The "World of Peace" Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Please Post Once Either With your Alias, or with a link to your alias. Keep discussion in the recruitment thread for now, Thank you.

The lap is dark and they see others around, They shift in the new mind, no knowing when or where, but makers soom to be crafting. They look at an onject and move it with their mind.

"We are becomming again, how long has it been, this form is elf, female, this form uses magic, this form is of use, other minds around, we feel them, we need things"

The elf female sits up and looks around.

Merran lies purring quietly as the lithe elven women work the knots from his muscles. I've really got to stop sneaking around such cramped spaces. It does a real number on my back.

Male half elf alchemist, barbarian 3

just to join the fun

Tronath looks to the ground, and at his now form.
why is the ground so far away ahhh ahhh, ok calm down... hmm seems this new form is strong. Bah only two arms i will have to fix that as soon as i can. but with this strength hmm i might be able to push this body's limits even higher still

the blond half elf laughs as if he head a good joke.

Here is Enisald, I'll make the Alias if I get picked.


Enisald believes in the natural order of things, predator and prey, the weak dying off to make way for the strong, and being intelligent enough to use tools and language doesn't make anyone immune to that. Enisald was strange in that he was a half-elf raised among a nomadic human tribe. Despite his lighter frame, he managed to fit into the group well enough, and even managed to rise to a position of leadership within the tribe, likely due to his elven bond with nature.

Enisald and his tribe lived nomadically among the jungles and plains, keeping on the move both to follow prey and avoid predators. The tribe was led by a Druid, and as the apprentice, Enisald had to go through a rite of passage before his mentor died, to prove himself worthy to take over leadership. As the Rhondskald people revered the cycle of predator and prey, the rite of passage required that the aspirant leave the tribe, naked and empty handed as the day they were born. After that, the aspirant was to survive on their own for a certain stretch of time. In the case of an apprentice to the elder, it was required that the no druid abilities were used, though that was a matter of honor, and that they survive for six months alone. In addition, Enisald was required to slay and bring back a megaraptor, a creature whose intelligence, in addition to its speed and strength, made it a worthy challenge of one who would lead the Rhondskald.

When Enisald left the tribe on his rite of passage, he had it harder than most, his half-elven heritage made him smaller and weaker than most of his compatriots, though he managed. In his wandering, he happened upon a large city, and became curious of what others must be like, so he explored. What he saw from his various hiding spots disgusted him, people there didn't kill the food they ate, they didn't make the things they used. It was an entire society of wastrels, the sort that were exiled from Enisald's tribe. He left the city as soon as he could, but he remembered its location and the lesson until the opportune moment. He succeeded at the test, and managed to return to his tribe with the proper corpse. After that, he made a quarterstaff topped with the claws of the dinosaur he'd killed, this was the traditional symbol of authority for the tribal elder.

When the old elder died several years later, Enisald was ready. Upon being granted rulership, he addressed his people. He told them that he had seen how the people who were not Rhondskald lived, and that he and his tribe had been hypocrits, living within the circle of life and death as all creatures should, but that they'd been wrong to exempt others from the same treatment. He claimed that he would seek to correct that oversight, and dubbed himself Enisald the Purifier, though most people who knew of him called him Enisald the Butcher.

He would take his tribe to a town and call for an audience with the ruler. He would summon local predators to attack the town, and then would send in his warriors. Anyone they found that had hidden from the fight would be killed, those that had fought and survived would be invited to join the Rhondskald. Any children were always adopted, and brought into the tribe, because the Rhondskald had never been hung up on genetics. If they found a survivor that had obviously comported themselves well in the attack, they would be invited to join the tribe, though refusal wouldn't be handled with such magnanimity.

