The LGBT Gamer Community Thread.

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pH unbalanced wrote:

Today is my tenth birthday.

It's been quite the decade.

Happy birthday, pH unbalanced! Ten years is pretty good. Onward and upward!

(I'm just over two myself.)

One would imagine that you two are actually 28 and 20, the same way that my mother likes to claim that she's 13. :)

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The story of two transgender children
From the BBC magazine

Fergie wrote:

The story of two transgender children

From the BBC magazine

I thought it would be a judgmental and ignorant piece, but I was pleasantly disappointed.

I can't believe there's a country that's progressive enough to contemplate gender dysphoria in children, and treat it seriously. Thanks for the lovely news.

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The NHS is wonderful at certain things and not so good at others. Fortunately, this is one of their good things. :)

Silver Crusade

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The mark of a civilised country is one where if you fall sick, they heal you without asking how much money you have first.

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Yay for weddings and happy birthdays and new people! {flails arms like Kermit Constantine the Slaad}

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Also, while I was skimming through my copy of Book of Heroic Races: Advanced Changelings last night, I ran across this in the introduction (emphasis mine):

Dale McCoy, Jr. @ Jon Brazer Enterprises wrote:

...I would like to take one final moment to say a special thank you to Jen Hydrick and Rachel Ventura. Considering this was written by a guy, edited by a guy, and given final approval by a guy, I was concerned that the introductory fiction did not sound like it came from a woman’s prospective. These two ladies pointed out what needed to be changed and helped us find the right tone. So, thank you. This would not be nearly as awesome without your help.

While I am on the subject, if you are a gamer that happens to be female (or for that matter: LBGT, non-Caucasian, or even non-American that can write well in English) and want to give roleplaying writing a try, please send us at Jon Brazer Enterprises an email. I want to increase the diversity of our writers to better reflect the full spectrum of humanity.

I didn't see a specific contact email address, but you can send Mr. McCoy, Jr. a PM from his profile page or a message from the JBE Facebook page, if you're interested. If you decide to take the plunge, good luck!

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I'll shoot him an email to see if I can help the guy out. It would be great to support a person that wants more diversity in roleplaying.

Thanks for bringing that up!

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

Also, while I was skimming through my copy of Book of Heroic Races: Advanced Changelings last night, I ran across this in the introduction (emphasis mine):

Dale McCoy, Jr. @ Jon Brazer Enterprises wrote:

...I would like to take one final moment to say a special thank you to Jen Hydrick and Rachel Ventura. Considering this was written by a guy, edited by a guy, and given final approval by a guy, I was concerned that the introductory fiction did not sound like it came from a woman’s prospective. These two ladies pointed out what needed to be changed and helped us find the right tone. So, thank you. This would not be nearly as awesome without your help.

While I am on the subject, if you are a gamer that happens to be female (or for that matter: LBGT, non-Caucasian, or even non-American that can write well in English) and want to give roleplaying writing a try, please send us at Jon Brazer Enterprises an email. I want to increase the diversity of our writers to better reflect the full spectrum of humanity.

I didn't see a specific contact email address, but you can send Mr. McCoy, Jr. a PM from his profile page or a message from the JBE Facebook page, if you're interested. If you decide to take the plunge, good luck!


I'm just finishing up Quarter-End at work and visits from people on Spring Break. That means I can actually get some writing done in the next 6-8 weeks.

I've got penciled in to:
submit an Open Call Quest
send something to Wayfinder

and I'll add this to the list.

Come on y'all -- who else is with me!

I'm back in the field at the second job. This is amazing. I never thought I would miss it as much as I did.

Freehold DM wrote:
I'm back in the field at the second job. This is amazing. I never thought I would miss it as much as I did.

