![]() Heather 540 wrote:
With a human you wouldnt have to dump STR. You could have 10 STR (0 points) 15 DEX (3 points +2 Racial), 14 CON, INT and CHA (all 5 points each) leaving 2 points to give WIS 12 ![]()
![]() Have you considered a small race? Both gnomes and halflings offer something good stat wise (not so good for the cha bonus tho) It does nothing to penalise your damage and offers bonus to hit/AC/stealth. Elemental whispers gets you a familiar that can live in your head. If you dont like the thought of messing about with a familiar it can do nothing else but sit in your mind giving you alertness feat and +4 initiative. Pretty good for 1 feat or a low level wild talent if nothing else takes your fancy. I liked kinetic leap on my kineticist. It gives you an extra place to dump burn if you want the always on ability. If you go air as 2nd element, with airs leap (pre req for the good flying) you can pretty much jump as far as you can move from a standing start. Doesnt do much mechanicly better than flying or acrobaticsing it but feels pretty baddass. You are only getting 4 skill points a level. you either need to choose the 4 skills you want to focus in (i recommend dropping climb anyway if you can jump everywhere, acrobatics is climb for dex characters ;) ) or grab an extra skill point from somewhere (cunning feat, Int headband, favoured class bonus) Also healing is for sticks, not for feats ![]()
![]() If you dont mind the religion/alignment the Wasp Familiar feat to get you arguably the best basic familair out there (+4 initiative; flies) for only 1 feat ![]()
![]() How many useless saves per hour should a pc make in your standard adventuring bar? between bards songs and charming adverts and bored detect thoughts going off surely most people will used to making low level saves most days, and even if they fail the consequences are not usually that bad if everything is magical and could be considered a minor annoyance. ![]()
![]() If you have a smart phone there are a few pathfinder spellbook apps (all 3rd party so at your own risk) that allow you to hot link spells in your books and has all the effects ready for you. The ones i use havent been updated for a while so no new spells from 2014 on i think but covers crb+ a few more.
![]() If there are terrain features that allow for the rogue to hind behind and take cover there is often the same terrain features for the hobgoblins to take cover behind. Staying out in the open when you just seen someone hide behind a tree is asking for trouble. This is why fighting elves is so terrifying. They are so many places to hide and line of sight is often only 20 feet or so before shrubs and bushes and trees obscure things.
![]() Consider that i have a base move of say 30, and a fly speed of 30 with average fly skill, and enough acrobatics and abilities to jump my entire move from a standing start. Under what circumstances would it be better to jump my move as opposed to flying my move or moving my move (with enough acrobatics to reasonably move thru' threatened squares at full move against average mooks) ![]()
![]() Even if you do nothing else with elemental whispers it can still give you as much as 2 feats (alertness and familiar bonus) and thats not using any other familiar abilities. If you are investing in perception (every character should) and would spend a feat on improved initiative or iron will (or save of choice) then you should definitely pick it up and never let it leave your mind ![]()
![]() I think the issue is that the victory in defeat ability kicks in at 0 hps but that the simulcrum, when at 0 hp, disappears into nothingness and isnt even repairable in a magic lab. Im guessing the player wants the ability to avoid having the simulcrum being completely destroyed at 0 hps, even if all it does is limp away from combat or plays dead. Tbh its probably cheaper and quicker just to re-cast simulcrum than repair the current one (100gp/HP vs 500gp/Hit Dice; 24 hours and a lab vs 12 hours and an ice sculpture) ![]()
![]() Maybe the reason there are so many breeds of dog is because depending on which skill or save bonus you want, there is a dog breed for you. Just choose any currently available bonus offered by another familiar and use it as your own (using fox statistics) Heck, id even allow it to speak 1 language if you had a scooby-do kind of thing and it was the kind of game group that could tolerate that. (definitely not a scrappy-do type). Other familiar users would obviously know what stat bonus a breed would give so it kind of telegraphs its masters skill set or area of expertise ![]()
![]() Another way could be making the search roll and loot a non-zero sum affair. If another party member searches the body 1st, find the short sword, if its the rogue then add the gold (rogues know where to look).