Enisald never thought of himself as evil, if anything, he would have considered himself a force for good. After all, he helped to weed out the weak, and he never expected to fall the way he did. In the years since Enisald took command of the Rhondskald, his tribe of warriors had grown into an army, countless cities, and even a few countries had fallen under his assault. The regional powers were growing terrified that their nation would be the next one that Enisald set his gaze on. In that time numerous bribes had been offered, some that would have bankrupted the nation offering them. Some diplomats offered him money to stop his march, others offered him payment if he would turn his attention to a nearby country, that second group always found the Rhondskald on their doorstep next, because Enisald would not tolerate cowardice. By this point, Enisald had an apprentice of his own, one that had completed his own rite of passage and had proven himself a worthy successor.

Enisald's final battle ended with the sacking of the capital of Arronus, the largest and most powerful nation in the region. The Rhondskald army had stopped near the walls of the city, flanked by a large supply of dinosaurs that Enisald and his apprentice had summoned. The king sent out a champion to fight Enisald alone, hoping that his sucess would cause the Rhondskald to leave, though it would have only proven that Enisald was no longer worthy to lead them, and the siege would have continued under his apprentice. The champion, a dwarf namd Wurter, proved to be a worthy opponent, Enisald never understood why a man like this would serve a mewling dog that asserted his dominance based only on the blood in his veins. Enisald assumed his most capable wildshape, and the fight was long, bloody and close, but Enisald prevailed. before Enisald had the chance to recover his apprentice, a Human named Halazim struck. As the life fled from his eyes, Enisald saw two things that filled him with joy. First, he saw Halazim being shredded by the Allosaurus that Enisald had trained as a companion. The second thing that made him glad was that he saw the city gates fly open and soldiers pouring out like water, surely he would journey to the other side with plenty of company!

What caused Halazim's betrayal was never really clear, as he didn't survive the attempt. It might be noted, however that Halazim was a child adopted by the tribe. It could be that he was taken in late enough to be corruptible by the lust for gold, and that he'd turned on his people for a bribe, or it could be that he felt that Enisald was no longer a fit leader, though in that case he should have issued a proper challenge.


Full Name: Enisald the Butcher
Race: Vanara
Class: Druid (Saurian Shaman)/Monk (Treetop Monk) lvl5
Gender: male
Age: 18
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Languages: Common, Vanaran

Str: 15 +2
Dex 16 +3
Con 14 +2
Int 12 +1
Wis 18 +4
Cha 12 +1

Combat Stats:

Perception +10
Initiative +7

-Fortitude +6
-Reflex +7
-Will +8

AC/Flatfoot AC 19/15
Touch AC 19

CMB +5
CMD 20

Hit Dice Rolls (4), (2), (5), (8)
Hit Points 37

Ki Pool 6/6

BAB +3
Flurry of Blows +3/+3
Unarmed Damage 1d8

Speed 40
Climb Speed 35


Acrobatics +9 (3 ranks)
Climb +10 (0 ranks)
Handle Animal +9 (5 ranks)
Intimidate +9 (5 ranks)
Knowledge (Nature) +7 (3 ranks)
Perception +10 (3 ranks)
Spellcraft +8 (5 ranks)
Survival +8 (1 rank)

Feats and Racial Abilities:

Racial Abilities:
Normal Speed: base speed 30 feet and climb speed of 30ft
Low Light Vision
Nimble: +2 bonus to Acrobatics and Stealth checks
Prehensile Tail

Class Abilities (Monk):
Bonus Feat
Flurry of Blows
Stunning Fist
Unarmed Strike
Evasion: make a reflex save to take no damage from an area effect
Fast Movement +10
Maneuver Training: use monk level when calculating CMB
Branch Runner: adds half base speed bonus from fast movement to climb
Ki Pool
Slow Fall 20ft
Wood Affinity: spend one ki to treat a wooden object as if not broken
for 1 minute
High Jump: adds level to acrobatics checks to jump

Class Abilities (Druid):
Natures Bond: Allosaurus animal companion
Nature Sense: +2 on Knowledge (Nature) and Survival checks
Wild Empathy: use a full round action to gain a +4 bonus on dinosaurs
Woodland Stride: move through undergrowth at normal speed witout
taking damage
Totem Transformation: take on an aspect of a dinosaur as a move action
for a number of minutes equal to druid level per day
Trackless Step: cannot be tracked in natural terrain
Resist Nature's Lure
Totemic Summons: cast summon nature's ally as a standard action when
summoning reptiles and dinosaurs, creatures gain temporary hit points
equal to druid level