Is that a social worker? Or am I mixing things up?

hi everybody,
Well, first news I'm back, back with a vengeance, mwahahah!
(Sorry, I'm watching too much horror movies these times)
Here aremy news from France:
Since the laws for same-sex marriage, what we call "mariage pour tous", things are getting pretty preocupating.
Let me explain: The "front national", an extremist party is on the rise, as its leader, Marine Lepen, this party is homphobic, racist, agains abortion, weel, you know the profile!
This party is especially on the rise because of the economic crisis we've been through those last few years, and the medias that in a wicked way relay their speech because it sells!
Not a very good moment in France, and when I hear people talking at the supermarket, I feel quite worried.


mogwen wrote:

hi everybody,

Well, first news I'm back, back with a vengeance, mwahahah!
(Sorry, I'm watching too much horror movies these times)
Here aremy news from France:
Since the laws for same-sex marriage, what we call "mariage pour tous", things are getting pretty preocupating.
Let me explain: The "front national", an extremist party is on the rise, as its leader, Marine Lepen, this party is homphobic, racist, agains abortion, weel, you know the profile!
This party is especially on the rise because of the economic crisis we've been through those last few years, and the medias that in a wicked way relay their speech because it sells!
Not a very good moment in France, and when I hear people talking at the supermarket, I feel quite worried.

I don't follow French politics that much, but is the FN actually homophobic in its current incarnation? I know that the group's founder was to an extreme, but as for his daughter who now runs the party, not so much and she's been (at least in the news I've seen in English language media) aggressively moving the party away from its earlier extremes (at least in regards to homosexuality and anti-semitism). One of its deputy presidents (Florian Philippot) is gay AFAIK.

I don't follow French politics that much, but is the FN actually homophobic in its current incarnation? I know that the group's founder was to an extreme, but as for his daughter who now runs the party, not so much and she's been (at least in the news I've seen in English language media) aggressively moving the party away from its earlier extremes (at least in regards to homosexuality and anti-semitism). One of its deputy presidents (Florian Philippot) is gay AFAIK.

Well, one of the aims of the FN is to ban same-sex mariage and adoption, and even if Philippot is gay don't get fooled by the appearance, their militants are still eager to bash gays as ever, and trust my experience, when they do, they are quite enthousiasts!

The problem with the FN is that it uses the wolf in sheeps clothes stance, and taking some gay as alibis don't make the party less homophobic.

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Mistah Major P - The Closet is Open

Pro-tolerance Jamaican dancehall.

Sorry to hear that about France. :(

Good news about Jamaica, though.

Silver Crusade

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So I was rummaging through some stories of those NotAlways sites I go to and I found this one from NotAlwaysRelated:

NotAlwaysRelated wrote:

(I was a home birth at my Grandparent’s house; not a hospital. I was born around six in the morning. My Nana is telling me of how my three-year-old brother woke them up with the news.)

Nana: “…so he rushes in and starts yelling ‘I’ve got a baby brother! I’ve got a baby brother!’. Then your dad comes in and says, ‘No you don’t, you’ve got a baby SISTER!’.”

(I am nodding, having heard this story before.)

Nana: *smiling* “Well, I guess he was right after all, wasn’t he?”

(This is our first conversation after I come out to her as transgender. My Nana is the best!)

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I sweat, I am going to KILL that f!+@ing bastard!


Okay, I had a friend a little while back. Note the past tense. He was cool, if a bit dark, and so I came out to him along with a bunch of my other friends. Immediately after, he fell in with the popular crowd, and we thought that we would never see him again.

Today, I passed him on the way to class with a bunch of pretty, empty-witted girls that I refer to as "the harem." When, while sniggering, my ex-friend says, "Hey, *******, how is your girl soul doing?"

Right in front of all of the popular kids. I mean, right in front of them.

I walked about ten more yards before I registered what he said.

I then walked to my friends and exploded.

Well, clearly, he's an insecure dude that desperately craves approval. He used you as a target to make himself look good in front of his friends. People are like that are best left alone. You don't want to tangle with someone who is willing to do anything to be liked.

Possibly. Or maybe he is just really thoughtless and did not understand the gravity of situation.

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Oh, I'd say by what was left out of the post, the *** stuff, it was derogatory, and intentional. Walk away, be a better person, you are loved.

