Doctor Who: The Lonely God

Homebrew and House Rules

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Ever since they referred to him as the "Lonely God" (I forget which episode) I've been wanting to create him as a god in Pathfinder. So far, I see a God of Time who is the son of Pharasma. His favored weapon would have to play off the Sonic Screwdriver somehow (maybe a wand or something?). Beyond that, I'm lost.

How would you guys do it?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

i don't think there are systems in pathfinder that can reproduce that level of epicness...

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

you could however use the 3.5 dieties and demigods to build him into a diety if you wanted to.

Favored Weapon: Improvised (any).

Travel & time domains.

Swoon <3

So Domains: Good, Travel, Time, Luck, Knowledge

Favored Weapon: Improvised Weapon

Who would follow him? I know I would, but seriously...he could be some sort of protector...

Good? Mostly, but he was prone to vengeance. So he has a dark side.
Is there a domain for Companions?

Good gods can be vengeful, but I see where you are coming from. The Doctor did usually try to take the "spare their lives" route if he could pull it off. If there isn't a Companion Domain, there would have to be for him. Maybe something dealing with community or friendship?

Now what about that darn screwdriver?

EDIT: Domains:
Community, Knowledge, Luck, Time, Travel

There would be stories abound of the Lonely God, and how he has single-handedly saved the world (time and time again). He would surely have many followers (demons run when a good man goes to war).

The Screwdriver should be a +3 Merciful Wand (treated as a light mace for purposes of determining damage done, and ease of use). Can be used to cast dispel magic, hold portal, knock, and whelming blast, amongst others.

Yay, this is fun. If I run something with him in it as a god, he hasn't saved the world in a long time, and people wonder if he is ever going to come back.

EDIT: If he had an actual character sheet (deities in my homebrew tend not to), I would say low STR and DEX, high CON and INT, above average WIS, and enough CHA to own a room.

The screwdriver isn't really a weapon...

Has he ever used a weapon? Hmmm... yes he actually armed himself with a pistol during one of his encounters with the Master. But he didn't keep the gun. So it could hardly be called a favorite weapon. I would rule that the Doctor has no favored weapon. When he fights he uses forces bigger than a mere weapon.

Right on the screwdriver not being a weapon. I do think FW is either "none" or "improvised"

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I'd think a gestalt Engineer and a Time Warden by SGG would fit the bill...

The Exchange

You must all be young. The old doctors even back when there was rose he used guns and clubs. In some parts of this universe "doctor" is a term used to refer to the most capable and powerful fighter in the land. Check a wiki and get yourself some additional information. I did love the idea of a wand of knock and hold portal but maybe also throw a sense "everything" into it. And id definitely thinks of this character as a high level travel/time cleric than a god. Luckily disable device is charisma based as he should be able to take anything from a toaster to a television and find a way to wire it into a cb radio and have just the tool he needs. Remember each actor has brought his own dash to the doctor character. While the latest is very entertaining (and don’t get me wrong I love him) looking back to the previous should get you a character a little more fun to look at as a god. I think it was the family blood multipart episode that really showed his vengeful side.

Nothing says bad kitty like trapping someone inside a star for eternity.

You've also got to account for his personality changing every so slightly with each incarnation, Nephril. The "new" doctor and his disdain for weaponry perhaps reflects this? In any case, I agree - I love him!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm thinking he'd be a samsaran in the pf universe..

Nephril wrote:

You must all be young. The old doctors even back when there was rose he used guns and clubs. In some parts of this universe "doctor" is a term used to refer to the most capable and powerful fighter in the land. Check a wiki and get yourself some additional information. I did love the idea of a wand of knock and hold portal but maybe also throw a sense "everything" into it. And id definitely thinks of this character as a high level travel/time cleric than a god. Luckily disable device is charisma based as he should be able to take anything from a toaster to a television and find a way to wire it into a cb radio and have just the tool he needs. Remember each actor has brought his own dash to the doctor character. While the latest is very entertaining (and don’t get me wrong I love him) looking back to the previous should get you a character a little more fun to look at as a god. I think it was the family blood multipart episode that really showed his vengeful side.