Improved Initiative
Power Attack: -1 t=to hit for +2 damage
Improved Overrun: do not provoke attack of opportunity when using
overrun, also recieve +2 bonus on checks to overrun a foe, recieve +2
bonus to CMD when opponent tries to overrun you, opponents cannot
attempt to avoid you
Weapon Focus (Claws): +1 to attack rolls with selected weapon

Attribute Bonuses:
Level 4: +1 Intelligence

Animal Companion:
Size Medium
Speed 40ft
AC +5 natural armor
BAB: +1
Attack: Bite (1d6), 2 claws (1d4)
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 10
Special qualities: low light vision, scent
Saves: Fort: +3, Ref +6, Will +2
Feats: Dodge
Tricks: Attack


Level 0 Prepared Spells: Light, Detect Magic, Create Water, Read Magic
Level 1 Prepared Spells: Entangle, Faerie Fire, Produce Flame
Level 2 Prepared Spells: Bull's Strength, Aspect of the Bear
Level 3 Prepared Spells: Call Lightning

The craftsmen are good, Them outlines what it needs made, the small shapes start to take from, Them pull some of the hosts mind and soul out and the little ones take like, then out fits, a stage, objects that them will need and how they are to be them knows, because deep down in the past them has done each and every one of their jobs, its just a matter of them remembering.

Them looks around, the others here are awaking, them wonders what they will do.

Sorry about the wands, thought I had already fixed that. Should be okay now. Cost me some versatility, but with a party of gestalt characters hopefully someone else can be versatile enough to make up for it. Assuming I'm even accepted.

HP = 70, F +9, R +2, W +12, Init +4; Darkvision 90', Scent; Perc. +14, Bluff +23, SM +16, Stealth +8

Sicsivicus wandered the charred plane with no particular direction in mind. Not that it would have mattered much anyways since everywhere led to nowhere. The screams of the damned a cacophony that suited his mood. He didnt enjoy this insubstantial existence. He felt like he was wasting his time here but patience was a virtue and one of definie importance to those that plot.

and then came that long promised tug on his soul. A beckoning so sweet he thought for a second he must be in heaven. He chuckled inwardly at the ironic musing.

Hoping to get equipment bought this evening.

male Tiefling Gestalt staff magus/weapon adept monk 5


Male Tengu Alchemist (Plague Bringer) 5 | Cavalier (Fell Rider) 5

Basically done, just need to fix my equipment because I had my base equipment crafted, which would take way too long. That and mundane gear.

male Tiefling Gestalt staff magus/weapon adept monk 5

For equipment I just have a short wish list. Frankly all he really needs is a staff and his spell book and he's good to go. However, he'll be more effective with magic items.

Edit: With that in mind how are you going to work starting spell books?

male Vanara Druid (Saurian Shaman)/Monk (Treetop Monk) lvl 5

I went ahead amd made the alias, so now we are on the same page. Anyway, I want to mention that this avatar was the only one I could find that looked remotely like a Vanara.

Male Pale Master

Theres one on the first page 'Kech Hunter'/montrous humanoid that looks really simian.

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

Still working on char sheet, having few moments of free time today but we discussed it all in PM I think

Female Half Elf/ (Drow Noble) Vitalist5/ (Antipladin5)


character is almost done for you to overlook.

i choose a half elf by the way from your suggestion. so a half elf anti-paladin/ vitalist

male Tiefling Gestalt staff magus/weapon adept monk 5

Character sheet edited and updated.

Hello everyone! I hope we all have a super fun time! I'm off to go help orphans, orphans... with diseases. (seriously, that will be my first action in game once I'm suited up)

Init: +11, Perception: +18, AC: 24, HP: 68/68, Saves: 9/13/6

Posting now. Sorry. I have been busy with school. I graduate tomorrow so I will have all the time needed to wreak havoc!

male Tiefling Gestalt staff magus/weapon adept monk 5

This may have gotten lost in the recruitment thread, so I'll put it here for easy reference.