Liberty's Edge

Not defending anyone, but the **** stuff might have been DK's real name. Since none of us were there to hear tone and whatnot I hesitate to condem the guy as an ass. DK's more then welcome to make up their own mind, the guys their old friend and they were the one betrayed whether it was intentional and malicious or not.

That said, if he's stopped spending time with his original circle in favor of the popular kids, let him do so. If they ditch him I'd do my best to let him back, but that's a pretty big faux pas whether it was thoughtless and ignorant or punching down to look good with the popular kids.

When your hackles go down DK, just think how sad his experience must be that he'd chuck you under the bus just to be with the in crowd in high school. Regardless of what he meant by it, he deserves your pitty, not your anger.

Silver Crusade System Administrator

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Dead names are derogatory. Just sayin'. Also, sounds like she was outted before she was ready in front of a bunch of people who didn't know her by guy she trusted with this very personal thing. That can be pretty devastating... even dangerous.

Though I would caution using language that could be taken as threatening even on a site like this and even if it is just hyperbole and/or joking. Sounds like the poster is still attending school, and with the current climate of over reaction to any kind of threats they should avoid setting themselves up for extra harassment from authorities. I mean when a kid gets suspending for biting a pop-tart into the shape of a "gun", you can't be too careful.

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Thought This was interesting, it's rare to see a transgender woman of color acknowledged for being beautiful. Pretty cool.

Drejk wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I'm back in the field at the second job. This is amazing. I never thought I would miss it as much as I did.
Is that a social worker? Or am I mixing things up?

that's the first job. Second job is going to various LGBT venues and screening people about sex.

Limeylongears wrote:

Mistah Major P - The Closet is Open

Pro-tolerance Jamaican dancehall.

holy s*%%.

wow. I mean WOW. Never thought I would see Jamaica pull it's head out in my lifetime.

Alright. Phew. Calmed down a little bit now... Just needed to vent. Luckily, most of the idiots who were with him at the time knew absolutely nothing about LGBT topics, other than calling people derogatory names. And even if they did, I doubt they would've been able to rub two brain cells together to figure it out.

I'm still pretty livid at him, though. Most of my friends are at this point. But, thanks for the support, everyone. It helps knowing that me (and a few of my friends) are not alone out here :)

Silver Crusade System Administrator

Yeah, you aren't alone. =) Feel free to come and vent anytime things get frustrating.

Yuugasa wrote:
Thought This was interesting, it's rare to see a transgender woman of color acknowledged for being beautiful. Pretty cool.

Well, I mean in mainstream media anyway. Come to think of it though there aren't too many trans* people in mainstream media period, it is kinda nice things are beginning to shift.

Silver Crusade System Administrator

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Well, they was always Caroline Cossey. She was a bond girl in the 70's and posed for playboy...

Yuugasa wrote:
Yuugasa wrote:
Thought This was interesting, it's rare to see a transgender woman of color acknowledged for being beautiful. Pretty cool.
Well, I mean in mainstream media anyway. Come to think of it though there aren't too many trans* people in mainstream media period, it is kinda nice things are beginning to shift.

Laverne cox. hnnng.

Silver Crusade System Administrator

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I think her quote about why she did it, is the best part:

Laverne Cox wrote:
I said no initially, thought about it, and said no again, she told Allure. But I’m a black transgender woman. I felt this could be really powerful for the communities that I represent.Black women are not often told that we’re beautiful unless we align with certain standards. Trans women certainly are not told we’re beautiful. Seeing a black transgender woman embracing and loving everything about her body might be inspiring for some folks. There’s a beauty in the things we think are imperfect. It sounds very cliche, but its true.

Lissa Guillet wrote:

Well, they was always Caroline Cossey. She was a bond girl in the 70's and posed for playboy...

*googles* oh cool, I didn't know about her, are there any other prominent trans* people from hollywood I might have missed?

Silver Crusade System Administrator

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Tula is the only one that comes to mind. I'm sure there are a few others.

