Nacona's page
Organized Play Member. 89 posts (909 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 12 aliases.
I may be a complete moron but I continue to encounter problems with my spoilers in my character profiles. They will work one minute then all of the sudden they are completely broken. I have to delete them and rewrite them to get them to work again. Then sometimes a new one will stop working almost immediately after that. Anyone else have problems with this and is there something I'm doing to cause it?
True. I submitted a character. There's just a massive amount of people who jumped in on it is all.
So tragically I think I'm going to have to start begging here again soon. There are five billion entries to the new Kingmaker who are already doling out positions in the "new kingdom." So the likelyhood of getting picked are slim and none and slim went home.
This is my submission. I am still working on him at the moment.
Farin Deephammer
Hi! I just saw your post on my thread. Obviously I'm interested lol I will get something posted to u as soon as I can.
Oh no! I missed these posts lol
Yeah that is def. heavily modified lol. Too far out there for me. I'm hoping to find a "normal" version being run. Thanks tho!
I have been looking to get into a Kingmaker campaign for about three years! I had one opportunity and the game fizzled out. Is there a generous GM who will take pity on my sorry pathetic soul? We will see!
Dotting. I would really like to get a PFS character I actually like in on something here. I have a gunslinger that has run First Steps but the character never clicked for me.
Gary Teter wrote: Just added another 23 or so avatar images from the Blood War mini set. Every time I search through the avatars to select a new one it times out after maybe 10 minutes and I have to log in and start all over again. I can only get through about 10-15 pages if I don't pause to really look at anything. Is that being worked on?
Son of the Veterinarian wrote: Dunn, Son of Absalom wrote: I thought it was important to revisit this thread. I have since come to appreciate many of the aspects of Golarion. The fact that I hated gunslingers so much forced me to make one and play one. It was kind of a poorly run game but the character was fun. I still am not in love with this setting as there are freaking space aliens in Numeria.
I find I can live with the crashed spaceship just fine, it's influence is largely limited to an area of Golarion I'm unlikely to even play in and the idea of a crashed spaceship on a fantasy world goes back to the earliest days of AD&D.
It's the idea that there's a high-tech space-faring civilization living in the asteroid belt that drives me up the wall. Lol I agree. I would never use that part of the setting. If I was running my own campaign I would either not acknowledge its existence or have a devastating disaster just happen to obliterate that part of the map.
Vic Wertz wrote: Marcus Ewert wrote: One player can play the card game - like, solitaire?
That would be great! Yep. And so far, I don't have any 1-person playtesters signed up... (I'm only looking for a few.) How do I get signed up for that?!
Muser wrote: Yeah, the weapon system is a mixture of legacy ideas and equipment bloat.
Roleplaying-wise it's cool to have a wide variety of armaments, but mechanically there's only so many ways of representing that variety. Paizo has tried to insert both weapon equivalencies, such as the jian, and mechanical differences and the result is a haphazard mix of both decent and unneeded. I hope PF 2.0 sees a revamped weapon system.
Homebrewed ramblings:
I think fighter's weapon training was one of the nicest ideas Paizo introduced to the game. The way I'd approach revamping the armament system would be to have the fighter's weapon groups replace weapon proficiencies.
In a nutshell: standardized dice and standardized critical specs. No zweihanders, greatwords and bastard swords, but have them all called "heavy swords" or something akin to that. Give large bladed heavy weapons some kind of benefit or bonus over curved, high-crit weapons, which naturally have their own group, to offset the curved sword superiority(e.g bonuses to weapon-based maneuvers which require mass, for instance, or perhaps a very large base die). Do similar tinkering with every weapon group(blunt groups are especially in dire need of this). Then grant character classes weapon group proficiencies with their legacy and role in mind: Light blades for rogues, blunt weapons for clerics and the widest variety of proficiencies for fighters(and only fighters). Call the edged thing at the end of the pole whatever you wish, ranseur or a guisarm, but it still has the same specs as the other sticks wich share similar combat styles and design. Of course, there might be a case to be made for radically different weapons within a group, and I detest having "other" or "exotic" weapon groups because it's always a clusterluck of orientalism under a thin veneer of the miscellaneous, to have some minor variation as well, particularly various chain weapons, but that's a kink to be ironed out.
Very basic stuff, but, in my mind, an idea that rewards flavor over system...