DM Gear question:

I made some edits. I don't need a +1 staff. I can do that myself for short periods of time if needed. I'd like to spend that money elsewhere.

here's my gear wish list breakdown.

Darksire amulet (4500-creation 9 days) - +5 resists for tieflings, +4 diplomacy evil outsiders + flavorful
Ring sustenance (2500)
Hat of disguise (900-creation 2days)
Handy Haversac (1000-Creation 2 days)
Wand of infernal healing (750)
Arcane locked MW manacles (75GP) - Arcane locked by me via loaned Ring of spell storing

Extra -775g pocket money

Plus a bunch of mundane crap that I haven't calculated yet. I'll overestimate and take out a chunk of change before game starts.

This isn't magic, but if possible I would like an Adamantine Staff (it's auto Masterwork). The cost per the book is 3000 gp.
If that's half price I'd give up hat of disguise +450 GP.
If it's not half price I'd give up The Ring of sustenance +500 GP.

Is the Adamantine staff do-able?

Alright, guys I have groups picked. I really wanted everyone to play and All of your characters gave me good inspiration. One group fits quite nicely in some bodies that were just lying around. They will have a unique social advantage/stigma because of them. If you are not part of this group do not think you are second string. You are all important for fixing this world. Hopefully the parties will be versatile as well I tried to mix it up. Without further explanation here they are Alphabetically. Please Click your group name to go to the gameplay thread and check it out.

The Holy Vessels

BoJengo - Half-elf AKA Dardlara Zordlon Antipaladin/Vitalist
Cuan - Tengu AKA Akiz Mairan Alchemist/Cavalier
Jman72 - Half-Dragon AKA:Nicolae Vintila Antipaladin/Bard
TCG - Tiefling AKA Gideon Samus Shaw Staff Magus/Monk
WolfMan1911 - Vanara AKA Enisald the Butcher Druid/Monk

The Malicious Misfits

Jelani - Catfolk AKA:Merran Spy/Sorcerer
Joriandrake - Human AKA Laanrah Mighty/Adept Godling
pavaan - Half-Elf AKA:Tronath Colastar Alchemist/Barbarian
Spugly Fuglet - Elf AKA:"Them" Psion/Bard
Stiehl9s - Half-Orc AKA Sicsivicus Unbreakable Fighter/Oracle of Bones

I have a birthday party to attend so I will not be able to respond to posts in the game thread until late tonight. However I will be checking in all day tomorrow to answer questions your characters may have as well as RP whatever situations arise.

HP = 70, F +9, R +2, W +12, Init +4; Darkvision 90', Scent; Perc. +14, Bluff +23, SM +16, Stealth +8

Sweet! Thanks for the pick Shizzle69 and congrats to the others also on the roll call. On to the gameplay thread...

Alright sounds good. Thanks.

AC 17|HP 32/32|PP 31/45|Initi+3|F+1R+7W+5|Per+11 Elf/outsider Bard5/Psion(TP)5

This is the new ALt for my PC, had to make a new one as
1: Writing "them" was getting to be a pain
2: Could not change the name of the last alt, as PM to GM etc GM

other than that alls well.
O and class change hehe also as PM

Male half elf alchemist, barbarian 3

I have to say i am impressed that you have two games under the same campaigns good work.

AC 17|HP 32/32|PP 31/45|Initi+3|F+1R+7W+5|Per+11 Elf/outsider Bard5/Psion(TP)5

On Rooms
My PC just tuck it for granted you can hear whats going on in other rooms close by, also I should have made clear, My PC is walking in and out getting books etc, I did not feel the need to post every time He/she came in and out of the room.

Response time
As for response time, that can of warms ill keep clear off, one always posts when one can and in response to who ever has posted. RL gives and RL takes away.