![]() I have always used knowledge:nobility as a stand-in skill for an character who wants act as a lawyer facing the justice courts. Proper etiquette and at least some law knowledge (heredity and lines of sucession need laws and these need to cover the passing of wealth so need laws on property, defence of property etc) ![]()
![]() Inlaa wrote:
If you playing a druid for the AC then you get the greater version at 5th level for 1hr/L and enhancements as gravy. Sadly it only comes online at 10th for a ranger. Get a wand maybe, or a potion if you can convince you t-rex to drink it ![]()
![]() If you going off-grid anyway for armour spikes, Scale Spikes will solve the weapon and armour proficiencies ![]()
![]() You can move upto twice speed for a trample FAQ says:
Trample: The Trample Universal Monster Rule indicates that the monster is moving around as part of the trample, but it never says how far it can move. How far can a trampling creature move?
A trampling creature can move up to twice its land speed as part of the trample. FAQ You can move about as you trample. the only restrictions are that you can enter the square and any creatures in those squares must be 1 size smaller than you or smaller. Power attack wouldnt apply. Its a special attack without an attack roll You could smite evil as a swift action and then trample it. The bonus to attack wouldnt affect but the bonus damage would i think affect the target of your smite but not other evil foes who happened to be also trampled ![]()
![]() It may not be the answer you are looking for but i am in favour of just letting any race choose from any of the FCB for their class. It opens up more options for any class and allows people to play the race they like for their concept over choosing the one thats mechanically best for the class. What you gain in diversity more than makes up for what you lose fro a small amount of power-play advantage ![]()
![]() Scott Wilhelm wrote: For starters, what rule set are you using? Is this for Pathfinder Society? Not for PFS, but it might have been pfs legal also. Always easier for gm nod if its pfs legal. Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Good call, as i was making it i just had it down as a bonus feat and only at the end did i realise its the MT changey feat. There are so few druid spells you are getting and the feats are needed more but a route for human druids. Scott Wilhelm wrote:
I did some thinking and the fact you can stack the sacred fist levels and the monk levels and monks belt and monastic legacy (doesnt count warpriest levels as they already counting as full monk levels) together beats out the weapon focus/sacred damage part. Sacred damage only gets up to 1D8 at 10 and jumps again at 11 to 1D10 where as the unarmed can get higher and is eligable for strong jaw too. The attack routine is unarmed strikes with grab and constrict. The natural attack of the creature is almost redundant. You get the armour spikes from scale spikes and greater scale spikes with greater having a very respectable length, as long as your wildshape. The spell also provides proficiency. Eventually getting 8 levels of druid gives 4th level casting for Magic fang, strong jaw and greater scale spikes and with shaping focus, whilst not getting any better animal forms, does open up some interesting plant/constrictor choices. Yes, wands feature heavily in this characters inventory -Edit Just checked scale spikes spell and the targeting is off :/ Maybe human, racial heritage nagaji could swing it? or even reptilian as that is a subtype for humaniods? as i say not for pfs ![]()
![]() The compression ability sounds like a good fit.
![]() Nice handy list of stuff and that fits in a Handy Haversack ![]()
![]() The barebones of it can be done without the human bonus feat. What is holding it back in terms of feats is the high level requirements. If you human thats great but it can be done without. choose any race, knock yourself out :) There is always reincarnate 100, dms choice ;) As i said its not really for pfs as it comes online really at level 11 but if you can swing the final embrace line then its worth it. ![]()
![]() So ive been looking again at building a grapple based druid monk but since the change of imp Nat Att and Feral combat training since protos FoF guide i thought it was defunct. But looking again and some odd choices i think i have something that might work at 11th level and may even be pfs (not that familiar with pfs so dont hold your breath) and all done without INA or FCT. Initial race choice: This is a really feat starved build so you would think human. But there are so few feats needed that are low enough level that i dont think its worth it. This build is with dwarf stats in mind as CON and WIS are close 2ndary stats and at certain points WIS may even be better than STR. slow and steady and hardy traits are very handy to have. If you go human you have another feat. Enjoy it :) Traits: Beast of society is just great for druids. Birthmark is good as much needed resistance to charms and takes care of divine focus requirments. Levels 1-4::
Druid. Almost any archtype that doesnt alter wildshape (you need it to start at 4th level) or stop you choosing animal domains.