Calpernia Addams had a movie made about a part of her life that is super uncomfortable and she's been in a few tv series and movies but mostly works in casting and production, although, if you look for the documentary Beautiful Daughters, you can see her there. I also get a couple of seconds there. =) Super proud for being able to support them even though that was shortly after I was layed off. She looks amazingly Jessica Rabbity in her bright fuschia dress for that.

Lissa Guillet wrote:

Tula is the only one that comes to mind. I'm sure there are a few others.

Calpernia Addams had a movie made about a part of her life that is super uncomfortable and she's been in a few tv series and movies but mostly works in casting and production, although, if you look for the documentary Beautiful Daughters, you can see her there. I also get a couple of seconds there. =) Super proud for being able to support them even though that was shortly after I was layed off. She looks amazingly Jessica Rabbity in her bright fuschia dress for that.


Definitely NOT Trans, and definitely a woman, but Grace Jones has probably had similar discrimination towards her like a Transperson at points in her life. She is one of the most mistaken people in that regards (I believe she has stated she is androgynous).

She's pretty famous.

I believe Lana Wachowski is one of the more famous and mainstream ones right now. I love ALL of her work thus far, and hate it that (in my opinion) she has gotten much of the works that she's created after transitioning slammed by the public and critics. I think what she and her brother create are awesome, but they are unfairly treated by the press and others.

However, I think that she's pretty mainstream.

Then there was Lea T who apparently was Trans (and a model).

I don't know if it counts as Mainstream but Candis Cayne acted on Dirty Sexy Money and then later in Nip/Tuck. She was in an episode of Necessary Roughness, and I believe is currently acting in elementary as the Landlady.

I have to right an essay on a Trans civil rights issue, and it cannot be bathrooms or name changes. Any ideas?

Silver Crusade System Administrator

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Lots of article on the net about media representation. You could go back to stonewall but that's been done to death. You could talk about Janice Raymond and how she used her political influence to oppress transwomen and how we're still recovering from that. You could talk about trans people in ancient times, stigmas and such and how that relates to modern times views of transwomen and men as a new thing.

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Trans-exclusionary radical feminists are always good for a laugh, and by laugh I mean stunned silence staring at the screen wondering if they really said that horrible thing that they appear to have said.

Silver Crusade System Administrator

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Speaking of TERF's, Michfest is a big topic of conversation right now. Can probably find a lot of history on it.

Well, that's an entire discussion topic I'd never come across before.

Community Manager

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Removed a post. Please do not encourage vandalism or sabotage as a means of dealing with people.

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So one of my new friends here in the UK, just came out as trans to my husband and I. He was super stoked to learn that it doesn't bother Hubby and I at all. I just feel bad that he felt it would be an issue in the first place :( I really hope I don't give off that vibe.

Silver Crusade System Administrator

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The interwebs are full of stories of people who thought their best friends would understand and they turned on them. It is not exceedingly uncommon. My best friend, initially was with me... unfortunately, after his divorce. He grew distant. We are... just starting to put back together the beginnings of a friendship maybe. I don't know. Anyway, these things happen and it's hard to predict even when think you know someone. =)

Thanks for the insight Lissa. The only thing I ever care about is if someone is an a--hole or if someone is a bigot. I can't associate with those type of folks. Everyone else to me are just people. I hope this makes him feel much better to know we will never be bothered by it.

Silver Crusade

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This may be of interest:

Aydian Dowling is poised to be the first transman to be a Men's Health cover model. Not sure if voting is still open (I voted a few days ago).

He is married, which means I don't have a shot :(

Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:
I have to right an essay on a Trans civil rights issue, and it cannot be bathrooms or name changes. Any ideas?

Changing gender markers on legal documents without surgery.

The recent EEOC ruling against the Army on grounds of discrimination against a civilian trans employee.

The trans military issue. Currently, you can be gay, lesbian, or bi and remain in the U.S. military. You cannot be transgender, however. There are battles currently to change this, which have gained traction of late.

Trans health care availability.

The trans panic defense, which is still legal pretty much everywhere but California (if I have that right.)

Title IX protection for gender identity and how that intersects with the Hobby Lobby decision.

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