On a plans,
It's basically no plan or my PCs plan. Shooting my PCs plan down is easy as its the only plan. My PCs Idea is hard, difficult and challenging, a traveling band of evil freaks making their way in a world of good incognito.

Someone's PC called that silly, let me remind that someone, your playing a fantasy role playing game online, silly comes with the very idea of this set up.

We craft the world and game play from our collective imaginations. My idea for my PC was to aim high here and do some thing spectacular and different from the other team. (yes that other group who by the way looks of it will be doing the" Vagueness of hiding in shadows ETC." Just have a look at what the other are doing and tell me the counter to my PCs idea offered is any different. But if we want to be like other please lets go ahead. I just wanted to try some thing with a bit more imagination and style.

In any place this is all good, Our PCs would act like this, from the arguments so some thing will come into being.

But the GM will want to have DRAMA come into the game, or it will become dull for him and spending mouths of RL "In the shadows" is not going to happen, and looking at how the other work some ones going to go on a rampage.

Ok back to game

HP = 70, F +9, R +2, W +12, Init +4; Darkvision 90', Scent; Perc. +14, Bluff +23, SM +16, Stealth +8

If youre going to call me out then use my name Harlequin.

Dont expect the whole party to get on board with the (yes Sic thinks its silly) circus idea just because you decided to make a clown for character. If this was a 'join an evil circus game' Id be have no problems. and I could care less what the other group is doing or what they are planning. Im not in that game.

Dont presume what the GM wants out of the game either.

AC 17|HP 32/32|PP 31/45|Initi+3|F+1R+7W+5|Per+11 Elf/outsider Bard5/Psion(TP)5

Just to make clear what out PCs do they do in character just as you say, I am sorry if it came across as a pop at any player, I think your all playing your PCs very well and this is great RPG stuff. Having a lot of Alpha evil dowers in the same room is always going to be a hard one. This is just what would happen, power games, fall outs etc.

As for GMs well we can only wait and see, put if I am right. I am going to harp on about it in a shame full way for ages. hehe

Ive run this game in person before. That group hung out in new vegas for about 3 months real time. Just relaxing, one even started teaching local kids to fight. Monk fighting though so disciplined. I was having a great time until they said they were getting bored. I was like, well gtfo of new vegas already and cause some mischif. They did just that. In closing, there is no way i will be bored with this game. I dont care if you never want to leave the withes house. As long as you guys are having fun im so down with it.

Arrr Shizzle good to hear its been past the PnP test hehe.
ok im down with that dude

Male half elf alchemist, barbarian 3

I think we have a fair amount of time to think of a plan of action, after all the game has just stared and it will take the crafters a fair amount of of time to make all our stuff, not to mention we have all been "alive" for less then a half hour at this point. we should let everyone say there own plan and then work from there, rather then going on just one persons plan, we might end up with a new one or a combination of a number of them.

Yeh throw ideas around. I'm here to give you info right now. When you leave the witch that part of my job involves asking you to make knowledge checks. Now is your chance.

Male Pale Master

@ Harlequin - no need for apologies. But Id rather you just called me out instead of referring to 'someone' when its very clear who were referring to. And please dont get offended if your first plan isnt met with applause and back clapping when we're hardly one hour (or one real day) into our new bodies and with almost no knowledge of what our environment will be like. Sic never said that he would never go along with it... ^_^

male Tiefling Gestalt staff magus/weapon adept monk 5

For the record Gideon isn't bowing down to anyone. He's playing along only so long as the situation suits him.

ALso I, the player, am playing along for the sake of moving the game forward.

Init: +11, Perception: +18, AC: 24, HP: 68/68, Saves: 9/13/6
Gideon Samus Shaw wrote:

For the record Gideon isn't bowing down to anyone. He's playing along only so long as the situation suits him.

ALso I, the player, am playing along for the sake of moving the game forward.

I am doing the same. We are going to have a blast guys!