I recommend Blight druid. You need to take crocodile domain. This gets you a little crocy familiar and the excellent deathroll ability. Does this allow you to grapple large targets? I dont know but it seems to. Even if you only get the bonus damage and bonus to grapple check it would still be good. And savage jaw as a domain spell. Check with your gm but croc domain is still good. The feats you choose here at 1st and 3rd level are meh and to be re-trained at 4 and 8 so really they can be anything AT 4th level you can start to wildshape. Mostly shileighly. hit things. Level 5-7::
Unchained Monk. You are here for WIS to dex as you will never be armoured and (thanks to being dwarf) never encumbered. Unarmed strike is here giving us a 1D6 strike and a decent and easy to use flurry. evasion, fast movement, stunning fist ki strike and ki power are just gravy at this point. it has to be unchained as we really need the high BAB to qualify for feats. pick up imp grapple (yay) and combat reflexes (meh) as bonus feats.
Feats. At 5th, retrain your 1st level feat into shaping focus (remember points in know nature) Get kraken style (adds WIS to grapple check damage)at 5 and greater grapple at 7. thats a sweet +4 to grapple and another +2 on top to maintain a grapple. you wildshape into large creatures using UAS (now at 1d8 for large) to start grapples or flurry as you see fit. The natural attacks of the form are largely irrelevant. More grapple uses now in wildshape forms and you get grab. Start to use the briliant scale spikes druid spell giving you +1 armour spikes that you are proficient with. they add 1d8+1(as large) damage to grapples Level 8-9::
Brawler (strangler). Only here for the sweet sweet combat feats. Doesnt normally stack with monk but as we are traidng out both flurry and UAS from brawler i dont suppose it matters. What we do get is 2D6 sneak attack that we can always do in a grapple. We also get to keep our DEX in a grapple helping survivability. You now start to wildshape into large forms now and constrict comes online. Retrain you 3rd level feat into Final Embrace at 8th (you should be eligable, this maybe a sticking point. if not buy a belt of anaconda coils.) Bonus feat gets us final embrace horror. level 9 feat picks up kracken wreck style feat to get another +4 to grapple damage and maybe wreck armour/weapons (more about this later) You will only be eligable to use the final embrace line of feats if you wildshape into a form that has constrict. final embrace gives you grab and constrict but doesnt say on which attack you get grab.As you can use your UAS as your constrict damage then i think you can use your UAS as having grab. If not grapple as normal. Grab and constrict upto our size. You will now be wildshaping into huge forms with constrict. Your unarmed attack routine will be +8/+8/+3 with a flurry all maybe with grab. unarmed damage and constrict damage will be 2d6. armour spikes will now be doing 2D6+1 extra damage on a grapple. And 2D6 sneak attack. And WIS+4. maybe you will cast aspect of bear for +4 CMB, maybe vine strike for extra 1d6 damage. And you havent even used martial training yet. Level 10 and 11: :
Sacred fist warpriest. These might as well count as more monk levels for the purposes of UAS, AC bonus and flurry (although flurry wont really work as we already have UcM flurry and wont get enough combined levels to gets us a 2nd extra attack). Nice few uses of fervor for swift cleric buffs.