Nothing says bad kitty like trapping someone inside a star for eternity.

The doctor has a 'sketchy' memory at best ;)

I've seen the 10th doctor (my personal favorite :) ) throw up his hands and say 'No guns... don't have a gun, never use guns...' When in fact he DOES occassionally use them, and swords... and whatever else he needs :).

He sees himself as a Paladin who always chooses the better road... no weapons, second chances for everyone... Today NOBODY dies!!!

And then he's had days where his eyes just go dark and he unleashes holy vengence on someone.

Honestly, I think the 11th is the darkest of the bunch since the reboot (not THAT up to date on 1-8th... though I've caught a smattering of them.) but even 9 and 10 had their dark moments... and their epic HERO moments.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

the only appropriate alignment for the doctor is true neutral, though he has good tenancies he thinks history is more important than morality, a good person would never get as excited as he does over tragedy, and he cares more about the balance of things than the actual good of them. That's taking all the doctors, not just the newest, he is just as capable of letting someone good die for the balance of things as he is of saving someone's life.

Shadow Lodge

Doctor One started out as evil...not meglomaniacal, but definately selfish. A guy who would smash in a caveman's head just to save himself some possible inconvenience.

Detect Magic wrote:
The Screwdriver should be a +3 Merciful Wand (treated as a light mace for purposes of determining damage done, and ease of use). Can be used to cast dispel magic, hold portal, knock, and whelming blast, amongst others.

Needs more sonic. :)

soulofwolf wrote:
the only appropriate alignment for the doctor is true neutral, though he has good tenancies he thinks history is more important than morality, a good person would never get as excited as he does over tragedy, and he cares more about the balance of things than the actual good of them. That's taking all the doctors, not just the newest, he is just as capable of letting someone good die for the balance of things as he is of saving someone's life.

I think he is CG, NG, or LG depending on his mood, just like most of us.

Silver Crusade

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I've been homebrewing a him with the ARG

Here he is, def non-playable.

Male Gallifreyian Rogue 20
CG Medium Outsider (Native)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision; Perception +28
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10. . (+3 Dex)
hp 260 (20d8+100)
Fort +11, Ref +15, Will +11
Defensive Abilities Cornered Fury, Deathless Spirit, Defensive Roll (1/day), Evasion, Healthy, Improved Uncanny Dodge (Lv >=24), Poison Resistance, Stubborn, Trap Sense; Resist negative energy 5, Hard to Fool
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike +17/+12/+7 (1d3+2/20/x2)
Special Attacks Master Strike (DC 36), Sneak Attack +10d6
Spell-Like Abilities Arcane Mark (1/day), Comprehend Languages (1/day), Message (1/day), Read Magic (1/day), Spell-Like Ability, At-Will (Charm Person) (At wil
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 42, Wis 20, Cha 28
Base Atk +15; CMB +17; CMD 30
Feats Improvised Weapon Mastery, Ricochet Splash Weapon, Rogue Weapon Proficiencies, Run, Scholar: Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Planes), Secret Signs, Self-sufficient, Skill Focus: Bluff, Skill Focus: Linguistics, Skilled Driver: Air, Throw Anything
Skills Appraise +39, Bluff +40, Diplomacy +34, Disable Device +34, Escape Artist +26, Heal +7, Intimidate +32, Knowledge (Arcana) +36, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +39, Knowledge (Engineering) +36, Knowledge (Geography) +36, Knowledge (History) +43, Knowledge (Local) +41, Knowledge (Nature) +36, Knowledge (Nobility) +36, Knowledge (Planes) +40, Knowledge (Religion) +36, Linguistics +45, Perception +28, Ride +27, Sense Motive +28, Sleight of Hand +26, Spellcraft +36, Stealth +30, Survival +29, Use Magic Device +32 Modifiers Beguiling Liar, Charmer (5/day), Coax information, Craftsman, Curiosity, Fast Fingers (5/day), Hard to Fool (5/day), Silver Tongued, Sociable
Languages Aboleth, Abyssal, Adlet, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Azlanti, Boggard, Brethedan, Catfolk, Celestial, Common, Cyclops, D'ziriak, Daemonic, Dark Folk, Draconic, Dtang, Dwarven, Elven, Ettin, Garuda, Ghol-Gan, Giant, Girtablilu, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Grippli, Halfling, Hallit, Hon-La, Hwan, Ignan, Infernal, Jistka, Kech, Kelish, Kuru, Minatan, Minkaian, Nagaji
SQ Convincing Lie (19 days) (Ex), Fast Getaway (Ex), Hero Points (1), Hold Breath (+2 rounds) (Ex), Hold Breath (x4) (Ex), Hypnotic (1/day) (Ex), Hypnotic Gaze (1/day) (Ex), Magical Linguist (Ex), Regenration (Ex), Trapfinding +10, Two hearts