AC 17|HP 32/32|PP 31/45|Initi+3|F+1R+7W+5|Per+11 Elf/outsider Bard5/Psion(TP)5

yep this will be fun, things will move fast once we are outside the house, I get the feeling we need to do as much prep as we can wile we have this chace once outside we will have no Evil backup for a wile so the more we do now to set ourselfs up for a long stint the better, thats what I feel. Having a reson to have the group stay a group was the core of my idea. With at it we may just have a group of players running of doing their own thing. Also making money is going to be a problem is all we can do is steal it for say and one place and have day jobs. My Idea is

1: We are a troop/group
2: We make money with out the need to be in one place or do criminal acts to get it.
3: We get to move around freely becouse we have removed 1 and 2.
4: We can hide things that would stand out, like a Gnome with Necromatoc arms under the vail of an act.
5: We can keep ourselvs out the limelite but playing only out of the way places on a small scale, but a scale where we get cash to live.
6: Every one has there own Carvan/tent so they have domain over there own actions and home and not being second to any one.
7: We can sive the mass's to find the 1 or 2 in a 1000s who have like minds.

As for what we could do

M would make a good ring master for the toop. FAce man
Me the comic fool and mind link.
Tronath the amazing Gnome of many arms and powers
Sicsivicus what ever he likes Stong man with Tronath aid etc.
A woman who can be a big cat etc
and any of the others
It dos not have to be good, in fact it may be better its not.
The fact we have 2 classes helps us here.

Thats my my thinking

Male half elf alchemist, barbarian 3

ok made it easyer to understand that my body is a half elf. also i dont understand how you get necromancy from extra arms, transmutation, alteration, conjuration, i can see all of those but not necromancy, also from what has been said people of this world are understanding and i could walk around with four arms a demon tail shooting fire from my mouth while naked and to me it seems they would just ask i put some pants on.
but that is my understanding of it so far.

AC 17|HP 32/32|PP 31/45|Initi+3|F+1R+7W+5|Per+11 Elf/outsider Bard5/Psion(TP)5

arr sorry you kind of hinted you wanted obys for the arms im a wrong in this reading of you posts Tronath

Yep i think also its been say that people are understanding, its the church and others I worry about thats all.

Apparently somebody posted something that got our Misfits gameplay thread deleted? Or is that just me...can't seem to find it now.

AC 17|HP 32/32|PP 31/45|Initi+3|F+1R+7W+5|Per+11 Elf/outsider Bard5/Psion(TP)5

The World Of Peace game thread

HP = 70, F +9, R +2, W +12, Init +4; Darkvision 90', Scent; Perc. +14, Bluff +23, SM +16, Stealth +8
The Harlequin wrote:

yep this will be fun, things will move fast once we are outside the house, I get the feeling we need to do as much prep as we can wile we have this chace once outside we will have no Evil backup for a wile so the more we do now to set ourselfs up for a long stint the better, thats what I feel. Having a reson to have the group stay a group was the core of my idea. With at it we may just have a group of players running of doing their own thing. Also making money is going to be a problem is all we can do is steal it for say and one place and have day jobs. My Idea is

1: We are a troop/group
2: We make money with out the need to be in one place or do criminal acts to get it.
3: We get to move around freely becouse we have removed 1 and 2.
4: We can hide things that would stand out, like a Gnome with Necromatoc arms under the vail of an act.
5: We can keep ourselvs out the limelite but playing only out of the way places on a small scale, but a scale where we get cash to live.
6: Every one has there own Carvan/tent so they have domain over there own actions and home and not being second to any one.
7: We can sive the mass's to find the 1 or 2 in a 1000s who have like minds.

As for what we could do

M would make a good ring master for the toop. FAce man
Me the comic fool and mind link.
Tronath the amazing Gnome of many arms and powers
Sicsivicus what ever he likes Stong man with Tronath aid etc.
A woman who can be a big cat etc
and any of the others
It dos not have to be good, in fact it may be better its not.
The fact we have 2 classes helps us here.

Thats my my thinking

and my thinking is that at this point its a ridiculous idea.