at 11th you will finally have enough BAB to pick up final embrace master and you can use MT to pick up rapid grappler. Darkness and scalykind blessings give us blur and +1 nat AC. You will now be attacking as a huge creature (who may or may not be able to grapple colossal creatures with death roll) with an unarmed strike 3D6, 6D6 constrict 2d6 in a grapple sneak attack, 2d6 armour spikes. adding wis+4 as a standard, move and swift actions with a +4 to grapple and more to maintain. and they're shaken on top. thats without wands of strong jaw or greater scale spikes. Where you go from here after is open. You could go 4 more levels of druid. gets you powerful build, definitly allowing the grappling of colossal creatures. It may even stack with death roll as one is a virtual size increase and the other effects how much bigger than you a traget must be to grapple. Also freses you from the use of wands of SJ and G ScSp. and adds 1D6 from croc domain.
You should also consider deadly grappler feat to increase damge die of armour spikes in a grapple and maybe you want natural spell to cast. Small note on FCB: Druid gets more deathrolls: Monk and brawler get ability to ignore hardness of stone/rock/metal etc. Kracken wreck allows you to do a crush attack doing unarmed damage to armour and a bonus to ignore armour. if these work together (im not sure they would but it would be nice if someone got some use out of these FCBs that i might allow it) then maybe that could be a nice extra treat/combo. Otherwise get HPs Is my logic sound? any mistakes? anything im missing ![]()
![]() VRMH wrote:
Under the polymorph rules, the capability for speech is address as an ability possessed when it comes to changing shape and casting spells with verbal components (dragons being specifically called out). The familiar has its own skill ranks if a sage. The familiar rules seem to be silent on whether it understands your language but a point in linguistics either way should solve that. ![]()
![]() I agree on on the alternate FCB and race. I see the FCB as a nice little extra way to customize your character so all options are open. If there is one option that is clearly better than the others then why is that for that race. Enforcing race restricted options (as well as feats archetypes and prestige classes) seems backwards and seems like casual racism (i know they are actual different races but without actual orcs and elves to compare them to they tend to end up as slightly different humans) Spells known for spontaneous casters. Sometimes there is a spell where i think "if i were a sorc, i would definitely know that spell" even though it isnt optimized. examples would include mages magnificent mansion, heroes feast, secret chest. There are others and im sure everyone has their favourite spell that they feel the justification to include. Weapons too. I dont care as a GM what the weapon looks like as long as mechanically its balanced. I wish the weapon creation rules were more solid (really more weapon points for measly cash increase? who wouldnt add that on? no points for light weapons? break even on racial weapons vs traditional weapon?) ![]()
![]() Feral gnasher archetype for goblins gets you a reasonable bite attack for being small (eventually 1d8 x3 crit) and lets you grapple larger and larger targets and doesnt give up much -edit I can totally see a half orc adopting one as a sort of pet dog ;) ![]()
![]() Greater Object Possession also allows construct hacking and come online quicker for psychics as a level 6 spell than control construct ![]()
![]() Java Man wrote:
And its easy to start a grapple with a tiger as all its attacks have grab. And having just re-read the ability, it shares the same format as rend but completely different mechanics but both abilities are found on the same type of foes. It certainly confused me for a while... ![]()
![]() Favourite is probably wildshape. So many options and different play styles open up. You really do need to be prepped before hand and know what you are going to turn into for a given situation and what you can and cannot do. Least favourite is any class feature (solo tactics and the cavalier one) that uses teamwork feats. The feats are so terrible and taxing and situational that they had to give 2 classes whole abilities that turn them into something that you could also do but still not great. I use any archetype that trades out these abilities. ![]()
![]() Denorisn wrote:
Like it very much. Simple and themeatic. Couple of thoughts.
![]() Ranger evasion works in medium armour but only kicks in at 9th level compared to the rogues 2nd level. As the slayer is a rogue/ranger hybrid that comes with medium armour but can only get evasion thru the rogue talent part of their class id say a compromise is that it works as the rogue evasion until 9th level where it works as the ranger evasion.