Arcane Mark (Magical Linguist) (1/day) (Sp) - 0/1
Charmer (5/day) (Ex) - 0/5
Comprehend Languages (Magical Linguist) (1/day) (Sp) - 0/1
Defensive Roll (1/day) (Ex) - 0/1
Fast Fingers (5/day) (Ex) - 0/5
Hard to Fool (5/day) (Ex) - 0/5
Hypnotic (1/day) (Ex) - 0/1
Hypnotic Gaze (1/day) (Ex) - 0/1
Message (Magical Linguist) (1/day) (Sp) - 0/1
Read Magic (Magical Linguist) (1/day) (Sp) - 0/1
Spell-Like Ability, At-Will: Charm Person (At will) (Sp) - 0/0
Arcane Mark (Magical Linguist) (1/day) (Sp) With Charisma 11+, cast Arcane Mark once per day.
Beguiling Liar (Ex) +4 bonus on Bluff checks to convince others your lies are true.
Charmer (5/day) (Ex) 1/day roll 2d20 for Diplomacy and take the better result.
Coax information (Ex) A rogue with this talent can use Bluff or Diplomacy in place of Intimidate to force an opponent to act friendly toward her.
Comprehend Languages (Magical Linguist) (1/day) (Sp) With Charisma 11+, cast Comprehend Languages once per day.
Convincing Lie (19 days) (Ex) When a rogue with this talent lies, she creates fabrications so convincing that others treat them as truth. When a rogue with this talent successfully uses the Bluff skill to convince someone that what she is saying is true, if that individual is que
Cornered Fury (Ex) When at less than ½ Hp with no ally in 30 ft, gain +2 to att and AC.
Craftsman (Ex) +2 on Craft/Profession checks related to metal/stone.
Curiosity (Ex) +4 on Diplomacy checks to gather information.
Damage Resistance, Negative Energy (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Negative Energy attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Deathless Spirit (Ex) +2 saves vs death, necromancy, and negative energy effects, and don't lose hp from negative levels.
Defensive Roll (1/day) (Ex) Once per day, attempt to narrowly escape death.
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Fast Fingers (5/day) (Ex) 1/day roll 2d20 for Sleight of Hand and take the better result.
Fast Getaway (Ex) After successfully making a sneak attack or Sleight of Hand check, a rogue with this talent can spend a move action to take the withdraw action. She can move no more than her speed during this movement.
Hard to Fool (5/day) (Ex) 1/day roll 2d20 for Sense Motive and take the better result.
Hard to Fool (Ex) A rogue with this talent is hard to fool with mind-affecting effects. At the start of her turn, if she is still subject to any mind-affecting spells or effects, she can make a Will saving throw with a standard DC for the effect's level, and if she su
Healthy (Ex) +2 to save vs poison, and disease (including magical diseases).
Hold Breath (+2 rounds) (Ex) A rogue with this talent increases the number of rounds she can hold her breath by 2. She can take this talent multiple times.
Hold Breath (x4) (Ex) You can stay under water longer than normal.
Hypnotic (1/day) (Ex) +1 to DC of spells that fascinate. May make creature reroll against such 1/day.
Hypnotic Gaze (1/day) (Ex) Hypnotism on a single target using gaze, effect lasts a single round.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Lv >=24) (Ex) Retain DEX bonus to AC when flat-footed. You cannot be flanked unless the attacker is Level 24+.
Improvised Weapon Mastery Proficient with all improvised weapons, increase their damage category 1 step, and grant them a threat range of 19-20.
Magical Linguist (Ex) +1 effective level for [language-dependent], glyph, symbol, or writing-related spells. +2 save vs. these spells.
Master Strike (DC 36) (Ex) Kill, paralyze, or KO the target of a sneak attack.
Message (Magical Linguist) (1/day) (Sp) With Charisma 11+, cast Message once per day.
Poison Resistance +20 (Ex) Gain listed bonus to saves vs poison.
Read Magic (Magical Linguist) (1/day) (Sp) With Charisma 11+, cast Read Magic once per day.
Regenration (Ex) When fatally wounded, and considered dead a creature with this ability regenerates into a new body of their species. The regeneration begins within 1d6 rounds, and before this time the creature is able to make 1 move action per round. This is often
Ricochet Splash Weapon Make an attack roll with a splash weapon if it misses and lands in another creature's square
Run You run faster than normal.
Scholar: Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Planes) +2 bonus on two Knowledge skills
Secret Signs You can hide somatic components of spellcasting
Silver Tongued (Ex) You can shift a creature's attitude by three steps with Diplomacy.
Skilled Driver: Air Gain +4 bonus on driving checks with made with one vehicle
Sneak Attack +10d6 +10d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Sociable (Ex) If you fail a Diplomacy check to change attitude, you can retry once before 24 hrs elapse.
Stubborn (Ex) +2 save vs. [Charm] and [Compulsion] spells, gain a 2nd save next round if you fail.
Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.
Trap Sense +6 (Ex) +6 bonus on reflex saves and AC against traps.
Trapfinding +10 +10 to find or disable traps.
Two hearts Members of this race have two hearts. They are able to survive to twice their negative con score when knocked unconcious.