Those kinds of weapon groups are what they went with for D&D 4E. It would be a disasterous move. It had the same effect of taking the equipment list and turning it into half of one page. It sucks the flavor and variety out of the game. Heavy blades: Longsword, falchion great sword none of these weapons could be used in the same fashion.
Steve Geddes wrote: Vic Wertz wrote:
We are considering classes as themes for future Pathfinder Player Companions...
Vic wrote: Whatever you think about books like Pathfinder Player Companion: Orcs of Golarion—that's what you'll probably think about books like Pathfinder Player Companion: Rangers. Same formula, different topic. Is this sort of thing still being considered?
Some settings may have dwarves as mutated humans. But again that is not the standard or neutral. But also if you look at AD&D's Halfling Handbook it covered Athasian halflings. Feral halflings that cannibalized people. So there is no reason not to cover several types of subraces. For another example. The complete book of dwarves covered Hill, Deep, Duergar, Mountain and Sundered dwarves. Sundered dwarves were specific to Krynn but they were presented as being for anywhere that had dwarves for friendly introduction to ALL campaigns.
War of the Lance is over by this point
Lmao Bardy is killing with the jokes! I nearly peed my pants with "yu half human? Is human trying to get out?"
Grand Moff Vixen wrote: LazarX wrote: Nacona wrote: I'm putting this up to see if there are any DM's who have toyed with the idea or is planning something. Dragonlance could be a pretty good setting for a Pathfinder system game. A Dragonlance to Pathfnder thread comes p on the average of twice a month on busy days.
What people leave unspoken is the answer of what setting of Dragonlance. Each setting is practically a different set of rules. It has already been stated by the person who will run the game what the setting will be. Please read through the entire thread and you will find this out. Oh snap! lol
RIZZENMAGNUS wrote: random survey
1) how familiar are you with the dragonlance setting?
2)Have you read any of the dragonlance stories, primarily chronicles and legends?
3) do you have access to the dragonlance campaign sourcebook? If you have access to other dragonlance source material, please list.
I hope to have the first In game posting up on tuesday.
1. I wont say intimately but close to it.
2. I have read the Chronicles, Lost Chronicles, The entire Meeting Sextet, The War of Souls trilogy and about half a dozen others.
3. I have the campaign guide, Age of Mortals, Orders of Ansalon I think and one of the Map sets for Age of Mortals.
I think this is the most complicated character I have ever put together! Moon phases and what not lol
So @DM, how should we handle hit points, equipment, and spells for us wizard submissions? I have picked out the base spells allowed as if he has never gained any from an external source.
Just in case we roll HP:
1d6 ⇒ 5
1d6 ⇒ 5
1d6 ⇒ 4
1d6 ⇒ 2
RIZZENMAGNUS wrote: dice rolls
apparently there is some confusion about the dice rolling. so allow me to set the record straight.
roll 4d6 for your stats.
there is no "...and drop the lowest".
No rolling two times and choosing the best set. that means the first roll you did is what you get to work with.
You may choose to apply your rolls wherever you wish. So if your last roll is an 18, and you're a fighter, you can use the 18 for str or con.
I will continue as originally planned. I never used the 2nd set. Thanks for clarifying it was looking scary for minute!
Grand Moff Vixen wrote: Wow, I ended up choosing an oracle to increase my chances and there are 3 divine classes already! I am going to stick with my original plan and do sorcerer. That is what I really had in mind anyways. Aww I thought the Irda Oracle was an awesome idea!
It's 3d6x12 pick best six. So if it's drop lowest my stats are worthless.
11, 12, 8, 13, 7, 15
ReRoll waiting for approval.
4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2, 2) = 12
4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 5, 1) = 11
4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 5, 2) = 17
4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 4, 4) = 13
4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 1, 4) = 13
4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 5, 5) = 20
Abadar wrote: Alright, so to sum-up submissions so far:
Grand Moff Vixen - Oracle
Josh Shrader - Druid
James Martin - Bard
Krallek Meatshield - Cleric
Abadar - Fighter/Knight (Not sure which order)
I had originally intended to play a Sorcerer of some sort, but we've already got two arcane casters on deck. Laid my claim late :)
Will have my concept up soon.
I will play a Knight. I just wanted to try something else out as I am a fighter in both of my other games.
