Any all Dwarf campaigns getting started?


Grand Lodge

I know this is a bit taboo to post here like this but I was wondering if anyone was putting one together or hoping this may spark interest for someone to run one. I've been playing for about 17 years and always wanted to play in an all dwarf campaign sooo...

heh, interest noted here too, only once in my life did I play in a short full-dwarven campaign and it was fun, the Dragon Age dwarven origin also reminded me of it

although I think the whole story would have to focus on dwarves/dwarven cities/dwarven intrigues among nobility to really be great

Grand Lodge

That would make it very special in my heart lol. First RPG book I ever bought was The Complete Book Of Dwarves from TSR. I read it so many times the cover came apart long ago.

as a non-native English speaker and one who just recently joined this site, I dare not to Gm a game yet, but I do sign up as a player if you find a GM

I consider either a classic dwarf warrior concept, or a less-classic cleric one (probably some unorthodox god), social status undecided

Grand Lodge

My RPG heart has always been with Dwarven warriors. Battleragers (Currently barbarians) used to be a big favorite of mine as well. I would like to play either.

All dwarf campaigns are on short supply! I'd play the one non-dwarf.

Grand Lodge

I would play in an all dwarf bard campaign.

Liberty's Edge

I'm playing in an all dwarf campaign on these boards, so they do exist. Keep heart...maybe someone with time will DM one for you.

If someone wants to run this, I'd be keen.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well well... If no one has issue I'd be happy to run an all dwarven game. Does anyone object to high RP or do you prefer hack and slash?

Good with either. Thanks for running and thanks for asking.

Brilliant! I've no real inclination one way of the other. I tend to lean towards the roleplay, myself, but I imagine any dwarf character I play would be a little more soft spoken.

For what it's worth, I'd push for a smaller, self contained adventure for this campaign. A session or two's worth of play, maybe? Whatever the PbP equivelent of a "one off" comes to. Of course, if things go well I'd be happy to stay along for the ride, but I've never actually seen a game END in my entire roleplay career, so "finish a game" has been one of my new years resolutions for some time now. :P

Liberty's Edge

Dotted for interest! I'd love to play in an All Dwarf Game.

I'd be up for an all Dwarf game depending on the focus and what-not.

High concept is a Stonelord (Paladin archetype from Advanced Race Guide) that is a devotee of Angradd (Dwarven god of war).

Grand Lodge

I would be fine with either as well. I do like hack and slash mixed in for sure. I don't know that I have ever done any extensive RPing with a dwarf but it should be fun!

I'd be interested in this game too!

Any ideas for a plot? If we're using Golarion perhaps we could try to retake Belkzen from the orcs, aiding the humans of lastwall or pushing through the darklands against the orcs.

In such a campaign I'd probably play a ranger, but I'm drooling over the Forgemaster Cleric in the ARG too...

I'm all about this as well. High RP is fine with me, and if there's some hack and slash that's all the better.

Let the ale and waraxes fly!

Ok go ahead and feel free to submit official characters. I'm thinking 20 point buy. I'm not familiar with the Advanced Race guide, If you want to use a unique race or class please send me a link where I can find the information about it. Once we have about 5 characters we can get started. I guess I need to read up on Dwarves in Golarion.

What's your idea for the PbP plot?

I was going to do some research on dwarven settlements in Golarion. Then just homebrew a story based on the world.

Grand Lodge

Completely stoked! I will work on my character submission as soon as I get home. I'm thinking a vertically challenged fighter.

Level 1?

Grand Lodge

Twigs wrote:

Any ideas for a plot? If we're using Golarion perhaps we could try to retake Belkzen from the orcs, aiding the humans of lastwall or pushing through the darklands against the orcs.

In such a campaign I'd probably play a ranger, but I'm drooling over the Forgemaster Cleric in the ARG too...

That would be a great overall goal

Yes level one is good...actually I'm going to create an official recruitment thread with all the stats.


I had thought it was for us... Wow, have fun guys! Peace.

drawesome1111 wrote:
I was going to do some research on dwarven settlements in Golarion. Then just homebrew a story based on the world.

good idea, barely know Golarion anyway, a fully new world which our characters can truly influence has a stronger impression as memory

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