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Holy crap that's awesome!

His domains should include Artifice, but apart from that... awesome ideas. :)

Silver Crusade

I haven't even counted in his touch telepathy and other such things.

I wouldn't call that non-playable for a 20th level character. Definitely no stronger than a wizard, and I'm not sure even as powerful. On the higher end of things as far as racial traits go (and as it's listed it's hard to tell racial traits, items, rogue talents, and other sources apart), but I wouldn't call him unplayable. He's certainly quite killable.

Mystic_Snowfang wrote:

I've been homebrewing a him with the ARG

Here he is, def non-playable.

Male Gallifreyian Rogue 20
CG Medium Outsider (Native)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision; Perception +28

He would have resistance to death effects from Two Hearts. It occurs in one episode where an effect causes everyone arounds heart to stop, but he's able to continue functioning do to having 2.

Needs at-will Reincarnation.

Or, not at-will, but instantly on death, as many times as you want.

Well, finally!

Shadow Lodge

Aranna wrote:

The screwdriver isn't really a weapon...

Has he ever used a weapon?

The Doctor is gonna bust a cap in yo ass

It was really just 9 and 10 that took the pacifist thing to absurd levels.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Nepherti wrote:

Ever since they referred to him as the "Lonely God" (I forget which episode) I've been wanting to create him as a god in Pathfinder. So far, I see a God of Time who is the son of Pharasma. His favored weapon would have to play off the Sonic Screwdriver somehow (maybe a wand or something?). Beyond that, I'm lost.

How would you guys do it?

I wouldn't because quite frankly, that's a skewed caricature of the character. The Doctor is a case of ironic legend, (up to recently) massively feared by many, even though when you take a look at it, he's really not that powerful a character. If anyone embodies the "Gandalf is only a 5th level magic-user" trope, it's him.... more than Gandalf did himself.

If you really mean to make him divine, make all Gallifreyans Demigods in charge of time. Or were, before the time war.

You also need to write up the Tardis (which is a living being, not just a taxi). you would probably have to use a genesis like spell (3.5) as well as magnificent mansion. And add spells like Greater teleport, Dimension Door, Detect (everything, literally), Scrying, Locate Object, Locate creature, many secret chests, Telepathic Bond, Comprehend Languages, Tongues. Once you add the tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator (the pan dimensional surfboard), it should have globe or invulnerability (all spell levels), cube of force (around itself, and stretched beyond it) antimagic field added to it (mind you, none of those affect the Tardis abilities).

