
Laanrah's page

34 posts. Alias of joriandrake.




Mighty/Adept Godling Gestalt




Neutral Evil

Strength 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 21

About Laanrah


The concept for the character was an exotic beauty that can both fight and have spells and abilities similar to witches and druids. Using two godling classes made this possible. The backstory is that she is a daughter of Nature, of its most destructive and bestial aspect, but at the same time adapted to the ways of civilization and the urban area.

Her original home was that of a city state in a jungle, in a culture similar to African and Mesoamerican cultures. Back then she was more like a druid and a witch, a shaman and Queen of her people. Now after the rebirth here, she noticed that her powers grew weaker, she is not as great a caster as she was before, and focused on her martial prowess and skills to compensate. She looks exactly the same as she was in her earlier life, the divine lifeforce in her must have formed her anew like this.


Laanrah is the exotic Temptress, the Witch Warrior, and the Mistress of Beasts. She is not a Druid or a Cleric, she has a divine spark in her as a daughter of Nature itself. While not caring much about balance, she would never allow a world where evil doesn't exist, it is no fun, and would result in the population control of the people breaking apart. No wars, murders, genocides? Then people will have too much free time at their hands and will breed out of control, will destroy the forests and harm nature, as even a few packs of wolves or tigers won't be a problem for them, if the animals dare to attack at all.

Her spellcasting is divine, and druidic in nature, she fights fiercely as a warrior if needed, but is clever and capable at social events too. You should fear her laughter, as it can curse you with misfortune. She is renown for her divine beauty, but she is a skilled diplomat even without it, those who dare to harm her in melee will face her wrath in revenge for damaging her perfect body.

She is the tiger in disguise that found its new home in the city. The woman hunts among the weak and uses their own laws against them. People destroy and dominate Nature? Laanrah will dominate the cities and people in return.

Class Details:

Favored Class: Adept Godling (+5 HP due to favored class bonus)

Spell List Selection: Druid
Spellcasting Attribute: Charisma

Level 1: Lineage Domain (Animal), Minor Ascendancy (Hex Lord: Misfortune), Human Bonus Feat, 1st Level Feat
Level 2: Divine Trait (1 point), Lineage Domain (Growth)
Level 3: Scion (Retribution), Divine Trait (1 point), 3rd Level Feat
Level 4: Mighty Godling Bonus Feat
Level 5: Scion (Force of Personality), Minor Ascendancy (Hex Lord: Cackle)

Level 6 (Next Level Preplanned): Divine Trait (1 points), 6th Level Feat [Emergent Divinity]

Total amount of Divine Trait points: 3
- Legendary Beauty I
- Shapeshifter I [White Tiger]
- Nemesis (ethical) I [Good]

- Human Bonus Feat: Boon Companion
- 1st Level: Emergent Divinity
- 3rd Level: Extra Talent (Unaligned)
- Mighty Godling Bonus Feat: Power Attack

Laanrah is able to:
- Use Cackle and Misfortune hexes just like a Witch
- Cast spells using the Bard spell progression but with a spell list of the Druid
- Change shape twice per day into a white tiger
- Fight like Warrior in full plate armor without any Arcane spell failure and full BAB
- Fight Good enemies better and know more about them, but has a -2 negative on Diplomacy with them
- Strike once at those who hurt her in melee in retribution
- Benefit from the Animal and Growth domain powers (and thus have a nice white tiger animal companion)
- Improve on her otherworldly might as she advances.
- Keep a good variety of skills due to her 6+Int per level skill points

Scion Ability List:

Retribution (Su): When foes dare to strike your person, which is a vessel for the divine energies that make you a godling, you can call upon those divine energies to strike down the heathens who dare defile your physical perfection. When you are hit by a melee attack, you may make a melee attack at your full attack bonus against the attacker.

Alternatively, you may cast a touch or ranged touch spell with a casting time of 1 standard action or less at the attacker. Using this ability counts against your attacks of opportunity for the round, and you cannot use it if some condition or circumstance prevents you from making attacks of opportunity. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your highest ability modifier.

Unaligned (Su): Any time a creature uses magic to determine information about the godling’s alignment, the godling may make a DC 18 Will save. On a successful save, the godling’s alignment is not revealed.

Force of Personality (Su): Your deific heritage manifests in the form of an amazingly strong presence, which allows you to accomplish things through sheer ego rather than physical ability or natural talent. This presence also powers a barrier of divine defense which helps protect you from harm. You may add your Cha mod, rather than any other ability scores, to your saving throws. (Replace your Con mod with your Cha mod for Fort saves, your Dex mod with your Cha mod for Ref saves, and your Wis mod with your Cha mod for Will saves).

Character Sheet