on our adventures on Youtube.
Over the next two weeks, I’ll be working on converting the Shattered Star Adventure Path into the Dark Heresy 2E system; At that point I will start gathering a group for what will probably be a Wednesday night game. If you are interested, stay tuned!
Cool! I'll work on upping the video quality. Tonights SnS will be available in about six hours on youtube.
Hey guys, APGamingREAL Crew is back in full force this week.
We just introduced our newest show, Emerald Spire Super-dungeon, using the Pathfinder rule-set.
You can catch our shows live on Twitch :
Monday, 8 PM EDT,Rise of the Runelords Book 4, Pathfinder, Adventure Path Campaign
Saturday, 8 PM EDT,Emerald Spire Superdungeon, Pathfinder Society, Super-Module Campaign
Sunday, 8 PM EDT,Skulls and Shackles Book 1, Pathfinder, Adventure Path Campaign
You can catch up on our adventures on Youtube.
I’ll also take a moment to hint at a future show we are planning for Wednesday nights.
It involves running a Pathfinder Adventure Path with the Dark Heresy 2E rule-set.
I think the premise may be fantastic, and I look forward to running the system. Keep an eye out for this show as we develop the concept and cast!
We will be doing it again this year.
More information will be forthcoming as the TLAPD representatives reset their website and send out the information for this years event.
The demand for GMs vs the supply Online may actually be at an all time low right now, but that's only when considered relatively. There is still a massive over-demand for games.
I support all Jersey five stars.
The stitched horrors fear ability should be shattering any army they come against. I basically fearlocked an Army of Exploration player.
Another thing thats been kind of noted here but perhaps not explicitly stated is that Team Evil gets bonus bad guys for every unique army the players field.
Wish inherent bonus is lost. Tome bonus stays because you paid for the item.
Online play sees quite a bit of high level play. Ill work on getting some numbers later but it also tends to be easier to organize for, what with not having to match up schedules around driving to a location.
The last line of Magic Circle states that the creature inside can't attempt to break the circle. I'd expect attempting to supersize after already inside could be viewed as part of that.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Can this build be improved by taking 1 level of Rogue(Thug) archetype?
Seeker Master Atu The Silver Crusader, Professor of Toxophiliology, teaches young wizards, sorcerors, and magus how to use bows. It is an important skill when silenced, or out of spells.
Curriculum include:
Straight Shooting 101: The Art of the Bow
Ammunition 205: Efficient Quiver Quantum Science
Free Actions 217: Firing More Times Than Physically Possible
Zen Archery 401: Shooting with your Eyes Closed Around Corners and Through Buildings; A Case Study in Supernatural and Extraordinary
Hello all,
Please read this entire email for players and GMs alike.
Welcome to Conline PFS Con. Throughout the weekend, starting on Friday morning, we will be hosting a webchat at http://conlinepfs.com/chat/ . This chat can be used by anyone to talk about ongoing games, look for more players, try to organize a new game. It will definitely be used for cross table chat during the interactive specials.
For chronicles the event number is 42769 and the event name is Conline Pathfinder Society CON. GM's will submit their game reporting through http://ironhelixx.com/conlinepfs/conlinereporting.html . Reporting will need to be done immediately after the game, and chronicles will need to be finished within an hour because of the fast paced nature of the Con.
Players can earn boons post game. The GM will ask all players to roll a d20. On a 20, the player can choose their boon. On a 1, the GM rolls for a random boon for that player. The boons will need to be reported on the reporting form.
The boons available to players will be:
Sky Citadel Scholar: You gain a permanent +1 bonus on Knowledge checks made about dwarven Sky Citadels or the Quest for Sky. In addition, you either become specialized in Knowledge (dungeoneering) or learn the Dwarven language for free.