As to the screwdriver, I would simply make it a key or, you guessed it, an actual screwdriver, with a few at will abilities and a couple of unique ones too (minor artifact by the time you add it all up probably). Remember that when the Doctor encounters creatures from the 51st century+ they are never impressed, usually with a sarcastic remark about it. And it has negatives too: it does not work on anything wood, a big irony in PF. And if you use it too much (in PF I would say, more than X minutes in a row) or you use up all the special abilities, you may burn it out. (And we have not even compared the Red and Blue settings)

Include: Knock, Sound Burst, Mending, Make Whole, Light, Detect Magic, Detect Living, Detect Dead, Locate Object, Locate Creature, I am sure I am missing a few. Technically it has telepathy and dominate effects with machines (radio control, maybe constructs in Pathfinder?).

Also Special Abilities:

Jury Rig: 3 times per day you can use any of the Screwdriver's abilities as a standard action to repair something.

I am getting kicked off the pc, have to eat now. Will try to add a bit more later.

LazarX wrote:

I wouldn't because quite frankly, that's a skewed caricature of the character. The Doctor is a case of ironic legend, (up to recently) massively feared by many, even though when you take a look at it, he's really not that powerful a character. If anyone embodies the "Gandalf is only a 5th level magic-user" trope, it's him.... more than Gandalf did himself.

Wrong. The Doctor is powered by belief. Watch "Last of the Time Lords" again.

Shadow Lodge

Fabius Maximus wrote:
LazarX wrote:

I wouldn't because quite frankly, that's a skewed caricature of the character. The Doctor is a case of ironic legend, (up to recently) massively feared by many, even though when you take a look at it, he's really not that powerful a character. If anyone embodies the "Gandalf is only a 5th level magic-user" trope, it's him.... more than Gandalf did himself.

Wrong. The Doctor is powered by belief. Watch "Last of the Time Lords" again.

No one should have to do that. Ever.

He's not powered by belief but he is EMpowered by belief. He's a low level psychic so having billions of people all focusing their thought patterns on him at the same time just channeled a lot of psychic energy into him.

More than enough to trigger that sort-of-reincarnation thing that happened.

And the reason he doesn't always have this level of power? Most of the time people don't think about him so he never gets the psychic infusion.

The Exchange

Nepherti wrote:

Ever since they referred to him as the "Lonely God" (I forget which episode) I've been wanting to create him as a god in Pathfinder. So far, I see a God of Time who is the son of Pharasma. His favored weapon would have to play off the Sonic Screwdriver somehow (maybe a wand or something?). Beyond that, I'm lost.

How would you guys do it?

a piece from my fan fic you might find relevent:

Rose halted and stared at it. The TARDIS sat open in the dark alleyway - Inviting. She smiled at the proposal.
He's offering me...what? Rose Tyler walked toward the Blue Police Box. "All right you...Doctor?"
Rose vanished through the Door of the TARDIS with a scream of horror. Blood sprayed against the Door of the Police Box and it snapped closed. The Light flickered with the wretched cyclic noise of a Gallifreyan Time and Space Displacement Engine greased and oiled with human tallow.
Beyond the now Gothic horror that was the console, the naked, preserved Skins of Sarah Jane Smith, Jo Grant, and many other assistants were displayed for the viewing pleasure of a God of Time gone mad with eternity.
The Sonic Screwdriver pulverized the Bone of the skull allowing the brain of Rose Tyler to be lifted easily from the cavity, eyes dangling as it was lowered into a jar and connected with probes linking it to the temporal targeting array.
A voice: "I love you Rose..."

I think of him this way in D&D terms: He is not Human, rather he is a member of an elite aristocracy (the Timelords are the ruling caste of the Galifreyan peoples) who on death is subject to a Reincarnation spell contingency. So he comes back almost immediately as a newly reincarnated member of the time-lord race. Worse Still - it has a limit of twelve uses. The ordinary Galifreyans don't get the reincarnation contingency (regeneration) - the ruling wizard-caste do.

