Laanrah is the exotic Temptress, the Witch Warrior, and the Mistress of Beasts. She is not a Druid or a Cleric, she has a divine spark in her as a daughter of Nature itself. While not caring much about balance, she would never allow a world where evil doesn't exist, it is no fun, and would result in the population control of the people breaking apart. No wars, murders, genocides? Then people will have too much free time at their hands and will breed out of control, will destroy the forests and harm nature, as even a few packs of wolves or tigers won't be a problem for them, if the animals dare to attack at all.
Her spellcasting is divine, and druidic in nature, she fights fiercely as a warrior if needed, but is clever and capable at social events too. You should fear her laughter, as it can curse you with misfortune. She is renown for her divine beauty, but she is a skilled diplomat even without it, those who dare to harm her in melee will face her wrath in revenge for damaging her perfect body.
She is the tiger in disguise that found its new home in the city. The woman hunts among the weak and uses their own laws against them. People destroy and dominate Nature? Laanrah will dominate the cities and people in return.