Ahh. I have to go see if I can find my stuff. I think all I have is Age of Mortals. Okay so I dug through and this Test of the twins ends at the later end of the Age of Despair. In a few years the Knights of Tahkisis will be formed by Ariakis.
I'm using the Campaign Setting from 2003. I believe that it is the newest edition on the market. It's D&D 3.5.
James Martin wrote: Nacona, go ahead. I decided to make a bumpkin bard. He's low intelligence, trusting, kind and also happens to be well liked by wild animals. I think he'll be really fun to play. Sweet thanks!
4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 5, 3) = 14
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 6, 4) = 13
4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 2, 2) = 9
4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 3, 6) = 15
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 2, 3) = 8
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 6, 4) = 17
Oooo that hurts. Just seeing what I have to work with. So we have multiple candidates for Arcane casters already. I was thinking red wizard as well. Maybe I will roll up a couple of options if that is ok?
Just got a chance to check in. I'm def down.
I am very heavy on my Fighter character skills but am already playing two. I'm like wizards just have little experience with them if no one else is interested in that slot. I will be breaking out all my Dragonlance gear when I get off work.
Agreed lol halflings are already kender now. U just have to play them as such.
I would leave the era up to the discretion of the DM for sure. There is so much to work with in every era. I would probably prefer the War of the Lance frame where divine magic was just making a come back and there are plenty of bad folks to knock off. With tweaking existing Archtypes and feats such as Taldan Conscript, Squire and Knight etc. Solamnics could be made. Cavaliers too. Paladins later on. Sorcerers have always existed in every era. I think that in 3.5 Wizards were required to take the test at 3rd or 5th level. Also with meticulous selection of feats and traits wizards could be made to follow the Dragonlance theme nicely. Mostly through RPing your alignment properly. Archtypes I don't think would be needed to catch the flavor. It would mostly take some knowledge of Krynn and it's organizations/ history. Hoping to entice a perspective DM lol!
There is very little not to love about that setting lol I would play pretty much anything in that setting but I do love the Knights of Solamnia
I'm putting this up to see if there are any DM's who have toyed with the idea or is planning something. Dragonlance could be a pretty good setting for a Pathfinder system game.
I own the book but have never been able to get a group. If you got something going I would be down. I'd have to review the book and I would probably be fumbling through it at first. Def interested tho.
If my character is participating in Carion Crown can I use the Sword Scion trait from Kingmaker? (In general. I know that it all ends up being GM discretion.)
The smoking implements is a good point. I have seen nothing in regards to them. Along those lines chew and other tobacco products make for fun RP as well as IMHO in real life! WAIT! I just looked it up. Ultimate Equipment isn't out yet :(
That was nice of you thank!
Can anyone recommend where to attempt to find an FTF group? I moved recently and don't know anyone. My old group is gone and too far away anyway. The nearest game store is an hour away... Ashby MA in the unlikely event theres anyone around here.
It says a +4 Morale bonus to Str and Con is given during rage. Does this translate to a morale bonus to attack thereby satisfying the requirments of the Dwarben trait Zest for battle? I don't believe it does but wanted some other opinions. It only counts as a bonus to those abilities not directly to the atk right?
Twigs wrote: Any ideas for a plot? If we're using Golarion perhaps we could try to retake Belkzen from the orcs, aiding the humans of lastwall or pushing through the darklands against the orcs.
In such a campaign I'd probably play a ranger, but I'm drooling over the Forgemaster Cleric in the ARG too...
That would be a great overall goal
Completely stoked! I will work on my character submission as soon as I get home. I'm thinking a vertically challenged fighter.
I would be fine with either as well. I do like hack and slash mixed in for sure. I don't know that I have ever done any extensive RPing with a dwarf but it should be fun!
Cool thanks guys. Do they have a website or are they Paizo products?
This may well be a stupid question but are there magazines available relating to PFRPG? Like Dragon magazine for D&D? If so can u get subscriptions to be delivered to your home?
My RPG heart has always been with Dwarven warriors. Battleragers (Currently barbarians) used to be a big favorite of mine as well. I would like to play either.
That would make it very special in my heart lol. First RPG book I ever bought was The Complete Book Of Dwarves from TSR. I read it so many times the cover came apart long ago.
I know this is a bit taboo to post here like this but I was wondering if anyone was putting one together or hoping this may spark interest for someone to run one. I've been playing for about 17 years and always wanted to play in an all dwarf campaign sooo...