Spirit of the Shadow Lodge: Although the Shadow Lodge has officially dissolved, you firmly believe that its core principles are an ongoing project that requires continued attention and dedication. Having banded together with a few like-minded individuals, you have formed an informal coalition that embraces the true spirit of the Shadow Lodge as you have always understood it. You gain a 20% discount on all spellcasting services (round up the final price) you purchase in their entirety to heal a fellow Pathfinder or restore a Pathfinder to life. If you instead contribute gold to assist a fellow Pathfinder in purchasing such a spellcasting service, treat your contribution as though it were 20% greater.
In addition, so long as you have earned at least 6 Prestige Points as a member of the Shadow Lodge, you may continue to purchase Shadow Lodge prestige awards and boons from Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Pathfinder Society Field Guide.
Taint of the Worldwound: The Worldwound wears away the very souls of those brave mortals who venture therein, and you might succumb to its subtly warping effects if exposed too frequently to its evil. Up to once per scenario when you adventure in the Worldwound, sustain at least 10 times your character level in damage from demons, or fail at least three saving throws against effects caused by demons during a single adventure, you may ask your GM to record the adventure’s name and sign this boon on a line below. For every three lines you fill, you may choose one of the following boons.
Hollow: Your eyes have a sunken appearance, and you are spiritually inured to further tragedy. You gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects with the emotion descriptor, the Sense Motive DC to get a hunch about you increases by 5, and you suffer a –1 penalty on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks.
Tainted: Your spirit festers with barely controllable evil. You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells with the evil descriptor, and you now have a faint aura of evil. If you already had a faint or stronger aura of evil, treat your hit dice as 2 higher when calculating the strength of your aura.
Warped: Your body has warped slightly from exposure to chaos, which might manifest as ridges of tiny horns, red eyes, or strange growths that twitch erratically. You gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks made against non-outsiders and a +2 profane bonus to AC against good outsiders, but you also suffer a –1 penalty on saving throws against effects that would sicken or nauseate you.
The GM boon for running at least one game will be Sylph race. In addition, Sylph sheets contain the following language:
Elemental Dilettante: Somewhere in your family tree, your ancestors’ human blood intermingled with that of a janni. By combining this boon with three other boons that enable you to play an ifrit, oread, and undine respectively, you may play a suli character (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 202), beginning at level 1 as normal. By using these boons in this way, they can no longer be used to create characters of
their respective races. Cross out the Chronicle sheets’ text (except for Elemental Dilettante), and write “Suli” on each one.
At least two days before your game begins, we will be dispatching emails to GM's and players to ask them to confirm their attendance and report their player information. We will need players to report their class and level. It is extremely important for players to list at least one character they would like to play; in the past players would hedge and ask what others players will be playing.
We will then give individual GM's their table's player list and tiers, and they will provide their players with a table link.
Finally, all new sign ups have been locked. If you would like to sign up for a game, please send an email to pfsonlinevos@gmail.com with a request for the scenario name and time/date.
We are also reopening GM submission. We will not be hosting new submissions on our warhorn. GM's can send us an email of intent to run a game at a date and time, they will need to recruit for players independently. We cannot provide PDF support for these scenarios, but GM's and players participating can earn boons and chances for prizes.
Thanks for your time and hope to see you this weekend,
Venture Lieutenant Arthur Perkins
i was averaging a game every other day.
really the online format where you can play at almost any time and day; forming games on short notice isnt particularly difficult.
I went from 0 games to 5 star in 11 months.
Starting next week, we will reopen GM Registration for GMs to submit.
With Conline happening in less than two weeks, I just wanted to highlight what tables are currently looking for more players:
(All Times are in EDT)
6 AM PFS4-10 Feast of Sigils, 1 spot
10 AM PFS 3-09 Quest for Perfection, 9 spots
12 PM Bonekeep 2, 4 spots
3 PM PFS 3-11 Quest for Perfection, 10 spots
4 PM PFS 5-08 The Confirmation, 4 spots
8 PM PFS 4-07 Severing Ties, 1 spot; PFS 5-19 Horn of Aroden, 2 spots
8 PM Bonekeep 2, 14 spots. We are really hoping to fill this one
11 AM Bonekeep 2, 3 spots
12 PM PFS 3-13 Quest for Perfection, 6 spots
10 AM Bonekeep 2, 12 spots
12 PM PFS 5-08 The Confirmation, 6 spots
11 PM PFS 3-14 Wonders in the Weave, 6 spots; PFS 3-20 Rats of Round Mountain 6 spots
Come check us out!