1. The only reason we need to stay together at this point is that we are the Only evil people in the world and without each other we will be picked off one by one quite easily.
2. Its going to cost alot of money just to get off the ground.
3. we now have a ton of crap to move around with us everywhere we go. Tents, horse drawn carts, all of the people it will take to do the mundane things. So if/when we do have to run; why we get to abandon all of it!
4. We dont need to hide our physical weirdness because here we arent considered weird.
5. The only way to make enough money to support the whole mess is to actually make it work and...drumroll... become famous! Yeah! Then everybody knows exactly who we are and is watching everything we do. Ever heard of the papparazi? This would not be good for us.
6. My ego doesnt crave having domain over a tent.
7. and much like the 1 or 2 out of 1000's of people that might have like minds there will be at least 1 or 2 but most likely the rest of the 1000's that doubt what we say or do is 'good' like the rest of them and will act on it accordingly. Especially the authority who will want to take a long look at this 'show' that is quite different then any other in the land.

male Vanara Druid (Saurian Shaman)/Monk (Treetop Monk) lvl 5

I have a question, something Aki mentioned made me start thinking about this. If you were one of Golarions gods, which one would it be? Take your pick from the list.

I think Enisald would be a combination of Gozreh, with a little bit of Rovagug's destructive aspects.

AC 17|HP 32/32|PP 31/45|Initi+3|F+1R+7W+5|Per+11 Elf/outsider Bard5/Psion(TP)5

@GM, Sicsivicus and other players in our group,
like I said before, remember your playing a "ridiculous" game of fantasy on the internet.

Whats coming across to me from you now is

"your not taking my fantasy game seriously"

Lighten up, its just a game, doing new things in new ways even ridiculous ones is what its all about. yes we could head out and play the munchkin game taking no chances and doing the logical thing,

but my point is, where is the fun in that? why not try some thing new but if this means so much to you and me seeking fun is bring down yours then, Ill drop the idea, happy to do it your way, just for the sake of the other plays, this was getting to be the Harlequin and Sicsivicus show and that's no fun for them. So in game play its ended, I made my PC move on to finding out about the world and making things.

Also I would just like to Apologise to the other players. This went on to far to long with Sicsivicus. I will not get my PC to push this any more, She will go with what the group wants.


Male Pale Master

so not wanting to be in your childish circus game is considered 'munchkin'? Haha! You really are a clown!

if you want to play a ridiculous game check here maybe this is more your speed?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Time to let it go Stiehl9s, I have, lets get back to the game, lot more fun.

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

i missed some drama? o.O

I had electricity problems for a day, will be able to post today/tomorrow

Male half elf alchemist, barbarian 3

i feel that you kind of are saying with the werewhatevers, oh here is a nice new shiny thing, and there are no negative consequences to doing it. only a -2 to charisma, and then i look at my party, all but me use charisma.... so i would be the only one that would take the curse and have it only effect a dump stat. grumble, i want that shiny thing too, but will have to wait and see how the people of the world treat it.

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

problem fixed, will soon be able to post again

Male half elf alchemist, barbarian 3

@laanrah. nice to see you up and about, cant wait to see what your plans might be.

AC 17|HP 32/32|PP 31/45|Initi+3|F+1R+7W+5|Per+11 Elf/outsider Bard5/Psion(TP)5

Yep time to jump in and tell us what your evil plan is, please say death ray, I feel we are a bunch of James Bond Villains some times.

Evil plan Maker Here

Female Human Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt

Finally got to finalize my equipment list, these are the only items that should required an OK on them:

+1 Glamered Comfort Full Plate 3350g
+1 Longsword of Bane (Outsider[Good]) 4000g

The Harlequin wrote:

Yep time to jump in and tell us what your evil plan is, please say death ray, I feel we are a bunch of James Bond Villains some times.

Evil plan Maker Here

if you mean my plans in ooc, I would say take over some lands and titles by not-so-clean methods but following the law, and gather allies and followers. I do like the lycanthrope issue, it fits well with Laanrah's shapechanger part so I hope there may be some weretigers

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