Is it just me or is down atm. Happened at 01.10 BST, saying insufficient privileges.
Just noticed it myself a few minutes ago. Acts like access has been reset from open to the public to only specified users.
Bah, and just about to level up too :/
Suddenly the site started to redirect me to the google log in page, and with this link:
Quote: 1209600&continue= ;followup= My intention was to access the pathfinder traits page. I tries to get to other pages on that site, some tabs were already opened by the monk and witch classes, refreshing those pages also threw me to the google log in page...
I started to run a virus check just to be sure, but I would also like to ask people here what the heck could cause this, is that site down, do others also get a similar redirect issue?
I'm locked out as well, and this REALLY sucks since near everyone in my gaming group uses that website when we have a session, and we have one tonight...
Happened to me as well; what happened, paizo?
Might be servers maintenance time (maybe an emergency one).?
Same thing just happened to me.
Not sure if this is the place for it, but is anyone else not able to view the Pathfinder SRD site? Google is telling me that i don't have permission to view the site.
good, then it is not my stupid ignorance that causes it, nor a virus
I just have no idea what google has to do with that site though
d20pfsrd isn't owned by paizo, never was in the first place.
Don't know if google owns the servers it is hosted on.
eutropia wrote: Happened to me as well; what happened, paizo? As Treppa points out, d20pfsrd is a fan-run site. You can still use Paizo's PRD, although it doesn't have all the non-core material.
I signed into my google account and accessed the page with no problem.
Belle Mythix wrote: Might be servers maintenance time (maybe an emergency one).? If it was an emergency server maintenance, we wouldn't be getting an "Insufficient Privileges" error (or at least that's how it's coming up for me on Chrome). We'd be getting some page that says the site's down for maintenance or, at the very least, some kind of "cannot connect to website" or "connection timed out" error.
DragoDorn wrote: I signed into my google account and accessed the page with no problem. I'm signed into my google account right now and I can't access it, so I don't think simply signing into a google account is the answer.
I signed in but still don't have "permission to access the item."
Mine does not allow access, but I did post an access request hoping to get the owners' attention to the problem.
Yep, I got this message:
You need permission to access this item.
You are signed in as xxxxxxxxxxxxx, but you don't have permission to access this item. You can request access from the owner or choose a different account
Ok cool nice to know its not just me here's hoping I can access that later.
DragoDorn wrote: I signed into my google account and accessed the page with no problem. I signed in as well, requested access and get the same thing, you are probably viewing cached pages. I have tried it on my phone, home computer, both with several browsers with the same results. It is a problem with the site.
Could be they had that virus the FBI was talking about a week or so ago- estimated computers effected? around 250k. Effected computers lost the net today.. so if the servers had it, they'd be down until they fix it.
Of course, thats nothing more than 100% pure speculation.
Just confirming its down.
I sent PM to jreyst to inform him of the problem with link to this thread.
Just a note that I also cannot access the page.
Yeah same here. No access. Wish there was some heads up to the issue of why?
I'm a site collaborator and I'm having no problem using the site.
page is reading public now. try to access now.
I don't recall having psionics unleashed in sidebar menu previously - but maybe I just never noticed it.
EDIT: Races from ARG were added in different category than monsters as PCs.
Its been there for awhile.
Apraham Lincoln wrote: Is it just me or is down atm. Happened at 01.10 BST, saying insufficient privileges. John is on his way back from PaizoCon. The site should be back up for everyone now. There were some temporary permission issues. Collaborators would probably have still had access through their Google Sites access to the site.
You just never noticed it. It's been there for a long while.
Cheapy wrote: You just never noticed it. It's been there for a long while. Quote possible, I don't use psionics in PF. Other races with featured and uncommon races links are quite new, however.
want to use this chance to point out that Tetori monk archetype doesn't show it properly what abilities get replaced, slow fall/high jump as example
joriandrake wrote: want to use this chance to point out that Tetori monk archetype doesn't show it properly what abilities get replaced, slow fall/high jump as example the page editor isn't responding now. it will have to be edited later.
Oh thank Apsu it's back on.
Thanks Denny for fixing that. That will teach me that trying to work on the site via phone is a bad idea lol
Thanks to everyone at d20pfsrd for getting site up again :)
At least it allowed me to go to bed at a reasonable hour :P
Site still seems to be having problems in some areas.
I just now tried to look at the Kitsune race page and it locked me out.
On now and looking at the new featured races section from the ARG so working from the UK and good job on getting ARG content up there :D
Harrison wrote: Site still seems to be having problems in some areas.
I just now tried to look at the Kitsune race page and it locked me out.
Seems that everything in Races Of The Dragon Empires section is locked.
They can be viewed through by entering Other Races > Uncommon Races, however.
Yes there are still some permissions issues I need to resolve but I am still en route home from PaizoCon atm. Will fix after getting some zzzz's at home.
I can get on, without issue. just waiting now for the d20pfrpg app to get updated with ARG content. (here's hoping for a combat initiative and notes screen)
Raising this thread from the depths of its moldering grave two years hence because... has... disappeared?
Quote: Oops! Google Chrome could not find
Try reloading:
I can do anything, go anywhere (well that I've looked) online, except that site. Anyone else experiencing this?