Shadow Lodge

Natan Linggod 972 wrote:

He's not powered by belief but he is EMpowered by belief. He's a low level psychic so having billions of people all focusing their thought patterns on him at the same time just channeled a lot of psychic energy into him.

More than enough to trigger that sort-of-reincarnation thing that happened.

And the reason he doesn't always have this level of power? Most of the time people don't think about him so he never gets the psychic infusion.

Or maybe it was just a crap episode.

Kthulhu wrote:
Fabius Maximus wrote:
LazarX wrote:

I wouldn't because quite frankly, that's a skewed caricature of the character. The Doctor is a case of ironic legend, (up to recently) massively feared by many, even though when you take a look at it, he's really not that powerful a character. If anyone embodies the "Gandalf is only a 5th level magic-user" trope, it's him.... more than Gandalf did himself.

Wrong. The Doctor is powered by belief. Watch "Last of the Time Lords" again.

No one should have to do that. Ever.

I would rather watch any Dr Who episode 10 times, then have to sit through an episode of Enterprise again.

He can be a diety. He has 20 levels of Artificer and 20 levels of Temporal Wizard (Time school specialist). I have to go sleep, but I will repost my time school spell list in the near future.

Shadow Lodge

I'll watch plenty of Doctor Who...but Last of the Time Lords is one of the worst episodes of that show. The world really could have lived without the Dobby Doctor and a pop-music singing Master, much less the world wishing Tinkerbell back to, I mean the Doctor back to being Space Jesus.

Yea, that episode was really disappointing. The Master was better than that... they totally ruined him with that pop-number.

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I think I'd rather see him as a god then a playable charactor... sort of seen as a bit of chaotic good god.

Chaotic good? Yes. He always seems to do the right thing, even when he realises that he has to let something bad happen in the short run to have an ultimately good effect.

I'd also make him be seen as sometimes a trickster, sometimes a fixer of problems. Tends to be worshipped by travelers and Gypsies, and outsiders - he (and any symbols relating to him) are considered bad luck by most populations. (Thus the lonely part, and seems to fit the bill)

His agents tend to seem weak and mundane, only showing their true power when absolutely necassary.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Fabius Maximus wrote:
LazarX wrote:

I wouldn't because quite frankly, that's a skewed caricature of the character. The Doctor is a case of ironic legend, (up to recently) massively feared by many, even though when you take a look at it, he's really not that powerful a character. If anyone embodies the "Gandalf is only a 5th level magic-user" trope, it's him.... more than Gandalf did himself.

Wrong. The Doctor is powered by belief. Watch "Last of the Time Lords" again.

Please not that episode! I'll do anything, even go to a Slim Whitman concert before ever watching that episode again.

Trayce wrote:

I think I'd rather see him as a god then a playable charactor... sort of seen as a bit of chaotic good god.

Chaotic good? Yes. He always seems to do the right thing, even when he realises that he has to let something bad happen in the short run to have an ultimately good effect.

I'd also make him be seen as sometimes a trickster, sometimes a fixer of problems. Tends to be worshipped by travelers and Gypsies, and outsiders - he (and any symbols relating to him) are considered bad luck by most populations. (Thus the lonely part, and seems to fit the bill)

His agents tend to seem weak and mundane, only showing their true power when absolutely necassary.

I can see him being a buddy of Desna.

In my world, Desna is his cousin/sister

Nepherti wrote:
In my world, Desna is his cousin/sister

My fist instinct was to make a banjo music reference... Hmm, so they have the same father born from sisters or the other way around?

Same mother. Pharasma.
Desna takes more after her father, Khatadis, Lord of the Sky.

*clears throat* It's The Doctor. Not Doctor Who. The Doctor is the character. Doctor Who is the show. :P

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In any case, it's all about the triumph of intellect and romance over brute force and cynicism.

The time travel and the non-euclidean spaces, and the screwdriver, and the companions are all fun and necessary window dressings. But they are not what the Doctor is about.

Intellect and Romance triumph over brute force and cynicism.

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