Avatar-1 wrote: Is there a date for when final signups are due? I expect people will continue to post new games during the Con as they form spontaneously, as has happened in the past.
However, if you haven't signed up for something three or more days out, it may be missed in the shuffle.
MicDex wrote: Um, hello. I just registered for this, haven't signed up for anything particular. I would just like to know how this will all work*
*If it matters, I have a laptop with a facecam and a mic
A few days before the convention begins, we will email you asking to confirm your spot at the table and your character information. We will then have your GM email the link for the Roll20 table from which you will play. On arrival, the GM will provide a Google+ Hangouts link for voice communication. After you finish play, day jobs and other end game items will be collected, boons will be rolled for. The GM will pass the information to the event staff, and will create a chronicle sheet to be emailed to you.
Now that you are a five star, you can make player characters offers they cant refuse. #Jersey
GM Submissions are closed for now, and a new wave of games has been added including a series of German language games.
We will be closing gm submissions soon, if you are looking to run please submit before tomorrow. Submissions will reopen shortly before the con begins so any latecomers can submit their own material.
A new wave of events are available with GM Submissions. GM's can continue to submit events until April 25th.
Viaja desde las montañas a las islas de los maestros del juego
Cultist Kiss
Flesh Collector
Below the Silver Tarn
29 minutes We Be Goblins full clear. Not all party's can hit this heroic level of speed however.
I like to allocate a full five hours for a scenario but normally its gonna be three and a half to four, then post game chronicling and wrap up.
Hello all,
Signups for both players and GM's for the Conline event are now open.
When is Conline? It will take place during Memorial Day (America) weekend, between May 23rd and May 26th. Games will be available 24 hours a day.
Where do I sign up? Signups will be handled through our warhorn, but all games will be cross posted to our Signup Map on the Conline website, to give a visual representation of which games are when. Clicking on an image in the schedule map should take you to the relevant entry on the warhorn.
Here is the Schedule Map
For those looking to go directly to the Warhorn, sign up here
Can I submit a game to GM? Of course! Information about how to submit a game request to us can be found at Conline GM Section
What kind of events can I expect at Conline? Beyond GM open submission, where you can see any of the available PFS products, the VO staff is offering the following
PFS Season 3 Meta-Plot: Quest for the Hao Jin Tapestry
PFS Season 4 Meta-Plot: The Risen Rune
PFS Season 3 Special : Blood under Absalom
PFS Season 4 Special : Race for the Runecarved Key
Bonekeep Exclusives, Part 1 and 2
Raffles for PFS Player Boons, and Prizes from Paizo
Please take the time to look around the website, and if you have any questions please submit to pfsonlinevos@gmail.com
I ran Master of the Fallen Fortress for a party with no wand of CLW as my first.
My 150th was a Day of the Demon that ended rather poorly for the players involved.
My VC Character regularly uses extended form of the dragon for combat, so its kind of like the opposite of dragons who hide in human form.
I'm not a member of the SE region. I have only ever played online, and I reside in NJ. I don't know if you want to make a new region for elite deluxe fellows like myself and team online, or throw me into a jersey shuffle.
Cryptic references to islands.
Chris Mortika wrote:
Do any of the cool improved familiars that can use wands, also disguise themselves as black birds? If you assume that golarions modern birds are descendants of avian dinosaurs, then there is at least one radical improved familiar who has demonstrated no problem with being large sized black objects filled with claws and death. So while it hasn't canonically, it theoretically could, disguise itself as a enormous black bird ( of death ).
Why am I speaking in circles?